Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists

It’s just life. You need to get more people to agree with you, not take the cheap way out and suggest there’s something undemocratic going on.

I think those days are gone. For me anyway. I pop my pie hole off on places like this, but as far as confidence in ''the people,'' collectively speaking, I've none left. Nor fucks to give for that matter. For the most part it's like talking to the wall, observably.

The reality is that the people will get the type of government that it deserves.

Thankfully the world is a big place...
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Friedrich Hayek, a famous economist, proved the Germans of the 30s and 40s were clearly socialists.
So what is the gripe? Apparently American socialists hate the notion that they are not the only socialists. They use propaganda to try to undermine that indeed the Nazis were true socialists. In fact it is difficult to locate a group more socialist than were the Nazis.

This article for example tries to help the socialists of America by denouncing the version by Hayek who lived under those socialists and could easily testify as a true expert about socialism.

To the deniers. Ask why the Germans were so delighted with Hitler until he went to war? Ask how Hitler embarked under massive socialist programs that actually did cause Germany to once more be prosperous.
Because of the German prosperity under Hitler, one might think American socialists would be happy Hitler was a socialist. And point out he did deliver prosperity as they tell us now they can do.

Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists​

The NAZI's stole the name. They were not socialists, but the name, like the DPRK made them sound friendlier.
In fact they were fascists (see wikipedia) believing in controlling private industry, not nationalizing it.

What are the differences of fascism and socialism?

Discourages Free Market: Fascism and socialism are both anti-capitalist in their philosophy. They are against free-market practices. Fascism restricts private ownership of industries, and socialism emphasizes public ownership of the means of production (instead of private owners).
FDR's programs saved the US from Communism.
By instituting some of its more onerous principles? Not convinced.

The NRA tried to end the Great Depression by organizing thousands of businesses under codes drawn up by trade associations and industries. Hugh Johnson proved charismatic in setting up publicity that glorified his new NRA. Johnson was recognized for his efforts when Time named him Man of the Year of 1933—choosing him instead of FDR.[45]

By 1934 the enthusiasm that Johnson had so successfully created had faded. Johnson was faltering badly, which historians ascribe to the profound contradictions in NRA policies, compounded by Johnson's heavy drinking on the job. Big business and labor unions both turned hostile.[46][47][48] 1

According to biographer John Ohl (as summarized by reviewer Lester V. Chandler):

Johnson's priorities became evident almost immediately. In the prescription, "Self regulation of industry under government supervision" the emphasis was to be on maximum freedom for business to formulate its own rules with a minimum of government supervision. Consumer protection and the interests of labor were of decidedly lesser importance. To induce business to formulate and abide by codes of fair competition Johnson was willing to condone almost any type of price fixing, restriction of production, limitation of productive capacity, and other types of anti-competitive practices....even with the benefit of a more efficient and diplomatic management and a more tolerant Supreme Court the NRA probably would not have survived much longer. It's inherent conflicts and inconsistencies were just too strong.[49]
Historian William E. Leuchtenburg argued in 1963:

The NRA could boast some considerable achievements: it gave jobs to some two million workers; it helped stop a renewal of the deflationary spiral that had almost wrecked the nation; it did something to improve business ethics and civilize competition; it established a national pattern of maximum hours and minimum wages; and it all but wiped out child labor and the sweatshop. But this was all it did. It prevented things from getting worse, but it did little to speed recovery, and probably actually hindered it by its support of restrictionism and price raising. The NRA could maintain a sense of national interest against private interests only so long as the spirit of national crisis prevailed. As it faded, restriction-minded businessmen moved into a decisive position of authority. By delegating power over price and production to trade associations, the NRA created a series of private economic governments.[50]
According to historian Ellis Hawley in 1976:[51]

at the hands of historians the National Recovery Administration of 1933–35 has fared badly. Cursed at the time, it has remained the epitome of political aberration, illustrative of the pitfalls of “planning” and deplored both for hampering recovery and delaying genuine reform.

The NAZI's stole the name. They were not socialists, but the name, like the DPRK made them sound friendlier.
In fact they were fascists (see wikipedia) believing in controlling private industry, not nationalizing it.

What are the differences of fascism and socialism?

Discourages Free Market: Fascism and socialism are both anti-capitalist in their philosophy. They are against free-market practices. Fascism restricts private ownership of industries, and socialism emphasizes public ownership of the means of production (instead of private owners).

Socialism is when the means of production is owned by the Workers, NOT by the Public. period

Engels, in his stupidity, held that the MoP could be held by goobermint TEMPORARILY, until the Workers were ready to control it, and IDIOTS took that to heart. One of the few times Karl Marx chastised his pupil/clerk/toady.

Hitler believed that he should socialize PEOPLE not THINGS. He took over a political party named the German Workers Party and added National SOCIALIST as a prefix. The NSDAP.
You’re just venting because you lost the Zoomers. It was proven last night in OH and KY.
Venting? Not at all, just proving that stupid fucking idiots would cut their noses off just to spite their faces, and vote Demofascists. I mean, really, to murder babies inside or outside the womb is "CHOICE". Stupid is as stupid votes and they vote Dumbocrap.
You mean Silent (Let's crush the world economy with tariffs) Cal?
What a guy!

Only time when purchase power of the dollar actually increased, Roaring 20's Electricity, mass production, flourished because he kept the Gubbamint out of it


Crushed the economy.....lol

I'll assume you had no idea.
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The NAZI's stole the name. They were not socialists, but the name, like the DPRK made them sound friendlier.
In fact they were fascists (see wikipedia) believing in controlling private industry, not nationalizing it.

What are the differences of fascism and socialism?

Discourages Free Market: Fascism and socialism are both anti-capitalist in their philosophy. They are against free-market practices. Fascism restricts private ownership of industries, and socialism emphasizes public ownership of the means of production (instead of private owners).
Fascism and Socialism both have centralized governments, you stupid fuck.....
Friedrich Hayek, a famous economist, proved the Germans of the 30s and 40s were clearly socialists.
So what is the gripe? Apparently American socialists hate the notion that they are not the only socialists. They use propaganda to try to undermine that indeed the Nazis were true socialists. In fact it is difficult to locate a group more socialist than were the Nazis.

This article for example tries to help the socialists of America by denouncing the version by Hayek who lived under those socialists and could easily testify as a true expert about socialism.

To the deniers. Ask why the Germans were so delighted with Hitler until he went to war? Ask how Hitler embarked under massive socialist programs that actually did cause Germany to once more be prosperous.
Because of the German prosperity under Hitler, one might think American socialists would be happy Hitler was a socialist. And point out he did deliver prosperity as they tell us now they can do.

Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists​

National Socialist Party might be a clue
Friedrich Hayek, a famous economist, proved the Germans of the 30s and 40s were clearly socialists.
So what is the gripe? Apparently American socialists hate the notion that they are not the only socialists. They use propaganda to try to undermine that indeed the Nazis were true socialists. In fact it is difficult to locate a group more socialist than were the Nazis.

This article for example tries to help the socialists of America by denouncing the version by Hayek who lived under those socialists and could easily testify as a true expert about socialism.

To the deniers. Ask why the Germans were so delighted with Hitler until he went to war? Ask how Hitler embarked under massive socialist programs that actually did cause Germany to once more be prosperous.
Because of the German prosperity under Hitler, one might think American socialists would be happy Hitler was a socialist. And point out he did deliver prosperity as they tell us now they can do.

Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists​

The NAZI's weren't socialists at all, except in name only. Just like today's Republicans are in no way a party of conservatives and individual freedom at all, unless those freedoms extend to owning dangerous weapons.

Conservatives believe in small government, individual responsibility, and balanced budgets, and fair elections.

Today's Republicans believe in Donald Trump, racism, and everybody who criticizes Trump is lying and out to destroy America. Power must be retained by any means necessary because the opposition are demons.
Fascism and Socialism both have centralized governments, you stupid fuck.....
But the difference is in who controls the means of production. Socialism it's the "people" meaning the government. The NAZI's were fascists pushing private ownership.

However, after the Nazis took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized. The Nazi government took the stance that enterprises should be in private hands wherever possible.

Socialism is when the means of production is owned by the Workers, NOT by the Public. period

Engels, in his stupidity, held that the MoP could be held by goobermint TEMPORARILY, until the Workers were ready to control it, and IDIOTS took that to heart. One of the few times Karl Marx chastised his pupil/clerk/toady.

Hitler believed that he should socialize PEOPLE not THINGS. He took over a political party named the German Workers Party and added National SOCIALIST as a prefix. The NSDAP.

The workers owning the means of production is communism, not socialism.

Socialism is the system of government where the government dictates who gets to produce what, and in what quantity. Both wages and prices are controlled by the government, not the free market. The USA is already a socialist country.
National Socialist Party might be a clue

Just like the name republican party might lead you to believe that today’s Republican Party is the same conservative Republican Party, that Dwight Eisenhower lead in the 1950’s.

Today is Trump cult is a white nationaliist authoritarian party, which opposes individuals right to vote, determined to seize power from the people, by force, if necessary.

As we saw last night, the American people have repeatedly rejected their fascist agenda, over and over again starting with the 2018 midterm elections, and still, the Trump cult, keeps looking for ways to overturn the will of the people.
The NAZI's weren't socialists at all, except in name only. Just like today's Republicans are in no way a party of conservatives and individual freedom at all, unless those freedoms extend to owning dangerous weapons.

Conservatives believe in small government, individual responsibility, and balanced budgets, and fair elections.

Today's Republicans believe in Donald Trump, racism, and everybody who criticizes Trump is lying and out to destroy America. Power must be retained by any means necessary because the opposition are demons.
And that my good friends is what a wanna be Socialist does to defend Socialism. However lacking the knowledge, she could not mention her belief that socialism is superior as a way to govern.

Also, she has not proven Hayek was wrong. Also Hayek lived those times with those Governments. She ruined her remarks by dragging Trump into this.
How many Jews did the Nazis kill? Freaking hilarious, Socialists fighting Communism and Capitalists ruled the day

This is a discussion of NAZI Economics, having nothing with their social agenda.

Hitler offered slave labour to German industrialists, helping build his war machine. You might try reading William Manchester’s book “The Arms of Krupp” which details how Hitler worked hand in glove with German industrialists to their great profit, and ultimately downfall.

Alfried Krupp and Gustav Halbach were 2 German industrialists tried at Nuremberg.

You need to have some knowledge of history to oppine on any of this stuff intelligently, but then you don’t have sufficient knowledge of history to oppine on anything intelligently.

Aren’t you ever ashamed of how ignorant you appear to the rest of us? I guess you’d have to have some sort of self-awareness in order to have shame.
Socialism is when the means of production is owned by the Workers, NOT by the Public. period

Engels, in his stupidity, held that the MoP could be held by goobermint TEMPORARILY, until the Workers were ready to control it, and IDIOTS took that to heart. One of the few times Karl Marx chastised his pupil/clerk/toady.

Hitler believed that he should socialize PEOPLE not THINGS. He took over a political party named the German Workers Party and added National SOCIALIST as a prefix. The NSDAP.
When the famous economist Hayek declared the Nazis were Socialists, who are we to tell the story that he was wrong? He applied many tests to the Nazis and not merely 1 or 2 tests. His book called the Road to Serfdom spoke of this in clear terms.
And that my good friends is what a wanna be Socialist does to defend Socialism. However lacking the knowledge, she could not mention her belief that socialism is superior as a way to govern.

Also, she has not proven Hayek was wrong. Also Hayek lived those times with those Governments. She ruined her remarks by dragging Trump into this.

I wasn’t defending Socialism at all. I was merely explaining why the German Nazi party were never socialists regardless of their name.

I do find it highly amusing that having had your ass handed to you on a plate in terms of historical facts, you immediately try to twist my post into something that it was not and was never intended to be, which is a defence of socialism.

Trump is the guy who keeps cloning Hitler’s campaign slogans (Make Germany Great Again), iconography, and rabidly racist rhetoric to promote his fascist agenda.

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