Why I am voting for Obama again

Sure - you first. Go ahead and post a PDF of your DD-214, ya nutless wonder.

are you saying that, if my documentation shows that I achieved the rank of O-5, you agree to pay me ten thousand dollars?

I know how to read a DD-214, asswipe. It will show your brilliant career from your commission 40 years ago to your retirement as an 0-4 (or in your case, an 0-2).

Post away, fudgepacker !!!!

you didn't answer my question.
My decision to vote for Obama, as stated in the OP has nothing to do with the debt whatsoever. It has to do with the basic beliefs of the democratic party versus the republican party. the DEBT is the big issue that the GOP has latched onto this season and I only point out how funny that is, given the fact that the last six GOP presidents have ALL raised the debt.... I guess raising the debt is OK when you guys do it? :lol:

Yeah, funny, but Obama used the national debt to run on in 2008, something about how 'unpatriotic' it was to run up the national debt. Guess it wasn't as important as he thought, huh? Which 'basic beliefs' are you referring too?

Like I said.. the debt is not my issue... it is YOUR issue. If your party had a track record of actually reducing the national debt - EVER - then maybe you'd have a bit more credibility. As to my basic beliefs, if you don't care to read the OP, I certainly am not inclined to spoon feed it to you now.

I read the op, some vague references. I was asking for details.

...vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on.

What about foreign affairs? What is Obama doing right? What will Romney do that you would disagree with?

Women's rights? Which 'rights' are you referring too, and how does Obama promote them and Romney take them away?

Environmental 'protection'? Whatever that means... What has Obama done that Romney would not? Drill for oil?

Global warming? Don't you mean 'climate change'?? :lol: So you believe in global socialism, which is of course what we all know global warming is promoting? Get in line for those carbon credits, which the industrialized world will pay dearly for in order to enrich the 3rd world countries.

Energy policy? You liked Obama handing out millions/billions to 'green' companies that go bankrupt? Are you a 'kill the oil industry and send us all back to the dark ages' believer?

Family Planing? :lol: How do Obama's policies differ from Romneys? Or is that part of 'womens rights' as well, i.e. free abortion and free birth control? You said you believed in 'individual responsibility', so someone who holds that as a value would oppose both free abortion and free birth control on that principle alone.

Gay rights? I assume you're an advocate of gay 'marriage'? I'm for a legal civil union, but that's never good enough for some reason. Can't imagine why???

Gun Control? What is your stance there? Get rid of the 2nd amendment? What is it with Romney's stance on gun control that you disagree with? How does it differ from Obama's?

Social Justice? How do you bring that about? Our constitution and rule of law isn't enough? That's just code word for socialism or communism, depending on how far left you really are.

Tax Policy... now that one I can see a distince difference. But isn't it funny after four years of Obama and two years of a complete Dem majority that we are still under the Bush tax cuts? Why is that???
are you saying that, if my documentation shows that I achieved the rank of O-5, you agree to pay me ten thousand dollars?

I know how to read a DD-214, asswipe. It will show your brilliant career from your commission 40 years ago to your retirement as an 0-4 (or in your case, an 0-2).

Post away, fudgepacker !!!!

you didn't answer my question.

You didn't post your DD-214, nutless.

Having one that meets your credentials on Google??

What a pantload....
Hmm. Ok...What about education? The federal government in 2009 spent $40 billion or 10% of the total spent on public education. What else would you like to do?
Infrastructure...What about it? The federal government spends roughly $87 billion on transportation and water infrastructure( 2009) budget. This represents roughly 10% of the total federal budget for that year. That accounts for about 25% of the total including state and local expenditures. CBO | Public Spending on Transportation and Water Infrastructure
So what is it you wish the federal government to do?
Define "strong functional society"....See you and I differ in that government should not be involved in social engineering. Society( what ever that is) will function whether government exists or not. See history on the the earliest European settlers. There was no government only a command hierarchy aboard the ships that carried the settlers.
Right now the federal government spends almost 50% of the total budget on help for the poor, the needy, elderly, disabled children and of course the old "can we increase the budget for "et cetera"....What more do you want? Social spending as it stands is no longer sustainable. Not in the current form. There are far too many people gaming the system and there are far too many federal employees costing us taxpayers billions each year.
You can "believe" all you like. Does not make it true.
What do you mean when you state "health care is a right"?....In which part of the US or any State Constitution does is state "health care is a right"?
Why do you trust government which has ZERO incentive to control costs and perform tasks within budget, efficiently and on time more than you do the private sector which MUST work within a budget, perform better and more efficiently and complete it's task with the highest quality and complete the task on time?...

I'm one of those Federal Employees you are talking about. I answered your health care is a right in my last post. If you think the infrastructure is o.k. in this country, you are dead wrong. More money spent on fixing roads, bridges, etc. will create jobs and help the economy. We most definitely DO need a Government to survive. And please, the poor are suffering greatly and so is the middle class. All you have to do is open your eyes and look.
You answered your own idea. You did not answer MY questions. I asked you who will pay for your dream of universal healthcare. You evaded the question. I also asked how a system covering 315 million people could be administered. You evaded that question as well.
I never said the infrastructure was "ok"....In fact I gave a strong illustration of the problems not with funding but how the money is spent. You wrote "infrastructure"...What about it? Explain.
I neither stated not implied there should be no government. That is the typical liberal all or nothing straw man argument. We are passed that now. The public is demanding results. No more excuses.
"The poor are suffering"..Another generic blanket statement to please yourself.
We have spent trillions on social programs which came with the promise to end poverty. Social spending is HALF if the federal budget. How much more do you people think is needed? How about some accountability in the system? The rules need to be enforced, administrative costs must be lowered and those gaming the system need to be cut off.

Look, there is no hope for you. You are pot committed to Obama because number one he is a friend to public employment. Two you are a liberal.
Your very existence as a federal employee is predicated on an administration which has a goal of increasing not only the number of federal workers but their compensation as well.
Government needs to shrink. Not grow.
May I suggest you start your search in the private sector now because in 6 months with the right people in office, the cuts will begin.
Government is bloated and inefficient.
A public employee's worst nightmare is fiscal responsibility.

I answered your question on healthcare in detail. I gave you detailed information on a universal health care plan and how it can be paid for. You don't like my answer so you come back with all this other garbage. I've worked many years in the private sector too so I don't need your patronizing comments about researching it. I really wish you would stick to straight facts and not anything personal and I'd be more willing to elaborate. But since you insist on talking about me and my employment and my political beliefs, I'm going to come back and say I also think there is no hope for you either.

Thanks anyway. Have a nice day.
I know how to read a DD-214, asswipe. It will show your brilliant career from your commission 40 years ago to your retirement as an 0-4 (or in your case, an 0-2).

Post away, fudgepacker !!!!

you didn't answer my question.

You didn't post your DD-214, nutless.

Having one that meets your credentials on Google??

What a pantload....

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?
You are the pretender, Ms. Newby, to Christianity and American political virtue.

I am not worried about the respect of heretic or those who hold non-mainstream America values. Keep that in mind.

We are a heretic to the former and confused to the later.
Newby pretends to be a conservative when in fact he is a far right reactionary christian wack. :lmao:

Coming from you, my dear, that's a compliment... ;) I guess you're not pretending to be a Christian anymore either? And it's 'her' for the 100th time. :tongue: You might get more respect around here if you ever answered a question put to you, but I've never seen it happen. Just some friendly advise. ;)
You hold neither mainstream Christian or American values, bigrebnc, so I will give the time you deserve here . . . next to none.

Newby pretends to be a conservative when in fact he is a far right reactionary christian wack. :lmao:

Coming from you, my dear, that's a compliment... ;) I guess you're not pretending to be a Christian anymore either? And it's 'her' for the 100th time. :tongue: You might get more respect around here if you ever answered a question put to you, but I've never seen it happen. Just some friendly advise. ;)

He can't do that and play his facade
You hold neither mainstream Christian or American values, bigrebnc, so I will give the time you deserve here . . . next to none.

Coming from you, my dear, that's a compliment... ;) I guess you're not pretending to be a Christian anymore either? And it's 'her' for the 100th time. :tongue: You might get more respect around here if you ever answered a question put to you, but I've never seen it happen. Just some friendly advise. ;)

He can't do that and play his facade
You are a fake facade.
I made no assumptions. Your post told me the story of you.
Typically when people rattle off lists of things it is because they lack knowledge of specifics or they are attempting to deflect attention away from the fact that the one doing the listing has no interest in a discussion. The equivalent would be to shine a bright light in a person's eyes then run away and hide while the person is temporarily blinded.
Ok. It is very nice that these other places have their version of what you believe is universal healthcare. The bottom line is this: The cost is always there. Whether the privately insured pay for care as part of their premiums or the taxpayers via a government system fund it, the costs continue to rise because the cost of the labor to do the research, perform the care and develop the technology always rises.
The only way to control the market is for government to FIX the market. In other words, create a monopoly. When that happens, rationing of the product follows.
Now, these other countries have less than 10% of the population of the US. It is impossible for a country to insure and administer a health program for 315 million people without the cost of administration reaching stratospheric levels.
Newsflash. Health care will NEVER be "free".. To anyone.
Now I asked YOU to answer those questions. Not plan an escape by posting links.
You made your statement regarding the issues on which you would vote for Obama.
I ask you again to answer those simple questions. I am not letting this go. You put it out there on a public message board. Just feel free to back it up.
Worked in the healthcare field doing what?...Worked for insurance companies doing what?
My father and father in law have been patients at VA hospitals. They offer their observations. You worked in one. Who is better qualified to offer an unbiased observation of the system as they saw it? One who got the care or one who sees the government system as the best type and is committed to that end?...
Forget the links. Just answer the questions. This is important. This is why you have made up your mind to vote for Obama.

Listen, I have a life and only so much time to type out every little detail of every little thing I believe in politically. I'm a busy person with a full time job and a family. I will answer you but it is gonna take time and I'm coming to this board to discuss/debate these issues but I'm not gonna tolerate someone telling me exactly what I have to say and how I have to say it. That doesn't fly with me and it'll never work. I use links only if they are informative and a good place to get more details I don't want to type out here in their entirety. I know many people who have gotten care at the VA and I currently work there. See my bio in my profile for my job title. I used to work as a claims examiner for United Health Care among others. I think that's enough about me right now.

Regarding your first statement. Who the hell said it would be free? I didn't and I offered you ideas in those links how to pay for it. We pay for it right now. We pay for the uninsured who go to the ER to get care. We pay massive insurance premiums-or at least the copays and deductibles. We pay for Medicare and Medicaid with our taxes. We pay plenty right now. And we have millions who get no care, and only get seen when they are so sick it is going to cost the taxpayer a hell of a lot more money than if they had free preventative care which is what the ACA mandates. Heck, look at all the people who declare bankruptcy due to medical bills. Who pays for that? What happens when they have to foreclose on their house and what does that do to the market value of the rest of the houses in the neighborhood. I could go on and on. I hope you get the point.

We can pay for universal health care so easily with the money already being spent on health care, that we could cover everyone and even pay less than we do now. Premiums, and even those on Medicare pay premiums, could be pegged to income so that families could pay far less than the average 25% of their income that they are paying now to get covered. Doctors could put their resources into delivering medical care instead of personnel to deal with the endless reams of paperwork and fight for coverage for their patients from the insurance companies, which would bring down medical costs without reducing medical service. The uninsured and the underinsured could get the treatment they need and preventative care, like physical examinations could catch illnesses while it is less expensive to treat. Your doctor could make the medical decisions about your treatment instead of some clerk in an insurance office.

I do believe healthcare is a right in this country. It's called life. We have a right to life. All of us. Everyone. This is my personal opinion of which I am entiteled to.
You're just pissed because I called you on your post. Now you don't want to stoop so low as to defend your position. Hey, I get it. Lazy and uninformed. So be it.
I never demanded HOW to answer. Just asked some questions and you got aggravated.
On your point about doctors pooling resources. It is being done now. Google "doctors hospitals"..Also there are medical associations to which patients pay a fee to join. There is no insurance accepted. The problem is ACA makes these things illegal.
"Easily afford"? Stop it.
With universal care the taxpayers pay not only for care through taxation, but administrative costs which government has no incentive in keeping control. The answer as always is with government "increase taxes"...That will not fly.
Health insurance is expensive for many reasons...Federal mandates on types of coverage. The inability of insurance companies to sell policies across state lines which eliminates competition and thus drives up the price. And finally there are no catastrophic loss policies available. These are high deductible policies designed to cover serious illness or injury and long term care.
The most glaring issue with medical insurance is the belief that first dollar coverage is a right or should be universally available. In other words, medicine should be free. That is nonsense.
I would much rather have a system where I go to my family doctor for minor things and pay out of pocket. For those who cannot pay, we have medicaid and medicare.
A captive government run system where no one pays is not realistic.

Excuse me but it takes a lot more than your demaning, personal posts to aggravate me. I'm the kind of person that does not resort to personal insults to get my message accross. As soon as I see that, I know the person doing it isn't really interested in a discussion or they have no argument to refute what I have to say.

So, go ahead and think what you want. It matters very little to me. But I ignored the rest of what you said after lazy and uninformed.

Your loss on a good political discussion, not mine.

Have a nice day.
You are the pretender, Ms. Newby, to Christianity and American political virtue.

I am not worried about the respect of heretic or those who hold non-mainstream America values. Keep that in mind.

We are a heretic to the former and confused to the later.
Newby pretends to be a conservative when in fact he is a far right reactionary christian wack. :lmao:

Coming from you, my dear, that's a compliment... ;) I guess you're not pretending to be a Christian anymore either? And it's 'her' for the 100th time. :tongue: You might get more respect around here if you ever answered a question put to you, but I've never seen it happen. Just some friendly advise. ;)

Okay, Jake, put your money where your mouth is. Let us all hear how you define 'conservative' values?

What are 'mainstream values'? How do they differ from mine (You know, since you're so well acquainted with them. ;) )

Heretic is a pretty strong accusation. You have examples to back that up of course?
What about foreign affairs? What is Obama doing right? What will Romney do that you would disagree with?

Obama is reaching out to the islamic people. Romney would take a much more bellicose approach to Islam in general than I would approve of. Romney would bend over for Israel, Obama does not.

Women's rights? Which 'rights' are you referring too, and how does Obama promote them and Romney take them away?
reproductive choice. equal pay for equal work. the republican platform supports neither.

Environmental 'protection'? Whatever that means... What has Obama done that Romney would not? Drill for oil?
from the OP... it is not about Romney or Obama , it is about democrat versus republican. My party is one that is more protective of the environment and less beholden to big oil.

Global warming? Don't you mean 'climate change'?? :lol: So you believe in global socialism, which is of course what we all know global warming is promoting? Get in line for those carbon credits, which the industrialized world will pay dearly for in order to enrich the 3rd world countries.
Yes... I do mean climate change, and believing it instead of denying it is a first step. I think that our country needs to take steps to act responsibly on this front and the GOP platform does not address it.

Energy policy? You liked Obama handing out millions/billions to 'green' companies that go bankrupt? Are you a 'kill the oil industry and send us all back to the dark ages' believer?

I applaud government support for alternatives to oil. I see no need to "kill" the oil industry, but I would love to see us move towards making it obsolete.

Family Planing? :lol: How do Obama's policies differ from Romneys? Or is that part of 'womens rights' as well, i.e. free abortion and free birth control? You said you believed in 'individual responsibility', so someone who holds that as a value would oppose both free abortion and free birth control on that principle alone.

I do believe in a woman's right to make her own reproductive choices, and if those choices require medical treatment, it ought to be provided through insurance plans like other medical treatments.

Gay rights? I assume you're an advocate of gay 'marriage'? I'm for a legal civil union, but that's never good enough for some reason. Can't imagine why???

I am an advocate of gay marriage. the republican party platform stands firmly against it.

Gun Control? What is your stance there? Get rid of the 2nd amendment? What is it with Romney's stance on gun control that you disagree with? How does it differ from Obama's?

more Romney versus Obama rhetoric. My beef is with the GOP party platform. Romney runs on that platform. My stance on the 2nd amendment is that it was written to provide for a citizen militia, not unlimited firearms possession without organized civil defense responsibilities. I personally think that assault rifles should be banned.

Social Justice? How do you bring that about? Our constitution and rule of law isn't enough?
Maintaining Affirmative Action would be a start. Passing the ERA would be a start. The GOP is against both of those issues.

Tax Policy... now that one I can see a distince difference. But isn't it funny after four years of Obama and two years of a complete Dem majority that we are still under the Bush tax cuts? Why is that???
DINOS. Nelson, Landrieux, Lieberman, Pryor, Lincoln... that's why.
What about foreign affairs? What is Obama doing right? What will Romney do that you would disagree with?

Obama is reaching out to the islamic people. Romney would take a much more bellicose approach to Islam in general than I would approve of. Romney would bend over for Israel, Obama does not.

Women's rights? Which 'rights' are you referring too, and how does Obama promote them and Romney take them away?
reproductive choice. equal pay for equal work. the republican platform supports neither.

from the OP... it is not about Romney or Obama , it is about democrat versus republican. My party is one that is more protective of the environment and less beholden to big oil.

Yes... I do mean climate change, and believing it instead of denying it is a first step. I think that our country needs to take steps to act responsibly on this front and the GOP platform does not address it.

I applaud government support for alternatives to oil. I see no need to "kill" the oil industry, but I would love to see us move towards making it obsolete.

I do believe in a woman's right to make her own reproductive choices, and if those choices require medical treatment, it ought to be provided through insurance plans like other medical treatments.

I am an advocate of gay marriage. the republican party platform stands firmly against it.

more Romney versus Obama rhetoric. My beef is with the GOP party platform. Romney runs on that platform. My stance on the 2nd amendment is that it was written to provide for a citizen militia, not unlimited firearms possession without organized civil defense responsibilities. I personally think that assault rifles should be banned.

Social Justice? How do you bring that about? Our constitution and rule of law isn't enough?
Maintaining Affirmative Action would be a start. Passing the ERA would be a start. The GOP is against both of those issues.

Tax Policy... now that one I can see a distince difference. But isn't it funny after four years of Obama and two years of a complete Dem majority that we are still under the Bush tax cuts? Why is that???
DINOS. Nelson, Landrieux, Lieberman, Pryor, Lincoln... that's why.

Why are you concerned about Islamic people? Are you Islamic?

How does the republican platform go against 'reproductive choice'? Or equal pay for women? Please be specific.

How much more protective of the environment? Be specific. You make too many generalizations. What would you like to see the feds enforce that's not currently being done?

What kinds of steps does our country need to take to act more responsibly? How can the government achieve that?

What do you propose as a realistic alternative to oil that would sustain human life as we know it today?

Medical treatment? I.e abortion? But, if the woman was 'responsible' and used freely and widely available birth control, there would be no need of it. So, do you or do you not believe in personal responsibility? You also advocate that the American taxpayer be responsible for paying for other's birth control? Getting pregnant isn't a 'medical condition', it is a chioce. There are many different ways to choose to not get pregnant. Seems you advocate for a nanny state.

So a civil legal union is not enough? Why?

You hold very extreme views with regards to the 2nd amendment. It says nothing about a militia. And here I also question your claims to being in the US military for 25 years. You swore an oath to pretect the Constitution, how did you do so whenever you disagree with it on basic principles? I wonder if you're even a US citizen at all. ;)

I don't see AA going away? Not sure what your point is there. In any case, it's a discriminatory policy. And as far as I know, every American citizen is protected the same under the constitution, so you just do not believe in the constitution as it stands then?

Sounds like excuses and rationalization to the extreme. ;)
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Stupidity, a common occurrence with those that lean left.
You didn't post your DD-214, nutless.

Having one that meets your credentials on Google??

What a pantload....

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?

Sure - post away.


I don't believe you...

and I realize that you don't believe me.

My DD214 is in my safe deposit box in Maine along with my will... So... I look here at my DD Form 2 and there is really no way to redact what I don't want you to know (name and SSN) and still give you the proof that you would need. In any case, I don't believe there is a snowball's chance in hell that you would send me that kind of money. ah well... it was fun imagining buying a year's worth of Yucatan Country Club membership on your nickel... such is not to be, I guess.
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

Stupidity, a common occurrence with those that lean left.

so... it is your belief that everyone who professes to be a liberal in America is stupid? that's sad. I, for example, have a kid brother who is a staunch republican... I don't think he is stupid and he doesn't think I am either... we both just agree to disagree about our political philosophy.
My DD214 is in my safe deposit box in Maine along with my will... So... I look here at my DD Form 2 and there is really no way to redact what I don't want you to know (name and SSN) and still give you the proof that you would need. In any case, I don't believe there is a snowball's chance in hell that you would send me that kind of money. ah well... it was fun imagining buying a year's worth of Yucatan Country Club membership on your nickel... such is not to be, I guess.

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?

Sure - post away.


I don't believe you...

and I realize that you don't believe me.

My DD214 is in my safe deposit box in Maine along with my will... So... I look here at my DD Form 2 and there is really no way to redact what I don't want you to know (name and SSN) and still give you the proof that you would need. In any case, I don't believe there is a snowball's chance in hell that you would send me that kind of money. ah well... it was fun imagining buying a year's worth of Yucatan Country Club membership on your nickel... such is not to be, I guess.

There's this thing called a copy machine, and then there's this stuff called whiteout, very easy to make a copy, white out what you don't want seen, recopy or scan, etc... You made the big challenge, and then when called on it, back away. Doesn't look too good. :lol:

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