Why I Canceled My Order From L.L. Bean: The Toxic Tweets Of Donald Trump

I'm reminded of what happened when the pervert-rights bunch called for a boycott of Chick-fil-A a few years back…

I'm so happy Republicans eat there - the chicken is drenched in growth hormones/steroids.
The NRA was once a great outfit and I was a faithful member for many years - until it was hijacked by radicals in 1977.

How NRA’s true believers converted a marksmanship group into a mighty gun lobby
Hijacked? You mean grew out of a need (felt by many) to defend against those who wanted (and still want) to reinterpret the 2nd Amendment. Got it. :thup:

You mean the 2nd Musket Amendment?
I'll buy that when you start posting on parchment paper hand set in a press and mailed via horseback or carriage.........

The Constitution doesn't address "parchment paper hand set in a press and mailed via horseback or carriage" - but it does address arms (muskets) of the period. The 2nd Amendment is confusing and obsolete.
Confusing only to simpletons .... obsolete only to the treasonous.
^^^ Trumpanzees are experts on treason!
Hijacked? You mean grew out of a need (felt by many) to defend against those who wanted (and still want) to reinterpret the 2nd Amendment. Got it. :thup:

You mean the 2nd Musket Amendment?
I'll buy that when you start posting on parchment paper hand set in a press and mailed via horseback or carriage.........

The Constitution doesn't address "parchment paper hand set in a press and mailed via horseback or carriage" - but it does address arms (muskets) of the period. The 2nd Amendment is confusing and obsolete.
Confusing only to simpletons .... obsolete only to the treasonous.
^^^ Trumpanzees are experts on treason!

Wow! Three incredibly stupid posts in only 5 minutes.

Do you come by that naturally, or did your mother teach you that?
The bloody left wing loons were demanding that Linda Bean resign.

Don't lie.


How would you like your crow? Well done, medium, rare or blue?

Organizer ‘likely’ to drop L.L. Bean boycott if Linda Bean leaves board
The outdoor retailer drew the attention of Grab Your Wallet because of the Bean heir's political contributions supporting Donald Trump.

Organizer 'likely' to drop L.L. Bean boycott if Linda Bean leaves board - The Portland Press Herald
How has "speech" changed since the 1st Amendment was ratified?
UM, excuse me for butting in rosie but he said "freedom of speech", not 'speech'...try asking your question in that framework...once again trying to respond to something the way you want it to read instead of the way it was intended to read...your listen to too much fake "news" rosie and you're getting diminishing returns on it
Well, I certainly wouldn't refrain from buying a single low dollar product I really enjoy, and that is sold at a store I've patronized for years, merely because the store's owner endorses Trump. That's sort of like cutting off my nose to spite their face. Who does that?
I will not purchase anything from a company that I know support the orange clown. His support of an EU breakup, and the weakening of NATO borders on treason.

Funny how you'll call anyone who proposes policies and positions different from your established worldviews a traitor.
You're too much of a pussy to admit that people have good reason to despise Trump. You just can't handle that the RW is being represented by Trump.
I will not purchase anything from a company that I know support the orange clown. His support of an EU breakup, and the weakening of NATO borders on treason.
I like the idea.
I think its time to start a boycott of all liberal owned companies by Americans also.
Its a great way to demonstrate the financial power of each group. If liberals were to only shop at liberal owned companies, and Americans were to only shop at companies owned by real Americans, and each group stuck firmly to this boycott for say just one year, which companies do you think are going to be the hardest hit?
Wal-Mart would without a doubt take a huge loss if liberals (those that complain constantly about Wal-Marts business practices) were to suddenly just stop shopping there all together, but other than them, Im not really to worried about any other company.
Microsoft would naturally not be affected since you cant buy a computer without microsoft products installed. You can actually, but how many people know about alternative operating systems and then how to install, maintain and trouble shoot them, not to mention the compatibility issues that would arise trying to even write a simple paper to be shared by others.
However, a good start with some larger name companies that have aligned themselves with anti American views
Levi Strauss & Co
Calvin Klein
Martha Stewart
Trader Joe’s
Thats to name just a couple places to start.
I would say that if even one were picked, lets say, Starbucks (their coffee sucks any way) then let the others know that if they continue supporting the countries enemies that they will be next, change could certainly come.
I think the best results would be that no companies support either candidate or politically motivated group either way.
But, Im also betting that the vast majority of companies would feel a greater loss by losing the Americans than they would the liberals.
except maybe Trader Joe's, they might not notice any decrease at all.
I will not purchase anything from a company that I know support the orange clown. His support of an EU breakup, and the weakening of NATO borders on treason.

Funny how you'll call anyone who proposes policies and positions different from your established worldviews a traitor.
You're too much of a pussy to admit that people have good reason to despise Trump. You just can't handle that the RW is being represented by Trump.
and you seem to be too much of a pussy to admit that people have good reason to actually want Trump.
depending on ones personal views and needs, the candidate that best fits them is not always going to be the same as everyone else.

The return of two $30 pairs of gloves will not impress Linda Bean or move the needle at L.L. Bean, but it makes a big difference to me.

Dear L.L. Bean,

When I lost my favorite pair of L.L. Bean rag wool gloves last week, I immediately purchased a replacement pair online. Chronically prone to losing my gloves, I even bought an extra pair.

I’d like to explain why I canceled that order.

I’ve been a customer of Bean’s for nearly 40 years—since the days when the clothes in your catalog were modeled by staff members in the office parking lot in Freeport, Maine.

I even worked as a technology consultant to L.L. Bean in the 1990s when the catalog was integrating its first workflow software. I was told all about “Beanness”—the company’s expression of its unique culture and its guiding philosophy—and was taken on a tour of your fulfillment center. I still have the Swiss Army knife I purchased from the outlet store afterward.

I’ve played chamber music at summer festivals hosted by the University of Maine at Orono and by the Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, where I fell in love with the state’s rocky coastline; since then, I’ve always been happy to support Maine-based businesses. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on Bean merchandise over the years.

And I’ve always been willing to look the other way when Bean family members spouted lies, supported right-wing candidates whose beliefs were antithetical to my own, and endorsed right-wing causes that directly threatened me, my family, and my friends.

But this time things have gone too far.

More: Why I Canceled My Order From L.L. Bean: The Toxic Tweets Of Donald Trump

You should read the rest of the OP link. It is delicious. Thank you Andrew Miller. I usually spend a few hundred with L.L. Bean each year - but no more.
I am waiting on my order to arrive. They have a great sale that ends January 17th, 25% off and free shipping....

Go Trump...MAGA.....
I don't think you are allowed to use your food stamps on rugged outdoor wear.

Which tyrant would you vote for?
The one who promises to disappear fake libertarians and other Right-Wing retards from political forums.

The bloody left wing loons were demanding that Linda Bean resign.
Don't lie.

I'm reminded of what happened when the pervert-rights bunch called for a boycott of Chick-fil-A a few years back…
I'm so happy Republicans eat there - the chicken is drenched in growth hormones/steroids.

^^^ Trumpanzees are experts on treason!


The return of two $30 pairs of gloves will not impress Linda Bean or move the needle at L.L. Bean, but it makes a big difference to me.

Dear L.L. Bean,

When I lost my favorite pair of L.L. Bean rag wool gloves last week, I immediately purchased a replacement pair online. Chronically prone to losing my gloves, I even bought an extra pair.

I’d like to explain why I canceled that order.

I’ve been a customer of Bean’s for nearly 40 years—since the days when the clothes in your catalog were modeled by staff members in the office parking lot in Freeport, Maine.

I even worked as a technology consultant to L.L. Bean in the 1990s when the catalog was integrating its first workflow software. I was told all about “Beanness”—the company’s expression of its unique culture and its guiding philosophy—and was taken on a tour of your fulfillment center. I still have the Swiss Army knife I purchased from the outlet store afterward.

I’ve played chamber music at summer festivals hosted by the University of Maine at Orono and by the Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, where I fell in love with the state’s rocky coastline; since then, I’ve always been happy to support Maine-based businesses. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on Bean merchandise over the years.

And I’ve always been willing to look the other way when Bean family members spouted lies, supported right-wing candidates whose beliefs were antithetical to my own, and endorsed right-wing causes that directly threatened me, my family, and my friends.

But this time things have gone too far.

More: Why I Canceled My Order From L.L. Bean: The Toxic Tweets Of Donald Trump

You should read the rest of the OP link. It is delicious. Thank you Andrew Miller. I usually spend a few hundred with L.L. Bean each year - but no more.
An effective boycott would hurt one of Maine's top 5 places for Mainers to work. And we haven't got a whole lot of places to work, good or bad. Linda's got her own private businesses pushing lobster to tourists -- go after them instead. Linda has a right to support whom she wishes, same as you. Why punish Maine workers for something one member of the board has done? That doesn't seem fair to me.

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