Why I am voting for Obama again

You didn't post your DD-214, nutless.

Having one that meets your credentials on Google??

What a pantload....

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?

Very well it's settled glad I could contribute to this disagreement.

and now.... IT'S SHOWTIME!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR27XNgM4ao]Paygrade issue - YouTube[/ame]
Nice video
ok then great, you have a Socialist-Communist-vision for this country than vote for Obama again..then he can FINISH Transforming the country he supposedly says HE LOVES

When you don't have something credible to say about him you call him a socialist-communiest? :lol: Bush was more of a dictator with his polices. after 9/11.
You didn't post your DD-214, nutless.

Having one that meets your credentials on Google??

What a pantload....

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?

Very well it's settled glad I could contribute to this disagreement.

and now.... IT'S SHOWTIME!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR27XNgM4ao]Paygrade issue - YouTube[/ame]

Kudos to you, altho you certainly had nothing to lose by making it either. :lol:

You appear to be fairly well off, showing off your 'rental home' while year long remodeling is done to your own, so how you can side with the left regarding redistribution, along with big government control in the personal lives of its citizens, I have no idea. I always wonder why those on the left with money aren't giving it to all of the poor and down trodden, and living within meager means, i.e. practicing what they preach. Is it a sense of guilt over what you do have that you feel the need to use everyone else's money to help those you deem as 'needy'? If you yourself have been successful at life, what makes you feel you have the right to take what success has been earned by others and distribute it as you see fit? Or didn't you earn what you have via capitalism and your own effort, and you therefore take it for granted? It's certainly something I will never understand or relate too whatsoever.
Kudos to you, altho you certainly had nothing to lose by making it either. :lol:

You appear to be fairly well off, showing off your 'rental home' while year long remodeling is done to your own, so how you can side with the left regarding redistribution, along with big government control in the personal lives of its citizens, I have no idea. I always wonder why those on the left with money aren't giving it to all of the poor and down trodden, and living within meager means, i.e. practicing what they preach. Is it a sense of guilt over what you do have that you feel the need to use everyone else's money to help those you deem as 'needy'? If you yourself have been successful at life, what makes you feel you have the right to take what success has been earned by others and distribute it as you see fit? Or didn't you earn what you have via capitalism and your own effort, and you therefore take it for granted? It's certainly something I will never understand or relate too whatsoever.

I have prospered. After I retired from the service, I had another successful career or two before finally fully retiring. I tithe to the church. That is a significant amount of money each year... and I willingly and happily pay income tax on all my earnings and would not be upset in the least if the marginal rate increased to pre-Bush days even though that will undoubtedly mean a greater tax burden for me. I have been fortunate in life... I am blessed with a good intellect and was given strong values from my parents. I have known a great many Americans who did not have those blessings and for whom, making change for a dollar is hard, and computers are incomprehensible... not through any fault of their own, but because they were NOT blessed with gifts like you and me have. They are good enough to go fight and die for their country, however, and even if they are NOT veterans, they are deserving of a safety net that protects them. I believe it does take a village, even if the village has to take care of a few village idiots from time to time.

By the way, do you think that Warrior102 will take the time to view that youtube clip? ANd I tell you what... I will donate half of it to charity if he ever does pay up.
Kudos to you, altho you certainly had nothing to lose by making it either. :lol:

You appear to be fairly well off, showing off your 'rental home' while year long remodeling is done to your own, so how you can side with the left regarding redistribution, along with big government control in the personal lives of its citizens, I have no idea. I always wonder why those on the left with money aren't giving it to all of the poor and down trodden, and living within meager means, i.e. practicing what they preach. Is it a sense of guilt over what you do have that you feel the need to use everyone else's money to help those you deem as 'needy'? If you yourself have been successful at life, what makes you feel you have the right to take what success has been earned by others and distribute it as you see fit? Or didn't you earn what you have via capitalism and your own effort, and you therefore take it for granted? It's certainly something I will never understand or relate too whatsoever.

I have prospered. After I retired from the service, I had another successful career or two before finally fully retiring. I tithe to the church. That is a significant amount of money each year... and I willingly and happily pay income tax on all my earnings and would not be upset in the least if the marginal rate increased to pre-Bush days even though that will undoubtedly mean a greater tax burden for me. I have been fortunate in life... I am blessed with a good intellect and was given strong values from my parents. I have known a great many Americans who did not have those blessings and for whom, making change for a dollar is hard, and computers are incomprehensible... not through any fault of their own, but because they were NOT blessed with gifts like you and me have. They are good enough to go fight and die for their country, however, and even if they are NOT veterans, they are deserving of a safety net that protects them. I believe it does take a village, even if the village has to take care of a few village idiots from time to time.

By the way, do you think that Warrior102 will take the time to view that youtube clip? ANd I tell you what... I will donate half of it to charity if he ever does pay up.

A saftey net is a far different thing than where we've come in this country and where the democrat party wants to take us. I believe in freedom and the ability to acheive if you so desire. To take away a good percentage of what anyone achieves via government fiat only kills ambition. Like I said, I don't see you living in meager means and giving most of what you have to all of those people who haven't been as 'blessed' as you have been. You're implying that you got where you are via no control of your own, it was all just happenstance and you didn't have anything to do with how your life turned out? In other words, 'you didn't build that'? You just were 'blessed', so we should take from those that are 'blessed' and give to those who are not via government force, because it's through no fault of their own choices in life that they aren't 'blessed'? It sounds more like guilt to me. I will never understand that train of thought, I just can't relate to it. Most people work very hard for what they have, and you shouldn't be punished because others choose not to do the same. The safety net that you speak of is for those who cannot, not those that willnot. That should be a very small number.

Well, if he does and he pays you, you should donate all of it, shouldn't you? Many people out there not as 'blessed' as you are, especially in Mexico. :lol:
Ms. Newby, you hit it right on the nail. You simply cannot comprehend different ways of doing things. Obama has been less a dictator than Bush, and I am hoping that Romney will be less of one than Obama. And I hope that you realize your are an individual within and, eventually, dependent on the community.

We are a collection of individuals and community, hopefully working for the better.

You seem to resent that reality.

again... you didn't answer my question. Will you pay me $10,000 if I can show you I achieved the rank of O-5? yes or no?

and now.... IT'S SHOWTIME!

Paygrade issue - YouTube

Kudos to you, altho you certainly had nothing to lose by making it either. :lol:

You appear to be fairly well off, showing off your 'rental home' while year long remodeling is done to your own, so how you can side with the left regarding redistribution, along with big government control in the personal lives of its citizens, I have no idea. I always wonder why those on the left with money aren't giving it to all of the poor and down trodden, and living within meager means, i.e. practicing what they preach. Is it a sense of guilt over what you do have that you feel the need to use everyone else's money to help those you deem as 'needy'? If you yourself have been successful at life, what makes you feel you have the right to take what success has been earned by others and distribute it as you see fit? Or didn't you earn what you have via capitalism and your own effort, and you therefore take it for granted? It's certainly something I will never understand or relate too whatsoever.
WHY I AM VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN: I think the reason that most Obama supporters continue to support him has to do with their basic political philosophies. The democratic party and the republican party have vastly different views on a host of major issues: foreign affairs, women's rights, environmental protection, global warming, energy policy, family planning, gay rights, gun control, social justice, tax policy, and on and on. It is not necessarily that any of us are THRILLED with the performance of Obama in his first term, but that doesn't change the fact that we are vehemently opposed to most- if not all - of the GOP's positions on that long list of issues. Obama shares the political philosophy of democrats, and if we reelect him, he may not be successful in moving all or most or even hardly any of those issues down a path that democrats would approve, but electing Romney will CERTAINLY stop any movement on those issues in the direction that democrats want to see them advance, and, instead, move those issues down the path that the GOP wants them to advance.

It is nothing more or less than the standard clash of political philosophies that ought not to come as a surprise to anyone. If one has a vision for the future of our country, one will vote for the party that will attempt to move the country along a path that more closely resembles that vision.

No. You are voting for The ONE because you are a dopey lemming.
Ms. Newby, you hit it right on the nail. You simply cannot comprehend different ways of doing things. Obama has been less a dictator than Bush, and I am hoping that Romney will be less of one than Obama. And I hope that you realize your are an individual within and, eventually, dependent on the community.

We are a collection of individuals and community, hopefully working for the better.

You seem to resent that reality.

Kudos to you, altho you certainly had nothing to lose by making it either. :lol:

You appear to be fairly well off, showing off your 'rental home' while year long remodeling is done to your own, so how you can side with the left regarding redistribution, along with big government control in the personal lives of its citizens, I have no idea. I always wonder why those on the left with money aren't giving it to all of the poor and down trodden, and living within meager means, i.e. practicing what they preach. Is it a sense of guilt over what you do have that you feel the need to use everyone else's money to help those you deem as 'needy'? If you yourself have been successful at life, what makes you feel you have the right to take what success has been earned by others and distribute it as you see fit? Or didn't you earn what you have via capitalism and your own effort, and you therefore take it for granted? It's certainly something I will never understand or relate too whatsoever.

Yeah, all those pioneers who forged west and lived on their own without anyone for miles, no laws, no civilization, no nothing.. really needed 'big brother' to help them along. Those people built this country. Are you seriously implying that no one could survive without society to help them along? You know, prior to several hundred years ago, people did exist without 'society' helping them. There was no welfare, grocery store, doctor, etc.. People grew their own food, hunted for it, made their own clothes, all without government help!! Brush up on history.

By the way, you really don't know anything about me, Jakey, so your presumptions about what I think are just a bit off the mark. :lol:
Then you condemn yourself, Ms. Newby, for you don't know me.

All of those pioneers had friendship and kinship framerworks within which they worked, by the way. Yeah, individual and community, Ms. Newby.
Yeah, all those pioneers who forged west and lived on their own without anyone for miles, no laws, no civilization, no nothing.. really needed 'big brother' to help them along. Those people built this country. Are you seriously implying that no one could survive without society to help them along? You know, prior to several hundred years ago, people did exist without 'society' helping them. There was no welfare, grocery store, doctor, etc.. People grew their own food, hunted for it, made their own clothes, all without government help!! Brush up on history.

and we have advanced as a society, haven't we? when the pioneers forged west, blacks weren't allowed to marry whites. Children worked in factories and didn't go to school, much less get to be kids. Women couldn't vote. This country has gotten better and has advanced along progressive pathways on a host of issues, and things that were once considered wacky far left ideas are now part of the political mainstream. A sign at a teaparty rally succinctly illustrates that point: "Keep your socialist hands off my Medicare!", the sign said. Go back and read the quotes from Reagan and other politicians back in the day that called Medicare the first step towards socialism and communism and an end to the American dream... Medicare is now cherished by the oldtime teabaggers and they don't want "socialists" to mess with it. You have to admit that is funny stuff.

How are you, by the way, at making your own clothes? Hunting for subsistence, are you? Foresaking the supermarket to go out into the forest and kill wild beasts to feed you family? How's the backyard garden doing? Or do you, instead, go to the market and buy the cheap vegetables brought to you by immigrant farm labor?
Yeah, all those pioneers who forged west and lived on their own without anyone for miles, no laws, no civilization, no nothing.. really needed 'big brother' to help them along. Those people built this country. Are you seriously implying that no one could survive without society to help them along? You know, prior to several hundred years ago, people did exist without 'society' helping them. There was no welfare, grocery store, doctor, etc.. People grew their own food, hunted for it, made their own clothes, all without government help!! Brush up on history.

and we have advanced as a society, haven't we? when the pioneers forged west, blacks weren't allowed to marry whites. Children worked in factories and didn't go to school, much less get to be kids. Women couldn't vote. This country has gotten better and has advanced along progressive pathways on a host of issues, and things that were once considered wacky far left ideas are now part of the political mainstream. A sign at a teaparty rally succinctly illustrates that point: "Keep your socialist hands off my Medicare!", the sign said. Go back and read the quotes from Reagan and other politicians back in the day that called Medicare the first step towards socialism and communism and an end to the American dream... Medicare is now cherished by the oldtime teabaggers and they don't want "socialists" to mess with it. You have to admit that is funny stuff.

How are you, by the way, at making your own clothes? Hunting for subsistence, are you? Foresaking the supermarket to go out into the forest and kill wild beasts to feed you family? How's the backyard garden doing? Or do you, instead, go to the market and buy the cheap vegetables brought to you by immigrant farm labor?

Medicare is cherished? Tell you what, give everyone the opportunity to opt out of Medicare and Social Security and invest on their own terms knowing that they'd receive a much better return on their investment, and see how many people you have left. At the rate we're currently going, there will be no medicare or social security by the time I retire. Let people be responsible for themselves, and for the most part, they will be. You act like we are not capable of making our own decisions and thriving on our own without your opinion on how we should conduct our lives.

People lived and survived in that way for thousands of years, apparently you missed the point. Does it really need explained to you? I actually have a very nice garden. ;) Perhaps you and your kind need to rely on others to subsist, but if all modern comforts should go away and I needed to survive on my own, I'd certainly find a way. To use that as an excuse to rob others of what they have worked hard for is immoral, and not the principle that this country was founded on.
Yeah, all those pioneers who forged west and lived on their own without anyone for miles, no laws, no civilization, no nothing.. really needed 'big brother' to help them along. Those people built this country. Are you seriously implying that no one could survive without society to help them along? You know, prior to several hundred years ago, people did exist without 'society' helping them. There was no welfare, grocery store, doctor, etc.. People grew their own food, hunted for it, made their own clothes, all without government help!! Brush up on history.

and we have advanced as a society, haven't we? when the pioneers forged west, blacks weren't allowed to marry whites. Children worked in factories and didn't go to school, much less get to be kids. Women couldn't vote. This country has gotten better and has advanced along progressive pathways on a host of issues, and things that were once considered wacky far left ideas are now part of the political mainstream. A sign at a teaparty rally succinctly illustrates that point: "Keep your socialist hands off my Medicare!", the sign said. Go back and read the quotes from Reagan and other politicians back in the day that called Medicare the first step towards socialism and communism and an end to the American dream... Medicare is now cherished by the oldtime teabaggers and they don't want "socialists" to mess with it. You have to admit that is funny stuff.

How are you, by the way, at making your own clothes? Hunting for subsistence, are you? Foresaking the supermarket to go out into the forest and kill wild beasts to feed you family? How's the backyard garden doing? Or do you, instead, go to the market and buy the cheap vegetables brought to you by immigrant farm labor?

Medicare is cherished? Tell you what, give everyone the opportunity to opt out of Medicare and Social Security and invest on their own terms knowing that they'd receive a much better return on their investment, and see how many people you have left. At the rate we're currently going, there will be no medicare or social security by the time I retire. Let people be responsible for themselves, and for the most part, they will be. You act like we are not capable of making our own decisions and thriving on our own without your opinion on how we should conduct our lives.

People lived and survived in that way for thousands of years, apparently you missed the point. Does it really need explained to you? I actually have a very nice garden. ;) Perhaps you and your kind need to rely on others to subsist, but if all modern comforts should go away and I needed to survive on my own, I'd certainly find a way. To use that as an excuse to rob others of what they have worked hard for is immoral, and not the principle that this country was founded on.

progressive income tax has been supported by every single president since Wilson. get OVER it. And your opinions as to what the average American would want to do with his or her social security and medicare trust fund cash is just that... an opinion unsupported by facts. Good luck with the veggies this year!
Sending society back to the days of kaz and Newby would to go back a 100 years.

No, thanks.

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