Why I am voting for Obama again

He has his, he's not parting with it to 'help' those not as 'blessed' either, so screw anyone else who wants the freedom and liberty to achieve. That's how I see it.

your envy is showing. As I said earlier, I tithe to my church and I donate heavily to charity and I would not be upset if my tax rates were increased. I certainly don't want to screw anyone else... I highly encourage you or anyone else who wants to achieve what I have achieved to indeed go down to your Navy recruiter and sign up. Earn a retirement. Go get another job after you hang up your uniform and work long enough to retire from that one as well. Save every penny you can... just like I did. Go for it. Move to Mexico... have a glass of tequila. relax. you will have earned it.

Envy? :lol: I don't think so. I can have no respect for someone that holds the political views that you do while you sit in luxury in a different, much poorer country. You support heavy taxation and Marxist principles, yet like all of the other scum in the democrat party, who've all made their wealth off of capitalism and corporate profits, you sit there and demagogue the basic American principles of a small government and a free people.

Right, you earned it. You were free to earn it, it wasn't stolen from you by a montrous government in so much debt that it brinks on the verge of collapse. You just admited that anyone can achieve the "American dream", so quit making excuses about how people are 'held back' to support your policy of looting everyone else. All the looting does is give government more and more power over certain sections of hte population while they sit there and convince all those with money are 'evil'. Your own party thinks you're 'evil', but I guess you're only evil if you're a successful and wealthy conservative, huh? :lol: How anyone can live with such hypocrisy in their life is sad. So, no, I don't envy you your existence, you can keep it.

I support taxation at a MUCH lower level for wealthy folks than existed under Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Bush I. I do not support "marxist principles" in any way shape or form. Lie I said, I am not a "I got mine, screw you" sort of guy. I tithe and I give extensively to charity both in the US and in Mexico... AND I pay my taxes and would willingly pay more if Uncle Sam asked me to. ANd please show me where I ever made excuses about how people are held back to support anything. Quit putting words in my mouth. Marxist principles! HA I doubt you've ever read a word written by Marx. I, on the other hand, read them all in college and am quite sure I espouse none of his principles whatsoever. With the exception of, possibly, progressive income tax, which every president since Wilson has supported, and free public education... which I think is a fairly commonly held belief throughout America.
I don't think I said anything about my net worth. I said I was renting a home in Mexico and that I was remodeling another. And I disagree with your assessment. I retired from the military nearly 20 years ago. that income is untouchable. My post military careers would have been similar as well and the retirement income from them would be there regardless. The stock market, as you know, has historically done much better during democratic administrations than it has in republican ones, so, maybe my investment portfolio would be even larger now. I also don't believe that Obama wants to destroy anything. I think that is just the red meat phraseology that the right feeds its members to get them riled up.

Nor did I, I just repeated what you said from memory

Can you be so sure that if obama had been president that it would be untouchable? Rules can be changed. The rules in placed before obama now would not have been in place to protect your wealth, if obama would have been president 20 years ago.

The stock market, as you know, has historically done much better during democratic administrations than it has in republican ones, so, maybe my investment portfolio would be even larger now.

OH the stock market is not a good gage to to show a healthy economy.

Nowhere in my video did I ever claim to be "well off". I am a military retiree with other earned retirement income sources and, after my heart attack in '06, my wife and I decided it was not wise to put off living an adventurous life. And I can't be sure about anything.... and neither can you. But I would suggest that if the country reneged in its agreement with career servicemen and women, we really wouldn't be having this discussion.

Maybe the country club membership comment was made in jest?
Hey Ex - After viewing your video today, I must give you the benefit of the doubt that you are possibly a retired 0-5. In today’s world, it’s amazing what one what can do with Photoshop, lamination, and duct tape. Not knowing you personally, I don’t know if this is the case with you or not, but you put a lot of effort into it, so I apologize for challenging your original assertion that you had achieved the rank you claim. You may have. So, in the future, I will respect you for that alleged accomplishment.

You apology means absolutely nothing to me. Pay me the money you owe me. welcher. If you didn't intend to honor your wager, you ought not to have made it. period.
your envy is showing. As I said earlier, I tithe to my church and I donate heavily to charity and I would not be upset if my tax rates were increased. I certainly don't want to screw anyone else... I highly encourage you or anyone else who wants to achieve what I have achieved to indeed go down to your Navy recruiter and sign up. Earn a retirement. Go get another job after you hang up your uniform and work long enough to retire from that one as well. Save every penny you can... just like I did. Go for it. Move to Mexico... have a glass of tequila. relax. you will have earned it.

Envy? :lol: I don't think so. I can have no respect for someone that holds the political views that you do while you sit in luxury in a different, much poorer country. You support heavy taxation and Marxist principles, yet like all of the other scum in the democrat party, who've all made their wealth off of capitalism and corporate profits, you sit there and demagogue the basic American principles of a small government and a free people.

Right, you earned it. You were free to earn it, it wasn't stolen from you by a montrous government in so much debt that it brinks on the verge of collapse. You just admited that anyone can achieve the "American dream", so quit making excuses about how people are 'held back' to support your policy of looting everyone else. All the looting does is give government more and more power over certain sections of hte population while they sit there and convince all those with money are 'evil'. Your own party thinks you're 'evil', but I guess you're only evil if you're a successful and wealthy conservative, huh? :lol: How anyone can live with such hypocrisy in their life is sad. So, no, I don't envy you your existence, you can keep it.

I support taxation at a MUCH lower level for wealthy folks than existed under Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Bush I. I do not support "marxist principles" in any way shape or form. Lie I said, I am not a "I got mine, screw you" sort of guy. I tithe and I give extensively to charity both in the US and in Mexico... AND I pay my taxes and would willingly pay more if Uncle Sam asked me to. ANd please show me where I ever made excuses about how people are held back to support anything. Quit putting words in my mouth. Marxist principles! HA I doubt you've ever read a word written by Marx. I, on the other hand, read them all in college and am quite sure I espouse none of his principles whatsoever. With the exception of, possibly, progressive income tax, which every president since Wilson has supported, and free public education... which I think is a fairly commonly held belief throughout America.
If all of this is true take those political blinders off open your eyes and see obama for what he is, get past that D letter next to his political affiliation
And the man you say you support would destroy the system you achieved your wealth under, you support him will vote for him but will not live in the country he's president of, and expect others Americans do live under the conditions obama will make.? I call that a dis service

your views of what Obama would do or wants to do are not shared by me... sorry. I served my country. I have earned the right to live anywhere I choose, and I certainly reserve the right to live in America at any point in the future. I pay my taxes. I have a right to say how those taxes are spent. You can call it anything you damned well please.
You apology means absolutely nothing to me. Pay me the money you owe me. welcher. If you didn't intend to honor your wager, you ought not to have made it. period.

Apology has been issued. Whether you choose to accept it, that’s your choice. You didn’t prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt who you claim to be, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt for the effort you put into your vignette. Since this is the case, it would seem you lost any bets made. So pay up.
And the man you say you support would destroy the system you achieved your wealth under, you support him will vote for him but will not live in the country he's president of, and expect others Americans do live under the conditions obama will make.? I call that a dis service

your views of what Obama would do or wants to do are not shared by me... sorry. I served my country. I have earned the right to live anywhere I choose, and I certainly reserve the right to live in America at any point in the future. I pay my taxes. I have a right to say how those taxes are spent. You can call it anything you damned well please.
Take those blinders off listen to what obama has said and you will see he's not what you think he is.
You must listen to what he says not just hear what he says
If all of this is true take those political blinders off open your eyes and see obama for what he is, get past that D letter next to his political affiliation

I refer you to the OP.

And I will refer you to my dis service post too you that I had made.

believing in the platform and goals of the democratic party is not synonymous with doing a disservice to the country, regardless of your opinion of that party.
You apology means absolutely nothing to me. Pay me the money you owe me. welcher. If you didn't intend to honor your wager, you ought not to have made it. period.

Apology has been issued. Whether you choose to accept it, that’s your choice. You didn’t prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt who you claim to be, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt for the effort you put into your vignette. Since this is the case, it would seem you lost any bets made. So pay up.

I showed you my ID card on a video. You claimed that you would pay if I did so. welcher.
I refer you to the OP.

And I will refer you to my dis service post too you that I had made.

believing in the platform and goals of the democratic party is not synonymous with doing a disservice to the country, regardless of your opinion of that party.

When the platform of the democratic party will destroy the venue that caused you to gain your wealth and you will vote for that abut will not live in the system you vote for is a dis service to those who do live in that system
And I will refer you to my dis service post too you that I had made.

believing in the platform and goals of the democratic party is not synonymous with doing a disservice to the country, regardless of your opinion of that party.

When the platform of the democratic party will destroy the venue that caused you to gain your wealth and you will vote for that abut will not live in the system you vote for is a dis service to those who do live in that system

and if ever the democratic party platform set out to destroy America, I would change parties. We disagree about that, I am afraid.
And I will refer you to my dis service post too you that I had made.

believing in the platform and goals of the democratic party is not synonymous with doing a disservice to the country, regardless of your opinion of that party.

Would you be kind enough to tell us how supporting the most corrupt admin in our history is good for the country?

I disagree with your premise. sorry. I think that Grant, Harding, and Nixon ALL had very corrupt administrations. Obama's? not so much.
And the man you say you support would destroy the system you achieved your wealth under, you support him will vote for him but will not live in the country he's president of, and expect others Americans do live under the conditions obama will make.? I call that a dis service

your views of what Obama would do or wants to do are not shared by me... sorry. I served my country. I have earned the right to live anywhere I choose, and I certainly reserve the right to live in America at any point in the future. I pay my taxes. I have a right to say how those taxes are spent. You can call it anything you damned well please.
Take those blinders off listen to what obama has said and you will see he's not what you think he is.
You must listen to what he says not just hear what he says

please. I don't need instructions on how to listen from you. I would never even think of telling YOU how to listen.

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