Why I am voting for Obama again

Like I said... there is zero need for a DD214 here in Mexico. I have my blue DD Form 2. I have never made a video but I will try to do so in the next few days to show me holding my ID card and then showing the rank section for you all to see.

A DD214 can be used as an ID and would be very appropriate outside the US.

passport, driver's license, FM-3, and DD Form 2 not enough ID? I can't imagine how many giggles I'd get at a police checkpoint in Mexico if I hauled out a copy of my DD214 as my form of ID. They would be CLUELESS.

But... I like your idea about the video and I will try to make one that shows me AND my ID card to put this all to rest. Thanks for the idea.

Very well it's settled glad I could contribute to this disagreement.
Put my money in place of my mouth. What, you bet? :lol: You make all sorts of assertions without proof about me, then you demand I prove what I said about you. I will tell you what I think.

First, you are not a conservative, only an extremist religious reactionary.

Second, your religious arguments are evidence enough.

Ms. Newby, we are not going back to the days of the Puritans, not going to happen.

Yeah, you are a heretic. Your religious remarks wreak of heresy.

You are the pretender, Ms. Newby, to Christianity and American political virtue.

I am not worried about the respect of heretic or those who hold non-mainstream America values. Keep that in mind.

We are a heretic to the former and confused to the later.
Coming from you, my dear, that's a compliment... ;) I guess you're not pretending to be a Christian anymore either? And it's 'her' for the 100th time. :tongue: You might get more respect around here if you ever answered a question put to you, but I've never seen it happen. Just some friendly advise. ;)

Okay, Jake, put your money where your mouth is. Let us all hear how you define 'conservative' values?

What are 'mainstream values'? How do they differ from mine (You know, since you're so well acquainted with them. ;) )

Heretic is a pretty strong accusation. You have examples to back that up of course?
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Put my money in place of my mouth. What, you bet? :lol: You make all sorts of assertions without proof about me, then you demand I prove what I said about you. I will tell you what I think.

First, you are not a conservative, only an extremist religious reactionary.

Second, your religious arguments are evidence enough.

Ms. Newby, we are not going back to the days of the Puritans, not going to happen.

Yeah, you are a heretic. Your religious remarks wreak of heresy.

You are the pretender, Ms. Newby, to Christianity and American political virtue.

I am not worried about the respect of heretic or those who hold non-mainstream America values. Keep that in mind.

We are a heretic to the former and confused to the later.

Okay, Jake, put your money where your mouth is. Let us all hear how you define 'conservative' values?

What are 'mainstream values'? How do they differ from mine (You know, since you're so well acquainted with them. ;) )

Heretic is a pretty strong accusation. You have examples to back that up of course?

I think I asked for specifics Jake, and as usual, you don't deliver. The 'accusation' that I make is that you are not a conservative, which is based on almost all of your posts. They're all liberal thought, defending liberal positions. Pretty much everyone laughs at your claim to be a 'conservative'. One just wonders why you bother to make the conservative claim at all, and at this point it's pretty much a joke. ;)

Please, by all means, you can show one post of mine that is 'puritan' in thought right here, provide a link. ;)

Also, please feel free to provide a link to one of my posts that 'wreaks of heresey'. It should be very easy since you say they're are so many. I'll be waiting. :lol:
You attacked me first, I knock you down, and now you want specifics?

That is not how it works. If you have a problem with me, spell it out with specifics.

That's how it works.
You attacked me first, I knock you down, and now you want specifics?

That is not how it works. If you have a problem with me, spell it out with specifics.

That's how it works.

You're so predicatable... :lol:

I 'attacked' you?? By saying that you're not conservative as you claim? :lol:

Which part of the replican platform do you agree with, if any?
You made the claim that I am not "conservative", by your standards, I gather.

Go ahead. Give specifics.
I've used my DD-214 a grand total of once. To apply for a VA loan. Which I did not use, because the VA loan people were such assmunches. And even then, I only needed a photocopy.

So, I'm wondering why these guys need their original DD-214 so often. They must be suckling off the government teat on a truly epic scale. Oh wait, it's Warrior. That explains it.

Oh, you know how you can tell the whiny little bitches from the men? The whiny little bitches blame all their own fuckups on Carter or Clinton.
FOOL the voters ONCE Shame on Obama...
FOOL the voters TWICE shame on the FOOL VOTERS!!


you think Obama was just joking when he wrote this???

Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."
FOOL the voters ONCE Shame on Obama...
FOOL the voters TWICE shame on the FOOL VOTERS!!


you think Obama was just joking when he wrote this???

Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

That's not how adults to do this, Ms. Newby.

You made the charge, so now support it.

That's how adults do this.

You made the claim that I am not "conservative", by your standards, I gather.

Go ahead. Give specifics.

Which parts of the republican platform do you agree with? Simple question.

A pro-abortion 'conservative', but not only that, also a self professed 'Christian' using the Bible to back abortion? :lol:


JakeStarkey said:
I, unlike you, are a born again in the blood saved Christian. Your fantasies of the far right are just that, fantasies.

Jehovah, according to the the Bible, ordered entire peoples to be eliminated, including babies and the unborn.

Next? A second thought: go see your pastor.

Yep, you are in the anti-Christian group with right-winger.

Oh, Christians that are liberal, are frauds. So where in the Bible does it promote killing unborn babies.....stealing from others.....promoting sloth in people....promoting homosexuality, etc, etc, etc.

Yes, you are demented. Those who believe the Bible literally are demented. That is why they are heretics and some have gone all the way to apostasy.

Christians are found in all parties.

The demented mind of a simpleton on display.:eusa_whistle:

Dont' worry, when you die...you can claim stupidity.....:eusa_shhh:
Against voter id... pro abortion... put down your own party because they are 'mostly white'. I can find a point where you counter pretty much every conservative poster and view point on this board. I can keep going with the links if you'd like?


JakeStarkey said:
Well, those are your opinions, and they are wrong.

But you can give us credible, supportable sources, hmmm?

This is one of those issues that shows just how shalllow the limited-government ethos runs with most Republicans. When it enhances their own power and influence, they're more than happy to enlist Big Brother.

If you're addressing this comment to me, you should know that you are way off base. I have no desire to disenfranchise legal voters, but there ARE 30 million illegal aliens in this country and according to the information I've seen, over 80% of them have NO FEAR of voting in our elections. That shit has to stop.

All this sniveling about how hard it is or how much it costs to get a valid ID is nothing but BULLSHIT! I'm poor as a fucking churchmouse, but I do what it takes to make sure I've got an ID, and I don't get it for free, either. States are giving FREE ID's to people who say they can't afford them, and if folks are having such a hard time getting to the DMV, how the fuck are they going to get to the polling station?
I guess this was your way of defending your fellow republican/conservative on an issue that he was absolutely correct on? :lol:


JakeStarkey said:
Rotdoggy does not like sarcasm used against him.

I'm sorry, you're right...I Ryanised the truth.
I'm sure there were loads of non-whites.
I'm on Google images right now....

Funny, I saw both Susana Martinez and Marco Rubio (both of Hispanic heritage) not only in attendance, but actually on stage giving keynote speeches. How odd that a party you accuse of being only white would not only have these people in attendance, they would actually give them the stage and an audience.

Then, I saw Condoleeza Rice and Mia Love (both of african-american heritage) take the stage and give exceptional speeches as well.

Of course there were many others we could mention, but those were my favorites. The point is, those were just the "non-white" people up on the stage. There were many, many more in the audience.

But at the end of the day, only a racist asshole would ever care what color/race the people were in attendance. Even if the entire thing were made up 100% of "white" American's, who cares? The fact that you are so obsessed with it shows how racist you are. The rest of us didn't notice, nor care, about race, sex, or creed. We were focused on the message and the policies. You should have been too, you racist dirt-bag.

You sure are touchy about it!
And you can name all the non-whites off the top of your head - pretty impressive when there were soooo many of them!
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Could it be because you're an Expatriate --like your screen name says--and you haven't had to put up with Obama's B.S. over the last 4 years because you no longer live in this country---:clap2: So with your vote from somewhere else in the world--you impose on us --those who still live in this country another 4 years of the WORST President in U.S history.

Jefferson said we were a democracy.

why are you calling him a liar?

Actually--would it not depend on your definition of Democracy?

Literally, we are a constitutional Republic with many local and state republics and democracies all over the place.
You believe in Darwinism, another true trait of a conservative christian. :lol:


JakeStarkey said:
You prove the point that you are engaged in philosophy not science. And your questions have nothing to do with the testing of evolution.

The real Christian has no trouble with the co-existence of deity and evolution, none at all.

He is a she, and:
Make a complex digital code, Jake. :)
My Peking ducks can mate with my mallards because they are related. Why can't we mate with your relatives, the chimps? I mean we're almost monkeys right? Should work.
Why can we use pig parts and cow parts, but our bodies reject monkey parts. How come?
Now tell us all Starkey, what exactly do you support on the Republican platform? :lol:
Jefferson said we were a democracy.

why are you calling him a liar?

Actually--would it not depend on your definition of Democracy?

Literally, we are a constitutional Republic with many local and state republics and democracies all over the place.

Constitutional Republic some tend to forget that part

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