Why I am voting for Obama again

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?

Sure - post away.


I don't believe you...

and I realize that you don't believe me.

My DD214 is in my safe deposit box in Maine along with my will... So... I look here at my DD Form 2 and there is really no way to redact what I don't want you to know (name and SSN) and still give you the proof that you would need. In any case, I don't believe there is a snowball's chance in hell that you would send me that kind of money. ah well... it was fun imagining buying a year's worth of Yucatan Country Club membership on your nickel... such is not to be, I guess.

The idea that a retired Naval Officer would enter into a bet to prove what rank he obtained seems extremely laughable, and quite childish... Way beneath how I'd expect an Officer who respected the Uniform to behave. And the profanity. You sound like a BTSN the way you are going at it with Warrior. This is the sort of thing I'd expect from a wannabe who never served, or someone who claims to be more than what they were. I cannot fathom anyone who served in the Navy during the years that Bill Clinton literally dismantled the Navy, and cut our Naval forces to pieces actually siding with Democrats and their ideologies... It just doesn't add up.
again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?

Sure - post away.


I don't believe you...

and I realize that you don't believe me.

My DD214 is in my safe deposit box in Maine along with my will... So... I look here at my DD Form 2 and there is really no way to redact what I don't want you to know (name and SSN) and still give you the proof that you would need. In any case, I don't believe there is a snowball's chance in hell that you would send me that kind of money. ah well... it was fun imagining buying a year's worth of Yucatan Country Club membership on your nickel... such is not to be, I guess.

Here's how you do it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEoFq3911yY&feature=related]If you make an accusation you better have proof! Pack sand! to those who doubt my service. - YouTube[/ame]
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Stupidity, a common occurrence with those that lean left.

so... it is your belief that everyone who professes to be a liberal in America is stupid? that's sad. I, for example, have a kid brother who is a staunch republican... I don't think he is stupid and he doesn't think I am either... we both just agree to disagree about our political philosophy.

In politics absolutely yes.
The idea that a retired Naval Officer would enter into a bet to prove what rank he obtained seems extremely laughable, and quite childish... Way beneath how I'd expect an Officer who respected the Uniform to behave. And the profanity. You sound like a BTSN the way you are going at it with Warrior. This is the sort of thing I'd expect from a wannabe who never served, or someone who claims to be more than what they were. I cannot fathom anyone who served in the Navy during the years that Bill Clinton literally dismantled the Navy, and cut our Naval forces to pieces actually siding with Democrats and their ideologies... It just doesn't add up.

It's obvious the guy (if he's a guy) is a fake. For example, the idea that this "retired Naval Officer" would have his DD-214 locked thousands of miles away from where he is, is idiotic. As it's needed FREQUENTLY, one is taught to make numerous copies of it and have it available anytime it's requested.
The idea that a retired Naval Officer would enter into a bet to prove what rank he obtained seems extremely laughable, and quite childish... Way beneath how I'd expect an Officer who respected the Uniform to behave. And the profanity. You sound like a BTSN the way you are going at it with Warrior. This is the sort of thing I'd expect from a wannabe who never served, or someone who claims to be more than what they were. I cannot fathom anyone who served in the Navy during the years that Bill Clinton literally dismantled the Navy, and cut our Naval forces to pieces actually siding with Democrats and their ideologies... It just doesn't add up.

It's obvious the guy (if he's a guy) is a fake. For example, the idea that this "retired Naval Officer" would have his DD-214 locked thousands of miles away from where he is, is idiotic. As it's needed FREQUENTLY, one is taught to make numerous copies of it and have it available anytime it's requested.

I'm not an officer but I have copies of mine, had to requested a few more copies a while back.
My DD-214 is in my house, and I keep a photocopy of it in my wallet, along with my VA card. You never know when a Federal entity might ask for it, even from us lowly enlisted guys who weren't Admirals, and Captains, and don't profess to have been.
Sure - post away.


I don't believe you...

and I realize that you don't believe me.

My DD214 is in my safe deposit box in Maine along with my will... So... I look here at my DD Form 2 and there is really no way to redact what I don't want you to know (name and SSN) and still give you the proof that you would need. In any case, I don't believe there is a snowball's chance in hell that you would send me that kind of money. ah well... it was fun imagining buying a year's worth of Yucatan Country Club membership on your nickel... such is not to be, I guess.

The idea that a retired Naval Officer would enter into a bet to prove what rank he obtained seems extremely laughable, and quite childish... Way beneath how I'd expect an Officer who respected the Uniform to behave. And the profanity. You sound like a BTSN the way you are going at it with Warrior. This is the sort of thing I'd expect from a wannabe who never served, or someone who claims to be more than what they were. I cannot fathom anyone who served in the Navy during the years that Bill Clinton literally dismantled the Navy, and cut our Naval forces to pieces actually siding with Democrats and their ideologies... It just doesn't add up.

I am sorry that I disappoint you. The fact of the matter is that I did serve and that I did attain the rank of commander (O-5). Like the guy in bigreb's video, I dislike people who don't know me claiming that I did not serve... I merely stated that I was a retired naval officer and did not feel the need to post my rank... and warrior jumped in and, without provocation, insulted me and it hit me the wrong way. I will try, in the next day or so, to post a video of me and my ID card and then we shall see if I get a check from warrior. I did serve during the Clinton years, but only briefly... I retired in September of '93. I stayed out of politics altogether during my active duty years. I am sorry you cannot fathom my political ideology, but I offer up Wesley Clark as an example of a career military man who is also a democrat... not all service members are republicans.
My DD-214 is in my house, and I keep a photocopy of it in my wallet, along with my VA card. You never know when a Federal entity might ask for it, even from us lowly enlisted guys who weren't Admirals, and Captains, and don't profess to have been.

My DD Form 2 is all I need to carry. As I stated, my DD214 is in a safe deposit box in the states along with my will.
The idea that a retired Naval Officer would enter into a bet to prove what rank he obtained seems extremely laughable, and quite childish... Way beneath how I'd expect an Officer who respected the Uniform to behave. And the profanity. You sound like a BTSN the way you are going at it with Warrior. This is the sort of thing I'd expect from a wannabe who never served, or someone who claims to be more than what they were. I cannot fathom anyone who served in the Navy during the years that Bill Clinton literally dismantled the Navy, and cut our Naval forces to pieces actually siding with Democrats and their ideologies... It just doesn't add up.

It's obvious the guy (if he's a guy) is a fake. For example, the idea that this "retired Naval Officer" would have his DD-214 locked thousands of miles away from where he is, is idiotic. As it's needed FREQUENTLY, one is taught to make numerous copies of it and have it available anytime it's requested.

I'm not an officer but I have copies of mine, had to requested a few more copies a while back.

Like I said... there is zero need for a DD214 here in Mexico. I have my blue DD Form 2. I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.
It's obvious the guy (if he's a guy) is a fake. For example, the idea that this "retired Naval Officer" would have his DD-214 locked thousands of miles away from where he is, is idiotic. As it's needed FREQUENTLY, one is taught to make numerous copies of it and have it available anytime it's requested.

I'm not an officer but I have copies of mine, had to requested a few more copies a while back.

Like I said... there is zero need for a DD214 here in Mexico. I have my blue DD Form 2. I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

A DD214 can be used as an ID and would be very appropriate outside the US.
I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

We'll all be sitting on the edge of our seats until the video's airtime, nutsack.
A DD214 can be used as an ID and would be very appropriate outside the US.

For example, a surviving spouse who needs it for SGLI to kick in...

Hell retirees in Japan I know have immediate access to theirs.

The guy's a lying sack of shit.
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I'm not an officer but I have copies of mine, had to requested a few more copies a while back.

Like I said... there is zero need for a DD214 here in Mexico. I have my blue DD Form 2. I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

A DD214 can be used as an ID and would be very appropriate outside the US.

passport, driver's license, FM-3, and DD Form 2 not enough ID? I can't imagine how many giggles I'd get at a police checkpoint in Mexico if I hauled out a copy of my DD214 as my form of ID. They would be CLUELESS.

But... I like your idea about the video and I will try to make one that shows me AND my ID card to put this all to rest. Thanks for the idea.
What about foreign affairs? What is Obama doing right? What will Romney do that you would disagree with?

Obama is reaching out to the islamic people. Romney would take a much more bellicose approach to Islam in general than I would approve of. Romney would bend over for Israel, Obama does not.

reproductive choice. equal pay for equal work. the republican platform supports neither.

from the OP... it is not about Romney or Obama , it is about democrat versus republican. My party is one that is more protective of the environment and less beholden to big oil.

Yes... I do mean climate change, and believing it instead of denying it is a first step. I think that our country needs to take steps to act responsibly on this front and the GOP platform does not address it.

I applaud government support for alternatives to oil. I see no need to "kill" the oil industry, but I would love to see us move towards making it obsolete.

I do believe in a woman's right to make her own reproductive choices, and if those choices require medical treatment, it ought to be provided through insurance plans like other medical treatments.

I am an advocate of gay marriage. the republican party platform stands firmly against it.

more Romney versus Obama rhetoric. My beef is with the GOP party platform. Romney runs on that platform. My stance on the 2nd amendment is that it was written to provide for a citizen militia, not unlimited firearms possession without organized civil defense responsibilities. I personally think that assault rifles should be banned.

Maintaining Affirmative Action would be a start. Passing the ERA would be a start. The GOP is against both of those issues.

Tax Policy... now that one I can see a distince difference. But isn't it funny after four years of Obama and two years of a complete Dem majority that we are still under the Bush tax cuts? Why is that???
DINOS. Nelson, Landrieux, Lieberman, Pryor, Lincoln... that's why.

Why are you concerned about Islamic people? Are you Islamic?

How does the republican platform go against 'reproductive choice'? Or equal pay for women? Please be specific.

How much more protective of the environment? Be specific. You make too many generalizations. What would you like to see the feds enforce that's not currently being done?

What kinds of steps does our country need to take to act more responsibly? How can the government achieve that?

What do you propose as a realistic alternative to oil that would sustain human life as we know it today?

Medical treatment? I.e abortion? But, if the woman was 'responsible' and used freely and widely available birth control, there would be no need of it. So, do you or do you not believe in personal responsibility? You also advocate that the American taxpayer be responsible for paying for other's birth control? Getting pregnant isn't a 'medical condition', it is a chioce. There are many different ways to choose to not get pregnant. Seems you advocate for a nanny state.

So a civil legal union is not enough? Why?

You hold very extreme views with regards to the 2nd amendment. It says nothing about a militia. And here I also question your claims to being in the US military for 25 years. You swore an oath to pretect the Constitution, how did you do so whenever you disagree with it on basic principles? I wonder if you're even a US citizen at all. ;)

I don't see AA going away? Not sure what your point is there. In any case, it's a discriminatory policy. And as far as I know, every American citizen is protected the same under the constitution, so you just do not believe in the constitution as it stands then?

Sounds like excuses and rationalization to the extreme. ;)

Sounds like like a bunch of typical liberal talking points to me. ;)

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