Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

The funniest part of these debates is watching people think they actually know anything about what happened. Whether you believe the official story or one of several other theories (conspiracy one included) that have been around for the last number of years.

The fact remains that no one knows what happened and if here are people out there who do, they aren't talking.

We know what happened. 19 al Qaeda terrorists flew planes into buildings.

Only idiots like you who ignore evidence and facts believe that fairy tale.:lol::lol::lol::D
excellent rebuttal.:lol: thanks for proving it for me that you trolls in denial can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are,run away when asked to counter evidence and facts.awesome.:clap2:

yes, posting edited videos on the internet are "facts"

Again, paranoid dolt.

ah as usuaul,the chickenshit coward runs off and refuses to try and counter them cause like the coward he is,he is afraid.Thanks for proving me right thats how frady cat Bush dupes always operate.:lol::clap2::lmao:

oh and since you dont want to use the internet,fine with me.read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECAHNICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY and refute the facts in them,you cant,you'll do the cowardly thing that Toto always does,run off and wont take the challenge as we both know since your in denial and afraid.:D

We saw the planes hit the Towers and investigation indicates overwhelming evidence of the motivation by the jihad. It is so heartbreaking to see a video of a person dressed in a business suit flying through the air to his death because he had to choose between burning to death and suicide before his second cup of coffee on a pretty morning in September 2001. Does any rational person who was born and raised in the greatest Country in the world think that there is some phantom American network that intentionally caused this abomination? It's crazy to try to find a conspiracy theory to justify blaming America for 9-11.

Like the conspiracy theory of the governments that you have been brainwashed to believe in that 19 muslins were behind it?:lol::lol::D

Keep blathering, you are still an idiot. I just like watching dolts like you foam and repeat the same bullshit over and over.
yes, posting edited videos on the internet are "facts"

Again, paranoid dolt.

ah as usuaul,the chickenshit coward runs off and refuses to try and counter them cause like the coward he is,he is afraid.Thanks for proving me right thats how frady cat Bush dupes always operate.:lol::clap2::lmao:

oh and since you dont want to use the internet,fine with me.read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECAHNICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY and refute the facts in them,you cant,you'll do the cowardly thing that Toto always does,run off and wont take the challenge as we both know since your in denial and afraid.:D

We saw the planes hit the Towers and investigation indicates overwhelming evidence of the motivation by the jihad. It is so heartbreaking to see a video of a person dressed in a business suit flying through the air to his death because he had to choose between burning to death and suicide before his second cup of coffee on a pretty morning in September 2001. Does any rational person who was born and raised in the greatest Country in the world think that there is some phantom American network that intentionally caused this abomination? It's crazy to try to find a conspiracy theory to justify blaming America for 9-11.

Like the conspiracy theory of the governments that you have been brainwashed to believe in that 19 muslins were behind it?:lol::lol::D

Keep blathering, you are still an idiot. I just like watching dolts like you foam and repeat the same bullshit over and over.

Like clockwork,the cowardly coward runs off when asked to refute evidence and facts.:clap2: Like clockwork,the coward like all Bush dupe cowards, runs away from that challenge,No surprise,happens EVERYTIME with you frady cat deniars.you guys are the ones that are amusing the way you run off from challenges and wont even try to counter the facts or evidence we give you and ignore reality.:lol::lol::lol::D:lmao:

you guys would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS if you debated the same way there that you do here.you know it,i know it.:clap2::lol:

Have fun talking to yourself troll.Im done with you.I dont debate with frady cats who are too afraid to even try and counter the facts and can just fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:clap2::lmao: never fails.run marty run.:lol:
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ah as usuaul,the chickenshit coward runs off and refuses to try and counter them cause like the coward he is,he is afraid.Thanks for proving me right thats how frady cat Bush dupes always operate.:lol::clap2::lmao:

oh and since you dont want to use the internet,fine with me.read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECAHNICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY and refute the facts in them,you cant,you'll do the cowardly thing that Toto always does,run off and wont take the challenge as we both know since your in denial and afraid.:D

We saw the planes hit the Towers and investigation indicates overwhelming evidence of the motivation by the jihad. It is so heartbreaking to see a video of a person dressed in a business suit flying through the air to his death because he had to choose between burning to death and suicide before his second cup of coffee on a pretty morning in September 2001. Does any rational person who was born and raised in the greatest Country in the world think that there is some phantom American network that intentionally caused this abomination? It's crazy to try to find a conspiracy theory to justify blaming America for 9-11.

Like the conspiracy theory of the governments that you have been brainwashed to believe in that 19 muslins were behind it?:lol::lol::D

Keep blathering, you are still an idiot. I just like watching dolts like you foam and repeat the same bullshit over and over.

Like clockwork,the cowardly coward runs off when asked to refute evidence and facts.:clap2: Like clockwork,the coward like all Bush dupe cowards, runs away from that challenge,No surprise,happens EVERYTIME with you frady cat deniars.you guys are the ones that are amusing the way you run off from challenges and wont even try to counter the facts or evidence we give you and ignore reality.:lol::lol::lol::D:lmao:

you guys would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS if you debated the same way there that you do here.you know it,i know it.:clap2::lol:

Have fun talking to yourself troll.Im done with you.I dont debate with frady cats who are too afraid to even try and counter the facts and can just fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:clap2::lmao:

its not a debate when you make shit up and ignore evidence that is not part of your fairy tale opinion of how the world works.

Fuck off and Die.
Keep blathering, you are still an idiot. I just like watching dolts like you foam and repeat the same bullshit over and over.

Like clockwork,the cowardly coward runs off when asked to refute evidence and facts.:clap2: Like clockwork,the coward like all Bush dupe cowards, runs away from that challenge,No surprise,happens EVERYTIME with you frady cat deniars.you guys are the ones that are amusing the way you run off from challenges and wont even try to counter the facts or evidence we give you and ignore reality.:lol::lol::lol::D:lmao:

you guys would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS if you debated the same way there that you do here.you know it,i know it.:clap2::lol:

Have fun talking to yourself troll.Im done with you.I dont debate with frady cats who are too afraid to even try and counter the facts and can just fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:clap2::lmao:

its not a debate when you make shit up and ignore evidence that is not part of your fairy tale opinion of how the world works.

Fuck off and Die.

ah I hurt the trolls feelings.poor baby.The truth hurts the troll so he attacks the messenger instead of trying to counter the facts.How convenient for the troll.:clap2::clap2:

I really struck a nerve with the troll today and really hurt his feelings now that he is throwing a tantrem.Looks like the truth hurts.ah poor baby.Ive hurt and humilated the troll enough today.dont want to hurt his feelings anymore than i already have so I'll stop. for today anyways.

same pattern of the trolls.attack the messenger and dont try and counter the facts presented.Typical of the Bush dupes afraid of the truth.too easy for them to do.
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Like clockwork,the cowardly coward runs off when asked to refute evidence and facts.:clap2: Like clockwork,the coward like all Bush dupe cowards, runs away from that challenge,No surprise,happens EVERYTIME with you frady cat deniars.you guys are the ones that are amusing the way you run off from challenges and wont even try to counter the facts or evidence we give you and ignore reality.:lol::lol::lol::D:lmao:

you guys would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS if you debated the same way there that you do here.you know it,i know it.:clap2::lol:

Have fun talking to yourself troll.Im done with you.I dont debate with frady cats who are too afraid to even try and counter the facts and can just fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:clap2::lmao:

its not a debate when you make shit up and ignore evidence that is not part of your fairy tale opinion of how the world works.

Fuck off and Die.

ah I hurt the trolls feelings.poor baby.The truth hurts the troll so he attacks the messenger instead of trying to counter the facts.How convenint for the troll.:clap2::clap2: I really got under the skin of the troll today and really hurt his fellings now that he is throwing a tantrem.Looks like the truth hurts.ah poor baby.Ive hurt and humilated the troll enough today.dont want to hurt his feelings anymore than i already have so I'll stop for today anyways.

Acutally its because every time you respond to one of my posts, it prevents you, for a few seconds, for spreading your drivel around to less intelligent people, who might fall for your bullshit.
The funniest part of these debates is watching people think they actually know anything about what happened. Whether you believe the official story or one of several other theories (conspiracy one included) that have been around for the last number of years.

The fact remains that no one knows what happened and if here are people out there who do, they aren't talking.

We know what happened. 19 al Qaeda terrorists flew planes into buildings.

Only idiots like you who ignore evidence and facts believe that fairy tale.:lol::lol::lol::D

FTR, 9/11 inside nutjob thought this was a real video.


HAHAHA you're so full of shit!
You're smarter than me? You sound pretty stupid to me. What are you a paid internet troll?

I see that you have seen Toto for the true troll he is.:lol:

Pretty easy to see as you just found out.:lol::D
Another awesome 9/11 inside nutjob moment was when he said "Americans should worry about the murderers Cheney and Bush roaming free instead of little things like their children."


Damn, I wish I'd bookmarked that one.
The funniest part of these debates is watching people think they actually know anything about what happened. Whether you believe the official story or one of several other theories (conspiracy one included) that have been around for the last number of years.

The fact remains that no one knows what happened and if here are people out there who do, they aren't talking.

We know what happened. 19 al Qaeda terrorists flew planes into buildings.

Only idiots like you who ignore evidence and facts believe that fairy tale.:lol::lol::lol::D

Yea...how STOOPID

Everyone knows it was da JEWS
Keep blathering, you are still an idiot. I just like watching dolts like you foam and repeat the same bullshit over and over.

Like clockwork,the cowardly coward runs off when asked to refute evidence and facts.:clap2: Like clockwork,the coward like all Bush dupe cowards, runs away from that challenge,No surprise,happens EVERYTIME with you frady cat deniars.you guys are the ones that are amusing the way you run off from challenges and wont even try to counter the facts or evidence we give you and ignore reality.:lol::lol::lol::D:lmao:

you guys would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS if you debated the same way there that you do here.you know it,i know it.:clap2::lol:

Have fun talking to yourself troll.Im done with you.I dont debate with frady cats who are too afraid to even try and counter the facts and can just fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:clap2::lmao:

its not a debate when you make shit up and ignore evidence that is not part of your fairy tale opinion of how the world works.

Fuck off and Die.

After a while it got so annoying I had to put him on ignore.
Toro, rightwinger, martybegan, predfan, or any other truth hater, do you believe the U.S. government has ever lied to the American public?
Toro, rightwinger, martybegan, predfan, or any other truth hater, do you believe the U.S. government has ever lied to the American public?


And I expect they will in the future.

The problem with the twoofers, and most conspiracy theorists in general, is that they take this simple fact, then make enormous logical leaps to arrive at their conclusion. "The US government lied to us in the past so they are lying now" is and will always be a false premise. Just because they've lied in the past does not mean they always lied and will always lie in the future. Conspiracy theorists are willing to suspend disbelief towards the most improbable scenarios under this false premise.
Toro, rightwinger, martybegan, predfan, or any other truth hater, do you believe the U.S. government has ever lied to the American public?

Which leads us to the logical conclusion that our government pushed a button and sent thousands of citizens to their deaths
Toro, rightwinger, martybegan, predfan, or any other truth hater, do you believe the U.S. government has ever lied to the American public?

Of course they have, they lie every day when they tell us Social Security has a trust fund, they lie when they say Taxing the rich is the way to balance the budget, they lie when they say they are banning 32 oz soft drinks will help fat people lose wieght. They lie when they pander to thier base by professing religion they probably dont really have.

There is a large jump between lying to placate people and keep your job, and being able to pull off what would be the greatest flim flam ever done in the history of mankind (assuming you troofer nuts are actually right on one of your 3000 different versions of what happened.)
Keep blathering, you are still an idiot. I just like watching dolts like you foam and repeat the same bullshit over and over.

Like clockwork,the cowardly coward runs off when asked to refute evidence and facts.:clap2: Like clockwork,the coward like all Bush dupe cowards, runs away from that challenge,No surprise,happens EVERYTIME with you frady cat deniars.you guys are the ones that are amusing the way you run off from challenges and wont even try to counter the facts or evidence we give you and ignore reality.:lol::lol::lol::D:lmao:

you guys would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS if you debated the same way there that you do here.you know it,i know it.:clap2::lol:

Have fun talking to yourself troll.Im done with you.I dont debate with frady cats who are too afraid to even try and counter the facts and can just fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:clap2::lmao:

its not a debate when you make shit up and ignore evidence that is not part of your fairy tale opinion of how the world works.

Fuck off and Die.

my guess you are another one that does not even know the details of the official reports and is in no position to debate anything

Like clockwork,the cowardly coward runs off when asked to refute evidence and facts.:clap2: Like clockwork,the coward like all Bush dupe cowards, runs away from that challenge,No surprise,happens EVERYTIME with you frady cat deniars.you guys are the ones that are amusing the way you run off from challenges and wont even try to counter the facts or evidence we give you and ignore reality.:lol::lol::lol::D:lmao:

you guys would be laughed out of a debating hall in SECONDS if you debated the same way there that you do here.you know it,i know it.:clap2::lol:

Have fun talking to yourself troll.Im done with you.I dont debate with frady cats who are too afraid to even try and counter the facts and can just fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:D:clap2::lmao:

its not a debate when you make shit up and ignore evidence that is not part of your fairy tale opinion of how the world works.

Fuck off and Die.

my guess you are another one that does not even know the details of the official reports and is in no position to debate anything

Unlike you i dont have the freaking time to delve into every crack and nano-scale inconsistency. What I do see from my "5,000" foot view is that no truther has ever given, in thier own words, in type on this board, a chain of events that both debunks 100% what actually happened, and proves beyond a reasonable doubt thier single timeline version of what happened.

I have zero respect for the "spaghetti on the wall" approach where someone says it could have been drones, or it was missiles, or it was actual planes but there were controlled demolitions and doesnt pick just a single explanation they then try to defend without the youtube hemmorage we usually get.

After the 1993 bombing, the building(s) were deemed unsafe and had to come down. Then after the 1999-2000 Iraqi oil map was drawn up by Saddam Hussein allowing everyone but the US to drill and explore, the map needed to be changed.

the problem with the average truther is that they fail to have a motive.
its not a debate when you make shit up and ignore evidence that is not part of your fairy tale opinion of how the world works.

Fuck off and Die.

my guess you are another one that does not even know the details of the official reports and is in no position to debate anything

Unlike you i dont have the freaking time to delve into every crack and nano-scale inconsistency. What I do see from my "5,000" foot view is that no truther has ever given, in thier own words, in type on this board, a chain of events that both debunks 100% what actually happened, and proves beyond a reasonable doubt thier single timeline version of what happened.

I have zero respect for the "spaghetti on the wall" approach where someone says it could have been drones, or it was missiles, or it was actual planes but there were controlled demolitions and doesnt pick just a single explanation they then try to defend without the youtube hemmorage we usually get.

So to you reading and understanding the official reports is ...every crack and nano-scale .

After the 1993 bombing, the building(s) were deemed unsafe and had to come down. Then after the 1999-2000 Iraqi oil map was drawn up by Saddam Hussein allowing everyone but the US to drill and explore, the map needed to be changed.

the problem with the average truther is that they fail to have a motive.

physics does not require motive...

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