Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

Keep at it, you have more stamina than I do, you leftwing progressive flunky. :eusa_clap:

Truthers are not a left/right debate. Truther insanity knows no party affiliation.

Twoofers generally fall into one of three categories

1. Libertarian. They have a pathological hatred of government and thus are more likely to believe government commits unspeakable evil against its citizens. They consider themselves patriots and defenders of the constitution.

2. Anti-American/Anti-capitalist. They view America and/or capitalism as inherently evil and exploitive. They believe that companies capture the government to commit crimes against humanity for profit, ie oil companies were behind the invasion of Iraq.

3. They believe many if not most other conspiracy theories, and that the world is controlled by a handful of people and shadowy groups who commit these conspiracies.

They also tend to believe their theories religiously and adopt symbols representative of their theories, ie naming themselves "9/11 inside job" and having 1984 as an avatar.

You can put pretty much all twoofers into these categories.

Keep at it, you have more stamina than I do, you leftwing progressive flunky. :eusa_clap:

Truthers are not a left/right debate. Truther insanity knows no party affiliation.

Twoofers generally fall into one of three categories

1. Libertarian. They have a pathological hatred of government and thus are more likely to believe government commits unspeakable evil against its citizens. They consider themselves patriots and defenders of the constitution.

2. Anti-American/Anti-capitalist. They view America and/or capitalism as inherently evil and exploitive. They believe that companies capture the government to commit crimes against humanity for profit, ie oil companies were behind the invasion of Iraq.

3. They believe many if not most other conspiracy theories, and that the world is controlled by a handful of people and shadowy groups who commit these conspiracies.

They also tend to believe their theories religiously and adopt symbols representative of their theories, ie naming themselves "9/11 inside job" and having 1984 as an avatar.

You can put pretty much all twoofers into these categories.

Personally, I don't think they give a shit

Here is what they believe

Our Government wired three buildings to explode and arranged for terrorists to hijack four planes and fly them into buildings. After the planes hit and people in the towers struggled for their lives, someone from the government pushed a button and sent them to their deaths. Twenty minutes later, they did the same thing with another terrorized group of people in the other tower

To actually believe that and be content to anonymously post truther videos on the internet shows no passion. How can you truthfully believe this theory and not be outraged? Not be marching in the streets?

Truthers are phony. All they want you to do is watch their videos. They do not give a shit otherwise
So. They rigged the buildings to blow and they happened to know exactly where the planes would hit. I remember reading one dumb asa truther say no planes actually hot the towers.

Every floor would have to be rigged with explosives since they had no idea where or if the planes would hit

If one of the planes did not make it to the towers you would have a perfectly intact building that was wired to explode....very risky and someone would have some splain'n to do
Like WTC 7?

Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of this possible option.

Shame On Jesse Ventura! | Fox News

That's logical. they didn't expect the towers to fall so they were talking about how to bring down buildings that were, in all likely hood, to damged to safely reuse. I don't know if I get your point here.
RightWinger hates "truthers" because they undermine the God he worships: Government (Taxes Be Upon Him).

I hope he isn't thinking of hijacking planes and flying them into Truther Rallies.
RightWinger hates "truthers" because they undermine the God he worships: Government (Taxes Be Upon Him).

I hope he isn't thinking of hijacking planes and flying them into Truther Rallies.

Can you fit a plane in someones basement?

If I simply came up to you on the street and showed you this picture and said, "This is what a 1452 ft building looks like after it got hit by a plane." What would you say? "Oh, of course it is."?

What do you expect? A 1452 foot building is not a solid structure, we are only talking a few feet max of material for every floor... The rest is hollow, you know... So people can actually fit inside it. Jeeezus.
The funniest part of these debates is watching people think they actually know anything about what happened. Whether you believe the official story or one of several other theories (conspiracy one included) that have been around for the last number of years.

The fact remains that no one knows what happened and if here are people out there who do, they aren't talking.
The funniest part of these debates is watching people think they actually know anything about what happened. Whether you believe the official story or one of several other theories (conspiracy one included) that have been around for the last number of years.

The fact remains that no one knows what happened and if here are people out there who do, they aren't talking.

We know what happened. 19 al Qaeda terrorists flew planes into buildings.
yeah, that is a possibiility. Yet it does not even begin to explain what actually happened that day. I already asked you to explain one anomaly in this thread. It's the only one I'm going to bother with. If you can explain it, in conjunction with 19 Al Qaeda flew planes into buildings, then we can have more discussion. Until then, you don't know fucking head from ass on this subject.
so, based on no evidence to the contrary, you are willing to tell the families of 9-11 victims that the graves they visit are a sham

like i said in my op.....this is a reason i hate 9-11 truthers

so basically you hate truthers because they speak unspeakable truths...there where no body parts..and it is hard to believe that cross contamination would allow for positive identifications of all the passengers as claimed ..graves are symbolic and what they represents is not a sham but the fact is they do not contain body parts and any dna identification is highly questionable and there is evidence to suggest a shoot down occured

Thanks for presenting the true underbelly of truther scum

While you talk free fall, controlled demo, thermite...it all seems harmless

But, with no evidence, when you have the audacity to tell grieving families that the graves they honor are mere shams and that they are fools for trusting the evil government

You reveal what truly despicable people you are

Why do you pretend to speak for victims families.. asshole
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzC3QI8JenU]Vote for Answers - YouTube[/ame]

They can speak for themselves...

If I simply came up to you on the street and showed you this picture and said, "This is what a 1452 ft building looks like after it got hit by a plane." What would you say? "Oh, of course it is."?

What do you expect? A 1452 foot building is not a solid structure, we are only talking a few feet max of material for every floor... The rest is hollow, you know... So people can actually fit inside it. Jeeezus.

how stupid can you get....pathetic
so basically you hate truthers because they speak unspeakable truths...there where no body parts..and it is hard to believe that cross contamination would allow for positive identifications of all the passengers as claimed ..graves are symbolic and what they represents is not a sham but the fact is they do not contain body parts and any dna identification is highly questionable and there is evidence to suggest a shoot down occured

Thanks for presenting the true underbelly of truther scum

While you talk free fall, controlled demo, thermite...it all seems harmless

But, with no evidence, when you have the audacity to tell grieving families that the graves they honor are mere shams and that they are fools for trusting the evil government

You reveal what truly despicable people you are

Why do you pretend to speak for victims families.. asshole
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzC3QI8JenU]Vote for Answers - YouTube[/ame]

They can speak for themselves...


Tell victims families that their loved one did not die in the crash. Call them suckers

All truthers are scum

Here is strange for you:

This is a photo taken by FEMA some days following the event while assessing damage. This photo was taken (as indicated) on the 15th floor of the Bankers Trust building located across Liberty St. from WTC 2. This building was hit by falling debris. Yet, and a common theme, there is a steel I-beam left to center of this photo that has undergone an incredible amount of heat and pressure based on the "shrivel" and "pinch crimp" it displays. Unless conventional controlled demolition can manage this from across the street, or falling debris can manage this, there is no explanation for this steel I-beams molecular behavior. It is an anoomaly of the sort that leaves far more questions than answers.

I don't hate twoofers. I just laugh at them.

I used to debunk they're silly theories but now I'm just bored.

Silly theories are for amateurs at this game. You want to do some "debunking"?

Debunk my quoted post from above. Use science though. I don't want to have some lame duck discussion.

The point I'm trying to make is that the jury isn't out on what happened and therefore, we don't fucking KNOW shit. We're all int he dark on this.
does the pic have a date?
can you prove that no demo work had been done prior to that pic being taken?
also that pinched looked could have been caused by impact from the debris..can you present data that shows that pinched beam's original position?

then you make an unsupportable statement :"Unless conventional controlled demolition can manage this from across the street, or falling debris can manage this, there is no explanation for this steel I-beams molecular behavior." TA S B...
the last part of your statement is argument by anomaly....and it's a fiction.
a factual answer would be, at the time the pic was taken there was no explanation for the pinch.
then you give it a pseudoscience twist by inferring that some forces other then heat, weight speed, impact, did the damage.

if you had'nt already noticed TASB is a twoofer...
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If I simply came up to you on the street and showed you this picture and said, "This is what a 1452 ft building looks like after it got hit by a plane." What would you say? "Oh, of course it is."?

What do you expect? A 1452 foot building is not a solid structure, we are only talking a few feet max of material for every floor... The rest is hollow, you know... So people can actually fit inside it. Jeeezus.

how stupid can you get....pathetic
so you think that the wtc buildings were solid?

the only stupidity shown here is your answer
Thanks for presenting the true underbelly of truther scum

While you talk free fall, controlled demo, thermite...it all seems harmless

But, with no evidence, when you have the audacity to tell grieving families that the graves they honor are mere shams and that they are fools for trusting the evil government

You reveal what truly despicable people you are

Why do you pretend to speak for victims families.. asshole
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzC3QI8JenU]Vote for Answers - YouTube[/ame]

They can speak for themselves...


Tell victims families that their loved one did not die in the crash. Call them suckers

All truthers are scum

but family members have been the a huge part of 911 truth and the majority do not believe the official story...but you hate the victims families...just like glen

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf33g9ep4YU]Glenn Beck: "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions" - YouTube[/ame]
Why do you pretend to speak for victims families.. asshole
Vote for Answers - YouTube

They can speak for themselves...


Tell victims families that their loved one did not die in the crash. Call them suckers

All truthers are scum

but family members have been the a huge part of 911 truth and the majority do not believe the official story...but you hate the victims families...just like glen

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf33g9ep4YU]Glenn Beck: "I hate 9/11 victims families for asking questions" - YouTube[/ame]
you're right "
family members have been the a huge part of 911 truth...eots
but a tiny fraction of the 911 victims families ......:lol:
What do you expect? A 1452 foot building is not a solid structure, we are only talking a few feet max of material for every floor... The rest is hollow, you know... So people can actually fit inside it. Jeeezus.

how stupid can you get....pathetic
so you think that the wtc buildings were solid?

the only stupidity shown here is your answer

no, I think they were steel framed buildings and as NIST concedes.. no steel framed building ever collapsed from fire before 911 and has not and never will since

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