Why I don't care why you don't believe in God.

What am I being dishonest about. Seeking clarity on a non-question. As for the how te universe got here. I don't know. I've heard many plausible explanations but I can't say for sure. Just because someone claims a secular cause does not means it's true. Many, many years ago no one knew how lightning was formed. There were many "god" reasons attributed to this phenomenom. We now know better.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.

Yes, and it's SOOOOO much more intelligent to answer, "It was an accident!"

And I'm loving the irony AND the hypocrisy of an avowed atheist criticizing someone for not being Christian to his standards. "Christianity is stupid, and you're supposed to be nicer!"

This never gets less amusing and contemptible.
Another person with zero comprehension skills. As I pointed out earlier "Accident" means there was intent. I don't believe the universe was created out of intent or accidental. The christians are the ones to claim a higher moral standard. They are the ones that use the term "good christian". As we can see on this forum it is the christians that have less postive morals than anyone.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.

Yes, and it's SOOOOO much more intelligent to answer, "It was an accident!"

And I'm loving the irony AND the hypocrisy of an avowed atheist criticizing someone for not being Christian to his standards. "Christianity is stupid, and you're supposed to be nicer!"

This never gets less amusing and contemptible.
Another person with zero comprehension skills. As I pointed out earlier "Accident" means there was intent. I don't believe the universe was created out of intent or accidental. The christians are the ones to claim a higher moral standard. They are the ones that use the term "good christian". As we can see on this forum it is the christians that have less postive morals than anyone.

"Ehrmagerd, you didn't hang on EVERY SINGLE WORD I'VE SAID in order to know what sort of semantic brain farts I'm likely to trot out and pretend are real arguments!"

Chuckles, if that was supposed to put me in my place and establish your intellectual superiority, you clearly have been debating other leftist flatliners for far too long.

So let me dumb this bad boy down so that even YOU can fight your way through the haze of word games and understand what's being said: If you accept "It just happened" as an explanation, then you sound like an utter dumbfuck, and have no room to denigrate anyone else's beliefs. THAT leap of faith and contentment in ignorance goes beyond anything Christians are criticized for.

And no, I'm not interested in hearing your five-dollar-word "explanation" of the origin of the universe, which is nothing more or less than an obfuscation of the fact that you're saying, "It just happened."

Furthermore, absolutely nothing you said in any way contradicts my final point: you are a hypocritical gasbag who wants to preach to others about how to practice a faith you are proud of not sharing. You are a fish trying to teach birds to fly, and I laugh at you.

Go ahead. Try to condescend and pretend at me some more. I have lots more derision to share.
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.
I've said at least ten times in this thread I'm not a Christian and yet you continue on and say so. That proves you are a retard, I'll call them the way I see them. The point, Poindexter, is you don't have the answers either!
You keep referencing God so you are either Christian, Muslim or Jewish. It has been other people you keep telling you're not Christian but your stances on every argument fall in line with most christians. If you are not a Christian you are most certainly playing the part.
You are a blithering idiot. I'm playing the part of a Christian by denying I'm a Christian? That's a big taboo for the faith. The world is bigger than you, Sport. Quick question, what faith was Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin?
Yep, but that's just more obfuscation. People thought the Earth was flat but it says nothing to whether god exists or not. If there's no god the question was how did we get there. Interesting that the most profound question imaginable would be a non-question in your mind.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.

Yes, and it's SOOOOO much more intelligent to answer, "It was an accident!"

And I'm loving the irony AND the hypocrisy of an avowed atheist criticizing someone for not being Christian to his standards. "Christianity is stupid, and you're supposed to be nicer!"

This never gets less amusing and contemptible.
Another person with zero comprehension skills. As I pointed out earlier "Accident" means there was intent. I don't believe the universe was created out of intent or accidental. The christians are the ones to claim a higher moral standard. They are the ones that use the term "good christian". As we can see on this forum it is the christians that have less postive morals than anyone.
No, accident means the exact opposite of intent. LOL. Now you're dragging morality into it. Fuck me to tears, you're hilarious!
"Ehrmagerd, you didn't hang on EVERY SINGLE WORD I'VE SAID in order to know what sort of semantic brain farts I'm likely to trot out and pretend are real arguments!"

Chuckles, if that was supposed to put me in my place and establish your intellectual superiority, you clearly have been debating other leftist flatliners for far too long.
As Mr. T. would say. Stop your jibber jabber. Really, you're saying nothing but poor attempts at insults.

So let me dumb this bad boy down so that even YOU can fight your way through the haze of word games and understand what's being said:
You only need to dumb it down for yourself.

If you accept "It just happened" as an explanation,
I have not given an explanation here except for I don't know how the universe was created. Can you explain how that turned into "It just happened"?
then you sound like an utter dumbfuck,
Nice language. I'm willing to bet you're a Christian. But don't tell me your of a high moral values and a good christian.
and have no room to denigrate anyone else's beliefs.
Why not. If they are ridiculous then I will remind them.
THAT leap of faith and contentment in ignorance goes beyond anything Christians are criticized for.
Please explain or is all this on what you wrongfully accused me of saying.

And no, I'm not interested in hearing your five-dollar-word "explanation" of the origin of the universe,
That's it. Keep your fingers in your ears. Make sure you stomp and stammer when someone points out an alternative view.
which is nothing more or less than an obfuscation of the fact that you're saying, "It just happened."
Again, never said that. It's that the only way you feel you can win an argument? By placing your own words onto others.

Furthermore, absolutely nothing you said in any way contradicts my final point:
Your final point was that I was holding christians to my standards. I was not. I was holding them to their own. If christians never went around telling the rest of us how moral they are and how immoral atheists were then I wouldn't have a crutch to lean on. But guess what. You know the rest.
you are a hypocritical gasbag who wants to preach to others about how to practice a faith you are proud of not sharing.
You obviously don't know what faith means. Get back to me when you have the comprehension skills of a 10 year old.
You are a fish trying to teach birds to fly, and I laugh at you.

Go ahead. Try to condescend and pretend at me some more. I have lots more derision to share.
By showing your ignorance of the english language and by putting more words in my mouth. Keep up the dishonesty.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.

Yes, and it's SOOOOO much more intelligent to answer, "It was an accident!"

And I'm loving the irony AND the hypocrisy of an avowed atheist criticizing someone for not being Christian to his standards. "Christianity is stupid, and you're supposed to be nicer!"

This never gets less amusing and contemptible.
Another person with zero comprehension skills. As I pointed out earlier "Accident" means there was intent. I don't believe the universe was created out of intent or accidental. The christians are the ones to claim a higher moral standard. They are the ones that use the term "good christian". As we can see on this forum it is the christians that have less postive morals than anyone.
No, accident means the exact opposite of intent. LOL. Now you're dragging morality into it. Fuck me to tears, you're hilarious!
You are showing the narrowmindness of the god believers. If it wasn't god it had to be an accident. Only see the world in black and white. The physicist Freeman Dyson suggested that life is so improbable, and the physical characteristics of the universe are so finely tuned to accommodate it, that in some sense the universe "knew we were coming." As a consequence of this cosmic foreknowledge, by the time life arose, conditions in the cosmos were ready for it. The table was set -- all life had to do was show up.
Dyson F. Quoted in: Davies P. Life the universe and everything. Cosmosmagazine.com. Accessed February 18, 2010.
That doesn't sound like an accident.

I just noticed on these forums that a lot of the religious typoe who have been going on about their moral superiority have been going off like sailors on leave. Can any of you have an actual conversation without all the profanity and insults. Or are they a direct result of having your arguments destroyed.
First you simply stated "universe" with no real question attached to it which is why I called it a non-question. Now you are changing your question from how the universe got here to how did we get here. Two very different things. And you say I'm being obtuse. You are in need of basic comprehension skills.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.
I've said at least ten times in this thread I'm not a Christian and yet you continue on and say so. That proves you are a retard, I'll call them the way I see them. The point, Poindexter, is you don't have the answers either!
You keep referencing God so you are either Christian, Muslim or Jewish. It has been other people you keep telling you're not Christian but your stances on every argument fall in line with most christians. If you are not a Christian you are most certainly playing the part.
You are a blithering idiot. I'm playing the part of a Christian by denying I'm a Christian? That's a big taboo for the faith. The world is bigger than you, Sport. Quick question, what faith was Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin?
I already outed someone months earlier who stated he was an agnostic. When it was all said and done I proved he was a christian. You yourself said you had to tell people ten times you were not a christian. If it walks like a duck. Every Deist I know is not arguing about the origin of the universe because everyone I met has said the same thing I did. They don't know.
When I asked if he had no answer for the universe that obviously referred to it's existence. To not know that would be beyond stupid. That includes life and us, you ignorant retard!
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.

Yes, and it's SOOOOO much more intelligent to answer, "It was an accident!"

And I'm loving the irony AND the hypocrisy of an avowed atheist criticizing someone for not being Christian to his standards. "Christianity is stupid, and you're supposed to be nicer!"

This never gets less amusing and contemptible.
Another person with zero comprehension skills. As I pointed out earlier "Accident" means there was intent. I don't believe the universe was created out of intent or accidental. The christians are the ones to claim a higher moral standard. They are the ones that use the term "good christian". As we can see on this forum it is the christians that have less postive morals than anyone.
No, accident means the exact opposite of intent. LOL. Now you're dragging morality into it. Fuck me to tears, you're hilarious!
You are showing the narrowmindness of the god believers. If it wasn't god it had to be an accident. Only see the world in black and white. The physicist Freeman Dyson suggested that life is so improbable, and the physical characteristics of the universe are so finely tuned to accommodate it, that in some sense the universe "knew we were coming." As a consequence of this cosmic foreknowledge, by the time life arose, conditions in the cosmos were ready for it. The table was set -- all life had to do was show up.
Dyson F. Quoted in: Davies P. Life the universe and everything. Cosmosmagazine.com. Accessed February 18, 2010.
That doesn't sound like an accident.

I just noticed on these forums that a lot of the religious typoe who have been going on about their moral superiority have been going off like sailors on leave. Can any of you have an actual conversation without all the profanity and insults. Or are they a direct result of having your arguments destroyed.
You are a clueless moron and slinging shit in every direction isn't going to cover it up. I'm not religious, said so many times now, the fact that you can't wrap your pea brain around it is no reflection on me. The black and white is all yours.

What does Tyson have to do with it? What did he prove and why didn't you post it instead of his opining about the table being set. That's the best defense you can come up with and you criticize others?

The simple fact is that you have no evidence for a secular cause and when you chide theists for believing in god that makes you a hypocrite, and a remarkably unclever one at that the way you go about it. You should have quit long ago instead to proving just how stupid you really are.
"Ehrmagerd, you didn't hang on EVERY SINGLE WORD I'VE SAID in order to know what sort of semantic brain farts I'm likely to trot out and pretend are real arguments!"

Chuckles, if that was supposed to put me in my place and establish your intellectual superiority, you clearly have been debating other leftist flatliners for far too long.
As Mr. T. would say. Stop your jibber jabber. Really, you're saying nothing but poor attempts at insults.

So let me dumb this bad boy down so that even YOU can fight your way through the haze of word games and understand what's being said:
You only need to dumb it down for yourself.

If you accept "It just happened" as an explanation,
I have not given an explanation here except for I don't know how the universe was created. Can you explain how that turned into "It just happened"?
then you sound like an utter dumbfuck,
Nice language. I'm willing to bet you're a Christian. But don't tell me your of a high moral values and a good christian.
and have no room to denigrate anyone else's beliefs.
Why not. If they are ridiculous then I will remind them.
THAT leap of faith and contentment in ignorance goes beyond anything Christians are criticized for.
Please explain or is all this on what you wrongfully accused me of saying.

And no, I'm not interested in hearing your five-dollar-word "explanation" of the origin of the universe,
That's it. Keep your fingers in your ears. Make sure you stomp and stammer when someone points out an alternative view.
which is nothing more or less than an obfuscation of the fact that you're saying, "It just happened."
Again, never said that. It's that the only way you feel you can win an argument? By placing your own words onto others.

Furthermore, absolutely nothing you said in any way contradicts my final point:
Your final point was that I was holding christians to my standards. I was not. I was holding them to their own. If christians never went around telling the rest of us how moral they are and how immoral atheists were then I wouldn't have a crutch to lean on. But guess what. You know the rest.
you are a hypocritical gasbag who wants to preach to others about how to practice a faith you are proud of not sharing.
You obviously don't know what faith means. Get back to me when you have the comprehension skills of a 10 year old.
You are a fish trying to teach birds to fly, and I laugh at you.

Go ahead. Try to condescend and pretend at me some more. I have lots more derision to share.
By showing your ignorance of the english language and by putting more words in my mouth. Keep up the dishonesty.

Thank you for your surrender. You may stop waving your white flag and move along. :fu:
"Ehrmagerd, you didn't hang on EVERY SINGLE WORD I'VE SAID in order to know what sort of semantic brain farts I'm likely to trot out and pretend are real arguments!"

Chuckles, if that was supposed to put me in my place and establish your intellectual superiority, you clearly have been debating other leftist flatliners for far too long.
As Mr. T. would say. Stop your jibber jabber. Really, you're saying nothing but poor attempts at insults.

So let me dumb this bad boy down so that even YOU can fight your way through the haze of word games and understand what's being said:
You only need to dumb it down for yourself.

If you accept "It just happened" as an explanation,
I have not given an explanation here except for I don't know how the universe was created. Can you explain how that turned into "It just happened"?
then you sound like an utter dumbfuck,
Nice language. I'm willing to bet you're a Christian. But don't tell me your of a high moral values and a good christian.
and have no room to denigrate anyone else's beliefs.
Why not. If they are ridiculous then I will remind them.
THAT leap of faith and contentment in ignorance goes beyond anything Christians are criticized for.
Please explain or is all this on what you wrongfully accused me of saying.

And no, I'm not interested in hearing your five-dollar-word "explanation" of the origin of the universe,
That's it. Keep your fingers in your ears. Make sure you stomp and stammer when someone points out an alternative view.
which is nothing more or less than an obfuscation of the fact that you're saying, "It just happened."
Again, never said that. It's that the only way you feel you can win an argument? By placing your own words onto others.

Furthermore, absolutely nothing you said in any way contradicts my final point:
Your final point was that I was holding christians to my standards. I was not. I was holding them to their own. If christians never went around telling the rest of us how moral they are and how immoral atheists were then I wouldn't have a crutch to lean on. But guess what. You know the rest.
you are a hypocritical gasbag who wants to preach to others about how to practice a faith you are proud of not sharing.
You obviously don't know what faith means. Get back to me when you have the comprehension skills of a 10 year old.
You are a fish trying to teach birds to fly, and I laugh at you.

Go ahead. Try to condescend and pretend at me some more. I have lots more derision to share.
By showing your ignorance of the english language and by putting more words in my mouth. Keep up the dishonesty.

Thank you for your surrender. You may stop waving your white flag and move along. :fu:
Not able to refute any of my points. Thanks for playing. :clap:
The most ignorant thing is when people claim "god did it" when they have no answer for something. You keep resorting to namecalling. How very christian of you. You must be very frustrated that no one can read your mind.

Yes, and it's SOOOOO much more intelligent to answer, "It was an accident!"

And I'm loving the irony AND the hypocrisy of an avowed atheist criticizing someone for not being Christian to his standards. "Christianity is stupid, and you're supposed to be nicer!"

This never gets less amusing and contemptible.
Another person with zero comprehension skills. As I pointed out earlier "Accident" means there was intent. I don't believe the universe was created out of intent or accidental. The christians are the ones to claim a higher moral standard. They are the ones that use the term "good christian". As we can see on this forum it is the christians that have less postive morals than anyone.
No, accident means the exact opposite of intent. LOL. Now you're dragging morality into it. Fuck me to tears, you're hilarious!
You are showing the narrowmindness of the god believers. If it wasn't god it had to be an accident. Only see the world in black and white. The physicist Freeman Dyson suggested that life is so improbable, and the physical characteristics of the universe are so finely tuned to accommodate it, that in some sense the universe "knew we were coming." As a consequence of this cosmic foreknowledge, by the time life arose, conditions in the cosmos were ready for it. The table was set -- all life had to do was show up.
Dyson F. Quoted in: Davies P. Life the universe and everything. Cosmosmagazine.com. Accessed February 18, 2010.
That doesn't sound like an accident.

I just noticed on these forums that a lot of the religious typoe who have been going on about their moral superiority have been going off like sailors on leave. Can any of you have an actual conversation without all the profanity and insults. Or are they a direct result of having your arguments destroyed.
You are a clueless moron and slinging shit in every direction isn't going to cover it up. I'm not religious, said so many times now, the fact that you can't wrap your pea brain around it is no reflection on me. The black and white is all yours.
Said the guy who keeps repeating that the creation of the universe was done by a god. I think you just outed yourself. I have said over and over that I don't know how the universe was created and you keep going back to it. You keep saying it was god or it was always there. That is only seeing things in black or white. By giving two options and not being open to other options.
What does Tyson have to do with it? What did he prove and why didn't you post it instead of his opining about the table being set. That's the best defense you can come up with and you criticize others?
It is Dyson not Tyson. This was quoted because someone insisted it had to be an accident. I was simply showing another alternative view. No one stated he proved anything. Another one who puts words in other people's mouth. Keep up the dishonesty.

The simple fact is that you have no evidence for a secular cause and when you chide theists for believing in god that makes you a hypocrite, and a remarkably unclever one at that the way you go about it. You should have quit long ago instead to proving just how stupid you really are.
No I don't have evidence. Neither do the God believers. I never claimed to have evidence. There are theories out there as to the origin of the universe. I have never stated one was right or one was evidence. Just because I don't have the answer to something doesn't mean I should accept a supernatural explanation. How is that hypocritical.
Yes, and it's SOOOOO much more intelligent to answer, "It was an accident!"

And I'm loving the irony AND the hypocrisy of an avowed atheist criticizing someone for not being Christian to his standards. "Christianity is stupid, and you're supposed to be nicer!"

This never gets less amusing and contemptible.
Another person with zero comprehension skills. As I pointed out earlier "Accident" means there was intent. I don't believe the universe was created out of intent or accidental. The christians are the ones to claim a higher moral standard. They are the ones that use the term "good christian". As we can see on this forum it is the christians that have less postive morals than anyone.
No, accident means the exact opposite of intent. LOL. Now you're dragging morality into it. Fuck me to tears, you're hilarious!
You are showing the narrowmindness of the god believers. If it wasn't god it had to be an accident. Only see the world in black and white. The physicist Freeman Dyson suggested that life is so improbable, and the physical characteristics of the universe are so finely tuned to accommodate it, that in some sense the universe "knew we were coming." As a consequence of this cosmic foreknowledge, by the time life arose, conditions in the cosmos were ready for it. The table was set -- all life had to do was show up.
Dyson F. Quoted in: Davies P. Life the universe and everything. Cosmosmagazine.com. Accessed February 18, 2010.
That doesn't sound like an accident.

I just noticed on these forums that a lot of the religious typoe who have been going on about their moral superiority have been going off like sailors on leave. Can any of you have an actual conversation without all the profanity and insults. Or are they a direct result of having your arguments destroyed.
You are a clueless moron and slinging shit in every direction isn't going to cover it up. I'm not religious, said so many times now, the fact that you can't wrap your pea brain around it is no reflection on me. The black and white is all yours.
Said the guy who keeps repeating that the creation of the universe was done by a god. I think you just outed yourself. I have said over and over that I don't know how the universe was created and you keep going back to it. You keep saying it was god or it was always there. That is only seeing things in black or white. By giving two options and not being open to other options.
What does Tyson have to do with it? What did he prove and why didn't you post it instead of his opining about the table being set. That's the best defense you can come up with and you criticize others?
It is Dyson not Tyson. This was quoted because someone insisted it had to be an accident. I was simply showing another alternative view. No one stated he proved anything. Another one who puts words in other people's mouth. Keep up the dishonesty.

The simple fact is that you have no evidence for a secular cause and when you chide theists for believing in god that makes you a hypocrite, and a remarkably unclever one at that the way you go about it. You should have quit long ago instead to proving just how stupid you really are.
No I don't have evidence. Neither do the God believers. I never claimed to have evidence. There are theories out there as to the origin of the universe. I have never stated one was right or one was evidence. Just because I don't have the answer to something doesn't mean I should accept a supernatural explanation. How is that hypocritical.
LOL. Holy fuck, you're one of the dumber posters here and you're in good company. Yes, it was god or the universe was always here, or its' potential. That's black and white to you? Please, share the other options I haven't considered.

Your Dyson quote was to me. If you were discussing something with someone else that's where you should have brought up your point. I never said you need to accept a supernatural explanation, only that it's hypocritical to demand proof from theists but see no reason to prove your view. You're really confused.
I've had guys knocking on my door to sell god to me, in spite of the no soliciting sign on my door. When I asked them if they could read, I was told, more than once, that their message is so important that they could not bear passing by my door without knocking, because my immortal soul was in jeopardy.

I finally solved the problem with a garden hose, a water cannon, and a motion sensor, all available on Ebay.
"Ehrmagerd, you didn't hang on EVERY SINGLE WORD I'VE SAID in order to know what sort of semantic brain farts I'm likely to trot out and pretend are real arguments!"

Chuckles, if that was supposed to put me in my place and establish your intellectual superiority, you clearly have been debating other leftist flatliners for far too long.
As Mr. T. would say. Stop your jibber jabber. Really, you're saying nothing but poor attempts at insults.

So let me dumb this bad boy down so that even YOU can fight your way through the haze of word games and understand what's being said:
You only need to dumb it down for yourself.

If you accept "It just happened" as an explanation,
I have not given an explanation here except for I don't know how the universe was created. Can you explain how that turned into "It just happened"?
then you sound like an utter dumbfuck,
Nice language. I'm willing to bet you're a Christian. But don't tell me your of a high moral values and a good christian.
and have no room to denigrate anyone else's beliefs.
Why not. If they are ridiculous then I will remind them.
THAT leap of faith and contentment in ignorance goes beyond anything Christians are criticized for.
Please explain or is all this on what you wrongfully accused me of saying.

And no, I'm not interested in hearing your five-dollar-word "explanation" of the origin of the universe,
That's it. Keep your fingers in your ears. Make sure you stomp and stammer when someone points out an alternative view.
which is nothing more or less than an obfuscation of the fact that you're saying, "It just happened."
Again, never said that. It's that the only way you feel you can win an argument? By placing your own words onto others.

Furthermore, absolutely nothing you said in any way contradicts my final point:
Your final point was that I was holding christians to my standards. I was not. I was holding them to their own. If christians never went around telling the rest of us how moral they are and how immoral atheists were then I wouldn't have a crutch to lean on. But guess what. You know the rest.
you are a hypocritical gasbag who wants to preach to others about how to practice a faith you are proud of not sharing.
You obviously don't know what faith means. Get back to me when you have the comprehension skills of a 10 year old.
You are a fish trying to teach birds to fly, and I laugh at you.

Go ahead. Try to condescend and pretend at me some more. I have lots more derision to share.
By showing your ignorance of the english language and by putting more words in my mouth. Keep up the dishonesty.

Thank you for your surrender. You may stop waving your white flag and move along. :fu:
Not able to refute any of my points. Thanks for playing. :clap:

:lmao: Whatever makes you feel validated, little leftist.
I've had guys knocking on my door to sell god to me, in spite of the no soliciting sign on my door. When I asked them if they could read, I was told, more than once, that their message is so important that they could not bear passing by my door without knocking, because my immortal soul was in jeopardy.

I finally solved the problem with a garden hose, a water cannon, and a motion sensor, all available on Ebay.
Oh brother.
I've had guys knocking on my door to sell god to me, in spite of the no soliciting sign on my door. When I asked them if they could read, I was told, more than once, that their message is so important that they could not bear passing by my door without knocking, because my immortal soul was in jeopardy.

I finally solved the problem with a garden hose, a water cannon, and a motion sensor, all available on Ebay.
Well, you will be without excuse come Judgment Day. I like to believe that when Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and Jehovah Witnesses come to my door, GOD sent them there for me to witness to them from GOD's WORD concerning the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Call me the stay at home missionary. They don't walk away thinking that they are martyrs for GOD. They walk away reconsidering just what they really believe and if they are saved...
I've had guys knocking on my door to sell god to me, in spite of the no soliciting sign on my door. When I asked them if they could read, I was told, more than once, that their message is so important that they could not bear passing by my door without knocking, because my immortal soul was in jeopardy.

I finally solved the problem with a garden hose, a water cannon, and a motion sensor, all available on Ebay.
Well, you will be without excuse come Judgment Day. I like to believe that when Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, and Jehovah Witnesses come to my door, GOD sent them there for me to witness to them from GOD's WORD concerning the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Call me the stay at home missionary. They don't walk away thinking that they are martyrs for GOD. They walk away reconsidering just what they really believe and if they are saved...

I've had guys knocking on my door to sell god to me, in spite of the no soliciting sign on my door. When I asked them if they could read, I was told, more than once, that their message is so important that they could not bear passing by my door without knocking, because my immortal soul was in jeopardy.

I finally solved the problem with a garden hose, a water cannon, and a motion sensor, all available on Ebay.

It's also fun to ask them in, tell them you'll give them 30 minutes to sell you on God, but you also get 30 minutes on why God isn't real. They decline every time.

Or just answer the door in a dirty wifebeater, no undies, a bottle of whisky in hand, and some Ozzy on the radio. For some reason they don't normally come back after that.

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