Why Hillary Lost, and why I loved it!

That’s what the Democrats get for putting up as its candidate a treasonous lying felon that should have behind bars for leaking top secret information so she and her rapist impeached pseudo husband could make hundreds of millions selling secrets and favors to every third world thug dictator. And she and Obama were guilty of getting those four brave Americans killed in Benghazzi as they were hiding a gun running operation form Libya to Syria.
Elijah Cummings remarks about the Trump's SIL being entitled to sensitive material was priceless.
Where was this guy during the Hillary investigation.
Just a liberal hack
That’s what the Democrats get for putting up as its candidate a treasonous lying felon that should have behind bars for leaking top secret information so she and her rapist impeached pseudo husband could make hundreds of millions selling secrets and favors to every third world thug dictator. And she and Obama were guilty of getting those four brave Americans killed in Benghazzi as they were hiding a gun running operation form Libya to Syria.

Nothing you cite is why Clinton lost.
You're right there SO many other reasons why she lost. too numerous to list.

No, she only lost because of 3 or 4 states she lost that Obama won. She lost those states because union voters turned against her, because Trump was to the left of her on trade and protectionism.


Looks like you lost the argument.
The best part is the continued wailing and steady stream of piss and bile coming from these sniveling regressive parasites.

I was hoping for a lot more suicides by libturds, but lets keep our fingers crossed for 2020.

My pleasure, any time I can help to stop the Bitch and her Pervert Husband, just feel free to ask.

You DO fit your screen name to a "T".......Does your pointed white hood still fit?
“Mr. Trump has not explained why he wants to give his son-in-law access to some of our nation’s most sensitive secrets,” Mr. Cummings wrote in his letter to the transition operation.

In an interview, the Maryland Democrat said that he aims to use his perch as the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee aggressively.

“I’m going to do what we always do — keep government honest and make sure that government is functioning the way it’s supposed to,” Mr. Cummings said.
That’s what the Democrats get for putting up as its candidate a treasonous lying felon that should have behind bars for leaking top secret information so she and her rapist impeached pseudo husband could make hundreds of millions selling secrets and favors to every third world thug dictator. And she and Obama were guilty of getting those four brave Americans killed in Benghazzi as they were hiding a gun running operation form Libya to Syria.

Nothing you cite is why Clinton lost.
You're right there SO many other reasons why she lost. too numerous to list.

No, she only lost because of 3 or 4 states she lost that Obama won. She lost those states because union voters turned against her, because Trump was to the left of her on trade and protectionism.


Looks like you lost the argument.
That’s what the Democrats get for putting up as its candidate a treasonous lying felon that should have behind bars for leaking top secret information so she and her rapist impeached pseudo husband could make hundreds of millions selling secrets and favors to every third world thug dictator. And she and Obama were guilty of getting those four brave Americans killed in Benghazzi as they were hiding a gun running operation form Libya to Syria.

The DNC should have talked Biden into running or backed Sanders. Hillary was far from a good candidate and she cooked her own goose.

She was he own worst enemy and basically gave Trump the election.
One of the best things about the election was knowing that Hillary had herself convinced she was going to win. I wish I could have seen her reaction the moment she realized Trump just kicked her ass. :laugh:
The DNC should have talked Biden into running or backed Sanders. Hillary was far from a good candidate and she cooked her own goose.

She was he own worst enemy and basically gave Trump the election.

To me it looked like it was the other way around for a while. Trump looked more buffoonish until about the last 3 weeks and suddenly seemed to get his shit in gear. I think enough people finally realized a professional clown is a better choice than an autocratic sociopath with an insatiable lust for power.

Dodged a bullet my ass....

We dodged a fuckin HOLOCAUST.


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