Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

Politically, I see none of the 3 above as a threat. If I were to wake up in 2017 and seeing one of the 3 sworn in as President, if it was anything other than Carly, I would not like our chances. Unlike Carson or Trump, Carly is smart enough to know she is several fathoms in over her head and she would seek wise counsel. So I would not be overjoyed to see Carly there but I would feel a lot more comfortable about what effect she'll have on this nation than some others in the GOP field.

I think Obama should issue an EO declaring Bobby Jindal a National Embarassment and send FEMA into assist any survivors of his reign.
Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

Hillary will (probably) win the nomination, because the Democrats are so shallow and devastated they have no one else.

After they jammed Obamacare through and people started finding out what a disaster it was, nearly all the Democrats in the House and Senate who voted for it, along with a number of governors etc. who said they supported it, got booted out of office at the next election or two. (Same thing happened after the Dems tried the same thing in 1993, though that one never made it to the President's desk).

So now, all the young, upcoming fighters who usually compete for a Presidentia nomination, are all dead and gone (politically). Nothing left but a few old, failed socialists like Bernie and Hillary. And though both of them push an agenda most Americans don't want, Hillary has by far the greater name recognition, even if half of it is from her 40 years of lies, coverups, and illegal activities. She's the lesser of two evils for the Dems.
Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

Hillary will (probably) win the nomination, because the Democrats are so shallow and devastated they have no one else.
Yet deep enough to where no republicans will swim.

She's going to win the Presidency. Why? Because she can run a straight campaign devoid of having to lurch from one news story to the other or appease this group or that group. Democrats are going to be united behind whomever their nominee is. The GOP? Not so much. Just look at some of the posters here. Like yours, they would be sad if they were not so damn funny.

After they jammed Obamacare through and people started finding out what a disaster it was, nearly all the Democrats in the House and Senate who voted for it, along with a number of governors etc. who said they supported it, got booted out of office at the next election or two. (Same thing happened after the Dems tried the same thing in 1993, though that one never made it to the President's desk).
The ACA continues to grow both in popularity and acceptance.

And the GOP plan to replace it is _________________. Oh yeah, you got nothin'!!!!

So now, all the young, upcoming fighters who usually compete for a Presidentia nomination, are all dead and gone (politically). Nothing left but a few old, failed socialists like Bernie and Hillary. And though both of them push an agenda most Americans don't want, Hillary has by far the greater name recognition, even if half of it is from her 40 years of lies, coverups, and illegal activities. She's the lesser of two evils for the Dems.

Plenty of great multi-culutral democrats are on the come. They should be reaching maturity in 2024...about when Hillary is ready to hang up her heels or about the same time Rubio may start shaving.
Why Hillary Will Win (probably)
Hillary will (probably) win the nomination, because the Democrats are so shallow and devastated they have no one else.
Yet deep enough to where no republicans will swim.
Fifteen are swimming fine, and have been for many months. Nice try.
The ACA continues to grow both in popularity and acceptance.
It hit bottom so hard, there was nowhere to go but up. Making laws requiring people to accept it, probably had a lot to do with its so-called "popularity and acceptance".
Plenty of great multi-culutral democrats are on the come. They should be reaching maturity in 2024...
TRANSLATION: You're right, we've got nobody.
Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

Seeing that Hillary is the Dems front runner democrats can't fix stupid either.
Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

Seeing that Hillary is the Dems front runner democrats can't fix stupid either.
They just CAN'T FIX STUPID!!!!

Why Hillary Will Win (probably)
Hillary will (probably) win the nomination, because the Democrats are so shallow and devastated they have no one else.
Yet deep enough to where no republicans will swim.
Fifteen are swimming fine, and have been for many months. Nice try.
Nice joke. Oh wait; you were serious?
Of the 15, 5 are DOA and can't get at the grown-up's table.
Of the other 10, 4 have zero shot (Cruz, Paul, Carson, and Trump).
Of the remaining six, Electoral math is only friendly to three of them; Christie, Bush and Rubio. If anyone other than one of those 3 are nominated; Hillary wins. If Rubio is nominated, Hillary almost certainly wins. Bush and Christie are wholesalers who are good in all time zones. That is how the race breaks down.

The ACA continues to grow both in popularity and acceptance.
It hit bottom so hard, there was nowhere to go but up. Making laws requiring people to accept it, probably had a lot to do with its so-called "popularity and acceptance".
It has nothing to do with it's popularity which grows with every poll. Acceptance is empowered by the fact that the GOP has zilch to replace it.

Plenty of great multi-culutral democrats are on the come. They should be reaching maturity in 2024...
TRANSLATION: You're right, we've got nobody.

I know the GOP has nobody but thanks for confirming it.
Seriously, it just amazes me how liberals here just don't seem to care that Hillary is a compulsive, pathological liar who has been caught red-handed breaking the law and/or engaging in conduct that would get regular federal employees or private contractors fired for impropriety.

How can liberals claim to be against corruption and still support Hillary after what we now know about how she was using her position as Secretary of State to obtain donations for the Clinton Foundation? If a regular federal employee did what Hillary did, they would be fired or formally reprimanded.
Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

Seeing that Hillary is the Dems front runner democrats can't fix stupid either.
Doesn't seem that way

Hillary is by far the best qualified in the field and the best known. She also has the most money and the best political machine

Nobody in the GOP clown car can touch her
Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

At least it keeps the loserterians like Cruz, walker and Paul the fuck away from it! Could be worse!
Trump is killing the chances of Cruz, Walker and Paul....once considered front runners
Hillary has proven that Name Recognition can get you in the race but not even close to the finish line... Kinda shocked she decided to try and prove this reality again after loosing to a no name like Obama back in 2007.

I think you guys still don't understand why she lost to Obama in 2008.

She lost to Obama in 2008- barely - because a large part of the base had not forgiven her for voting for Bush's War.

Most of the Democratic Base is not so far to the left to vote for Sanders. Once it becomes clear that Biden won't run, she'll be back up over 50% and will put this to bed easily.
Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

Seeing that Hillary is the Dems front runner democrats can't fix stupid either.
Doesn't seem that way

Hillary is by far the best qualified in the field and the best known. She also has the most money and the best political machine

Nobody in the GOP clown car can touch her
Oh, RW, is it possible that you're confusing Wishes with Reality, in this case?

Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate rather than attaining the office through a lifetime of public service and lesser legislative roles preparing her for the grander one.

Hillary was given State as a sop for tossing support to Obumble in 2008 rather than through any administrative or leadership ability, and she did not do well in that role.

Hillary and Bubba have been the focus of many scandals of greater or lesser import, and have (so far) played Teflon Don and Donna, evading serious trouble in most cases.

They are, quite possibly, the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

Hillary is a liar, she has been slipping in the polls throughout most of the summer, and she has morphed from Sure-Fire Nominee to Growing Liability, in a single season.

The trouble for Democrats is, that they really don't have anybody else with a similar (former) drawing-power, warming-up in the bullpen; the price of One-Trick-Pony thinking.

It is true, that the Republicans have a Clown Car at present.

The Democrats, unfortunately, have a Single Pony-Cart, and the Pony is hobbling, badly.

And, after (by then) eight years of the Magic Negro and his arrogant Rule-by-Imperial-Decree (EO) and foreign-policy gaffes and unwanted social re-engineering...

You(r side; Democrats / Liberals / Leftists) are in deep trouble with the American People...

Worse, you(r side) can't bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it, nor the shallowness of your bullpen...

I think you're in a lot more trouble, and lining-up for a lot bigger downfall and disappointment, than you can (1) bring yourself to believe or (2) bring yourself to publicly admit.

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong, of course, but, objectively speaking, it's not shaping-up that way, at present.

She can't continue to dodge every metaphorical bullet, like she dodged the fallout from her lies about coming under sniper fire in a hot LZ in Bosnia.

Stick a fork in your girl, RW... she's done.
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Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

Seeing that Hillary is the Dems front runner democrats can't fix stupid either.
Doesn't seem that way

Hillary is by far the best qualified in the field and the best known. She also has the most money and the best political machine

Nobody in the GOP clown car can touch her
Oh, RW, is it possible that you're confusing Wishes with Reality, in this case?

Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate rather than attaining the office through a lifetime of public service and lesser legislative roles preparing her for the grander one.

Hillary was given State as a sop for tossing support to Obumble in 2008 rather than through any administrative or leadership ability, and she did not do well in that role.

Hillary and Bubba have been the focus of many scandals of greater or lesser import, and have (so far) played Teflon Don and Donna, evading serious trouble in most cases.

They are, quite possibly, the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

Hillary is a liar, she has been slipping in the polls throughout most of the summer, and she has morphed from Sure-Fire Nominee to Growing Liability, in a single season.

The trouble for Democrats is, that they really don't have anybody else with a similar (former) drawing-power, warming-up in the bullpen; the price of One-Trick-Pony thinking.

It is true, that the Republicans have a Clown Car at present.

The Democrats, unfortunately, have a Single Pony-Cart, and the Pony is hobbling, badly.

And, after (by then) eight years of the Magic Negro and his reputation for arrogant Rule-by-Imperial-Decree and unwanted social re-engineering initiatives...

You(r side; Democrats / Liberals / Leftists) are in deep trouble with the American People...

Worse, you(r side) can't bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it, nor the shallowness of your bullpen...

I think you're in a lot more trouble, and lining-up for a lot bigger downfall and disappointment, than you can (1) bring yourself to believe or (2) bring yourself to publicly admit.

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong, of course, but, objectively speaking, it's not shaping-up that way, at present.

She can't continue to dodge every metaphorical bullet, like she dodged the fallout from her lies about coming under sniper fire in a hot LZ in Bosnia.

Stick a fork in your girl, RW... she's done.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one
Hillary will win because Republicans can't fix stupid

They finally get another shot at the White House after eight years and they think their best chance is Trump, Carson and Fiorina

Seeing that Hillary is the Dems front runner democrats can't fix stupid either.
Doesn't seem that way

Hillary is by far the best qualified in the field and the best known. She also has the most money and the best political machine

Nobody in the GOP clown car can touch her
Oh, RW, is it possible that you're confusing Wishes with Reality, in this case?

Hillary rode Bubba's coattails into the Senate rather than attaining the office through a lifetime of public service and lesser legislative roles preparing her for the grander one.

Hillary was given State as a sop for tossing support to Obumble in 2008 rather than through any administrative or leadership ability, and she did not do well in that role.

Hillary and Bubba have been the focus of many scandals of greater or lesser import, and have (so far) played Teflon Don and Donna, evading serious trouble in most cases.

They are, quite possibly, the most corrupt husband-and-wife tag-team ever to soil the American political landscape.

Hillary is a liar, she has been slipping in the polls throughout most of the summer, and she has morphed from Sure-Fire Nominee to Growing Liability, in a single season.

The trouble for Democrats is, that they really don't have anybody else with a similar (former) drawing-power, warming-up in the bullpen; the price of One-Trick-Pony thinking.

It is true, that the Republicans have a Clown Car at present.

The Democrats, unfortunately, have a Single Pony-Cart, and the Pony is hobbling, badly.

And, after (by then) eight years of the Magic Negro and his reputation for arrogant Rule-by-Imperial-Decree and unwanted social re-engineering initiatives...

You(r side; Democrats / Liberals / Leftists) are in deep trouble with the American People...

Worse, you(r side) can't bring themselves to publicly acknowledge it, nor the shallowness of your bullpen...

I think you're in a lot more trouble, and lining-up for a lot bigger downfall and disappointment, than you can (1) bring yourself to believe or (2) bring yourself to publicly admit.

It's entirely possible that I'm wrong, of course, but, objectively speaking, it's not shaping-up that way, at present.

She can't continue to dodge every metaphorical bullet, like she dodged the fallout from her lies about coming under sniper fire in a hot LZ in Bosnia.

Stick a fork in your girl, RW... she's done.
Now who is confusing wishes with reality?

Hillary won the NY Senate seat twice by large margins. That was her name on the ballot
She ran for President and was narrowly defeated by the biggest political phenomenon in fifty years
She was offered the position as Secretary of State as a huge name with an international reputation. She was a twice elected Senator and knew most major world leaders personally

No Republican candidate has anywhere near her experience. If you think so......name one

Now you want experience? I thought being a community organizer was enough. Interesting.

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