Why I hate 9-11 Truthers

how stupid can you get....pathetic
so you think that the wtc buildings were solid?

the only stupidity shown here is your answer

no, I think they were steel framed buildings and as NIST concedes.. no steel framed building ever collapsed from fire before 911 and has not and never will since
and as always you'd be wrong....unless you're psychic...we all know how well they did in predicting 911
how stupid can you get....pathetic
so you think that the wtc buildings were solid?

the only stupidity shown here is your answer

no, I think they were steel framed buildings and as NIST concedes.. no steel framed building ever collapsed from fire before 911 and has not and never will since
why is it you constantly leave out the other main causes of the wtc collapses , like passenger jets with heavy fuel loads slamming in to the towers at max speed damaging core and other support columns?
even in your pinhole pov that has to be different then just fire....
how stupid can you get....pathetic
so you think that the wtc buildings were solid?

the only stupidity shown here is your answer

no, I think they were steel framed buildings and as NIST concedes.. no steel framed building ever collapsed from fire before 911 and has not and never will since

Who cares?

Obviously you don't. You can't even get off your ass to protest what you claim to be the worst government abuse of its people in history

But you are content to post internet videos on an anonymous message board

Here is strange for you:

This is a photo taken by FEMA some days following the event while assessing damage. This photo was taken (as indicated) on the 15th floor of the Bankers Trust building located across Liberty St. from WTC 2. This building was hit by falling debris. Yet, and a common theme, there is a steel I-beam left to center of this photo that has undergone an incredible amount of heat and pressure based on the "shrivel" and "pinch crimp" it displays. Unless conventional controlled demolition can manage this from across the street, or falling debris can manage this, there is no explanation for this steel I-beams molecular behavior. It is an anoomaly of the sort that leaves far more questions than answers.

I don't hate twoofers. I just laugh at them.

I used to debunk they're silly theories but now I'm just bored.

Silly theories are for amateurs at this game. You want to do some "debunking"?

Debunk my quoted post from above. Use science though. I don't want to have some lame duck discussion.

The point I'm trying to make is that the jury isn't out on what happened and therefore, we don't fucking KNOW shit. We're all int he dark on this.
does the pic have a date?
can you prove that no demo work had been done prior to that pic being taken?
also that pinched looked could have been caused by impact from the debris..can you present data that shows that pinched beam's original position?

then you make an unsupportable statement :"Unless conventional controlled demolition can manage this from across the street, or falling debris can manage this, there is no explanation for this steel I-beams molecular behavior." TA S B...
the last part of your statement is argument by anomaly....and it's a fiction.
a factual answer would be, at the time the pic was taken there was no explanation for the pinch.
then you give it a pseudoscience twist by inferring that some forces other then heat, weight speed, impact, did the damage.

if you had'nt already noticed TASB is a twoofer...

Yes, there is a date to the photo. You can find that out from FEMA. Without running a search, I believe it wasa taken in mid/late September 2001.
Demolition work does not occur until damage assessment is complete. If there was demolition that took place before the photo was taken, what type of demolition equipment could have been used to produce the state at which the steel I-beam is in from the photo?

I never said there was evidence to support conventional demolition. The point is that neither controlled demolition or falling debris can account for this steel beams condition. I make no assertion what could have caused this to happen. That's the entire point. You're, as you've done in the past, attempting to pin a conclusion on a question.

If you're suggesting that this steel I-beam was installed with a shrivel wilt and was also flattened and pinched off at the end, that would be against code, the beam would have been declared compromised and scrapped from construction. For more reasons than one.
yeah, that is a possibiility. Yet it does not even begin to explain what actually happened that day. I already asked you to explain one anomaly in this thread. It's the only one I'm going to bother with. If you can explain it, in conjunction with 19 Al Qaeda flew planes into buildings, then we can have more discussion. Until then, you don't know fucking head from ass on this subject.

I did not read it. I don't care. I can't imagine it's any different than what I've read before from twoofers. Been there, done that. It's boring.
And, no, that beam can not attain that condition from falling debris. The assertion is completely prepostrous beyond all measure.
yeah, that is a possibiility. Yet it does not even begin to explain what actually happened that day. I already asked you to explain one anomaly in this thread. It's the only one I'm going to bother with. If you can explain it, in conjunction with 19 Al Qaeda flew planes into buildings, then we can have more discussion. Until then, you don't know fucking head from ass on this subject.

I did not read it. I don't care. I can't imagine it's any different than what I've read before from twoofers. Been there, done that. It's boring.

Yeah, I'm bored too. Bored of running turds over on this subject. I don't know, you don't know and not single other soul in here opening their mouth regarding this subject KNOW what happened that day. End of story.
yeah, that is a possibiility. Yet it does not even begin to explain what actually happened that day. I already asked you to explain one anomaly in this thread. It's the only one I'm going to bother with. If you can explain it, in conjunction with 19 Al Qaeda flew planes into buildings, then we can have more discussion. Until then, you don't know fucking head from ass on this subject.

I did not read it. I don't care. I can't imagine it's any different than what I've read before from twoofers. Been there, done that. It's boring.

Yeah, I'm bored too. Bored of running turds over on this subject. I don't know, you don't know and not single other soul in here opening their mouth regarding this subject KNOW what happened that day. End of story.

Yeah, that's right. Aliens from space might have fired a beam at the towers. Could be, could be. :rolleyes:

If you want to get into a first year college philosophy discussion - How do we know we all exist? - about what exactly happened that day, be my guest. 19 guys with box cutters hijacked four planes and crashed them into buildings, but because we can't account for every fucking acorn that fell to the ground that day, well, Bush was behind 9/11!

Nobody gives a shit anymore. Everyone thinks you guys are loons. You're not worth the time.

(Except maybe for eots. He's OK.)
Right. Not worth the time so you come here to spend time n it. :lmao:

"Everyone thinks you guys are loons." :lmao:

I never claimed conclusions. But im pretty certain that if someone did plan this event from within our own government, the last person to know about it would be the smirking chimp. He's about as useful as a sack of dog shit.

Aliens from space? :lmao:

You guys are funny. It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a door knob.
I did not read it. I don't care. I can't imagine it's any different than what I've read before from twoofers. Been there, done that. It's boring.

Yeah, I'm bored too. Bored of running turds over on this subject. I don't know, you don't know and not single other soul in here opening their mouth regarding this subject KNOW what happened that day. End of story.

Yeah, that's right. Aliens from space might have fired a beam at the towers. Could be, could be. :rolleyes:

If you want to get into a first year college philosophy discussion - How do we know we all exist? - about what exactly happened that day, be my guest. 19 guys with box cutters hijacked four planes and crashed them into buildings, but because we can't account for every fucking acorn that fell to the ground that day, well, Bush was behind 9/11!

Nobody gives a shit anymore. Everyone thinks you guys are loons. You're not worth the time.

(Except maybe for eots. He's OK.)

I don't know what happened, but I do know what DIDN'T happen; our government did not have a hand in the attacks.
If by government you mean the entire never ending, giant of administrators and do gooders, you'd have a pretty sound assertion, but otherwise we dont know. Frankly, as Toro said, it doesn't amtter anymore anyway.
so basically you hate truthers because they speak unspeakable truths...there where no body parts..and it is hard to believe that cross contamination would allow for positive identifications of all the passengers as claimed ..graves are symbolic and what they represents is not a sham but the fact is they do not contain body parts and any dna identification is highly questionable and there is evidence to suggest a shoot down occured

Thanks for presenting the true underbelly of truther scum

While you talk free fall, controlled demo, thermite...it all seems harmless

But, with no evidence, when you have the audacity to tell grieving families that the graves they honor are mere shams and that they are fools for trusting the evil government

You reveal what truly despicable people you are

Why do you pretend to speak for victims families.. asshole
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzC3QI8JenU]Vote for Answers - YouTube[/ame]

They can speak for themselves...

Roll a joint and chill out, rightwinger is a good guy.
Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos
the real reason you hate 9/11 truthers is because you are a government disinformation agent who hates it that the truth is getting out and you cant stop it as we both know.same with slackass.Predfan is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid of the truth about government conspiracys which is why he runs off with his tail between his legs and never trys to counter evidence.

Wow, you are a paranoid dolt.

excellent rebuttal.:lol: thanks for proving it for me that you trolls in denial can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are,run away when asked to counter evidence and facts.awesome.:clap2:
the real reason you hate 9/11 truthers is because you are a government disinformation agent who hates it that the truth is getting out and you cant stop it as we both know.same with slackass.Predfan is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid of the truth about government conspiracys which is why he runs off with his tail between his legs and never trys to counter evidence.

Wow, you are a paranoid dolt.

I have 9-11 inside job on ignore, he thinks I run because he has some kind of actual points to make. He's a tin foil hat wearing moron.

Actually brainwashed Bush dupe Pred fan has me on ignore because he knows he cant counter any of my evidence and facts presented to him.Like the chickenshit coward he is,he always ran off anytime I proved his ramblings wrong in the past and just flung insults when I proved him wrong.:lol:

Like all Bush dupes afraid of the truth,he wont try and counter the facts presented in that five minute video.He knows he cant.:lol::lol: agent Rightwinger loves trolls like Predfan because he knows he can brainwash him with his lies since he knows Predfan is afraid of the truth about government conspiracys such as 9/11 and the Jfk assassination.
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Well, another 9-11 has come and gone and our Truthers have done their typical cut and paste of nonsensical truther videos. Conspiracy theorists are mostly harmless and it is fun watching them spin their yarns.
The problem with truthers is that their antics go beyond typical "Evil Gubment" rhetoric. If they stopped at the government knew about it and let it happen they would be relatively harmless. But when they get into Flight 93 didn't really crash in Shanksville and it was a missile that hit the Pentagon they are pissing on the graves of brave Americans.
To imply that these planes didn't really crash and the passengers are being secretly held by the government is outright cruel to the victims families
These families may have received some fragment of their loved one to bury and honor. It is all the closure they got. For truthers to tell them it is not their loved one they buried, that the government is playing a trick on them, that their loved one may still be alive is outright cruelty.

That is why truthers are scum

I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, but to swamp it with truther videos

I'd agree with you but than we would both be wrong.

QUOTE: To imply that these planes didn't really crash. That in itself is an ignorant statement. :cuckoo: Did you enjoy drinking Bush's Kool-aid?
For example: there is no supporting evidence of a Boeing 767 to have struck the Pentagon.

QUOTE: I now turn this thread over to truthers. Not to contest what I posted, :eusa_boohoo: That's because you would not be able to back-up the bull-shit lies that the US Government, more so the Bush Administration have spun to get the American people to believe like yourself.

Keep drinking that Kool-Aid.


Roll a joint and chill out, rightwinger is a good guy.:lol::lol::D:lmao:

You haven't debunked jack squat. You're a legend in your own silly low IQ mind.

Yeah Toto has debunked many things thats why he always runs off with his tail between his legs EVERYTIME and never takes you up on your challenges to counter evidence and facts in videos or links,never even trys.Yet he has the logic he debunks us.comedy gold.:lol::lol::D:lmao:
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the real reason you hate 9/11 truthers is because you are a government disinformation agent who hates it that the truth is getting out and you cant stop it as we both know.same with slackass.Predfan is just a brainwashed Bush dupe in denial and afraid of the truth about government conspiracys which is why he runs off with his tail between his legs and never trys to counter evidence.

Wow, you are a paranoid dolt.

excellent rebuttal.:lol: thanks for proving it for me that you trolls in denial can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are,run away when asked to counter evidence and facts.awesome.:clap2:

yes, posting edited videos on the internet are "facts"

Again, paranoid dolt.
Hey 9/11 inside job, don't waste too much time with these indoctrinated low IQ monkeys living in denial. They don't have the capacity to see that the governments "official" version is the conspiracy theory. They're intellectually lazy jerks.
Kevin Ryan, formerly of Underwriters Laboratory, thoroughly debunked the NIST report. Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth debunks the buildings falling down due to the planes crashes and ensuing fires.
It's the forensic study of the aftermath that debunks...refutes the NIST, popular mechanics and National Geographic BS version.

NIST WTC Report Refuted by Kevin Ryan - YouTube

BluePrint for Truth - Richard Gage (Full) - YouTube

And here we go...

The obligatory posting of Internet videos

So what's your problem with it? Have you ever watched any of the videos to try and learn why 9/11 didn't happen the way that the "official" government/controlled media version has led many people to believe.

Aren't you curious as to why 9/11 truthers believe what they believe?

I am going to keep posting videos from time to time, if some people have a problem with that TOO BAD!

I think some people are just afraid they'll be proven wrong if they watch them.

You hit the nail right on the head.Trolls afraid of the truth like Predfan and Toto they wont watch any videos you present them because they are so much in denial.Like you said,they are afraid they will see something in there that will prove them wrong and they cant counter so they'll never take you up on your challenge to try and debunk the information in that video.

whats really funny about those pics they posted claiming its the engine is the airliner itself said those parts are not parts from an airliner.

they also ignore the facts that the debris was not the typical debris of an airliner,that an airliner would have scorched the grass which wasnt scored at all as the photos prove or that expert pilots have said they could never have pulled off those amazing feats of flying those airliners like the government said they did and yet this was done by some alleged muslins who couldnt even fly a cessna.:lol::lol:

agent Rightwinger just debunked himself with that Photo.That airliner also has said that alleged debris on the grass is not from that kind of airliner the government says it was either.lol.I love it.

Oh and it also doesnt matter to them that high ranking military officers have said there is no way the official version could be true.You post some video of a high ranking military office saying he doesnt accept the official version and they'll just say that guy isnt real.That he isnt a military officer.thats how they dismiss high ranking credible people.:lol::lol::D
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Wow, you are a paranoid dolt.

excellent rebuttal.:lol: thanks for proving it for me that you trolls in denial can only fling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are,run away when asked to counter evidence and facts.awesome.:clap2:

yes, posting edited videos on the internet are "facts"

Again, paranoid dolt.

ah as usuaul,the chickenshit coward runs off and refuses to try and counter them cause like the coward he is,he is afraid.Thanks for proving me right thats how frady cat Bush dupes always operate.:lol::clap2::lmao:

oh and since you dont want to use the internet,fine with me.read the book DEBUNKING THE 9/11 DEBUNKING,AN ANSWER TO POPULAR MECAHNICS AND OTHER DEFENDERS OF THE OFFICIAL CONSPIRACY THEORY and refute the facts in them,you cant,you'll do the cowardly thing that Toto always does,run off and wont take the challenge as we both know since your in denial and afraid.:D

We saw the planes hit the Towers and investigation indicates overwhelming evidence of the motivation by the jihad. It is so heartbreaking to see a video of a person dressed in a business suit flying through the air to his death because he had to choose between burning to death and suicide before his second cup of coffee on a pretty morning in September 2001. Does any rational person who was born and raised in the greatest Country in the world think that there is some phantom American network that intentionally caused this abomination? It's crazy to try to find a conspiracy theory to justify blaming America for 9-11.

Like the conspiracy theory of the governments that you have been brainwashed to believe in that 19 muslins were behind it?:lol::lol::D
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As usual, truthers turn the thread into a bunch of videos and debunked links on buildings, free fall and controlled demos

9-11 was about people. People who suffered, people who heroically fought off terrorists and people who ultimately died

So tell us truthers..

1. If a missile hit the Pentagon, who were the bodies of flight 93 recovered? What happened to the real people on the plane?

2. If the towers were rigged for a demo, why did people jump to their deaths?

3. If a plane did not crash in Shanksville, what happened to the brave passengers of flight 93

as usual the frady cat Bush dupes ran off from the facts and evidence in the videos like the cowards they are since they know they cant counter them.:lol::lol::clap2::clap2::clap2:

To show you don't know what the hell you're talking
To answer #1 It wasn't flight 93 that was alleged to have crashed into the Pentagon it was flight # 77 that was alleged to have crashed into the Pentagon...."who were the bodies of flight 93 recovered?" doesn't make any sense.

#2 some people jumped because of the fires. Your question makes no sense. Why would people stay in building if they knew it was rigged for demo, why bother showing up for work.

#3 Yes, what did happen to them? They never found any body parts at the crash site in Shankville...so what's your point?
He has no point.Like always,agent Rightwinger gets his ass handed to him on a platter.He shot down his own arguments himself with his own questions as you just proved.see why this guy is such a joke?.:lol::lmao::D:lol:

He ignores how there were never any seats or luggage or tail section found and how the FBI illegally confiscated cameras from a gas station across the street.whats really funny though is he is such an idiot he cant figure out that with over a hundred cameras in the pentagon,that it would have recorded more than just five flimsy pics of an alleged airliner hitting the pentagon and those photos dont prove an airliner hit the pentagon either.:lol:

You have no room to talk!
whats funny about hypocrite Toto telling YOU that you need to get a life,is that in HIS life,he ignores reality.:lol:

HAHAHA you're so full of shit!
You're smarter than me? You sound pretty stupid to me. What are you a paid internet troll?

You have seen the light on Toto.:clap2::clap2::clap2:

PBS anyone?
Video: 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out | Watch Colorado Public Television Presents Online | Colorado Public Television / KBDI 12 Video
thats an excellent video but dont expect these trolls to watch it.

so basically you hate truthers because they speak unspeakable truths...there where no body parts..and it is hard to believe that cross contamination would allow for positive identifications of all the passengers as claimed ..graves are symbolic and what they represents is not a sham but the fact is they do not contain body parts and any dna identification is highly questionable and there is evidence to suggest a shoot down occured

Like WTC 7?

Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of this possible option.

Shame On Jesse Ventura! | Fox News

Bld 7 is what they always dodge all the time.they ignore the facts that all three buildings that collapsed that day were all owned by larry silverstein and none of the others that did not collapse were.you got to love the logic of the frady cat Bush dupes.comedy gold.:lol:
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