Why I don't care why you don't believe in God.

Science can't study a supernatural realm. But what's your scientific and secular answer for the universe and life?
Watch the cosmos. It takes a bible to explain your position and with me you just have to watch two amazing documentaries.
I just said I don't believe in any defined god so you throw the bible at me? I'm still waiting for your evidence of a secular cause. Go watch a documentary isn't a valid answer.
The answer for the universe can't be explained by anyone yet, not scientists, not theists, no one. The one thing scientists have going for them is that they are at least looking to further their understanding of it in a rational way.
So if you say there's no god you are making a statement of faith. That's what I said early on.

Not really since atheism doesn't require that someone have "faith" in anything.

  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
    synonyms: religion, church, sect, denomination, (religious) persuasion, (religious) belief, ideology, creed, teaching, doctrine
    "she gave her life for her faith"
Yes really. I've seen the cute word game they like to play and you just proved me right. "complete trust or confidence in someone or something"
That means if you claim there's no god you are making a statement of faith. That's what words mean.
You're full of crap, that's what makes you irrelevant.
Is every atheist irrelevant?
Are you their spokesperson?
You're OK with non believer as long as they keep it to themselves? I feel the same way about you guys!
I criticize atheists that criticize theists. And what do I believe since I'm the member of some group in your mind?
What's the big secret? Tell me what you, one person thinks. Because it's really gonna change my beliefs.

So far you sound like a theist apologist. You may be one of those types who thinks without religion people would be worse.

I think they'll be better. They won't be stupid sheep. That's a start.
You babble while flailing away in a rubber room in a straight jacket. I explained what I believe, you simply can't handle it mentally because it doesn't fit into your anemic mind.
The idea of Santa Claus comes from many inspired folkore and real people. Saint Nicholas, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, Black Peter, Sinterklaas...etc. In fact within the early origins of Pagan Yule the god Odin was to believed to be the earliest influence of Santa Claus. Whether it was a good idea or not does not make one true. Many actors have portrayed God. Does not make him real. There is no proof either way for a god or Santa or Santa as a god.

I doubt Saint Nicholas was inspired by tales of Odin any more than children in China were inspired to take up dolls by the children in Africa. An interesting difference between the Odin story and that of Saint Nicholas, is that with Odin, the kindness starts with children being kind to the adults. Meanwhile, Saint Nicholas is an adult who is kind to children. The central theme is kindness--and kindness is universal. Like children playing with dolls, it is not something one copies from another culture. That Christian customs developed from Pagan customs has been pretty much debunked--but it was a good try by atheists, and it certainly sounded plausible.
Are you their spokesperson?
You're OK with non believer as long as they keep it to themselves? I feel the same way about you guys!
I criticize atheists that criticize theists. And what do I believe since I'm the member of some group in your mind?
Theists are just as deluded as atheists, there's no proof either way for or against a god.
There's no proof either way for Santa Claus either but I'm quite sure most adults are atheistic about the existence of him.
Actually, there's tons of proof that Santa was made up:
"The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his piety and kindness, St. Nicholas became the subject of many legends."
Santa Claus - Christmas - HISTORY.com

There are several myths and legends associated with Santa, and several theories of where the concept of Santa began.
Sure it does you go again with the absense of belief. It's like you are trying to bring atheists to your level by implying we have faith and a belief.
But you do. You don't have the answers. We have answers for Thor or whatever stupid point you want to make. You either believe in a god(s), that's theism, you don't know for sure, that's agnosticism or you don't believe in a god(s), that's atheism. There is no quantum mechanic special relativity in between definition except on internet sites and blogs.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.
Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.
You christians won't even vote for an atheist. And your Muslim brothers chop our heads off. And we're sensitive?
I don't belong to any religion and have already explained that to you a number of times. You've proven you are full of shit and don't know what you're babbling about. American atheism is primarily and anti-Christian movement, everything you say backs it up.
Funny because of all the religions, I find Christianity the least offensive. And I find it pretty offensive so that's saying something. LOL.

You only think this because who do we have here to argue with in America? Most of you theists in America are Chrstians.

Do you think we single you Christians out over here? That's not true. In fact Islam and Mormons are even wackier than you. Your bible is the best bullshit story ever told. Much better than theirs. I can't even imagine how anyone swallows their stories. Your story is the most clever brainwashing of them all. Brilliant how you confuse and guilt and lie people into having faith.

In fact, I'm glad I live in America with you Christians and not in Indonesia with those crazy Muslims.

A human rights group has called on Indonesia to repeal discriminatory laws and drop its case against a civil servant charged for declaring himself an atheist on Facebook.

Alexander Aan, 31, was indicted by a local court and faces six years in prison for writing "God doesn't exist" on his account, and starting a Facebook group for atheists, where he posted a cartoon of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

After starting the atheist Facebook page, Aan was beaten by a mob of people in his hometown in Pulau Punjung. He was then arrested by police who read his Facebook page, and charged for blasphemy.

Read more at Atheist Faces Jail Time, Threats of Beheading for Indonesian Facebook Post
Read more at Atheist Faces Jail Time, Threats of Beheading for Indonesian Facebook Post

Muslims are like Christians were back in 1600 when they killed Giordano Bruno for blasphemy

Giordano Bruno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.
Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.
You christians won't even vote for an atheist. And your Muslim brothers chop our heads off. And we're sensitive?
I don't belong to any religion and have already explained that to you a number of times. You've proven you are full of shit and don't know what you're babbling about. American atheism is primarily and anti-Christian movement, everything you say backs it up.
Oh, and there is no American Atheism. We don't have a club, don't go to meetings, we aren't organized and there is no movement.

But we are pleased to see despite being unorganized our numbers are growing.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

A new global survey on religiosity (PDF) by WIN-Gallup International has two big findings:

First, the United States has gone from being 1% godless in 2005 to 5% in 2012. (The percentage of people simply calling themselves non-religious is 30%, significantly higher than ever before.) That jumps us up quite a bit on the Global Atheism Index:

The other finding is that atheists are now 13% of the world population, an increase of 9% since 2005:
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.
You christians won't even vote for an atheist. And your Muslim brothers chop our heads off. And we're sensitive?
I don't belong to any religion and have already explained that to you a number of times. You've proven you are full of shit and don't know what you're babbling about. American atheism is primarily and anti-Christian movement, everything you say backs it up.
Funny because of all the religions, I find Christianity the least offensive. And I find it pretty offensive so that's saying something. LOL.

You only think this because who do we have here to argue with in America? Most of you theists in America are Chrstians.

Do you think we single you Christians out over here? That's not true. In fact Islam and Mormons are even wackier than you. Your bible is the best bullshit story ever told. Much better than theirs. I can't even imagine how anyone swallows their stories. Your story is the most clever brainwashing of them all. Brilliant how you confuse and guilt and lie people into having faith.

In fact, I'm glad I live in America with you Christians and not in Indonesia with those crazy Muslims.

A human rights group has called on Indonesia to repeal discriminatory laws and drop its case against a civil servant charged for declaring himself an atheist on Facebook.

Alexander Aan, 31, was indicted by a local court and faces six years in prison for writing "God doesn't exist" on his account, and starting a Facebook group for atheists, where he posted a cartoon of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

After starting the atheist Facebook page, Aan was beaten by a mob of people in his hometown in Pulau Punjung. He was then arrested by police who read his Facebook page, and charged for blasphemy.

Read more at Atheist Faces Jail Time, Threats of Beheading for Indonesian Facebook Post
Read more at Atheist Faces Jail Time, Threats of Beheading for Indonesian Facebook Post

Muslims are like Christians were back in 1600 when they killed Giordano Bruno for blasphemy

Giordano Bruno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...and he continues to argue against Christianity after saying it's the least offensive and denying atheism is really an anti-Christian cult.
Oh, and there is no American Atheism. We don't have a club, don't go to meetings, we aren't organized and there is no movement.

But we are pleased to see despite being unorganized our numbers are growing.

Survey Says: Atheism is on the Rise Worldwide (and in America)

A new global survey on religiosity (PDF) by WIN-Gallup International has two big findings:

First, the United States has gone from being 1% godless in 2005 to 5% in 2012. (The percentage of people simply calling themselves non-religious is 30%, significantly higher than ever before.) That jumps us up quite a bit on the Global Atheism Index:

The other finding is that atheists are now 13% of the world population, an increase of 9% since 2005:
Interesting. You claim there's no movement, no organization but continue to speak collectively. Yes, most atheists here are just anti-Christians. I don't know about the rest of the world because I live here but I suspect it's similar. Talk to any atheist you want here and they will immediately start kicking the Bible around as proof there is no god.
You're OK with non believer as long as they keep it to themselves? I feel the same way about you guys!
I criticize atheists that criticize theists. And what do I believe since I'm the member of some group in your mind?
Theists are just as deluded as atheists, there's no proof either way for or against a god.
There's no proof either way for Santa Claus either but I'm quite sure most adults are atheistic about the existence of him.
Actually, there's tons of proof that Santa was made up:
"The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his piety and kindness, St. Nicholas became the subject of many legends."
Santa Claus - Christmas - HISTORY.com
Do you believe Mary was a virgin? Or are you agnostic about that too?

Agnostics are just pussy atheists. You have balls enough to not buy into Christianity though so at least you can't be bullied or guilted into believing that stuff.

You are an atheist towards organized religions but agnostic about a creator?

Otherwise, what more do you need to know about Christianity for you to finally make a decision? I'd like to help you decide if you believe Jesus walked on water. Remember, God still burns agnostics in hell for all eternity, not just atheists. You agnostic or undecided on that too?
I don't see any proof for or against the possible existence of a god. Atheists say that god is not possible. Presently, I feel that there's no way to know that.
As for religions, they all have no real foundation in reality, i.e. no proof, but that doesn't really have anything to do with whether there's a god or not.
Last edited:
Excuse me? Did you say the resurrection is a historic fact? If that was true why haven't Jews all converted?

Why don't all believe in the moon landing, that the earth is round, or that evolution is a reality? Many Jews did convert, which is a point made for the historical reality of the resurrection.

I don't think anyone claims they can prove that story as a fact of any kind.

Historians are pointing out how they accept other historical events as fact, and note that the account of the resurrection falls well within--and often surpasses--the tests of authenticity.

They may agree Jesus was an actual person but him being the son of God? Let's just say the story has been embellished just a fad.

Let's not. One of the points historians use to establish whether something is fact or legend is the amount of time that has passed before extraordinary claims appear. The accounts of how Jesus saw himself, and how his followers saw him, all begin appearing within a generation of the occurrence. Keep in mind that writings that appeared after two hundred years with other extraordinary accounts were all rejected by the Council of Nicene. Now, ironically, these rejected works are often called by some the "Lost Books of the Bible" (instead of being called the Unreliable Accounts of Scripture).

In contrast, accounts of Plato and even Alexander the Great, didn't begin appearing until many generations had passed (earliest account of Plato we have is dated back to four hundred years after his death).

I agree about praying. It could be just like meditation if done right. Too bad praying doesn't help Isis members.

Sheep in wolf's clothing. Whenever anyone tells us, "God wants this, we've learned to look carefully for what's in it for them. If what is in it for them is power and wealth, then it fails the test--and fails absolutely--what God wants. They're a wolf, and worse.
The magical supernatural events that took place with Joseph Smith and Mohammad are historical events too?

Agnostics are just pussy atheists.
Wrong, little boy. Atheists are agnostics or insane. You can't know god doesn't exist since you don't have access to all the known and unknown universe. Agnostics are honest, you aren't.
Then you can't be a THEIST because if that's the opposite of being an ATHEIST then you can't KNOW god exists just as we can't KNOW he doesn't. So you are an agnostic theist and I'm an agnostic atheist. I lean on the side of disbelief.
Watch the cosmos. It takes a bible to explain your position and with me you just have to watch two amazing documentaries.
I just said I don't believe in any defined god so you throw the bible at me? I'm still waiting for your evidence of a secular cause. Go watch a documentary isn't a valid answer.
The answer for the universe can't be explained by anyone yet, not scientists, not theists, no one. The one thing scientists have going for them is that they are at least looking to further their understanding of it in a rational way.
So if you say there's no god you are making a statement of faith. That's what I said early on.
I said there's no proof either way for or against a god. Agnosticism is the thinking person's path.
Are you agnostic about the devil?
The devil is not my problem, it's a Catholic problem. The bible is bullshit from start to finish, imo. I think all organized religions are retarded.
Sure it does you go again with the absense of belief. It's like you are trying to bring atheists to your level by implying we have faith and a belief.
But you do. You don't have the answers. We have answers for Thor or whatever stupid point you want to make. You either believe in a god(s), that's theism, you don't know for sure, that's agnosticism or you don't believe in a god(s), that's atheism. There is no quantum mechanic special relativity in between definition except on internet sites and blogs.
True. I never say I KNOW a creator doesn't exist. I only say I don't believe one exists.

Now think about the dopes who say if you don't believe their stories. I may be agnostic about a creator but I'm an atheist when it comes to their LORD.
I criticize atheists that criticize theists. And what do I believe since I'm the member of some group in your mind?
Theists are just as deluded as atheists, there's no proof either way for or against a god.
There's no proof either way for Santa Claus either but I'm quite sure most adults are atheistic about the existence of him.
Actually, there's tons of proof that Santa was made up:
"The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his piety and kindness, St. Nicholas became the subject of many legends."
Santa Claus - Christmas - HISTORY.com
Do you believe Mary was a virgin? Or are you agnostic about that too?

Agnostics are just pussy atheists. You have balls enough to not buy into Christianity though so at least you can't be bullied or guilted into believing that stuff.

You are an atheist towards organized religions but agnostic about a creator?

Otherwise, what more do you need to know about Christianity for you to finally make a decision? I'd like to help you decide if you believe Jesus walked on water. Remember, God still burns agnostics in hell for all eternity, not just atheists. You agnostic or undecided on that too?
I don't see any proof for or against the possible existence of a god. Atheists say that god is not possible. I feel that there's no way to know that.
As for religions, they all have no real foundation in reality, i.e. no proof, but that doesn't really have anything to do with whether there's a god or not.
We don't say a god is not possible. Its possible. Just doesn't seem probable. And most of our anti god attitude has to do with Christians, Muslims, Mormons and Jews saying God visited.

If all you are saying is there might be a god, I as an atheist will agree with you I have to be agnostic about that because to know for sure, I'd either have to be a god or die to find out.

Now tell me he visited you and I'll go to hell if I don't believe. That's when I become an atheist.
Agnostics are just pussy atheists.
Wrong, little boy. Atheists are agnostics or insane. You can't know god doesn't exist since you don't have access to all the known and unknown universe. Agnostics are honest, you aren't.
Then you can't be a THEIST because if that's the opposite of being an ATHEIST then you can't KNOW god exists just as we can't KNOW he doesn't. So you are an agnostic theist and I'm an agnostic atheist. I lean on the side of disbelief.
Like I said, atheists love to redefine words. Theism is a belief. Atheism is a belief. The lack of the belief is called agnoticism.
The magical supernatural events that took place with Joseph Smith and Mohammad are historical events too?

History also shows Joseph Smith as a con artist. I don't know enough about Mohammad and Islam to comment. Joseph Smith used Christianity for his own gain--a profit, not a prophet. However, the Mormon Church is centered on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and I feel that eventually it will overcome its own, what I consider to be minor, errors. Joseph Smith has no witnesses to his own claims, and no verification for them, either.

Christ, however, did have witnesses, both friends and enemies. No one debates that either Smith or Mohammed lived--only their motives for tweaking the known religious beliefs of their times.
We don't say a god is not possible. Its possible. Just doesn't seem probable. And most of our anti god attitude has to do with Christians, Muslims, Mormons and Jews saying God visited.

If all you are saying is there might be a god, I as an atheist will agree with you I have to be agnostic about that because to know for sure, I'd either have to be a god or die to find out.

Now tell me he visited you and I'll go to hell if I don't believe. That's when I become an atheist.
That's what I've been saying and you've argued about it. If god is possible then you are in fact an agnostic. If someone brings up the Bible you call yourself an atheist, that means it's an anti-Christian reaction.
Theists are just as deluded as atheists, there's no proof either way for or against a god.
There's no proof either way for Santa Claus either but I'm quite sure most adults are atheistic about the existence of him.
Actually, there's tons of proof that Santa was made up:
"The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back hundreds of years to a monk named St. Nicholas. It is believed that Nicholas was born sometime around 280 A.D. in Patara, near Myra in modern-day Turkey. Much admired for his piety and kindness, St. Nicholas became the subject of many legends."
Santa Claus - Christmas - HISTORY.com
Do you believe Mary was a virgin? Or are you agnostic about that too?

Agnostics are just pussy atheists. You have balls enough to not buy into Christianity though so at least you can't be bullied or guilted into believing that stuff.

You are an atheist towards organized religions but agnostic about a creator?

Otherwise, what more do you need to know about Christianity for you to finally make a decision? I'd like to help you decide if you believe Jesus walked on water. Remember, God still burns agnostics in hell for all eternity, not just atheists. You agnostic or undecided on that too?
I don't see any proof for or against the possible existence of a god. Atheists say that god is not possible. I feel that there's no way to know that.
As for religions, they all have no real foundation in reality, i.e. no proof, but that doesn't really have anything to do with whether there's a god or not.
We don't say a god is not possible. Its possible. Just doesn't seem probable. And most of our anti god attitude has to do with Christians, Muslims, Mormons and Jews saying God visited.

If all you are saying is there might be a god, I as an atheist will agree with you I have to be agnostic about that because to know for sure, I'd either have to be a god or die to find out.

Now tell me he visited you and I'll go to hell if I don't believe. That's when I become an atheist.

Just so you know what you're not. You're welcome.

Atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is the absence of belief that any deities exist."

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