Why I am voting for Obama again

and it's kind of creepy to download a video of a guy sitting next to a pool handing your ass to you. DIfferent strokes for different folks, I guess. ;)
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

WE just do the simple arithmatic that right wing supporter cannot do.

Liberals cannot do even the simplest arithmetic. True story.
look. after a glass of Herradura Anejo, and a nice dinner cooked on the grill with my wife, I am feeling fairly mellow. And even though I know you did enter into a bet with me that I won, I realize that...it's the freakin' internet, and it's a message board and maybe we should just shake hands and put this behind us. You know I made O-5... I know I made O-5. You disagree with my politics, and I disagree with yours. I got a lot of stuff on my plate trying to learn a new language and build a home at the same time. I don't have a lot of time to flail around with this. Let's put this behind us. I will refrain from insulting you going forward if you refrain from insulting me. Deal?
and just so you know...there is no opening general session breakfast... and really no place for a video of anything. We've got a mixer on Friday night, a tailgater on Saturday before the game, and a memorial service on Sunday where we honor our classmates who have passed away. That's about it. My company-mates and our spouses are getting together on Saturday morning for breakfast, but it is very informal and there will not be any video equipment available, but, knowing those guys, they'd get a big hoot out of my first youtube foray. If there was a way to get a projector, I'd actually think about showing it to them myself. It would make for great breakfast giggles.
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

If agreeing philosophically with someone gets one a job, I would be concerned for the business, what about a resume'?
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

If agreeing philosophically with someone gets one a job, I would be concerned for the business, what about a resume'?

if the resume of the only other candidate for the job, and the PHILOSOPHY of the only other candidate for the job was against everything you believed in, those concerns would be relatively meaningless, wouldn't you agree?
look. after a glass of Herradura Anejo, and a nice dinner cooked on the grill with my wife, I am feeling fairly mellow. And even though I know you did enter into a bet with me that I won, I realize that...it's the freakin' internet, and it's a message board and maybe we should just shake hands and put this behind us. You know I made O-5... I know I made O-5. You disagree with my politics, and I disagree with yours. I got a lot of stuff on my plate trying to learn a new language and build a home at the same time. I don't have a lot of time to flail around with this. Let's put this behind us. I will refrain from insulting you going forward if you refrain from insulting me. Deal?

Well expatriate... I must admit your video was a bit over the top. :clap2: But in all fairness I accept that you were what you claimed to be, even though your political affiliation has me completely baffled... I know it has been quite some time since you left the Navy... My question is, did you have the same ideologies you have now when you left the Military, or was your Liberal lunacy something that just sort of grew upon you over time? Not trying to be an ass, but most of the O-5/O-6 crowd I have had the honor to know over the years seemed much more in tune with individual achievement, and personal responsibility (see my previous post -many posts back) than you seem to demonstrate here on USMB. Whatever the rationale for your Liberal mindset I have to say you are one seriously puzzling SOB.
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.
I voted for Obama and he's been a continuing disappointment. Lots of spoken and implied promises but little fulfillment. But he's been a major improvement over the malicious plutocrat he replaced and compared with Romney he is by far the lesser of two evils. So I'll vote for him again -- mainly to avoid a Romney presidency, which would be a disaster for what is left of the middle class.
look. after a glass of Herradura Anejo, and a nice dinner cooked on the grill with my wife, I am feeling fairly mellow. And even though I know you did enter into a bet with me that I won, I realize that...it's the freakin' internet, and it's a message board and maybe we should just shake hands and put this behind us. You know I made O-5... I know I made O-5. You disagree with my politics, and I disagree with yours. I got a lot of stuff on my plate trying to learn a new language and build a home at the same time. I don't have a lot of time to flail around with this. Let's put this behind us. I will refrain from insulting you going forward if you refrain from insulting me. Deal?

Well expatriate... I must admit your video was a bit over the top. :clap2: But in all fairness I accept that you were what you claimed to be, even though your political affiliation has me completely baffled... I know it has been quite some time since you left the Navy... My question is, did you have the same ideologies you have now when you left the Military, or was your Liberal lunacy something that just sort of grew upon you over time? Not trying to be an ass, but most of the O-5/O-6 crowd I have had the honor to know over the years seemed much more in tune with individual achievement, and personal responsibility (see my previous post -many posts back) than you seem to demonstrate here on USMB. Whatever the rationale for your Liberal mindset I have to say you are one seriously puzzling SOB.

I don't know where I have ever expressed anything that would suggest that I do not highly value personal responsibility and individual achievement because I certainly do. I just happen to believe that there are many people out there who are not blessed with the intellect or ability to do much in our society. I served with a good number of honest, hardworking sailors for whom tasks that you and I can do with one half of our brain tied behind our backs were insurmountable. They were hard workers. They just didn't have the mental horsepower to do hard things. They could chip paint or maintain a windlass if you showed them how, but correctly updating the month maintenance schedule and doing any sort of paperwork was absolutely beyond them. While my wife went to school, she was a waitress, and worked with lots and lots of waitresses and busboys and career dishwashers and fry cooks that were much the same way. They worked hard... harder work and longer work than most of us have ever had to do for minimum wage, or in the case of the waitresses, for half of minimum wage. The list goes on and on. I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system. I don't believe that any mother should die or bankrupt her family simply because she gets ill. I realize that many on the right do not share those beliefs, and that is what our political dialog is all about.

In answer to your question, I grew up in a family of liberal democrats. My grandfather was a democrat even as he was on the board of directors of a fortune 500 company. My father was a successful lawyer, lifelong democrat, and, for a time, an Illinois state legislator and a friend and compatriot of Adlai Stevenson. I came by my liberal outlook from the values that my parents instilled in me. They also set very high standards for all four of their children, and we all have gone to college, and graduate school. Three of the four of us are just as liberal as our parents, but, much like Michael J. Fox in Family Ties, my kid brother is the only conservative republican in the family. We still love him dearly, however, and, as a father, he is my role model on how to be a great dad.

While in the service, I knew many democrats among the officer corps. We were certainly outnumbered by republicans, but not overwhelmingly so. And, in life, I am a much more moderate democrat on lots of issues than this forum affords me the opportunity to show.
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look. after a glass of Herradura Anejo, and a nice dinner cooked on the grill with my wife, I am feeling fairly mellow. And even though I know you did enter into a bet with me that I won, I realize that...it's the freakin' internet, and it's a message board and maybe we should just shake hands and put this behind us. You know I made O-5... I know I made O-5. You disagree with my politics, and I disagree with yours. I got a lot of stuff on my plate trying to learn a new language and build a home at the same time. I don't have a lot of time to flail around with this. Let's put this behind us. I will refrain from insulting you going forward if you refrain from insulting me. Deal?

Well expatriate... I must admit your video was a bit over the top. :clap2: But in all fairness I accept that you were what you claimed to be, even though your political affiliation has me completely baffled... I know it has been quite some time since you left the Navy... My question is, did you have the same ideologies you have now when you left the Military, or was your Liberal lunacy something that just sort of grew upon you over time? Not trying to be an ass, but most of the O-5/O-6 crowd I have had the honor to know over the years seemed much more in tune with individual achievement, and personal responsibility (see my previous post -many posts back) than you seem to demonstrate here on USMB. Whatever the rationale for your Liberal mindset I have to say you are one seriously puzzling SOB.

I don't know where I have ever expressed anything that would suggest that I do not highly value personal responsibility and individual achievement because I certainly do. I just happen to believe that there are many people out there who are not blessed with the intellect or ability to do much in our society. I served with a good number of honest, hardworking sailors for whom tasks that you and I can do with one half of our brain tied behind our backs were insurmountable. They were hard workers. They just didn't have the mental horsepower to do hard things. They could chip paint or maintain a windlass if you showed them how, but correctly updating the month maintenance schedule and doing any sort of paperwork was absolutely beyond them. While my wife went to school, she was a waitress, and worked with lots and lots of waitresses and busboys and career dishwashers and fry cooks that were much the same way. They worked hard... harder work and longer work than most of us have ever had to do for minimum wage, or in the case of the waitresses, for half of minimum wage. The list goes on and on. I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system. I don't believe that any mother should die or bankrupt her family simply because she gets ill. I realize that many on the right do not share those beliefs, and that is what our political dialog is all about.

In answer to your question, I grew up in a family of liberal democrats. My grandfather was a democrat even as he was on the board of directors of a fortune 500 company. My father was a successful lawyer, lifelong democrat, and, for a time, an Illinois state legislator and a friend and compatriot of Adlai Stevenson. I came by my liberal outlook from the values that my parents instilled in me. They also set very high standards for all four of their children, and we all have gone to college, and graduate school. Three of the four of us are just as liberal as our parents, but, much like Michael J. Fox in Family Ties, my kid brother is the only conservative republican in the family. We still love him dearly, however, and, as a father, he is my role model on how to be a great dad.

While in the service, I knew many democrats among the officer corps. We were certainly outnumbered by republicans, but not overwhelmingly so. And, in life, I am a much more moderate democrat on lots of issues than this forum affords me the opportunity to show.

I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system.

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.
I don't know if President Romney will seal the borders, but I know President Obama wants to increase the number of low skilled immigrants and give them citizenship. I don't know how voting for that will improve their situation, maybe you could explain it?
I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system.

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.
I don't know if President Romney will seal the borders, but I know President Obama wants to increase the number of low skilled immigrants and give them citizenship. I don't know how voting for that will improve their situation, maybe you could explain it?

I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables but they are turned away by the owners because they would rather hire illegal immigrants instead. And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops? My guess is: Obama.
I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system.

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.
I don't know if President Romney will seal the borders, but I know President Obama wants to increase the number of low skilled immigrants and give them citizenship. I don't know how voting for that will improve their situation, maybe you could explain it?

I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables but they are turned away by the owners because they would rather hire illegal immigrants instead. And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops? My guess is: Obama.

I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables

Yeah, that is silly. Who suggested that?

And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops?

If the illegals went away, the right would vote for Obama in huge numbers.
So are you in favor of sealing the borders to help the less skilled American worker?
I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system.

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.
I don't know if President Romney will seal the borders, but I know President Obama wants to increase the number of low skilled immigrants and give them citizenship. I don't know how voting for that will improve their situation, maybe you could explain it?

I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables but they are turned away by the owners because they would rather hire illegal immigrants instead. And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops? My guess is: Obama.

It's called Ethanol... You know, the Liberal idea that making fuel out of food is sensible, and then requiring percentages of that fuel be mixed with the fuel we get from the ground.
I happen to believe that our nation needs to be able - as a nation - to take care of the people who work for us but who do not have the abilities to advance very high up the ladder of our socio-economic system.

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.
I don't know if President Romney will seal the borders, but I know President Obama wants to increase the number of low skilled immigrants and give them citizenship. I don't know how voting for that will improve their situation, maybe you could explain it?

I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables but they are turned away by the owners because they would rather hire illegal immigrants instead. And I wonder who the right would blame for the exploding food costs if all the illegal immigrant pickers went away and the farmers were forced to pay US minimum wage to US citizens to to harvest those crops? My guess is: Obama.

It's called Ethanol... You know, the Liberal idea that making fuel out of food is sensible, and then requiring percentages of that fuel be mixed with the fuel we get from the ground.

Ethanol mandates have caused corn prices to skyrocket. That was before the drought now affecting the Midwest.
Once again, the federal government in it's infinite wisdom has conceived an idea that they thought would ease a problem without considering the fact that they would create another one.
Liberals cannot grasp the concept of the law of unintended consequences.
The answer is NOT to do nothing.
The answer is to plan and choose with all the facts in place.
AND to ignore the politics.
I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables
Yeah, that is silly. Who suggested that?

Why... I think that was YOU:

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.

How is it that American workers are supposed to be "competing" with illegal immigrants if they don't even show up to actually do the competing part?
The weirdos also ignore this part of the issue.

I happen to think it is silly to suggest that there are people in America standing in line at the farms in California wanting jobs picking vegetables
Yeah, that is silly. Who suggested that?

Why... I think that was YOU:

That's an excellent point. The best thing we can do for them is to stop importing millions of low skilled workers every year to compete with them and drive down their wages.

How is it that American workers are supposed to be "competing" with illegal immigrants if they don't even show up to actually do the competing part?
You, who are truly in love with America and who is not morally bankrupt, still have no clue at all, do you? You want to return to a government that allowed slavery, forbid female voting, let men keep their wives' or daughters' wages, that permitted child labor?

I have been ever clear on what I think. Elect Romney. Clear out the neo-con pricks who led us into Iraq, who sold our troops and the Afghanis and the American people, who allow businesses to rape and pillage the economy and the workers. Elect a businessman, kick the far right out of the party, force the Dem minority to work with us -- correct the errors of the last twelve years.

Somebody messed up the quotes so let's get them right.

Newby wants to pretend that community and individualism did not go hand in hand. Families and friends did the settlement thing in parnter with kinship and friendship frameworks.

They brought government with them to Jamestown, Plymouth, Salem, and so on.

Government followed them into the frontier. After the Republic of Texas entered the Union, the federal government was very involved with trail making, security, mapping, surveying, defeating Mexicans and Indians, financing the building of railroads, embracing and help with the building of telegraph and telephone networks, hydro enginering and water deveopment and irrigantion networks, and so forth and so on.

Newby is displaying the ignorance of someone at the 6th grade level about how this country developed.

Individualism and an overbearing, morally bankrupted, intrusive, and corrupt government do not go together. I'd be damn happy to go back to the government that our founders started, I'm all for it. Would you be? I'm guessing not.

But, you notice how I ask you questions and give you a chance to give your view, questions which you never, ever answer. Only morally bankrupt people have to go around assigning others views to them while never ever taking a stance on one damn thing they open their mouths to espouse about. Get a life, Jakey.

kick the far right out of the party, if they beg enough would you the dear brownshirt let them stay, how bout if they said, pretty please?
good grief jakie

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