Why I am voting for Obama again

You're talking about the national debt and supporting Obama in the same sentence???

I am suggesting that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If the republicans want to get all outraged about Obama suddenly running up the debt, it would be a bit more plausible if they ever had a GOP president that DIDN'T run up the debt. Or is that concept too complex for ya?

It is a matter of proportion. Bush took 8 years to increase the National Debt from 5.7 T to 10.6T. Obama managed to increase it from 10.6 T to over 16T in 3yrs, 9 months.

Since 1964, the U.S. debt had accelerated fastest under President Ronald Reagan, at an annualized growth rate of 14.18% -- a record held until Jan. 20, 2009. Following the inauguration of President Obama, the national debt has grown at an annualized rate of 15.21%.

Is proportion too complex for you?

On edit:
GW Bush had a compounded Annual Growth Rate: 8.03%
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You mention tap dancing and danced around democrats controlling congress in part or whole for 60+ years since 1946 is laughable.

and if you could show me the long line of overridden vetoes by GOP presidents who were attempting to exercise fiscal responsibility, you might have a point. Again.... why in the world should America believe that we will have fiscal responsibility once again and our national debt will begin decreasing if we only put a republican back in the white house, when the last six republicans in the white house ALL INCREASED the debt during their term of office?

•1981: President Reagan vetoed a continuing resolution and 400,000 Federal employees were sent home at lunch and told not to come back. A few hours later, President Reagan signed a new version of the continuing resolution and the workers were back at work the next morning.

•1984: With no approved budget, 500,000 federal workers were sent home. An emergency spending bill has them all back at work the next day.

The press crucified Reagan for shutting down the government.

Clinton shut down the government in 1995-1996 and Newt Gingrich and the Republican House were crucified by the media. Clinton wanted MORE money, not less.

See how that veto stuff works.
isn't that what every republican president since WWII has also promised to do? Why IS it that you all actually expect anyone to believe you when you have promoted yourselves as being the fiscally responsible party for over a half a century and have yet to exercise one iota of fiscal responsibility? Oh...trust us... this time we really WILL do it???? Honestly? If your children offered up that excuse, would you believe them?

Considering that it was the Republican Congress under Newt Gingrich that did balance the budget the only time in the latter half of the 20th century, i think that gives them some credibility on the matter.

And Romney has several decades of history balancing books, eliminating waste and corruption from organizations. His track record speaks for itself.

so... Romney will magically do what Ike and Nixon and Ford and Reagan and Bush I and his chimpy little son were ALL incapable of doing? Is that your final answer?

and will you go on record as opposing a second term for Mittens if he fails to reduce the national debt during his first term?

It won't be magic and Romney can and will get the fiscal house in order. It took Clinton seven years and a Republican House to get to a semi-balanced budget and he didn't have a sub-prime collapse of the housing market to deal with. If Romney could do that well it would possibly save the US from becoming a third world country.

Using "chimpy little son" to describe Bush 43 just erased all of the respect I afforded you as a Naval Officer. You really need to suck on a dead donkey's dick until his head caves in sailor.
You mention tap dancing and danced around democrats controlling congress in part or whole for 60+ years since 1946 is laughable.

and if you could show me the long line of overridden vetoes by GOP presidents who were attempting to exercise fiscal responsibility, you might have a point. Again.... why in the world should America believe that we will have fiscal responsibility once again and our national debt will begin decreasing if we only put a republican back in the white house, when the last six republicans in the white house ALL INCREASED the debt during their term of office?

•1981: President Reagan vetoed a continuing resolution and 400,000 Federal employees were sent home at lunch and told not to come back. A few hours later, President Reagan signed a new version of the continuing resolution and the workers were back at work the next morning.

•1984: With no approved budget, 500,000 federal workers were sent home. An emergency spending bill has them all back at work the next day.

The press crucified Reagan for shutting down the government.

Clinton shut down the government in 1995-1996 and Newt Gingrich and the Republican House were crucified by the media. Clinton wanted MORE money, not less.

See how that veto stuff works.

i DO see how it works... I am just wondering where is this long line of overridden GOP presidential vetoes that showed the republican president's unwavering commitment to lessening the debt? Which was the last GOP president that lessened the national debt? None in MY lifetime, that's for sure, and I'm a pretty old guy.

and let me get this straight... are you suggesting that Ronnie WOULD have done better but he got scared because he was "crucified by the press"??? hahahahahahahahahahhaa
You're talking about the national debt and supporting Obama in the same sentence???

I am suggesting that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If the republicans want to get all outraged about Obama suddenly running up the debt, it would be a bit more plausible if they ever had a GOP president that DIDN'T run up the debt. Or is that concept too complex for ya?

It is a matter of proportion. Bush took 8 years to increase the National Debt from 5.7 T to 10.6T. Obama managed to increase it from 10.6 T to over 16T in 3yrs, 9 months.

Since 1964, the U.S. debt had accelerated fastest under President Ronald Reagan, at an annualized growth rate of 14.18% -- a record held until Jan. 20, 2009. Following the inauguration of President Obama, the national debt has grown at an annualized rate of 15.21%.

Is proportion too complex for you?

On edit:
GW Bush had a compounded Annual Growth Rate: 8.03%

OK. I think I have it. If you are a republican president and you grow the debt at 14% a year, you are a demigod and we name airports after you and folks actually talk about adding your face to Mount Rushmore. If you are a democrat, and you grow the debt at 15% a year, you are the worst president ever. DId I get that right?

Gosh... it seems like warrior102 isn't quite as interested in watching this video as he claimed he was! I guess I would be reticent too, if I had MY foot down my throat up to the kneecap and stood to lose ten grand for my foolishness. He'd better hurry up... my country club fee is due pretty soon and Momma loves her golf and tennis! :lol:
Then you condemn yourself, Ms. Newby, for you don't know me.

All of those pioneers had friendship and kinship framerworks within which they worked, by the way. Yeah, individual and community, Ms. Newby.

None of that forced on them from Washington (or London) though.

The ideals of community are fully in line with Republicans wanting less government interference. No Republicans and few Libertarians want no government.
What are you talking about. After Texas became a state, the feds got right behind forcing and protecting and directing the settlement west. Government involvement (not interference, for heaven's sake) was absolutely critical for protecting expansion, building railroads and other infrastructure, mapping and surveying. In what imaginary world do you live?
I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

We'll all be sitting on the edge of our seats until the video's airtime, nutsack.

you've been online a couple of times since the video aired, so it seems as if you have slipped back slightly from the edge of your seat.... more like furtively scurried out of the theater altogether with your yellow tail tucked in under your yellow belly.

I suppose it's because you realize that you totally fucked up, and now look like a complete moron who is not only a WELCHER, but most likely a FELCHER as well.

How does it feel, Warrior102, to have your face rubbed in your own excrement? Sniff it in... enjoy the aroma. You owe me ten thousand dollars and until you cough it up, you will be a dishonorable pathetic excuse for a man.

Why am I not surprised?

I wasn't sure, but, deep in the back of my mind, I entertained the possibility that you really were a man devoid of honor. It seems now that my worst suspicions of you were fully justified.

I only wonder if any of your fellow conservatives, who might actually HAVE some sense of honor and dignity, will publicly castigate you for your lack of those same qualities?

Who knows, they might surprise me where you certainly did not.
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Ms. Newby, you hit it right on the nail. You simply cannot comprehend different ways of doing things. Obama has been less a dictator than Bush, and I am hoping that Romney will be less of one than Obama. And I hope that you realize your are an individual within and, eventually, dependent on the community.

We are a collection of individuals and community, hopefully working for the better.

You seem to resent that reality.

Yeah, all those pioneers who forged west and lived on their own without anyone for miles, no laws, no civilization, no nothing.. really needed 'big brother' to help them along. Those people built this country. Are you seriously implying that no one could survive without society to help them along? You know, prior to several hundred years ago, people did exist without 'society' helping them. There was no welfare, grocery store, doctor, etc.. People grew their own food, hunted for it, made their own clothes, all without government help!! Brush up on history.

By the way, you really don't know anything about me, Jakey, so your presumptions about what I think are just a bit off the mark. :lol:


Found the following taking up the last page in a chapter in my daughter's American History book that attempted to rationalize Native uprisings and the killing of innocent white settlers based on the broken promises and the treatment the natives had received from America.
The Real West
The myth of the Old West overlooked the contributions of many peoples. The first cowhands, as you read earlier, were the Mexican vaqueros. Native Americans and African Americans played a role in cattle ranching, too. Many African Americans also served in the US Army in the West, where Native Americans nicknamed them “buffalo soldiers”. And the railroads would not have been built without the labor of Chinese immigrants.
Western legends often highlighted the attacks by Native Americans on soldiers of settlers. But the misunderstandings and broken treaties that led to the conflicts were usually overlooked.
Historians also say that the image of the self-reliant Westerner who tames the wild frontier ignores the important role played by the government in Western settlement. Settlers needed the help of the army to remove Native Americans. The government also aided in the building of the railroads and gave free land that drew homesteaders to the West. You will read about these homesteaders and the problems that they faced in the next section.
and if you could show me the long line of overridden vetoes by GOP presidents who were attempting to exercise fiscal responsibility, you might have a point. Again.... why in the world should America believe that we will have fiscal responsibility once again and our national debt will begin decreasing if we only put a republican back in the white house, when the last six republicans in the white house ALL INCREASED the debt during their term of office?

•1981: President Reagan vetoed a continuing resolution and 400,000 Federal employees were sent home at lunch and told not to come back. A few hours later, President Reagan signed a new version of the continuing resolution and the workers were back at work the next morning.

•1984: With no approved budget, 500,000 federal workers were sent home. An emergency spending bill has them all back at work the next day.

The press crucified Reagan for shutting down the government.

Clinton shut down the government in 1995-1996 and Newt Gingrich and the Republican House were crucified by the media. Clinton wanted MORE money, not less.

See how that veto stuff works.

i DO see how it works... I am just wondering where is this long line of overridden GOP presidential vetoes that showed the republican president's unwavering commitment to lessening the debt? Which was the last GOP president that lessened the national debt? None in MY lifetime, that's for sure, and I'm a pretty old guy.

and let me get this straight... are you suggesting that Ronnie WOULD have done better but he got scared because he was "crucified by the press"??? hahahahahahahahahahhaa

Have you ever thought those Republican presidents were good ones and got the job done? It hasn't always been one party trying to kill the other party, until Pelosi became speaker of the house.,
•1981: President Reagan vetoed a continuing resolution and 400,000 Federal employees were sent home at lunch and told not to come back. A few hours later, President Reagan signed a new version of the continuing resolution and the workers were back at work the next morning.

•1984: With no approved budget, 500,000 federal workers were sent home. An emergency spending bill has them all back at work the next day.

The press crucified Reagan for shutting down the government.

Clinton shut down the government in 1995-1996 and Newt Gingrich and the Republican House were crucified by the media. Clinton wanted MORE money, not less.

See how that veto stuff works.

i DO see how it works... I am just wondering where is this long line of overridden GOP presidential vetoes that showed the republican president's unwavering commitment to lessening the debt? Which was the last GOP president that lessened the national debt? None in MY lifetime, that's for sure, and I'm a pretty old guy.

and let me get this straight... are you suggesting that Ronnie WOULD have done better but he got scared because he was "crucified by the press"??? hahahahahahahahahahhaa

Have you ever thought those Republican presidents were good ones and got the job done? It hasn't always been one party trying to kill the other party, until Pelosi became speaker of the house.,

Holy shit, now you teabilly fucksticks are blaming Pelosi. Damn, that's funny...
i DO see how it works... I am just wondering where is this long line of overridden GOP presidential vetoes that showed the republican president's unwavering commitment to lessening the debt? Which was the last GOP president that lessened the national debt? None in MY lifetime, that's for sure, and I'm a pretty old guy.

and let me get this straight... are you suggesting that Ronnie WOULD have done better but he got scared because he was "crucified by the press"??? hahahahahahahahahahhaa

Have you ever thought those Republican presidents were good ones and got the job done? It hasn't always been one party trying to kill the other party, until Pelosi became speaker of the house.,

Holy shit, now you teabilly fucksticks are blaming Pelosi. Damn, that's funny...

You get the feeling that the Romney supporters are running out of things to be pissed off about?
i DO see how it works... I am just wondering where is this long line of overridden GOP presidential vetoes that showed the republican president's unwavering commitment to lessening the debt? Which was the last GOP president that lessened the national debt? None in MY lifetime, that's for sure, and I'm a pretty old guy.

and let me get this straight... are you suggesting that Ronnie WOULD have done better but he got scared because he was "crucified by the press"??? hahahahahahahahahahhaa

Have you ever thought those Republican presidents were good ones and got the job done? It hasn't always been one party trying to kill the other party, until Pelosi became speaker of the house.,

Holy shit, now you teabilly fucksticks are blaming Pelosi. Damn, that's funny...

Your side went all in on the attack when you lost the House and Senate in 1994.
Your side created the divisiveness in Washington we see now.
Obama has intensified it even further.
Barack Obama is the most divisive figure ever to occupy the Oval office.
He claimed he would unify the nation, make friends with unfriendly nations, bring our allies closer, etc. Obama has done the opposite.
Have you ever thought those Republican presidents were good ones and got the job done? It hasn't always been one party trying to kill the other party, until Pelosi became speaker of the house.,

Holy shit, now you teabilly fucksticks are blaming Pelosi. Damn, that's funny...

You get the feeling that the Romney supporters are running out of things to be pissed off about?

We're not pissed off. We're concentrating on removing the current occupant in the White House.
Obama had his chance to accomplish what he promised to do. He failed.
And the blame goes nowhere else. It's not Bush's fault. It is not obstruction from the GOP. None of that stuff. Obama had two years of friendly politicians in the House and Senate. Crickets.
Obama's problem was he tried to drag the country to the left too fast and much too far.
Once again, this nation is and always will be socially moderate and fiscally conservative.
There is no way one can get people to work with them if their ideas are diametrically opposed to the people with whom they are trying to work.
Obama let his enormous ego guide him.
"God dammit!!! I am the President of the United States. Why won't these people just do what I tell them to do?!!!!"
That about sums up Obama.
I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

We'll all be sitting on the edge of our seats until the video's airtime, nutsack.

you've been online a couple of times since the video aired, so it seems as if you have slipped back slightly from the edge of your seat.... more like furtively scurried out of the theater altogether with your yellow tail tucked in under your yellow belly.

I suppose it's because you realize that you totally fucked up, and now look like a complete moron who is not only a WELCHER, but most likely a FELCHER as well.

How does it feel, Warrior102, to have your face rubbed in your own excrement? Sniff it in... enjoy the aroma. You owe me ten thousand dollars and until you cough it up, you will be a dishonorable pathetic excuse for a man.

Why am I not surprised?

I wasn't sure, but, deep in the back of my mind, I entertained the possibility that you really were a man devoid of honor. It seems now that my worst suspicions of you were fully justified.

I only wonder if any of your fellow conservatives, who might actually HAVE some sense of honor and dignity, will publicly castigate you for your lack of those same qualities?

Who knows, they might surprise me where you certainly did not.

While I agree that Warrior should come back and apologize to you, your words here are not the words of a gentleman either. No reason to be as nasty as you felt he was being towards you. Who's the better man really if you get down into the mud with him?
I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

We'll all be sitting on the edge of our seats until the video's airtime, nutsack.

you've been online a couple of times since the video aired, so it seems as if you have slipped back slightly from the edge of your seat.... more like furtively scurried out of the theater altogether with your yellow tail tucked in under your yellow belly.

I suppose it's because you realize that you totally fucked up, and now look like a complete moron who is not only a WELCHER, but most likely a FELCHER as well.

How does it feel, Warrior102, to have your face rubbed in your own excrement? Sniff it in... enjoy the aroma. You owe me ten thousand dollars and until you cough it up, you will be a dishonorable pathetic excuse for a man.

Why am I not surprised?

I wasn't sure, but, deep in the back of my mind, I entertained the possibility that you really were a man devoid of honor. It seems now that my worst suspicions of you were fully justified.

I only wonder if any of your fellow conservatives, who might actually HAVE some sense of honor and dignity, will publicly castigate you for your lack of those same qualities?

Who knows, they might surprise me where you certainly did not.

When you moved out of the US , you lost your right to an opinion.
While I agree that Warrior should come back and apologize to you, your words here are not the words of a gentleman either. No reason to be as nasty as you felt he was being towards you. Who's the better man really if you get down into the mud with him?

I could give a damn whether he "apologizes" to me. He made a bet. He owes me money. If he doesn't pay up he's a welcher. If I had lost a bet with him, I would have honored my debts. Because being a true gentleman has much less to do with words than it does actions. As a gentleman, if I say I am going to do something, I do it. If I tell someone I am going to be somewhere at a certain time, I'm there, and on time. If I make an agreement to purchase something, I buy it. If I agree to loan someone money, I loan it. If I enter into a wager with someone and I lose, I pay the agreed upon amount. I wonder how many times Warrior102 could go to Atlantic City and gamble at casinos there and then blithely walk away without paying before he had his knees broken? Until he pays me what he owes me, he's a welcher and deserves the scorn of EVERYONE on here. I wonder if he'll get any?
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