Why I Believe


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
I believe in God simply because His creations, human beings, are profoundly stupid. All of us, even myself. So to disbelieve in God because of what some fool thousands of years ago said is to become the King of Fools.
Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?”

God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”

And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel, ‘I am has sent me to you.’” . . . This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations.

Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel
and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts:
“I am the first and I am the last;
besides me there is no god.
Who is like me? Let him proclaim it.
Let him declare and set it before me,
since I appointed an ancient people.
Let them declare what is to come, and what will happen.
Fear not, nor be afraid;
have I not told you from of old and declared it?
And you are my witnesses!
Is there a God besides me?
There is no Rock; I know not any.”
Matthew 10:32,33-

32 "Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven. 33 "But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven.
OK MaxGrit. What exactly was that proof he gave them. It might make it more believable than "I read it in a book, and TV preachers say it's true"
I believe in God simply because His creations, human beings, are profoundly stupid. All of us, even myself. So to disbelieve in God because of what some fool thousands of years ago said is to become the King of Fools.

On the contrary. To believe in god because of what some fools said thousands of years ago is what makes you stupid.

And imagine if I was someone who had never heard of god before. Would you really walk up to me with this flawed logic? Yes, humans thousands of years ago were really uneducated and they came up with god and no one smart enough around at the time to nip that shit in the butt and the idea took off. And don't forget the long history of if anyone tried to shut the stupid idea down, they were murdered, crucified, burned at the stake, stoned, etc.

So you and your tribe have been brainwashed for thousands of years to believe a fairy tale. Want proof? Look at the muslim world. They believe another stupid version of the same fairy tale. You realize how wrong their story is but not your own? Wake up white boy!
everyone will know at their physiological death - that is not important, if one cares they had better pass mustard at their Judgement ... or knowing will be but a fleeting moment anyway.

everyone will know at their physiological death - that is not important, if one cares they had better pass mustard at their Judgement ... or knowing will be but a fleeting moment anyway.


In the eastern catholic faiths some believe that Purgatory is entirely passed through in the moments of death itself.

You may have the exact process down here entirely.
I believe because it makes sense and the Spirit has revealed too many things to me to deny it.
I believe in God simply because His creations, human beings, are profoundly stupid. All of us, even myself. So to disbelieve in God because of what some fool thousands of years ago said is to become the King of Fools.

On the contrary. To believe in god because of what some fools said thousands of years ago is what makes you stupid.

And imagine if I was someone who had never heard of god before. Would you really walk up to me with this flawed logic? Yes, humans thousands of years ago were really uneducated and they came up with god and no one smart enough around at the time to nip that shit in the butt and the idea took off. And don't forget the long history of if anyone tried to shut the stupid idea down, they were murdered, crucified, burned at the stake, stoned, etc.

So you and your tribe have been brainwashed for thousands of years to believe a fairy tale. Want proof? Look at the muslim world. They believe another stupid version of the same fairy tale. You realize how wrong their story is but not your own? Wake up white boy!

History of religion on planet Earth is the blink of an eye compared to other regions of the universe. My belief in God has nothing to do with anything here, or rather the total sum of religious claims have not convinced me, yet I believe in God nonetheless.

The universe exists, I exist, some thing or some one is responsible. I call that thing or 'being' God.
I believe in God simply because His creations, human beings, are profoundly stupid. All of us, even myself. So to disbelieve in God because of what some fool thousands of years ago said is to become the King of Fools.

On the contrary. To believe in god because of what some fools said thousands of years ago is what makes you stupid.

And imagine if I was someone who had never heard of god before. Would you really walk up to me with this flawed logic? Yes, humans thousands of years ago were really uneducated and they came up with god and no one smart enough around at the time to nip that shit in the butt and the idea took off. And don't forget the long history of if anyone tried to shut the stupid idea down, they were murdered, crucified, burned at the stake, stoned, etc.

So you and your tribe have been brainwashed for thousands of years to believe a fairy tale. Want proof? Look at the muslim world. They believe another stupid version of the same fairy tale. You realize how wrong their story is but not your own? Wake up white boy!

History of religion on planet Earth is the blink of an eye compared to other regions of the universe. My belief in God has nothing to do with anything here, or rather the total sum of religious claims have not convinced me, yet I believe in God nonetheless.

The universe exists, I exist, some thing or some one is responsible. I call that thing or 'being' God.

Bingo, but you could go so much further.

But no need to; just live your life respecting the Creator, loving yourself and your neighbor and I think you have the essential problem solved.
I believe in God simply because His creations, human beings, are profoundly stupid. All of us, even myself. So to disbelieve in God because of what some fool thousands of years ago said is to become the King of Fools.

On the contrary. To believe in god because of what some fools said thousands of years ago is what makes you stupid.

And imagine if I was someone who had never heard of god before. Would you really walk up to me with this flawed logic? Yes, humans thousands of years ago were really uneducated and they came up with god and no one smart enough around at the time to nip that shit in the butt and the idea took off. And don't forget the long history of if anyone tried to shut the stupid idea down, they were murdered, crucified, burned at the stake, stoned, etc.

So you and your tribe have been brainwashed for thousands of years to believe a fairy tale. Want proof? Look at the muslim world. They believe another stupid version of the same fairy tale. You realize how wrong their story is but not your own? Wake up white boy!

History of religion on planet Earth is the blink of an eye compared to other regions of the universe. My belief in God has nothing to do with anything here, or rather the total sum of religious claims have not convinced me, yet I believe in God nonetheless.

The universe exists, I exist, some thing or some one is responsible. I call that thing or 'being' God.

have you asked God whether that's true?

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