Why I am voting for Obama again

You vote for Obamination because you're stupid or you're evil (you either don't care or don't know):

Obamination is a black racist.
Obamination supports any term of abortion.
Obamination supports illegals undermining our society.
Obamination is spending us into oblivion on purpose.
Obamination wants to even the playing field for all with socialism.
Obamination doesn't care if high taxes costs you your job.
Obamination plays more golf than working with his jobs team.
Obamination has broken Federal laws with F&F, classified leaks, Solyndra, etc.
Obamination wants the US military to be gutted.
Obamination doesn't give a crap if Iran gets nukes.
Obamination has islamic tendencies/biases from his childhood religion.
Hey - if I post a video of me sitting pool side in the Hotel Del Coronado’s garden flashing an ID card claiming to be a retired four-star living in France who’s ski-chalet is undergoing renovation, would that be proof enough for you that I am who I say I am?

Pay up, welcher.
Hey - if I post a video of me sitting pool side in the Hotel Del Coronado’s garden flashing an ID card claiming to be a retired four-star living in France who’s ski-chalet is undergoing renovation, would that be proof enough for you that I am who I say I am?
I have no idea. I never heard you claim to be a four-star living in France. I probably would have doubted it. But then, I never made a bet with you where you asked if you showed such an ID card, would I pay you 10 grand. You did, however, make such a bet with me. I asked you if I showed you a video of my ID card if you would honor your bet and you reply was, "SURE. POST AWAY". I did. I took my macbook out by the pool and I made a simple little youtube video that clearly showed my ID card with MY picture clearly on it and MY rank of CDR/O-5 clearly displayed just as you asked me to. I had no reason to expect you were not an honorable gentleman and I had every reason to expect you would honor your gambling losses... just like if we were sitting at a poker table and you went all in on trip aces only to have me turn up with a straight flush and beat your hand. It's time to pay up.
You made it to O-5 in the Navy? You must've been the ship fluffer to get good annual fintness reports as you say in the Navy.

Let me guess, you're a Democrap since you like men, maybe boys too. You are white and feel guilty minorities aren't as well off in life, you want to even the playing field now that you have a retirement.

Throw in you're an idiot on national security, economic and foreign policy issues.

Hey - if I post a video of me sitting pool side in the Hotel Del Coronado’s garden flashing an ID card claiming to be a retired four-star living in France who’s ski-chalet is undergoing renovation, would that be proof enough for you that I am who I say I am?
I have no idea. I never heard you claim to be a four-star living in France. I probably would have doubted it. But then, I never made a bet with you where you asked if you showed such an ID card, would I pay you 10 grand. You did, however, make such a bet with me. I asked you if I showed you a video of my ID card if you would honor your bet and you reply was, "SURE. POST AWAY". I did. I took my macbook out by the pool and I made a simple little youtube video that clearly showed my ID card with MY picture clearly on it and MY rank of CDR/O-5 clearly displayed just as you asked me to. I had no reason to expect you were not an honorable gentleman and I had every reason to expect you would honor your gambling losses... just like if we were sitting at a poker table and you went all in on trip aces only to have me turn up with a straight flush and beat your hand. It's time to pay up.
your views of what Obama would do or wants to do are not shared by me... sorry. I served my country. I have earned the right to live anywhere I choose, and I certainly reserve the right to live in America at any point in the future. I pay my taxes. I have a right to say how those taxes are spent. You can call it anything you damned well please.
Take those blinders off listen to what obama has said and you will see he's not what you think he is.
You must listen to what he says not just hear what he says

please. I don't need instructions on how to listen from you. I would never even think of telling YOU how to listen.

You aren't listening to what obama is saying if what you said about yourself is true.
Hey - if I post a video of me sitting pool side in the Hotel Del Coronado’s garden flashing an ID card claiming to be a retired four-star living in France who’s ski-chalet is undergoing renovation, would that be proof enough for you that I am who I say I am?
I have no idea. I never heard you claim to be a four-star living in France. I probably would have doubted it. But then, I never made a bet with you where you asked if you showed such an ID card, would I pay you 10 grand. You did, however, make such a bet with me. I asked you if I showed you a video of my ID card if you would honor your bet and you reply was, "SURE. POST AWAY". I did. I took my macbook out by the pool and I made a simple little youtube video that clearly showed my ID card with MY picture clearly on it and MY rank of CDR/O-5 clearly displayed just as you asked me to. I had no reason to expect you were not an honorable gentleman and I had every reason to expect you would honor your gambling losses... just like if we were sitting at a poker table and you went all in on trip aces only to have me turn up with a straight flush and beat your hand. It's time to pay up.

(God, it's like talking to an idiot) I used the term “sure…” as in “yeah sure, you are what you claim to be.” How you construed that to mean I accepted your idiotic challenge is beyond comprehensible.
believing in the platform and goals of the democratic party is not synonymous with doing a disservice to the country, regardless of your opinion of that party.

Would you be kind enough to tell us how supporting the most corrupt admin in our history is good for the country?

I disagree with your premise. sorry. I think that Grant, Harding, and Nixon ALL had very corrupt administrations. Obama's? not so much.

I disagree.

Drug smuggling, gun running for the sole intent of further restrictions on rights. Denying those rights. Money laundering, loan fraud etc.....Lets not forget murder.

Name one admin that racked up over ten thousand felonies like this one.....

The count is elusive. But it easily tops 10k felonies.
Hey - if I post a video of me sitting pool side in the Hotel Del Coronado’s garden flashing an ID card claiming to be a retired four-star living in France who’s ski-chalet is undergoing renovation, would that be proof enough for you that I am who I say I am?
I have no idea. I never heard you claim to be a four-star living in France. I probably would have doubted it. But then, I never made a bet with you where you asked if you showed such an ID card, would I pay you 10 grand. You did, however, make such a bet with me. I asked you if I showed you a video of my ID card if you would honor your bet and you reply was, "SURE. POST AWAY". I did. I took my macbook out by the pool and I made a simple little youtube video that clearly showed my ID card with MY picture clearly on it and MY rank of CDR/O-5 clearly displayed just as you asked me to. I had no reason to expect you were not an honorable gentleman and I had every reason to expect you would honor your gambling losses... just like if we were sitting at a poker table and you went all in on trip aces only to have me turn up with a straight flush and beat your hand. It's time to pay up.

It took you a while to come up with that video for someone as tech savvy as you seem to be, so that adds a little to the pessimism I think.
It took you a while to come up with that video for someone as tech savvy as you seem to be, so that adds a little to the pessimism I think.

I am wondering if I should upload his link/vignette to the USNA Facebook alum webpage for comment.

It took you a while to come up with that video for someone as tech savvy as you seem to be, so that adds a little to the pessimism I think.

I am wondering if I should upload his link/vignette to the USNA Facebook alum webpage for comment.


Dont................On another board I looked up another posters link.

I had no idea that people were that sexually freaky.

I dont want to know..........
And the man you say you support would destroy the system you achieved your wealth under, you support him will vote for him but will not live in the country he's president of, and expect others Americans do live under the conditions obama will make.? I call that a dis service

your views of what Obama would do or wants to do are not shared by me... sorry. I served my country. I have earned the right to live anywhere I choose, and I certainly reserve the right to live in America at any point in the future. I pay my taxes. I have a right to say how those taxes are spent. You can call it anything you damned well please.
Take those blinders off listen to what obama has said and you will see he's not what you think he is.
You must listen to what he says not just hear what he says
Listen NOT to what a democrat says. Pay close attention to what he does.
Usually two different things. The doing always worse than the saying.
Hey - if I post a video of me sitting pool side in the Hotel Del Coronado’s garden flashing an ID card claiming to be a retired four-star living in France who’s ski-chalet is undergoing renovation, would that be proof enough for you that I am who I say I am?
I have no idea. I never heard you claim to be a four-star living in France. I probably would have doubted it. But then, I never made a bet with you where you asked if you showed such an ID card, would I pay you 10 grand. You did, however, make such a bet with me. I asked you if I showed you a video of my ID card if you would honor your bet and you reply was, "SURE. POST AWAY". I did. I took my macbook out by the pool and I made a simple little youtube video that clearly showed my ID card with MY picture clearly on it and MY rank of CDR/O-5 clearly displayed just as you asked me to. I had no reason to expect you were not an honorable gentleman and I had every reason to expect you would honor your gambling losses... just like if we were sitting at a poker table and you went all in on trip aces only to have me turn up with a straight flush and beat your hand. It's time to pay up.

It took you a while to come up with that video for someone as tech savvy as you seem to be, so that adds a little to the pessimism I think.

what have I ever done that would give you the idea that I was "tech savvy"? I had a PGA tour event down here I attended one day.. and then, the next, I opened up my youtube account and the next, I finally figured out how to use iMovie to make a video. Are you REALLY suggesting that I somehow FORGED a US Military Retired ID card, had my picture added to it... clearly a picture where I weighed more than I do today... and then showed it to you all? Really? Can you honestly say that with a straight face?
Hey - if I post a video of me sitting pool side in the Hotel Del Coronado’s garden flashing an ID card claiming to be a retired four-star living in France who’s ski-chalet is undergoing renovation, would that be proof enough for you that I am who I say I am?
I have no idea. I never heard you claim to be a four-star living in France. I probably would have doubted it. But then, I never made a bet with you where you asked if you showed such an ID card, would I pay you 10 grand. You did, however, make such a bet with me. I asked you if I showed you a video of my ID card if you would honor your bet and you reply was, "SURE. POST AWAY". I did. I took my macbook out by the pool and I made a simple little youtube video that clearly showed my ID card with MY picture clearly on it and MY rank of CDR/O-5 clearly displayed just as you asked me to. I had no reason to expect you were not an honorable gentleman and I had every reason to expect you would honor your gambling losses... just like if we were sitting at a poker table and you went all in on trip aces only to have me turn up with a straight flush and beat your hand. It's time to pay up.

(God, it's like talking to an idiot) I used the term “sure…” as in “yeah sure, you are what you claim to be.” How you construed that to mean I accepted your idiotic challenge is beyond comprehensible.

(god... it's like talking to a cheap welcher who makes a bet and then doesn't pay up) I asked the following question:

"Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?"

your reply to that question was: "Sure - Post away"

The waiter at the fancy restaurant asks you, "Will you pay the price as shown on the menu if I bring you this expensive bottle of wine?" and you reply, "Sure - bring it on". Most honorable and honest people would suggest that you have obligated yourself to pay the price for the wine. I guess "warriors" like you don't really operate with any sense of honor or honesty. Who knew?

So... I DID show you that I had achieved the rank of O-5. Pay up. Your father should have taught you that it is not very manly to make a bet and then not pay up when you lose. If you had no intention of paying, you should never have entered into the wager to begin with.
I think I will cruise over to Facebook later

maybe cruising over to your bank and moving 10Gs from your savings account to your checking account would be more appropriate at this moment, doncha think? welcher?

"Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?"

"Sure - Post away"
Somebody messed up the quotes so let's get them right.

Newby wants to pretend that community and individualism did not go hand in hand. Families and friends did the settlement thing in parnter with kinship and friendship frameworks.

They brought government with them to Jamestown, Plymouth, Salem, and so on.

Government followed them into the frontier. After the Republic of Texas entered the Union, the federal government was very involved with trail making, security, mapping, surveying, defeating Mexicans and Indians, financing the building of railroads, embracing and help with the building of telegraph and telephone networks, hydro enginering and water deveopment and irrigantion networks, and so forth and so on.

Newby is displaying the ignorance of someone at the 6th grade level about how this country developed.

Me: Ms. Newby, you hit it right on the nail. You simply cannot comprehend different ways of doing things. Obama has been less a dictator than Bush, and I am hoping that Romney will be less of one than Obama. And I hope that you realize your are an individual within and, eventually, dependent on the community. We are a collection of individuals and community, hopefully working for the better.

Newby: Yeah, all those pioneers who forged west and lived on their own without anyone for miles, no laws, no civilization, no nothing.. really needed 'big brother' to help them along. Those people built this country. Are you seriously implying that no one could survive without society to help them along? You know, prior to several hundred years ago, people did exist without 'society' helping them. There was no welfare, grocery store, doctor, etc.. People grew their own food, hunted for it, made their own clothes, all without government help!! Brush up on history.

By the way, you really don't know anything about me, Jakey, so your presumptions about what I think are just a bit off the mark.
Somebody messed up the quotes so let's get them right.

Newby wants to pretend that community and individualism did not go hand in hand. Families and friends did the settlement thing in parnter with kinship and friendship frameworks.

They brought government with them to Jamestown, Plymouth, Salem, and so on.

Government followed them into the frontier. After the Republic of Texas entered the Union, the federal government was very involved with trail making, security, mapping, surveying, defeating Mexicans and Indians, financing the building of railroads, embracing and help with the building of telegraph and telephone networks, hydro enginering and water deveopment and irrigantion networks, and so forth and so on.

Newby is displaying the ignorance of someone at the 6th grade level about how this country developed.

Me: Ms. Newby, you hit it right on the nail. You simply cannot comprehend different ways of doing things. Obama has been less a dictator than Bush, and I am hoping that Romney will be less of one than Obama. And I hope that you realize your are an individual within and, eventually, dependent on the community. We are a collection of individuals and community, hopefully working for the better.

Newby: Yeah, all those pioneers who forged west and lived on their own without anyone for miles, no laws, no civilization, no nothing.. really needed 'big brother' to help them along. Those people built this country. Are you seriously implying that no one could survive without society to help them along? You know, prior to several hundred years ago, people did exist without 'society' helping them. There was no welfare, grocery store, doctor, etc.. People grew their own food, hunted for it, made their own clothes, all without government help!! Brush up on history.

By the way, you really don't know anything about me, Jakey, so your presumptions about what I think are just a bit off the mark.

Individualism and an overbearing, morally bankrupted, intrusive, and corrupt government do not go together. I'd be damn happy to go back to the government that our founders started, I'm all for it. Would you be? I'm guessing not.

But, you notice how I ask you questions and give you a chance to give your view, questions which you never, ever answer. Only morally bankrupt people have to go around assigning others views to them while never ever taking a stance on one damn thing they open their mouths to espouse about. Get a life, Jakey.
I have no idea. I never heard you claim to be a four-star living in France. I probably would have doubted it. But then, I never made a bet with you where you asked if you showed such an ID card, would I pay you 10 grand. You did, however, make such a bet with me. I asked you if I showed you a video of my ID card if you would honor your bet and you reply was, "SURE. POST AWAY". I did. I took my macbook out by the pool and I made a simple little youtube video that clearly showed my ID card with MY picture clearly on it and MY rank of CDR/O-5 clearly displayed just as you asked me to. I had no reason to expect you were not an honorable gentleman and I had every reason to expect you would honor your gambling losses... just like if we were sitting at a poker table and you went all in on trip aces only to have me turn up with a straight flush and beat your hand. It's time to pay up.

It took you a while to come up with that video for someone as tech savvy as you seem to be, so that adds a little to the pessimism I think.

what have I ever done that would give you the idea that I was "tech savvy"? I had a PGA tour event down here I attended one day.. and then, the next, I opened up my youtube account and the next, I finally figured out how to use iMovie to make a video. Are you REALLY suggesting that I somehow FORGED a US Military Retired ID card, had my picture added to it... clearly a picture where I weighed more than I do today... and then showed it to you all? Really? Can you honestly say that with a straight face?

You appeared rather tech savvy in your video, just an observation. ;) Forged ID in Mexico? If you research what one looks like, I'm guessing it's probably not that hard to come by if you know the right people. I give you the benefit of the doubt tho, not that it matters one way or the other for me. Your political views are certainly not alligned with 99% of your military peers, and that's all that really matters.
It took you a while to come up with that video for someone as tech savvy as you seem to be, so that adds a little to the pessimism I think.

what have I ever done that would give you the idea that I was "tech savvy"? I had a PGA tour event down here I attended one day.. and then, the next, I opened up my youtube account and the next, I finally figured out how to use iMovie to make a video. Are you REALLY suggesting that I somehow FORGED a US Military Retired ID card, had my picture added to it... clearly a picture where I weighed more than I do today... and then showed it to you all? Really? Can you honestly say that with a straight face?

You appeared rather tech savvy in your video, just an observation. ;) Forged ID in Mexico? If you research what one looks like, I'm guessing it's probably not that hard to come by if you know the right people. I give you the benefit of the doubt tho, not that it matters one way or the other for me. Your political views are certainly not alligned with 99% of your military peers, and that's all that really matters.

I am going to make a wager on a Tuesday, research what a retired military ID looks like... have one forged ... get an old picture of myself and have the whole thing laminated and posted on Youtube on Thursday? whatever.

I somehow knew that all warrior102's butt buddies would rally around him. No big surprise there. Yuur cohort is a welcher... how do folks on your side of the aisle view THEM? Obviously, with high regard.


And I'd like a link from you that confirms the 99% of the military not being democratic... or admit that you pulled that number out of your oft explored ass.
what have I ever done that would give you the idea that I was "tech savvy"? I had a PGA tour event down here I attended one day.. and then, the next, I opened up my youtube account and the next, I finally figured out how to use iMovie to make a video. Are you REALLY suggesting that I somehow FORGED a US Military Retired ID card, had my picture added to it... clearly a picture where I weighed more than I do today... and then showed it to you all? Really? Can you honestly say that with a straight face?

You appeared rather tech savvy in your video, just an observation. ;) Forged ID in Mexico? If you research what one looks like, I'm guessing it's probably not that hard to come by if you know the right people. I give you the benefit of the doubt tho, not that it matters one way or the other for me. Your political views are certainly not alligned with 99% of your military peers, and that's all that really matters.

I am going to make a wager on a Tuesday, research what a retired military ID looks like... have one forged ... get an old picture of myself and have the whole thing laminated and posted on Youtube on Thursday? whatever.

I somehow knew that all warrior102's butt buddies would rally around him. No big surprise there. Yuur cohort is a welcher... how do folks on your side of the aisle view THEM? Obviously, with high regard.


And I'd like a link from you that confirms the 99% of the military not being democratic... or admit that you pulled that number out of your oft explored ass.

An officer and a gentleman, right? Hopefully you don't talk to the women in your family this way. Leftists always show their true colors eventually.

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