Why I am voting for Obama again

The claim is one that you don't understand and to is a response to a stupidity written by spoon.

Yes, I understand that you can't answer or understand the discussion.

The claim is one that you don't understand

I don't understand your claim about deregulation?
Okay, explain your claim.
Very easily answered: no, Obama does not, and you are a nothing more than an useful tool.

thereisnospoon cannot define either communism or socialism and cannot demonstrate how American government fits either of the systems.

Where did I state the American government fit either communism or socialism"?
I stated this was the goal of the Obama admin. He is an avowed socialist.
He views the US Constitution as a roadblock to his agenda.
Which definition do you want. The dictionary one?....You look that up yourself. Because it is the only way YOU could figure it out.
You go ahead and vote for Obama. Go ahead and help further fuck up the country.
When the shit goes down hill, we will have you to blame.
Better build your shelter now just in case the unthinkable happens and Obama somehow wins again.
What I find amusing is you libs think you are going to get a hall pass after the taxes and other government regulations, restrictions and policies are enacted.
You think you can just wave and say " Not me Mr President, remember I voted for you!!!!".....
Maybe you want to live in a nation where government has virtual control and equality of outcome rules, most of us and hopefully enough to vote this pox on the nation out of office, do not.
in a democracy, you have direct voting on the issues by the public, which is the not the way our system works. Yes, we have elections for representatives, but originally, the Senate was not direct elected. The presidency isn't direct elect. The Founding Fathers didn't want mob rule which is why they set up a republic instead. Yes, there is democratic elements to it, but the OP was trying to state we are a democracy, when we clearly are not....

KGB, our representative republic has always rested on democratic elements in it.

Jefferson's election in 1800 placed the voting plebiscite over the actual electors. When the Federalists caved in the week before Inauguration Day, they did so because Jefferson had told Adams he would becoming with the militias of Democratic-Republican PA and VA behind to claim the chair the people had elected him to.

We are a democratically influenced representative republic: it is what it is.

Democracy is a form of government in which all eligible citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. Democracy allows people to participate equally—either directly or through elected representatives

yes we are a democracy

did you pay attention in 9th grade civics? We are a representative republic, not a democracy. Switzerland is a democracy, we are not....
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Yes, when I look at the candidates, I look at the one that best expresses my views and my hope for the direction of this country. I look at all the issues, inform myself, and make the best decision I can. I actually wish there was instant runoff voting so I can put Jill Stein of the Green Party as my second choice. But, I believe strongly that Obama better represents my views that Romney could ever hope to do. On all the issues you mentioned and also on healthcare. I eventually want a universal health care plan in place in this country. Something like Medicare for all. Obama's plan is a start in that direction. But on the environment-Dems win hands down for what I want to see, same thing on women's issues, on taxes, on global affairs, on regulations, on education, on a whole host of issues. I am voting for my daughter's future too.

Under Obama you'll get it.

SHOCK VIDEO Obama admits his health care plan will eliminate private insurance - YouTube!

And I guess the statements made in this video also tend to debunk your claim that Obama's not a socialist because his healthcare take over empowers insurance companies.:eusa_whistle:
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WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Yes, when I look at the candidates, I look at the one that best expresses my views and my hope for the direction of this country. I look at all the issues, inform myself, and make the best decision I can. I actually wish there was instant runoff voting so I can put Jill Stein of the Green Party as my second choice. But, I believe strongly that Obama better represents my views that Romney could ever hope to do. On all the issues you mentioned and also on healthcare. I eventually want a universal health care plan in place in this country. Something like Medicare for all. Obama's plan is a start in that direction. But on the environment-Dems win hands down for what I want to see, same thing on women's issues, on taxes, on global affairs, on regulations, on education, on a whole host of issues. I am voting for my daughter's future too.

Under Obama you'll get it.

SHOCK VIDEO Obama admits his health care plan will eliminate private insurance - YouTube!

And I guess the statements made in this video also tend to debunk your claim that Obama's not a socialist because his healthcare take over empowers insurance companies.:eusa_whistle:

I don't hold much stock in videos and Obama's health care plan gives a lot of power to insurance companies, but if it results in a Universal health care plan-fine by me.

Obama's done nothing to make me think he is a Socialist. I haven't seen it. He sure as heck has helped Wall Street plenty. I think he's more of a corporatist with some mild Socialist tendencies. But to me, we kind of need both-Socialism/Capitalism to make things work in this country and that is what we have now.
Yes, we are a democratic representative republic. Nothing you say changes any of that. I suggest gently yet firmly you study the Revolution of 1800 carefully. Many of your questions and much of your understanding will be satisfied.

in a democracy, you have direct voting on the issues by the public, which is the not the way our system works. Yes, we have elections for representatives, but originally, the Senate was not direct elected. The presidency isn't direct elect. The Founding Fathers didn't want mob rule which is why they set up a republic instead. Yes, there is democratic elements to it, but the OP was trying to state we are a democracy, when we clearly are not....

KGB, our representative republic has always rested on democratic elements in it.

Jefferson's election in 1800 placed the voting plebiscite over the actual electors. When the Federalists caved in the week before Inauguration Day, they did so because Jefferson had told Adams he would becoming with the militias of Democratic-Republican PA and VA behind to claim the chair the people had elected him to.

We are a democratically influenced representative republic: it is what it is.

did you pay attention in 9th grade civics? We are a representative republic, not a democracy. Switzerland is a democracy, we are not....
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Yes, when I look at the candidates, I look at the one that best expresses my views and my hope for the direction of this country. I look at all the issues, inform myself, and make the best decision I can. I actually wish there was instant runoff voting so I can put Jill Stein of the Green Party as my second choice. But, I believe strongly that Obama better represents my views that Romney could ever hope to do. On all the issues you mentioned and also on healthcare. I eventually want a universal health care plan in place in this country. Something like Medicare for all. Obama's plan is a start in that direction. But on the environment-Dems win hands down for what I want to see, same thing on women's issues, on taxes, on global affairs, on regulations, on education, on a whole host of issues. I am voting for my daughter's future too.
Universal health care...Pk. who gets to pay for it?....Who funds the research for new medicines, technology, new surgical procedures, rare but essential life saving procedures?

Hmmm....Who funds that?
What about the environment?
Women's issues? WHAT is a women's issue. One example. And please do not mention birth control. That is not and nor should it ever be a taxpayer responsibility. If one wishes to have sex, let them worry about the consequences of their actions. Abortion? It is legal and for the foreseeable future will remain so.
Taxes? Be specific. What about them?
And you can also elaborate on global affairs...Explain what you refer to by global affairs.
Which regulations not in place would you believe you want to see in place. Be specific. Do not state "Wall Street" or "The Banks"....That won't do.
Education. What is the federal government NOT doing that you believe it should be doing for "education"? Do not answer "more funding". The federal education budget is ( 2009) $40 billion.. That is just 10% of the total expense(2009) for public education...
Clearly the money is not the problem. So when you say "education" what are you talking about. Again, be specific.
And now for the big part...What is the "whole host of issues"..
Do you see where this is going?
Here you are claiming to go about being informed yet you form a conclusion after rattling off a list of terms with absolutely no explanation as to why these issues mean anything to you. You cannot engage in debate and make decisions based on a list.
my thinking is you had your mind made up already about for whom you wish to vote but felt it necessary to join the discussion because you wanted to express your feelings on how informed you believe you may be.
Another poster earlier in this thread used the phrase, "what I find frightening"....Ya know what I find frightening? When someone is uninformed but believe that they are not uninformed, heads to the polls to vote. That is scary.
You have some homework to do. Take your time and consider your answers to the above questions carefully. Of course, think of your daughter while considering those replies.
Yes, when I look at the candidates, I look at the one that best expresses my views and my hope for the direction of this country. I look at all the issues, inform myself, and make the best decision I can. I actually wish there was instant runoff voting so I can put Jill Stein of the Green Party as my second choice. But, I believe strongly that Obama better represents my views that Romney could ever hope to do. On all the issues you mentioned and also on healthcare. I eventually want a universal health care plan in place in this country. Something like Medicare for all. Obama's plan is a start in that direction. But on the environment-Dems win hands down for what I want to see, same thing on women's issues, on taxes, on global affairs, on regulations, on education, on a whole host of issues. I am voting for my daughter's future too.

Under Obama you'll get it.

SHOCK VIDEO Obama admits his health care plan will eliminate private insurance - YouTube!

And I guess the statements made in this video also tend to debunk your claim that Obama's not a socialist because his healthcare take over empowers insurance companies.:eusa_whistle:

I don't hold much stock in videos and Obama's health care plan gives a lot of power to insurance companies, but if it results in a Universal health care plan-fine by me.

Obama's done nothing to make me think he is a Socialist. I haven't seen it. He sure as heck has helped Wall Street plenty. I think he's more of a corporatist with some mild Socialist tendencies. But to me, we kind of need both-Socialism/Capitalism to make things work in this country and that is what we have now.
Why are you so anxious to live in a nation where government either does things for you or gives you things?
Do you believe that it is the job of government to do these things for you?
The point is, spoon, and you can't debate as has proven time and time again.

You have made an affirmative statement. Posting a link is not evidence. Give us the argument with stats, facts, analysis, and so forth.

Otherwise, yeah, you are a loony.

I have you pegged.
And posting the link is just part of the job. The link is for YOU to read.
I did my part. Made a statement and supported it with the facts.
If you wish to dismiss the facts by labeling it "posting a link" so be it.
I am not here to do your work for you. Don't read the information. Fine.
To which argument do you refer?
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Yes, when I look at the candidates, I look at the one that best expresses my views and my hope for the direction of this country. I look at all the issues, inform myself, and make the best decision I can. I actually wish there was instant runoff voting so I can put Jill Stein of the Green Party as my second choice. But, I believe strongly that Obama better represents my views that Romney could ever hope to do. On all the issues you mentioned and also on healthcare. I eventually want a universal health care plan in place in this country. Something like Medicare for all. Obama's plan is a start in that direction. But on the environment-Dems win hands down for what I want to see, same thing on women's issues, on taxes, on global affairs, on regulations, on education, on a whole host of issues. I am voting for my daughter's future too.
Universal health care...Pk. who gets to pay for it?....Who funds the research for new medicines, technology, new surgical procedures, rare but essential life saving procedures?

Hmmm....Who funds that?
What about the environment?
Women's issues? WHAT is a women's issue. One example. And please do not mention birth control. That is not and nor should it ever be a taxpayer responsibility. If one wishes to have sex, let them worry about the consequences of their actions. Abortion? It is legal and for the foreseeable future will remain so.
Taxes? Be specific. What about them?
And you can also elaborate on global affairs...Explain what you refer to by global affairs.
Which regulations not in place would you believe you want to see in place. Be specific. Do not state "Wall Street" or "The Banks"....That won't do.
Education. What is the federal government NOT doing that you believe it should be doing for "education"? Do not answer "more funding". The federal education budget is ( 2009) $40 billion.. That is just 10% of the total expense(2009) for public education...
Clearly the money is not the problem. So when you say "education" what are you talking about. Again, be specific.
And now for the big part...What is the "whole host of issues"..
Do you see where this is going?
Here you are claiming to go about being informed yet you form a conclusion after rattling off a list of terms with absolutely no explanation as to why these issues mean anything to you. You cannot engage in debate and make decisions based on a list.
my thinking is you had your mind made up already about for whom you wish to vote but felt it necessary to join the discussion because you wanted to express your feelings on how informed you believe you may be.
Another poster earlier in this thread used the phrase, "what I find frightening"....Ya know what I find frightening? When someone is uninformed but believe that they are not uninformed, heads to the polls to vote. That is scary.
You have some homework to do. Take your time and consider your answers to the above questions carefully. Of course, think of your daughter while considering those replies.

You know what I don't like? Someone who makes a whole host of assumptions based on nothing. I have done plenty of research on all the issues and the candidates. I don't need you to tell me what I know and what I don't know.

I'm not going to write a novel so I'll start with healthcare. Research what they do in Taiwan right now as an idea or research expanding Medicare for all based on income.

Here, I'll start you out with some links. And no, this is not the only place I've researched this. I work in the healthcare field at a large VA hospital and have worked for health insurance companies.

Medicare for All: Home

Health Care in Taiwan | Health Beat by Maggie Mahar
Under Obama you'll get it.

SHOCK VIDEO Obama admits his health care plan will eliminate private insurance - YouTube!

And I guess the statements made in this video also tend to debunk your claim that Obama's not a socialist because his healthcare take over empowers insurance companies.:eusa_whistle:

I don't hold much stock in videos and Obama's health care plan gives a lot of power to insurance companies, but if it results in a Universal health care plan-fine by me.

Obama's done nothing to make me think he is a Socialist. I haven't seen it. He sure as heck has helped Wall Street plenty. I think he's more of a corporatist with some mild Socialist tendencies. But to me, we kind of need both-Socialism/Capitalism to make things work in this country and that is what we have now.
Why are you so anxious to live in a nation where government either does things for you or gives you things?
Do you believe that it is the job of government to do these things for you?

No, I do not believe that it is the job of Government to do things for me or give me things. I do believe in a strong Government for a strong, functional society. Things like infrastructure, education, help for those in need-the poor, elderly, disabled, children, etc. basic services like fire, police, the military, etc. And yes, I believe healthcare is a right not a privledge. These things I don't believe should be privatized.
Perhaps because of the 4 or 5 gubmint programs you are on?

just two sweetheart... O5 military retirement pay from a grateful nation for 25 years of service in uniform, and social security.

I don't know if it applies but there seems as though any expression of optimism is met with cynicism and insults. The GOP posters on this board are sad and angry people.
I don't hold much stock in videos and Obama's health care plan gives a lot of power to insurance companies, but if it results in a Universal health care plan-fine by me.

Obama's done nothing to make me think he is a Socialist. I haven't seen it. He sure as heck has helped Wall Street plenty. I think he's more of a corporatist with some mild Socialist tendencies. But to me, we kind of need both-Socialism/Capitalism to make things work in this country and that is what we have now.
Why are you so anxious to live in a nation where government either does things for you or gives you things?
Do you believe that it is the job of government to do these things for you?

No, I do not believe that it is the job of Government to do things for me or give me things. I do believe in a strong Government for a strong, functional society. Things like infrastructure, education, help for those in need-the poor, elderly, disabled, children, etc. basic services like fire, police, the military, etc. And yes, I believe healthcare is a right not a privledge. These things I don't believe should be privatized.

And now Spoon, you know why I didn't bother to respond. Not to mention the earlier statement, "I don't hold much stock in videos...". Not sure what else could be more convincing short of being there,...everywhere...always. :confused:
Yes, when I look at the candidates, I look at the one that best expresses my views and my hope for the direction of this country. I look at all the issues, inform myself, and make the best decision I can. I actually wish there was instant runoff voting so I can put Jill Stein of the Green Party as my second choice. But, I believe strongly that Obama better represents my views that Romney could ever hope to do. On all the issues you mentioned and also on healthcare. I eventually want a universal health care plan in place in this country. Something like Medicare for all. Obama's plan is a start in that direction. But on the environment-Dems win hands down for what I want to see, same thing on women's issues, on taxes, on global affairs, on regulations, on education, on a whole host of issues. I am voting for my daughter's future too.
Universal health care...Pk. who gets to pay for it?....Who funds the research for new medicines, technology, new surgical procedures, rare but essential life saving procedures?

Hmmm....Who funds that?
What about the environment?
Women's issues? WHAT is a women's issue. One example. And please do not mention birth control. That is not and nor should it ever be a taxpayer responsibility. If one wishes to have sex, let them worry about the consequences of their actions. Abortion? It is legal and for the foreseeable future will remain so.
Taxes? Be specific. What about them?
And you can also elaborate on global affairs...Explain what you refer to by global affairs.
Which regulations not in place would you believe you want to see in place. Be specific. Do not state "Wall Street" or "The Banks"....That won't do.
Education. What is the federal government NOT doing that you believe it should be doing for "education"? Do not answer "more funding". The federal education budget is ( 2009) $40 billion.. That is just 10% of the total expense(2009) for public education...
Clearly the money is not the problem. So when you say "education" what are you talking about. Again, be specific.
And now for the big part...What is the "whole host of issues"..
Do you see where this is going?
Here you are claiming to go about being informed yet you form a conclusion after rattling off a list of terms with absolutely no explanation as to why these issues mean anything to you. You cannot engage in debate and make decisions based on a list.
my thinking is you had your mind made up already about for whom you wish to vote but felt it necessary to join the discussion because you wanted to express your feelings on how informed you believe you may be.
Another poster earlier in this thread used the phrase, "what I find frightening"....Ya know what I find frightening? When someone is uninformed but believe that they are not uninformed, heads to the polls to vote. That is scary.
You have some homework to do. Take your time and consider your answers to the above questions carefully. Of course, think of your daughter while considering those replies.

You know what I don't like? Someone who makes a whole host of assumptions based on nothing. I have done plenty of research on all the issues and the candidates. I don't need you to tell me what I know and what I don't know.

I'm not going to write a novel so I'll start with healthcare. Research what they do in Taiwan right now as an idea or research expanding Medicare for all based on income.

Here, I'll start you out with some links. And no, this is not the only place I've researched this. I work in the healthcare field at a large VA hospital and have worked for health insurance companies.

Medicare for All: Home

Health Care in Taiwan | Health Beat by Maggie Mahar

I made no assumptions. Your post told me the story of you.
Typically when people rattle off lists of things it is because they lack knowledge of specifics or they are attempting to deflect attention away from the fact that the one doing the listing has no interest in a discussion. The equivalent would be to shine a bright light in a person's eyes then run away and hide while the person is temporarily blinded.
Ok. It is very nice that these other places have their version of what you believe is universal healthcare. The bottom line is this: The cost is always there. Whether the privately insured pay for care as part of their premiums or the taxpayers via a government system fund it, the costs continue to rise because the cost of the labor to do the research, perform the care and develop the technology always rises.
The only way to control the market is for government to FIX the market. In other words, create a monopoly. When that happens, rationing of the product follows.
Now, these other countries have less than 10% of the population of the US. It is impossible for a country to insure and administer a health program for 315 million people without the cost of administration reaching stratospheric levels.
Newsflash. Health care will NEVER be "free".. To anyone.
Now I asked YOU to answer those questions. Not plan an escape by posting links.
You made your statement regarding the issues on which you would vote for Obama.
I ask you again to answer those simple questions. I am not letting this go. You put it out there on a public message board. Just feel free to back it up.
Worked in the healthcare field doing what?...Worked for insurance companies doing what?
My father and father in law have been patients at VA hospitals. They offer their observations. You worked in one. Who is better qualified to offer an unbiased observation of the system as they saw it? One who got the care or one who sees the government system as the best type and is committed to that end?...
Forget the links. Just answer the questions. This is important. This is why you have made up your mind to vote for Obama.
I don't hold much stock in videos and Obama's health care plan gives a lot of power to insurance companies, but if it results in a Universal health care plan-fine by me.

Obama's done nothing to make me think he is a Socialist. I haven't seen it. He sure as heck has helped Wall Street plenty. I think he's more of a corporatist with some mild Socialist tendencies. But to me, we kind of need both-Socialism/Capitalism to make things work in this country and that is what we have now.
Why are you so anxious to live in a nation where government either does things for you or gives you things?
Do you believe that it is the job of government to do these things for you?

No, I do not believe that it is the job of Government to do things for me or give me things. I do believe in a strong Government for a strong, functional society. Things like infrastructure, education, help for those in need-the poor, elderly, disabled, children, etc. basic services like fire, police, the military, etc. And yes, I believe healthcare is a right not a privledge. These things I don't believe should be privatized.
Hmm. Ok...What about education? The federal government in 2009 spent $40 billion or 10% of the total spent on public education. What else would you like to do?
Infrastructure...What about it? The federal government spends roughly $87 billion on transportation and water infrastructure( 2009) budget. This represents roughly 10% of the total federal budget for that year. That accounts for about 25% of the total including state and local expenditures. CBO | Public Spending on Transportation and Water Infrastructure
So what is it you wish the federal government to do?
Define "strong functional society"....See you and I differ in that government should not be involved in social engineering. Society( what ever that is) will function whether government exists or not. See history on the the earliest European settlers. There was no government only a command hierarchy aboard the ships that carried the settlers.
Right now the federal government spends almost 50% of the total budget on help for the poor, the needy, elderly, disabled children and of course the old "can we increase the budget for "et cetera"....What more do you want? Social spending as it stands is no longer sustainable. Not in the current form. There are far too many people gaming the system and there are far too many federal employees costing us taxpayers billions each year.
You can "believe" all you like. Does not make it true.
What do you mean when you state "health care is a right"?....In which part of the US or any State Constitution does is state "health care is a right"?
Why do you trust government which has ZERO incentive to control costs and perform tasks within budget, efficiently and on time more than you do the private sector which MUST work within a budget, perform better and more efficiently and complete it's task with the highest quality and complete the task on time?...
No, you'd rather vote for Obama and live in a socialist centrally planned state where government is the answer to everything.
See Communism and Socialism under the heading of FAILED SYSTEMS.

What is it with these right-wing bleaters who have no clue what "socialism" means?

Spoon, no one is stopping you from sending all your cash to your local oligarch. Just stop demanding that I do the same. If you want to be a loyal lapdog and live off table scraps, so be it. I'm sure your master tosses you only the finest table scraps, and in return you yip when you're told to yip. Try to understand that free men won't live like you.

Now me, I'm a capitalist, the direct opposite of a Republican. I believe what Adam Smith and Thomas Jefferson believed. And according to the modern GOP, those men were socialists. As was Ronald Reagan. I used to be Republican. My positions haven't changed, yet I've magically become a "liberal".
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

LET ME GUESS--you've run out of your birth control devices and want someone else to pay for them---:badgrin::badgrin: That's the democrat platform--along with endorsement of GAY MARRIAGE--and who's going to pay for someone else's birth control pills--LOL.

You're obviously NOT concerned about 8.3% unemployment--11% real unemployment if you count those who have run out of unemployment benefits. You're not concerned about 26 million Americans in this country that are unemployed or underemployed. You're not concerned about 46 million Americans on food stamps. You're not concerned about 1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level. You're not concerned about 16 trillion in red ink, or the additional 5 trillion that will be added to this tab over the next 10 years just in INTEREST. And you're certainly not concerned about your children and grand children's future when they're paying $224,000 just in interest on this bill.

Nope you're all about birth control devices--and what's in it for YOU--and how much free junk you can get paid for by others.


Typical liberal ideology--someone ELSE owes you something.
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WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

LET ME GUESS--you've run out of your birth control devices and want someone else to pay for them---:badgrin::badgrin: That's the democrat platform--along with endorsement of GAY MARRIAGE--and who's going to pay for someone else's birth control pills--LOL.

You're obviously NOT concerned about 8.3% unemployment--11% real unemployment if you count those who have run out of unemployment benefits. You're not concerned about 26 million Americans in this country that are unemployed or underemployed. You're not concerned about 46 million Americans on food stamps. You're not concerned about 1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level. You're not concerned about 16 trillion in red ink, or the additional 5 trillion that will be added to this tab over the next 10 years just in INTEREST. And you're certainly not concerned about your children and grand children's future when they're paying $224,000 just in interest on this bill.

Nope you're all about birth control devices--and what's in it for YOU--and how much free junk you can get paid for by others.

Typical liberal ideology--someone ELSE owes you something.

fyi. I am a retired naval officer with 25 years in uniform... and I am the father of three adult children - all with post graduate education- and all successful. I had a vasectomy 20 years ago so birth control is not an issue for me. WHy do you feel compelled to be so fucking insulting right out of the gate?
Yeah, you have me pegged because you can't debate a point other than post a link. Try that in college and you will be back to flipping burgers and the King.

The point is, spoon, and you can't debate as has proven time and time again.

You have made an affirmative statement. Posting a link is not evidence. Give us the argument with stats, facts, analysis, and so forth.

Otherwise, yeah, you are a loony.

I have you pegged.
And posting the link is just part of the job. The link is for YOU to read.
I did my part. Made a statement and supported it with the facts.
If you wish to dismiss the facts by labeling it "posting a link" so be it.
I am not here to do your work for you. Don't read the information. Fine.
To which argument do you refer?

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