Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

Most people like listening to it because it gives us the other side of the story.....not just the MSM's version of it.....mainly because what we hear everyday is nonsense.

It's pretty much the reason the left wants to shut it down.

Yeah, that's the claim that everyone makes. Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh make a shitload of money by making you guys afraid of everything.

Well, those on the left basically want to scare their base about all things Republican, Libertarian, Conservative and anyone opposing them. That's the majority of what people do on progressive radio and tv. That's all Olbermann, Malloy and Ed Schultz do.

Pretty much, yeah.

Doesn't make the fears any more based in reality. Right now, we see it a lot more from the right, because the left is in power. Obama's gonna lock all the "Conservatives" in FEMA camps. Obama's a Marxist sleeper agent. Obama's a Muslim sleeper agent. Birth Certificate! Fairness Doctrine! Amnesty!
Blasting racist crap from your radio in a mixed neighborhood is rude and insensitive.

So you agree, people shouldn't be insensitive? Excellent how about transporting your ass over to the mosque thread and saying that?

By the way Limbaugh is a loon and Hannity is attached to Boosh's cock .
Blasting racist crap from your radio in a mixed neighborhood is rude and insensitive.

So you agree, people shouldn't be insensitive? Excellent how about transporting your ass over to the mosque thread and saying that?

By the way Limbaugh is a loon and Hannity is attached to Boosh's cock .

Check-Pant Republicans. Golf-playing cigar-smoking phonies. I don't consider them real Conservatives. They're old-guard Republican types. The Republicans need to purge the party of these phonies. Just can't trust Check-Pant Republicans.
Blasting racist crap from your radio in a mixed neighborhood is rude and insensitive.

Grow up....... you are such a whiny ass. I'm sure you've never called a hetero, a breeder, right? You really don't have the brain power to counsel anyone.
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A couple of shots of Rush's wedding, he, his gorgeous wife and the featured performer...... recognize him Sky Dancer? What would one of the most famous homosexuals in the world be doing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding??????



Oh and What The Fuck?????? A black man attended also? Oh yea, that is one of Rush's best friends and his right hand man on the show....Bo Snerdly......

Here's a few more of a wedding that made Chelsea's 3 million dollar one look like a joke. Rush even hired a .......gasp.......woman, to take these excellent photographs.

Rush & Kathryn's Wedding | Facebook
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A couple of shots of Rush's wedding, he, his gorgeous wife and the featured performer...... recognize him Sky Dancer? What would one of the most famous homosexuals in the world be doing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding??????

Elton John was there because Rush paid him 1 MILLION dollars.

Good for him.

Seriously though, I'm sure the wedding was wonderful. But who the fuck cares?
Because there is no other talk radio out there. NOBODY wanted to listen to the ranting and raving lieing stupid, bone headed, close minded elitist liberals.

Actually, also, it helped me convert some life long liberals to the Republican party
You think so? What makes you think I hadn't asked him to lower the volume on the radio. I have a right to be at peace in my home and office.
you didnt SAY you had asked him to turn it off

if you had said you asked him to turn it off and he refused, then you were well within your rights

I was well within my rights whether you think so or not. How would you like to be blasted with hate when you're trying to counsel someone?

Yep, its well within all liberals rights to be closed minded and hateful. Nothing new. Typical censorship by the hypocrites on the left. Like the DemUnderground board

I am a conservative liberal.

I am conservative as far as the debt and responsible spending, etc goes.
I am mostly socially liberal.
Because there is no other talk radio out there. NOBODY wanted to listen to the ranting and raving lieing stupid, bone headed, close minded elitist liberals.

Actually, also, it helped me convert some life long liberals to the Republican party

I don't believe you.

You don't think it's possible that when both sides of issues are presented to rational people it would change those people's minds?:eusa_eh:
Because there is no other talk radio out there. NOBODY wanted to listen to the ranting and raving lieing stupid, bone headed, close minded elitist liberals.

Actually, also, it helped me convert some life long liberals to the Republican party

I don't believe you.

You don't think it's possible that when both sides of issues are presented to rational people it would change those people's minds?:eusa_eh:

At this particular point, I don't think most lefties are being rational at all.
Because there is no other talk radio out there. NOBODY wanted to listen to the ranting and raving lieing stupid, bone headed, close minded elitist liberals.

Actually, also, it helped me convert some life long liberals to the Republican party

I don't believe you.

You don't think it's possible that when both sides of issues are presented to rational people it would change those people's minds?:eusa_eh:

I absolutely think rational people WANT both sides of every issue before they commit to a conviction about those issues. And talk radio gives you an in depth perspective of ALL sides of issues better than any other media outlet these days because they have such a large block of time to work with.

I get so frustrated with television discussions of such issues sometimes because the host is pushing people and cutting them off as they come up against the frequent hard breaks. Talk radio, at least the better hosts, don't do that so much, the commercial breaks are much shorter, and much less intrusive.

I think people who only want their own opinions reinforced and aren't at all willing to consider changing them despise talk radio and won't listen for any time because it grates against those fixed opinions. They are unwilling to explore other points of view.

People who listen to talk radio regularly do so in order to be informed and not to have their fixed opinions reinforced. Rational people don't have to agree with the host--most of us don't agree with any host 100% of the time--but there is a tremendous amount of research and investigation that goes into a good talk radio program. If you're capable of having an open mind at all, you absolutely cannot listen without learning something.
i thought people listened to conservative talk radio beacuse they were incapable of independent thought and felt it easier to have their opinions given to them

And here that's what I thought about those that listen to Air America :cuckoo:

LOL!!! I thought no one listened to Air America, but now at your convenience they beome some sort of awesome boogey man on a par with O'Limbeck!
i thought people listened to conservative talk radio beacuse they were incapable of independent thought and felt it easier to have their opinions given to them

I completely disagree!

conservatives do NOT need "their opinions handed to them"

they don't need rush limbaugh to tell them who to hate or who to beat with a club

They already KNOW who they hate and who they want to kill....

the reason they listen to limbaugh (and his ilk) and read all those books that regurgitate the same vile bile is that they want APPROVAL and VALIDATION for their hatreds and desires for violence...

limbaugh (and coulter and savage etc) tell them....."you know those intense feelings of hatred for everyone who isn't conservatively correct?

and your intense desire to kill them all?

well...THAT'S GOOD!

That's RIGHT!"
The problem with Air America is that they rarely did give all sides of any issues. They mostly gave only the side they wanted to support and then condemned everybody else who didn't support it. And that got boring, tedious, really old really fast. Even their fan base couldn't stomach it long enough to keep them profitable.

With Conservative talk radio, the host will demonstrate a definite bias and their personal preferences and ideology for sure, but he or she will almost always competently give both sides of every argument even if he or she personally supports a particular side. It is interesting for its fan base because it is informative.

The one on television who consistently does that better than anybody I've seen is Glenn Beck. He is no respector of political parties or ideology. He deals in the basic concepts that make us the people that we are and shows the cause, effect, and consequences of socioeconomic and political issues better than I've ever seen it done on a regular basis. But because he tramples on so many sacred cows on the Left, he is despised and trashed by them.

Even some on the Right despise him I guess because it is socially popular to do so. Ditto for some of the more popular conservative radio talk show hosts.
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