Why I am voting for Obama again

True Christians believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord as well as evolution and science.

The heretic Christian does not.

You believe in Darwinism, another true trait of a conservative christian. :lol:


JakeStarkey said:
You prove the point that you are engaged in philosophy not science. And your questions have nothing to do with the testing of evolution.

The real Christian has no trouble with the co-existence of deity and evolution, none at all.

He is a she, and:
Make a complex digital code, Jake. :)
My Peking ducks can mate with my mallards because they are related. Why can't we mate with your relatives, the chimps? I mean we're almost monkeys right? Should work.
Why can we use pig parts and cow parts, but our bodies reject monkey parts. How come?
Improper format, generally used by a heretic such as your sort.

Make your case based on what I have said before.

Now do it correctly, or fail.
You describe your own supposed party the exact same way a lib would... imagine that??? Not only that, every post of yours that I looked up, you're countering or arguing with a fellow conservative. I guess every conservative on this board is 'radical right'. Can you name one conservative poster on this board that you agree with, that isn't 'radical right'? :lol:


JakeStarkey said:
We have a group of embittered, older white folks realizing, finally, a fact of life.

Things always change.

Their way of life for many of them is coming to an end.

So be it, they can't change it, but they can whine about it. And why not? They will soon be gone.
Improper format, generally used by a heretic such as your sort.

Make your case based on what I have said before.

Now do it correctly, or fail.

:lmao: Fail is right, Jake, you fail at passing yourself off as a 'conservative christian'. :lol: Horribly I might add.
I describe my GOP as it is trying to become: pushed by embittered old white folks who are still pissed off they lost the culture wars of the 1960s and 1970s. Those days are over. They are not coming back.

But this country is becoming darker, more feminist, younger, and forward looking.

Either we in the GOP learned to serve those constituencies or will be in the minority.

Absolute truth.
Newby is merely a a far right extreme heretic Christian reactionary pretending to be a conservative.

Improper format, generally used by a heretic such as your sort.

Make your case based on what I have said before.

Now do it correctly, or fail.

:lmao: Fail is right, Jake, you fail at passing yourself off as a 'conservative christian'. :lol: Horribly I might add.
Could it be because you're an Expatriate --like your screen name says--and you haven't had to put up with Obama's B.S. over the last 4 years because you no longer live in this country---:clap2: So with your vote from somewhere else in the world--you impose on us --those who still live in this country another 4 years of the WORST President in U.S history.

Actually, this week marks my first year in Mexico. I was there for the near meltdown at the end of the Bush administration and I was there to watch Obama try to dig us out of that deep hole while republicans kept shoveling feces on top of him in order to achieve their number one priority - the failure of President Obama.... even if it meant the failure of the country. Now, I may LIVE in Mexico, but all of my income is generated in - and taxed in - the United States. I have already ordered my absentee ballot and my wife and I will be proudly and enthusiastically casting our votes for Obama and sending them back to the states in the diplomatic pouch from the local consulate. We lived through eight years of George W. Bush whom I rank as the worst president in our history, so suck it up and get ready to live through another four years of Barack Obama. :lol:
I describe my GOP as it is trying to become: pushed by embittered old white folks who are still pissed off they lost the culture wars of the 1960s and 1970s. Those days are over. They are not coming back.

But this country is becoming darker, more feminist, younger, and forward looking.

Either we in the GOP learned to serve those constituencies or will be in the minority.

Absolute truth.

What conservative values do you agree with Jake? Actually, you're wrong, there's more elderly people now than ever before, and they will be a strong voting block in the years to come. But, keep picking on the whites, and the 'old people', and the 'feminists'. Seriously, dude, go register democrat, it's where you belong.
Typical far right reactionary mindless chattering by Newby.

Executive Orders are legal, have been since 1789.

All presidents, including Republicans, have the right to issue them.

I am defending the American system, while you attack it.

Here's you defending Obama bypassing Congress, and once again on the opposite side of the issue of almost all conservatives.


JakeStarkey said:
And we watch an entire group of ignorant white folk post here.

My goodness, what a bunch of loons.
Newby is merely a a far right extreme heretic Christian reactionary pretending to be a conservative.

Improper format, generally used by a heretic such as your sort.

Make your case based on what I have said before.

Now do it correctly, or fail.

:lmao: Fail is right, Jake, you fail at passing yourself off as a 'conservative christian'. :lol: Horribly I might add.

Poor Jake... nothing of substance, as usual. Put up or shut up, dearie. ;)
The older voters will be dying in increasing numbers in years to come with very few to replace them. Do you not understand that?

When the party leadership and mainstream, like me, come to their senses as a whole, you guys will be kicked to the curb if you won't heel, as all poorly trained dogs. Don't worry, those masters who trained you guys will go into the curb as well.

I describe my GOP as it is trying to become: pushed by embittered old white folks who are still pissed off they lost the culture wars of the 1960s and 1970s. Those days are over. They are not coming back.

But this country is becoming darker, more feminist, younger, and forward looking.

Either we in the GOP learned to serve those constituencies or will be in the minority.

Absolute truth.

What conservative values do you agree with Jake? Actually, you're wrong, there's more elderly people now than ever before, and they will be a strong voting block in the years to come. But, keep picking on the whites, and the 'old people', and the 'feminists'. Seriously, dude, go register democrat, it's where you belong.
Could it be because you're an Expatriate --like your screen name says--and you haven't had to put up with Obama's B.S. over the last 4 years because you no longer live in this country---:clap2: So with your vote from somewhere else in the world--you impose on us --those who still live in this country another 4 years of the WORST President in U.S history.

Actually, this week marks my first year in Mexico. I was there for the near meltdown at the end of the Bush administration and I was there to watch Obama try to dig us out of that deep hole while republicans kept shoveling feces on top of him in order to achieve their number one priority - the failure of President Obama.... even if it meant the failure of the country. Now, I may LIVE in Mexico, but all of my income is generated in - and taxed in - the United States. I have already ordered my absentee ballot and my wife and I will be proudly and enthusiastically casting our votes for Obama and sending them back to the states in the diplomatic pouch from the local consulate. We lived through eight years of George W. Bush whom I rank as the worst president in our history, so suck it up and get ready to live through another four years of Barack Obama. :lol:

Figures---why on earth would you care about 8.3% unemployment in the states--with real unemployment at 11% (23 Million Americans either unemployed or underemployed)--or 46 million Americans on food stamps--1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level--16 trillion dollars in red ink with another 5 trillion just in interest to be added to OUR tab within the next decade. Gas prices are up--food prices are up--and consumer confidence is in the tank.
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center
Consumer confidence - Aug. 28, 2012

YOU LIVE IN MEXICO. If something is not done in this country now--it will be Mexico building fences to keep us out.

Could it be because you're an Expatriate --like your screen name says--and you haven't had to put up with Obama's B.S. over the last 4 years because you no longer live in this country---:clap2: So with your vote from somewhere else in the world--you impose on us --those who still live in this country another 4 years of the WORST President in U.S history.

Actually, this week marks my first year in Mexico. I was there for the near meltdown at the end of the Bush administration and I was there to watch Obama try to dig us out of that deep hole while republicans kept shoveling feces on top of him in order to achieve their number one priority - the failure of President Obama.... even if it meant the failure of the country. Now, I may LIVE in Mexico, but all of my income is generated in - and taxed in - the United States. I have already ordered my absentee ballot and my wife and I will be proudly and enthusiastically casting our votes for Obama and sending them back to the states in the diplomatic pouch from the local consulate. We lived through eight years of George W. Bush whom I rank as the worst president in our history, so suck it up and get ready to live through another four years of Barack Obama. :lol:

Figures---why on earth would you care about 8.3% unemployment in the states--with real unemployment at 11% (23 Million Americans either unemployed or underemployed)--or 46 million Americans on food stamps--1 in 5 families living beneath the poverty level--16 trillion dollars in red ink with another 5 trillion just in interest to be added to OUR tab within the next decade. Gas prices are up--food prices are up--and consumer confidence is in the tank.
National debt: Washington's $5 trillion interest bill - Mar. 5, 2012
SNAP/Food Stamp Participation « Food Research & Action Center
Consumer confidence - Aug. 28, 2012

YOU LIVE IN MEXICO. If something is not done in this country now--it will be Mexico building fences to keep us out.

I care very deeply about all of those issues. I have adult children who are living and thriving in America. My investments are thriving in America. I want our country to continue to improve and I happen to believe that the path that Barack Obama and the democratic party has charted is the best one for the long term success of America. We obviously have a difference of opinion.
you didn't answer my question.

You didn't post your DD-214, nutless.

Having one that meets your credentials on Google??

What a pantload....

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?

You didn't post your DD-214, nutless.

Having one that meets your credentials on Google??

What a pantload....

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?[/QUOTE]

Sure - post away.

Sure - post away.


I don't believe you...

and I realize that you don't believe me.

My DD214 is in my safe deposit box in Maine along with my will... So... I look here at my DD Form 2 and there is really no way to redact what I don't want you to know (name and SSN) and still give you the proof that you would need. In any case, I don't believe there is a snowball's chance in hell that you would send me that kind of money. ah well... it was fun imagining buying a year's worth of Yucatan Country Club membership on your nickel... such is not to be, I guess.

Here's how you do it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEoFq3911yY&feature=related]If you make an accusation you better have proof! Pack sand! to those who doubt my service. - YouTube[/ame]


I don't believe you...

and I realize that you don't believe me.

My DD214 is in my safe deposit box in Maine along with my will... So... I look here at my DD Form 2 and there is really no way to redact what I don't want you to know (name and SSN) and still give you the proof that you would need. In any case, I don't believe there is a snowball's chance in hell that you would send me that kind of money. ah well... it was fun imagining buying a year's worth of Yucatan Country Club membership on your nickel... such is not to be, I guess.

The idea that a retired Naval Officer would enter into a bet to prove what rank he obtained seems extremely laughable, and quite childish... Way beneath how I'd expect an Officer who respected the Uniform to behave. And the profanity. You sound like a BTSN the way you are going at it with Warrior. This is the sort of thing I'd expect from a wannabe who never served, or someone who claims to be more than what they were. I cannot fathom anyone who served in the Navy during the years that Bill Clinton literally dismantled the Navy, and cut our Naval forces to pieces actually siding with Democrats and their ideologies... It just doesn't add up.

I am sorry that I disappoint you. The fact of the matter is that I did serve and that I did attain the rank of commander (O-5). Like the guy in bigreb's video, I dislike people who don't know me claiming that I did not serve... I merely stated that I was a retired naval officer and did not feel the need to post my rank... and warrior jumped in and, without provocation, insulted me and it hit me the wrong way. I will try, in the next day or so, to post a video of me and my ID card and then we shall see if I get a check from warrior. I did serve during the Clinton years, but only briefly... I retired in September of '93. I stayed out of politics altogether during my active duty years. I am sorry you cannot fathom my political ideology, but I offer up Wesley Clark as an example of a career military man who is also a democrat... not all service members are republicans.

It's obvious the guy (if he's a guy) is a fake. For example, the idea that this "retired Naval Officer" would have his DD-214 locked thousands of miles away from where he is, is idiotic. As it's needed FREQUENTLY, one is taught to make numerous copies of it and have it available anytime it's requested.

I'm not an officer but I have copies of mine, had to requested a few more copies a while back.

Like I said... there is zero need for a DD214 here in Mexico. I have my blue DD Form 2. I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

We'll all be sitting on the edge of our seats until the video's airtime, nutsack.

A DD214 can be used as an ID and would be very appropriate outside the US.

passport, driver's license, FM-3, and DD Form 2 not enough ID? I can't imagine how many giggles I'd get at a police checkpoint in Mexico if I hauled out a copy of my DD214 as my form of ID. They would be CLUELESS.

But... I like your idea about the video and I will try to make one that shows me AND my ID card to put this all to rest. Thanks for the idea.

Very well it's settled glad I could contribute to this disagreement.

and now.... IT'S SHOWTIME!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR27XNgM4ao]Paygrade issue - YouTube[/ame]
Fox is every bit as poor as MSNBC.

It is what it is, and the true American Christian, like me, has to tread carefully among the fallen and heretics ot the far right and the far left.

You apparently just love Fox News... :lmao: And your fellow lib, NoNukes 'thanked' you for this kind post. Even bettter!!! :lol:


JakeStarkey said:
FNN Fox Nazi News

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