Why I don't care why you don't believe in God.

...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
Because people who believe want to shove it in our faces all the time. Creationism as science, vehement protests against gay marriage and abortion..., religious wars we all get dragged into... So maybe just shut the fuck up with all the bullshit and stay out of everyone's faces and we'll quick laughing at you all.
And thanks for YOUR thread telling us why... Idiot.

Abortion is morally fucking wrong regardless of the bible and goes against nature.

True. In all the times I have argued against legalized abortion, I have never once brought religion into the discussion. It is ALWAYS my leftist opponent who brings it up.
There is no argument against abortion without religion.


Any mother fucker who study's science knows there is an argument against abortion with out religion and don't give me that crap what if.... The baby has down syndrome or a midget because a quack 19 years 5 months ago tried that on my wife and I...

My daughter Will be 19 Tomorrow a freshman at Northwestern University

Dude you are getting flakey...

What that actually means is "No matter what argument you give against abortion, I'm going to come back ranting about anti-science Bible thumpers!"
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
Exactly? Then you proceed (with your massive IQ as reported earlier) to go off on a Christian belief, which isn't literal and has zip to do with your comparison the cannibalism. Plus you didn't back up his claim that people were discriminated against by Christians, which is what should have followed after agreeing emphatically with his wrong headed point.
not wrong. I can show you hundreds of examples.

Hurting your feelings is how you define persecution? Was that a joke?

Watch the video you idiot. Children were being ostercized, their parents even had members of the christian community call their boss to complain about bringing an athesist to town, Really who does that. The community shunned them and isloated them. Sounds very christian of them. One family was evicted out of their home when it was found out they were atheists. School students are threatened and bullied because of their belief. You watch every minute of the video and tell me you're OK with the actions of these christians and that will tell me what kind of person you are. Maybe you are only OK with atheists being verbally abused and didn't watch the rest but I'll hold until you've told me you've seen the whole video.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.

Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
No, you dont
If you believe in God and you don't care that someone else doesn't, good for you. If you don't believe in God and you don't care if someone else does. Good again. If you believe in God and you want everyone else to, that's ok for you, but maybe not so much for a firm atheist, who has every right to not believe in God or be pressured to.

IMO, these threads between theists and atheists have the potential to be interesting and stimulating for everyone.
That depends on how you define "pressured". There is no "right" to not be "pressured" since everybody defines pressure differently. We have freedom of speech. We are allowed to talk about our faith. And you are allowed to whine about it....or remove yourself.

My experience of atheists who whine the loudest about having religion shoved down their throats are intolerant pricks with low self esteem who see any view that isn't their own as threatening.

True. The "right not to be pressured" only really exists when it reaches the level of legally-prosecutable harassment. If someone comes by your house and says, "Would you like a Watchtower?" and you decline and they leave, you're not being pressured just because you are now aware that *gasp* the Jehovah's Witnesses know that your address exists. If the local Kingdom Hall leaves you voicemails telling you you must convert several times a day, then okay. You're being pressured.

Knowing that religious people exist is not pressure.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
I just thought of this. Here's why I don't want you to try and tell me this country is a Christian nation or any nation that believes in God. If I were science which started under Lincoln. Without science we as human beings would be f*****. So now I want any of you Christians to gather up all the evidence that you have for God and go to a scientist and tell them that you want to turn your hypothesis into a theory and a scientific theory at that. They will throw your arguments out as wrong you will never get your God apothesis passed a real scientist. That if they are being honest and a real scientist
Science can't study a supernatural realm. But what's your scientific and secular answer for the universe and life?
Watch the cosmos. It takes a bible to explain your position and with me you just have to watch two amazing documentaries.
I just said I don't believe in any defined god so you throw the bible at me? I'm still waiting for your evidence of a secular cause. Go watch a documentary isn't a valid answer.
The answer for the universe can't be explained by anyone yet, not scientists, not theists, no one. The one thing scientists have going for them is that they are at least looking to further their understanding of it in a rational way.
So if you say there's no god you are making a statement of faith. That's what I said early on.
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
not wrong. I can show you hundreds of examples.

Hurting your feelings is how you define persecution? Was that a joke?

Watch the video you idiot. Children were being ostercized, their parents even had members of the christian community call their boss to complain about bringing an athesist to town, Really who does that. The community shunned them and isloated them. Sounds very christian of them. One family was evicted out of their home when it was found out they were atheists. School students are threatened and bullied because of their belief. You watch every minute of the video and tell me you're OK with the actions of these christians and that will tell me what kind of person you are. Maybe you are only OK with atheists being verbally abused and didn't watch the rest but I'll hold until you've told me you've seen the whole video.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.

Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
Hurting your feelings is how you define persecution? Was that a joke?
Watch the video you idiot. Children were being ostercized, their parents even had members of the christian community call their boss to complain about bringing an athesist to town, Really who does that. The community shunned them and isloated them. Sounds very christian of them. One family was evicted out of their home when it was found out they were atheists. School students are threatened and bullied because of their belief. You watch every minute of the video and tell me you're OK with the actions of these christians and that will tell me what kind of person you are. Maybe you are only OK with atheists being verbally abused and didn't watch the rest but I'll hold until you've told me you've seen the whole video.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.
Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.

People whose lives are defined by feeling like weirdos and making everyone else suffer for it usually are.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
I just thought of this. Here's why I don't want you to try and tell me this country is a Christian nation or any nation that believes in God. If I were science which started under Lincoln. Without science we as human beings would be f*****. So now I want any of you Christians to gather up all the evidence that you have for God and go to a scientist and tell them that you want to turn your hypothesis into a theory and a scientific theory at that. They will throw your arguments out as wrong you will never get your God apothesis passed a real scientist. That if they are being honest and a real scientist
Science can't study a supernatural realm. But what's your scientific and secular answer for the universe and life?
So you believe in a supernatural realm? Now how can I argue with that? Lol
Religion is anti-human rights. It sees women as second class citizens. Do gays and trans people have the same human rights in religion as heteros? No.
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
Hurting your feelings is how you define persecution? Was that a joke?
Watch the video you idiot. Children were being ostercized, their parents even had members of the christian community call their boss to complain about bringing an athesist to town, Really who does that. The community shunned them and isloated them. Sounds very christian of them. One family was evicted out of their home when it was found out they were atheists. School students are threatened and bullied because of their belief. You watch every minute of the video and tell me you're OK with the actions of these christians and that will tell me what kind of person you are. Maybe you are only OK with atheists being verbally abused and didn't watch the rest but I'll hold until you've told me you've seen the whole video.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.
Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.
You christians won't even vote for an atheist. And your Muslim brothers chop our heads off. And we're sensitive?
You're a little confused and wandered off the reservation there. Rights are protected by government, people are free to join any religion they want. They are not free to define it for others so they can feel normal.
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
Watch the video you idiot. Children were being ostercized, their parents even had members of the christian community call their boss to complain about bringing an athesist to town, Really who does that. The community shunned them and isloated them. Sounds very christian of them. One family was evicted out of their home when it was found out they were atheists. School students are threatened and bullied because of their belief. You watch every minute of the video and tell me you're OK with the actions of these christians and that will tell me what kind of person you are. Maybe you are only OK with atheists being verbally abused and didn't watch the rest but I'll hold until you've told me you've seen the whole video.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.
Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.

People whose lives are defined by feeling like weirdos and making everyone else suffer for it usually are.
We're happy because organized religions seem to be loosing members not gaining them.

I don't know what you mean by our lives are defined by feeling like weirdos. We think you are the weirdos.

Keep in mind most people who call themselves that are cino's. They don't really believe your virgin birth story for example. But they were born into it and they aren't really interested enough in religion to think it through so they just say, I was born a Protestants or Catholic. They get married and buried in the church but that's it.

If you don't want your feelings hurt don't have these discussions
You believe something even though you have no proof. I simply mock your stupid ass for trying to convince us of your delusions without having proof.

You: I have an invisible friend and you need to follow him.

Me: bullshit

You: you're a condescending pos.

God would be so proud of you.

Again, I made no claim of any sort wrt to belief or non belief. Not in the post you quoted here or my original post. In fact nowhere on this board. Ever.

You can read so I'm left with the conclusion that you are willfully ignoring the actual posts to continue with your ego stroking by continuing to spout your talking points.

If you'd like to sit in the corner and jerk off who am I to stop you. Enjoy your ignorant assholery....
It's impossible to not confuse you with the other retards on this thread and it's impossible to remember or keep track of what each and everyone of you believes. So if I'm arguing with you I can only assume you're one of them and not one of me good day sir

So when you respond to a post you don't actually respond to it. Pretty much what I figured. One hand on your johnson the other on your talking points.

"Oh me, oh me, oh me!!!!"
THats your question or point? That no one knows? So then what would a scientist do if you came to them with such evidence to a hypothesis you're trying to convince them of?

I'll tell you what they would do with it. They would throw it out do you understand that so to be agnostic about a theory that isn't even a theory yet it's insane. You're not neutral on this you don't believe God f*** marry you don't believe God talk to Moses you don't believe God talk to Joseph Smith or Muhammad or the Jehovah Witnesses you don't believe any of it so why are you exhausted about it? If you were talking about a generic God or creator then who cares he's thinking about you just as much as you're thinking about it ant in Ethiopia

Good grief. My only point, as indicated in my first pair, which you responded to, was that jerkoffs that shit on the holiday to insult those that celebrate so that they can get their own rocks off were/ are douchebags.

That stuff people type in the box and you respond to? Try reading it some time.
People who come here to debate this have been coming here long before xmas
I just thought of this. Here's why I don't want you to try and tell me this country is a Christian nation or any nation that believes in God. If I were science which started under Lincoln. Without science we as human beings would be f*****. So now I want any of you Christians to gather up all the evidence that you have for God and go to a scientist and tell them that you want to turn your hypothesis into a theory and a scientific theory at that. They will throw your arguments out as wrong you will never get your God apothesis passed a real scientist. That if they are being honest and a real scientist
Science can't study a supernatural realm. But what's your scientific and secular answer for the universe and life?
Watch the cosmos. It takes a bible to explain your position and with me you just have to watch two amazing documentaries.
I just said I don't believe in any defined god so you throw the bible at me? I'm still waiting for your evidence of a secular cause. Go watch a documentary isn't a valid answer.
The answer for the universe can't be explained by anyone yet, not scientists, not theists, no one. The one thing scientists have going for them is that they are at least looking to further their understanding of it in a rational way.
So if you say there's no god you are making a statement of faith. That's what I said early on.

Not really since atheism doesn't require that someone have "faith" in anything.

  1. 1.
    complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
    "this restores one's faith in politicians"
    synonyms: trust, belief, confidence, conviction; More

  2. 2.
    strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.
    synonyms: religion, church, sect, denomination, (religious) persuasion, (religious) belief, ideology, creed, teaching, doctrine
    "she gave her life for her faith"
Luckily, human rights are protected by governments because religion doesn't protect them.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
You're an imbecile, I was responding to kgirl who said that without religion, there is no human rights. Go bother her. :lol:
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.
You're the idiot if you think I'm wasting my time watching videos of atheists all butt hurt because they think they're being persecuted. If you were right, there would be evidence all over the internet. Post a link with the supportive evidence and quit demanding people accept opinion for fact.
Atheist Mom Threatened After School Cancels 'Bibleman' Visits
Atheist Family in Louisiana Receives Threatening Messages from “Godly” People
Bullied for Not Believing in God
School district apologizes after teacher bullies atheist
Mississippi Public School Teacher Caught Abusing Atheist Students
Christians bully teen into closing atheist club

Stop demanding crap that is public knowledge. Just because you have your head in the sand. It doesn't matter though. You've made your stance on this pefectly clear.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.

People whose lives are defined by feeling like weirdos and making everyone else suffer for it usually are.
We're happy because organized religions seem to be loosing members not gaining them.

I don't know what you mean by our lives are defined by feeling like weirdos. We think you are the weirdos.

Keep in mind most people who call themselves that are cino's. They don't really believe your virgin birth story for example. But they were born into it and they aren't really interested enough in religion to think it through so they just say, I was born a Protestants or Catholic. They get married and buried in the church but that's it.

If you don't want your feelings hurt don't have these discussions

I think most younger generations of people are more inclusive and they recognize the "exclusiveness" of the church and want nothing to do with it. Let's face it, the beliefs are becoming more and more obsolete and a lot of the customs and beliefs that were appropriate eons ago are just outdated.
Saudi Arabia sets what rights citizens can have based on the koran. So do Iran, Qatar and others.
The Koran is a guidebook for denying human rights. Sharia law is law that provides monsters the right to violate human rights and specifically teaches that only certain people are entitled to human rights. So again, you're full of shit.
Actually, you're agreeing with me.
Actually, as I've pointed out, a discussion about rights with a person who has no concept of the terms is meaningless. You not only don't understand the topic...you aren't even able to stick to your own argument.
Your concession is duly noted, you fucking smelly bitch.
You admit you aren't up to the discussion, finally. Only after you admit your shortcomings is progress possible. You have taken the first step.
If we lived in Afghanistan and you couldn't pay me money you owed me, I'd have my god given right to your grand daughter.

Now did God really give me that right or did the afgan gov give it to me?
Omg I just called him out for the same thing. He made a comment to me about making "irrelevant" comments.

A. What does that even mean?

B. How is his comment helpful in advancing the conversation or debate?

This guy is a thread killer.
You're full of crap, that's what makes you irrelevant.
Is every atheist irrelevant?
Are you their spokesperson?
You're OK with non believer as long as they keep it to themselves? I feel the same way about you guys!
I criticize atheists that criticize theists. And what do I believe since I'm the member of some group in your mind?
What's the big secret? Tell me what you, one person thinks. Because it's really gonna change my beliefs.

So far you sound like a theist apologist. You may be one of those types who thinks without religion people would be worse.

I think they'll be better. They won't be stupid sheep. That's a start.
There's no luck involved, you're just badly confused. This country isn't a theocracy.
The concept that men are born with rights as human beings is entirely a religious concept. But freaks like you don't understand the concept anyway, so whatever you say about it is irrelevant because you are ignorant of the terms, and the history of mankind.

I did everyone the courtesy of checking all these "public knowledge" links.

Bibleman - Mom pitches a hissy about how "left out" her kid would feel if he/she opted out of voluntary assemblies in favor of other activities, demanded that school toe her atheist line for everyone, got her way, and then pissed and moaned to Freedom From Religion Foundation about "threats on Facebook", which both she and FFRF declined to substantiate for anyone. But she showed them to FFRF, honest, they'll vouch for her. :rolleyes:

Louisiana Threats - Blog. I don't read blogs, and I sure as shit don't consider them reliable news sources . . . or news sources at all.

Bullied - Atheist brat whines anonymously to FFRF - anyone else detecting the beginning of a pattern - to a wall hanging he personally didn't like, hundreds of other students and parents petition to retain it, they begin to wonder who the whiner is, whiner "heroically" owns up to his tantrum, people are mad at him and don't like him, he feels butthurt, his mother hysterically assumes his safety is in danger. Once again, no actual threats are provided and substantiated to anyone but FFRF, which declines to do anything but say, "Take our word for it."

Teacher Bully - Same blog. Fuck that noise.

Mississippi Teacher - Blog again.

Atheist Club - Different blog, so at least we're branching out in the realm of inflammatory propaganda.

Y'all are welcome. Consider it a belated Christmas present.
You have more patience than me! It comes down to hurt feelings. Atheists are a thin skinned lot.

People whose lives are defined by feeling like weirdos and making everyone else suffer for it usually are.
We're happy because organized religions seem to be loosing members not gaining them.

I don't know what you mean by our lives are defined by feeling like weirdos. We think you are the weirdos.

Keep in mind most people who call themselves that are cino's. They don't really believe your virgin birth story for example. But they were born into it and they aren't really interested enough in religion to think it through so they just say, I was born a Protestants or Catholic. They get married and buried in the church but that's it.

If you don't want your feelings hurt don't have these discussions

I think most younger generations of people are more inclusive and they recognize the "exclusiveness" of the church and want nothing to do with it. Let's face it, the beliefs are becoming more and more obsolete and a lot of the customs and beliefs that were appropriate eons ago are just outdated.
You know how I know there's a god? NE lost and the lions won. It was a miracle.
We're happy because organized religions seem to be loosing members not gaining them.

A quote by GK Chesterton comes to mind: The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.

Religion losing members seems an odd thing to be happy about.
We're happy because organized religions seem to be loosing members not gaining them.

A quote by GK Chesterton comes to mind: The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been found difficult and left untried.

Religion losing members seems an odd thing to be happy about.
Why? If humans are becoming too smart to believe a 2000 year old fairytale I say that's a great day in human history.

Imagine everyone appreciating the time they have now and not waiting for an afterlife.

Imagine how much more productive Muslims will be if they no longer have to pray 7 times a day.
You're full of crap, that's what makes you irrelevant.
Is every atheist irrelevant?
Are you their spokesperson?
You're OK with non believer as long as they keep it to themselves? I feel the same way about you guys!
I criticize atheists that criticize theists. And what do I believe since I'm the member of some group in your mind?
Theists are just as deluded as atheists, there's no proof either way for or against a god.
There's no proof either way for Santa Claus either but I'm quite sure most adults are atheistic about the existence of him.
Is every atheist irrelevant?
Are you their spokesperson?
You're OK with non believer as long as they keep it to themselves? I feel the same way about you guys!
I criticize atheists that criticize theists. And what do I believe since I'm the member of some group in your mind?
Theists are just as deluded as atheists, there's no proof either way for or against a god.
There's no proof either way for Santa Claus either but I'm quite sure most adults are atheistic about the existence of him.
My father says he just can't believe all this happened without a creator and anyone who thinks it could have is just stupid.

People don't like not having all the answers and mustbeGod fits in the crossword. Three words for how we got here.
Why? If humans are becoming too smart to believe a 2000 year old fairytale I say that's a great day in human history.

Some scientists who are also former atheists cite their change of mind because they see an intelligence behind the creation and workings of the universe. Second, many Bible stories are accounts of history, not a fairy tale. Third, many historians, thanks to the work of historians concede that the resurrection is historical fact, not a fiction. Finally, just as in days of old, there are still people today who have experiences of God.

Some say the moon landings are fairy tales. This doesn't make it so.

Imagine everyone appreciating the time they have now and not waiting for an afterlife.

Many have a deeper appreciation of the life they have now as they look forward to an after life. Try replacing a couple of similar ideas in your sentence and evaluating whether it makes sense: i.e., "Imagine everyone appreciating the time they have now and not waiting for a vacation (or a holiday, or the return of a family member from deployment). People can enjoy life today as they wait for any number of things.

Imagine how much more productive Muslims will be if they no longer have to pray 7 times a day.
Have to pray? I'm betting they see it more as, They get to pray. For those whom prayer has been a day-changing (even life-changing experience), prayer can make all the difference between a worthwhile, productive day and one that is merely ho-hum. Have you ever tried praying seven times a day? I recommend praying whenever sitting at a stoplight. It's not as if we're able to do anything else. ;)

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