Why I don't care why you don't believe in God.

I think Neil Degrass Tyson and Carl Sagan have successfully given reasons why they don't believe in gods and they went to great lengths to not mock or offend. But they gave compelling reasons why they believe religion isn't all good too. How in some ways it has held us back. How it is used to keep us down. Don't ask me to give examples. If you haven't watched the Cosmos, I suggest it. Watch them twice. Then maybe you'll see the goal isn't to mock you. The goal is to wake up society. Let go of the ancient superstitions. They're doing us little to no good. I know it makes a lot of you feel good, but we feel good without it. Instead of church go do charity work every week with a group of people who all may or may not believe in god. Call it the church of good people. Who would mock them? They don't talk of going to hell or how god hates fags.

I was not speaking of Tyson or Sagan. I don't know Tyson, but am a bit familiar with Sagan. I am speaking of those on this forum we see mocking religion/scripture. Let's take the well-meaning, who do not mock. Exploration and mining are two examples of essentially good activities resulting in many terrible deaths. Just as overall good would not be served by asking people to give up exploration and mining, nor would the overall good be served by asking people to give up their relationships with God.

I belong to the Catholic Church, and not once in my life have I heard any priest say how non-believer are going to hell. Never once have I heard anyone who spoke in the Catholic Church say, "God hates fags."

Why do you need to assure us of the reality of god when you yourself aren't even sure? You have faith but not possible you are sure. Did it visit you? Do you feel it in your heart? Sorry, but that's nonsense.

I am sure. I have been visited, but not in a way that would supply you with the physical evidence you desire. For the integrity of my own experience, I would never say, "I know God created the universe. I believe this, but this is not something I know. There are many other things in scripture I believe but don't know.

Here is what I do know: There is a God, and He loves and cares about each of us beyond imagining. I know truly seeking God--as He IS, not how as we want Him to be--brought me results. I don't have to worry about an afterlife, I know. And do you know what all of this has brought me? It brought me the knowledge that how blessed are others who have not seen, yet believe. I no longer have that blessing. I wanted knowledge, not faith.

How about you read a science book instead of a holy book? Then maybe you can figure out how to get us off this rock so humans live forever, or at least as long as the universe burns bright with stars. Instead you worry about yourself living forever? I'm worried about human race, you're worried about you. How selfish is that?

How many more science books would you like me to read, and how many more science classes would you like me to teach? And, yes, I have taught evolution numerous times, and I am quite good at it. This in between my reading of theology books as well. ;)

Humans do live forever. Only part of our existence is on 'this rock' as you term it. Fear not. (One of my favorite passages in scripture.) Funny, come to think of it. I often tell science students the same thing when they are working a touchy lab.
How do you know there's a god and he cares?

Anyways, the point I want to make is that none of us should be getting our feelings hurt having this conversation. It dawned on me today that a long long time before moses came down from the mountain claiming to have had a conversation with this God, men debated the existence of a creator and how we got here. Most people were superstitious and not really knowledgeable about science so the God hypothesis caught on. Zeus was popular in Greece you know.

Anyways, I would think this was a harmless discussion and very interesting until moses told the first lie. And then Mary Mohammad and Joseph Smith followed.

And I know the Catholic church is big into science so I see how religion hasn't let science debunk their lies. The Catholics went from burning blasphemers to embracing science. Just like it was once anti gay and birth control but now is changing with the times. I'm glad not all Catholics deny evolution. But how long did you? It's why I say religions are holding us back.
Who taught him that a Christian? Show us what evidence you uncovered.

I mean, first you have to believe in heaven and hell. What evidence does Johnny have?

So everyone either goes to heaven or hell? What are the rules to get in?

I would imagine, I really don't know, that Johnny was taught by some preacher in a church back there in Dyess, Arkansas. To answer your other question: Yes, each and every one of us will end up in hell. Hell is simply the grave, nothing more. As far as Heaven goes, I have found nowhere in the Bible where it states that Heaven is the final destination of anyone. From my own studies, I see where the saved are to become kings, priests, and judges upon this same earth during the millennial reign of Christ. As for Johnny, I would simply say he believes the same things as do many other folks. What other folks believe or do not believe has zero effect upon me or my beliefs. People are individuals, some of them are stupid enough to drive Chevrolets.
And I know the Catholic church is big into science so I see how religion hasn't let science debunk their lies. The Catholics went from burning blasphemers to embracing science. Just like it was once anti gay and birth control but now is changing with the times. I'm glad not all Catholics deny evolution. But how long did you? It's why I say religions are holding us back.

I was about twelve when I was taught evolution...at a Catholic school, so I was never in a position to deny evolution. Neither of my parents did, either. The Church is (and was) anti-artificial birth control. It is not (and never has been) anti-natural birth control. Nor have I ever heard the Catholic Church demean gays--or approve sex between two people of the same gender. So, no, the Church is not "changing with the times." It continues in timeless ways.
...because I don't care.
And I think I can pretty much speak for 98% of the population...no one cares.
Only thing we wonder is why do atheist insist on telling everyone multiple times?
I don't believe there is a Big Foot...I have never made 30 threads telling why.
I think I really hit on something here. Try and follow me.

You guys absolutely care if we believe in God. In Bangladesh Muslims cut atheists heads off and Christians won't vote for someone who doesn't believe.

So forgive us for passionately defending ourselves.

Before moses had a bad trip circa 7000 years ago, before the Greek and Egyptian gods, people innocently debated how we got here. Some or most agreed we were special and must have a creator. What other explanation? But it was just a theory and not even a scientific one. But no one got mad until moses lied and said God talked to him. And if you don't believe this ancient myth you don't go to heaven.

Do you see how stupid it sounds?
And I know the Catholic church is big into science so I see how religion hasn't let science debunk their lies. The Catholics went from burning blasphemers to embracing science. Just like it was once anti gay and birth control but now is changing with the times. I'm glad not all Catholics deny evolution. But how long did you? It's why I say religions are holding us back.

I was about twelve when I was taught evolution...at a Catholic school, so I was never in a position to deny evolution. Neither of my parents did, either. The Church is (and was) anti-artificial birth control. It is not (and never has been) anti-natural birth control. Nor have I ever heard the Catholic Church demean gays--or approve sex between two people of the same gender. So, no, the Church is not "changing with the times." It continues in timeless ways.
How old are you? Because I spent decades debating Catholics who denied evolution.

I've seen the evolution of the Catholic church itself
There's no proof either way for Santa Claus either but I'm quite sure most adults are atheistic about the existence of him.
Another childish atheist game. We have answers for the presents under the tree. You have no answer for the universe. Get it?
What do you mean no answer for the universe? That is not a question. Also the idea of Santa came from many sources as I pointed out earlier. It still doesn't proove if he actually existed or not.
You're being deliberately obtuse. Focus....the universe got here...how? Answer that if you believe in a secular cause or be honest and admit you have no clue.

Like I said BEFORE, we DO have answers for how the presents get under the tree and no reason to believe in folklore.

Why are atheists so dishonest?
What am I being dishonest about. Seeking clarity on a non-question. As for the how te universe got here. I don't know. I've heard many plausible explanations but I can't say for sure. Just because someone claims a secular cause does not means it's true. Many, many years ago no one knew how lightning was formed. There were many "god" reasons attributed to this phenomenom. We now know better.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
Another childish atheist game. We have answers for the presents under the tree. You have no answer for the universe. Get it?
What do you mean no answer for the universe? That is not a question. Also the idea of Santa came from many sources as I pointed out earlier. It still doesn't proove if he actually existed or not.
You're being deliberately obtuse. Focus....the universe got here...how? Answer that if you believe in a secular cause or be honest and admit you have no clue.

Like I said BEFORE, we DO have answers for how the presents get under the tree and no reason to believe in folklore.

Why are atheists so dishonest?
What am I being dishonest about. Seeking clarity on a non-question. As for the how te universe got here. I don't know. I've heard many plausible explanations but I can't say for sure. Just because someone claims a secular cause does not means it's true. Many, many years ago no one knew how lightning was formed. There were many "god" reasons attributed to this phenomenom. We now know better.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
I think I really hit on something here. Try and follow me.

You guys absolutely care if we believe in God. In Bangladesh Muslims cut atheists heads off and Christians won't vote for someone who doesn't believe.

So forgive us for passionately defending ourselves.

Before moses had a bad trip circa 7000 years ago, before the Greek and Egyptian gods, people innocently debated how we got here. Some or most agreed we were special and must have a creator. What other explanation? But it was just a theory and not even a scientific one. But no one got mad until moses lied and said God talked to him. And if you don't believe this ancient myth you don't go to heaven.

Do you see how stupid it sounds?

What sounds stupid to me is your insistence that we believe you go to hell if you don't believe. First, most Jews (followers of Moses) don't believe in hell; second, most Christians say no such thing. So to us, it appears you enjoy cutting yourself and showing us the blood....and that seems stupid. Why not stick with the facts instead of hysterics?

Second, the statistic on who would vote for an atheist is fifty-four percent of Christians would. So why the broad brush that no Christian would vote for an atheist, when clearly more than half would?

Third, some Muslims will murder anyone not of their particular Muslim denomination, which includes the very Christians you slander and defame with the broadcasts of your own biases and errors.

Look, I know some denominations and faiths say some stupid things. But God is not stupid, and He cares about all of us. Say what you like about all the faults you see in believers, even broadbrush us as you please. It's not so much we care whether or not you believe in God--that's your choice.

What I care more about is assuring people that Jesus knew what he was talking about when he said, "Seek, knock, ask." God is there for people who want to devote the time and the effort. People who do find it was well worth the effort--and that is why we recommend the same to others we see standing in the same place that was once our own uncertainty. Do you want to climb the mountain or not? When faced with an actual mountain, some people choose not to climb, as they are more comfortable settling at the foot of the mountain. That's fine. Just stop yelling and sniping at those of us who chose to make the climb.
How old are you? Because I spent decades debating Catholics who denied evolution.

The better question is, When did the Catholic Church say it had no problem with following the theory of evolution? That would have been under Pope Pius XII in 1950 (before I was even born). There rose the question of whether Catholics were required to believe in the theory of evolution, and no, there was no requirement. Apparently you found a group of Catholics whose personal views argued against evolution. If your discussions took place after 1950, did you ask them what the Catholic Church taught, or did you ask for their personal opinions? Because meanwhile, students in Catholic schools are being taught the theory of evolution.
How old are you? Because I spent decades debating Catholics who denied evolution.

The better question is, When did the Catholic Church say it had no problem with following the theory of evolution? That would have been under Pope Pius XII in 1950 (before I was even born). There rose the question of whether Catholics were required to believe in the theory of evolution, and no, there was no requirement. Apparently you found a group of Catholics whose personal views argued against evolution. If your discussions took place after 1950, did you ask them what the Catholic Church taught, or did you ask for their personal opinions? Because meanwhile, students in Catholic schools are being taught the theory of evolution.
All I had to do was wiki this subject and whammo:

Since the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species in 1859, the attitude of the Catholic Church on the theory of evolution has slowly been refined.

Catholic Church and evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For nearly a century, the papacy offered no authoritative pronouncement on Darwin's theories.

Today, the Church supports theistic evolution(ism), also known as evolutionary creation, although Catholics are free not to believe in any part of evolutionary theory.

The Catholic Church holds no official position on the theory of creation or evolution, leaving the specifics of either theistic evolution or literal creationism to the individual within certain parameters established by the Church. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, any believer may accept either literal or special creation within the period of an actual six day, twenty-four hour period, or they may accept the belief that the earth evolved over time under the guidance of God.
How old are you? Because I spent decades debating Catholics who denied evolution.

The better question is, When did the Catholic Church say it had no problem with following the theory of evolution? That would have been under Pope Pius XII in 1950 (before I was even born). There rose the question of whether Catholics were required to believe in the theory of evolution, and no, there was no requirement. Apparently you found a group of Catholics whose personal views argued against evolution. If your discussions took place after 1950, did you ask them what the Catholic Church taught, or did you ask for their personal opinions? Because meanwhile, students in Catholic schools are being taught the theory of evolution.
All I had to do was wiki this subject and whammo:

Since the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species in 1859, the attitude of the Catholic Church on the theory of evolution has slowly been refined.

Catholic Church and evolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For nearly a century, the papacy offered no authoritative pronouncement on Darwin's theories.

Today, the Church supports theistic evolution(ism), also known as evolutionary creation, although Catholics are free not to believe in any part of evolutionary theory.

The Catholic Church holds no official position on the theory of creation or evolution, leaving the specifics of either theistic evolution or literal creationism to the individual within certain parameters established by the Church. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, any believer may accept either literal or special creation within the period of an actual six day, twenty-four hour period, or they may accept the belief that the earth evolved over time under the guidance of God.

Exactly. Things change when you read what the Church teaches, doesn't it? If you continue to read, you will read that some Popes have come out in favor of evolution; others not so much. Most Catholics I know have no trouble with evolution. In fact, I don't know any Catholics who argues for a six day creation--but then there are millions of Catholics I've never met.
What do you mean no answer for the universe? That is not a question. Also the idea of Santa came from many sources as I pointed out earlier. It still doesn't proove if he actually existed or not.
You're being deliberately obtuse. Focus....the universe got here...how? Answer that if you believe in a secular cause or be honest and admit you have no clue.

Like I said BEFORE, we DO have answers for how the presents get under the tree and no reason to believe in folklore.

Why are atheists so dishonest?
What am I being dishonest about. Seeking clarity on a non-question. As for the how te universe got here. I don't know. I've heard many plausible explanations but I can't say for sure. Just because someone claims a secular cause does not means it's true. Many, many years ago no one knew how lightning was formed. There were many "god" reasons attributed to this phenomenom. We now know better.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.
You're being deliberately obtuse. Focus....the universe got here...how? Answer that if you believe in a secular cause or be honest and admit you have no clue.

Like I said BEFORE, we DO have answers for how the presents get under the tree and no reason to believe in folklore.

Why are atheists so dishonest?
What am I being dishonest about. Seeking clarity on a non-question. As for the how te universe got here. I don't know. I've heard many plausible explanations but I can't say for sure. Just because someone claims a secular cause does not means it's true. Many, many years ago no one knew how lightning was formed. There were many "god" reasons attributed to this phenomenom. We now know better.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.

Yes, and it's SOOOOO much more intelligent to answer, "It was an accident!"

And I'm loving the irony AND the hypocrisy of an avowed atheist criticizing someone for not being Christian to his standards. "Christianity is stupid, and you're supposed to be nicer!"

This never gets less amusing and contemptible.
You're being deliberately obtuse. Focus....the universe got here...how? Answer that if you believe in a secular cause or be honest and admit you have no clue.

Like I said BEFORE, we DO have answers for how the presents get under the tree and no reason to believe in folklore.

Why are atheists so dishonest?
What am I being dishonest about. Seeking clarity on a non-question. As for the how te universe got here. I don't know. I've heard many plausible explanations but I can't say for sure. Just because someone claims a secular cause does not means it's true. Many, many years ago no one knew how lightning was formed. There were many "god" reasons attributed to this phenomenom. We now know better.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.
I've said at least ten times in this thread I'm not a Christian and yet you continue on and say so. That proves you are a retard, I'll call them the way I see them. The point, Poindexter, is you don't have the answers either!
What am I being dishonest about. Seeking clarity on a non-question. As for the how te universe got here. I don't know. I've heard many plausible explanations but I can't say for sure. Just because someone claims a secular cause does not means it's true. Many, many years ago no one knew how lightning was formed. There were many "god" reasons attributed to this phenomenom. We now know better.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.
I've said at least ten times in this thread I'm not a Christian and yet you continue on and say so. That proves you are a retard, I'll call them the way I see them. The point, Poindexter, is you don't have the answers either!
You keep referencing God so you are either Christian, Muslim or Jewish. It has been other people you keep telling you're not Christian but your stances on every argument fall in line with most christians. If you are not a Christian you are most certainly playing the part.

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