Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

No, I'm saying he's a good businessman. "Hater"? What the fuck are you talking about?
so, it was part of his contract to pose for photos with Rush and his bride?

No, I'm sure he threw that in for free.

Seriously, I'm sure Rush is a really nice guy. I'm sure he and Sir Elton got along like gangbusters. I'm sure Elton was HAPPY to pose for a picture, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they stay friends.
i have no doubts they were friends before

Rush isnt the evil incarnate that some on the left think he is
so, it was part of his contract to pose for photos with Rush and his bride?

No, I'm sure he threw that in for free.

Seriously, I'm sure Rush is a really nice guy. I'm sure he and Sir Elton got along like gangbusters. I'm sure Elton was HAPPY to pose for a picture, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they stay friends.
i have no doubts they were friends before

Rush isnt the evil incarnate that some on the left think he is

I read somewhere that Rush tends to tip 200% or more whenever he goes out to a restaurant.

I've spent enough time when I was younger working as a waiter that that's enough for me to always like him as a person, at least on some level.

There are many people who I respect, admire, and enjoy the company of who I disagree with on nearly everything. Life would be boring if everyone agreed.
No, I'm sure he threw that in for free.

Seriously, I'm sure Rush is a really nice guy. I'm sure he and Sir Elton got along like gangbusters. I'm sure Elton was HAPPY to pose for a picture, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they stay friends.
i have no doubts they were friends before

Rush isnt the evil incarnate that some on the left think he is

I read somewhere that Rush tends to tip 200% or more whenever he goes out to a restaurant.

I've spent enough time when I was younger working as a waiter that that's enough for me to always like him as a person, at least on some level.

There are many people who I respect, admire, and enjoy the company of who I disagree with on nearly everything. Life would be boring if everyone agreed.

not that i would agree with EVERYTHING you say ;)
Could someone explain something to me? Has any of the talking heads of the media, and I mean Cons. and Libs, ever done anything to help this country. I listen to 3 or 4 different ones during the course of the day. The only thing I hear is that the one in office is either "the second coming" or Satan incarnate. Depending on their point of view. My opinion is the only difference between a Hooker on the corner and talk radio hosts is simply the price. My apologies to the Hookers for putting them in the same company as talk show hosts
Could someone explain something to me? Has any of the talking heads of the media, and I mean Cons. and Libs, ever done anything to help this country. I listen to 3 or 4 different ones during the course of the day. The only thing I hear is that the one in office is either "the second coming" or Satan incarnate. Depending on their point of view. My opinion is the only difference between a Hooker on the corner and talk radio hosts is simply the price. My apologies to the Hookers for putting them in the same company as talk show hosts

First, welcome to USMB RSL, and we hope you find your niche and a happy home with us.

Second, the 'talking heads' are not in business to "help anyone". They host television or radio programs for profit. And the more value they have for the station, meaning the higher the market share they attract, the more profit they make for themselves as well.

They don't attract market share by telling the public what they don't know or by telling them what they don't want to hear. They attract market share by understanding the values and attitudes and gut feelings of their audience and affirming that. They provide support for what most of their audience already believes. Which, depending on the audience, might be that the current occupant of the White House is the Second Coming or at the very least Satan's little helper.

That doesn't mean that most of them don't do their homework and don't inform. They do. They provide names and dates and concepts and actions and controversies and keywords that give us all sorts of keywords to do further research. And most have enough time to take all the fragmented sound bites we get from other media and pull them together in a more comprehensive and coherent form. We would be naive to think that they are the last word. But they are useful to help us know what we ought to be paying attention to.
It all depends on how one defines respectful I guess.

If you want a program in which liberalism and liberals are held up as the intellectually superior, more open minded, more altruistic, more generous, more caring, more insightful, and/or just "better people" as many see and/or portray themselves, then you're better off sticking with NPR or Air America type programming.

Conservative talk radio is called conservative talk radio because it disputes, debunks, criticizes, and/or exposes the fallacies it identifies in liberalism and what liberals express individually and in groups and it puts conservative concepts, values, and ideals out there.

And because so many more Americans relate to the conservative point of view much more closely than they do the liberal point of view, conservative talk radio usually remains successful and profitable for the advertisers. Liberal talk radio usually doesn't.

So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.
It all depends on how one defines respectful I guess.

If you want a program in which liberalism and liberals are held up as the intellectually superior, more open minded, more altruistic, more generous, more caring, more insightful, and/or just "better people" as many see and/or portray themselves, then you're better off sticking with NPR or Air America type programming.

Conservative talk radio is called conservative talk radio because it disputes, debunks, criticizes, and/or exposes the fallacies it identifies in liberalism and what liberals express individually and in groups and it puts conservative concepts, values, and ideals out there.

And because so many more Americans relate to the conservative point of view much more closely than they do the liberal point of view, conservative talk radio usually remains successful and profitable for the advertisers. Liberal talk radio usually doesn't.

So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.

Only when the liberals deserve or merit a put down. And they put down those who call themselves conservatives but don't act like it. And they mostly deal with themes and issues and concepts in depth which is why most people actually listen in as much as they do.

Perhaps you noticed that the point of much of liberal talk radio was to put down conservatives. And they couldn't ever come up with much else to talk about at all. And that got old really fast. Which is why Air America failed and very few liberal talk show programs last very long.
It all depends on how one defines respectful I guess.

If you want a program in which liberalism and liberals are held up as the intellectually superior, more open minded, more altruistic, more generous, more caring, more insightful, and/or just "better people" as many see and/or portray themselves, then you're better off sticking with NPR or Air America type programming.

Conservative talk radio is called conservative talk radio because it disputes, debunks, criticizes, and/or exposes the fallacies it identifies in liberalism and what liberals express individually and in groups and it puts conservative concepts, values, and ideals out there.

And because so many more Americans relate to the conservative point of view much more closely than they do the liberal point of view, conservative talk radio usually remains successful and profitable for the advertisers. Liberal talk radio usually doesn't.

So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.

Only when the liberals deserve or merit a put down. And they put down those who call themselves conservatives but don't act like it. And they mostly deal with themes and issues and concepts in depth which is why most people actually listen in as much as they do.

Perhaps you noticed that the point of much of liberal talk radio was to put down conservatives. And they couldn't ever come up with much else to talk about at all. And that got old really fast. Which is why Air America failed and very few liberal talk show programs last very long.
What a pant-load.

All GOP hate radio does is RIDICULE and MISINFORM. Just like your posts.

And as far as GOP hate radio being profitable for their advertisers, GM started advertising on LimpTard and HanNITWITy and went bankrupt. Now GOP hate radio bashes GM and sales are up.
I listen to Michael Weiner [Savage] sometimes when there's nothing else interesting on. It's entertaining to hear that fool rant and carry on. He changes from one person to another day to day, if not within the same show. He lit into Hannity yesterday, saying that Hannity should put on an apron and tend bar.
Whenever I stay at the office extra late, I listen to him on my way home.

What an ass-clown.

He's bitter too...bitter that he's relegated to the rungs of the late hours and not in the prime time like his other rightwingnut comrades ala Hannity, GAllagher, Boortz, et all.

This is why he consistently attacks them from time to time, I've heard him on more than one occassion attack Hannity for one reason or the other...also, he's still bitching, whining and moaning about his banning from Britian.

Weiner...get it? Weiner?

It all depends on how one defines respectful I guess.

If you want a program in which liberalism and liberals are held up as the intellectually superior, more open minded, more altruistic, more generous, more caring, more insightful, and/or just "better people" as many see and/or portray themselves, then you're better off sticking with NPR or Air America type programming.

Conservative talk radio is called conservative talk radio because it disputes, debunks, criticizes, and/or exposes the fallacies it identifies in liberalism and what liberals express individually and in groups and it puts conservative concepts, values, and ideals out there.

And because so many more Americans relate to the conservative point of view much more closely than they do the liberal point of view, conservative talk radio usually remains successful and profitable for the advertisers. Liberal talk radio usually doesn't.

So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.

The point of conservative talk radio is to combat the spin the MSM puts on the news.

Many times important facts of the story are never released except on talk radio. Liberals in general believe the spin and talk radio focuses on the actual story rather then just the spin.
So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.

Only when the liberals deserve or merit a put down. And they put down those who call themselves conservatives but don't act like it. And they mostly deal with themes and issues and concepts in depth which is why most people actually listen in as much as they do.

Perhaps you noticed that the point of much of liberal talk radio was to put down conservatives. And they couldn't ever come up with much else to talk about at all. And that got old really fast. Which is why Air America failed and very few liberal talk show programs last very long.
What a pant-load.

All GOP hate radio does is RIDICULE and MISINFORM. Just like your posts.

And as far as GOP hate radio being profitable for their advertisers, GM started advertising on LimpTard and HanNITWITy and went bankrupt. Now GOP hate radio bashes GM and sales are up.

All Obama does is ridicule...lie....and cause divisions. This statement about the Mosque is the latest example of it. Before that it was Arizona, Stupid Cops, The Tea Party, Pennsylvania voters, Joe the Plumber, Fox News, Sarah Palin, and anyone who dares to question his ridiculous policy decisions.
I remember when talk radio was first used. At that time, it was the CALLER who was the star. It wasn't anything like the "lecture" programs that we are exposed to now. It used to be that the callers would define the subject--and gee, they weren't cut off when they didn't follow the moderator's cues.

What is out there now is NOT talk radio--it's brainwashing at best.
I remember when talk radio was first used. At that time, it was the CALLER who was the star. It wasn't anything like the "lecture" programs that we are exposed to now. It used to be that the callers would define the subject--and gee, they weren't cut off when they didn't follow the moderator's cues.

What is out there now is NOT talk radio--it's brainwashing at best.

What do you think is being done on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, PBS, NPR, etc,??
It all depends on how one defines respectful I guess.

If you want a program in which liberalism and liberals are held up as the intellectually superior, more open minded, more altruistic, more generous, more caring, more insightful, and/or just "better people" as many see and/or portray themselves, then you're better off sticking with NPR or Air America type programming.

Conservative talk radio is called conservative talk radio because it disputes, debunks, criticizes, and/or exposes the fallacies it identifies in liberalism and what liberals express individually and in groups and it puts conservative concepts, values, and ideals out there.

And because so many more Americans relate to the conservative point of view much more closely than they do the liberal point of view, conservative talk radio usually remains successful and profitable for the advertisers. Liberal talk radio usually doesn't.

So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.

The point of conservative talk radio is to combat the spin the MSM puts on the news.

Many times important facts of the story are never released except on talk radio. Liberals in general believe the spin and talk radio focuses on the actual story rather then just the spin.

Well they do that of course, though I don't know that their motives for their programming is anythng other than zeroing in on what their listeners want. I accept that Fox News and conservative talk radio exists and is more profitable than any other news medium these days is by giving the people what they want. Otherwise the people aren't going to tune in and the advertisers won't buy the time to keep them on the air.

Those of us who do want to be informed know that we aren't going to get much news unfavorable to the Left, unfavorable to Democrats, unfavorable to the President from the alphabet radio and television stations and networks and/or wire services these days. They all shill to put the best possible face on their guys.

If it wasn't for conservative talk radio and the internet, a whole lot of stuff that we need to know about would never be printed or aired at all. Only when it is put out there and no longer can be ignored will the mainstream media deal with it.

Scooping your competition no longer seems to be a priority. Controlling the spin does.
I remember when talk radio was first used. At that time, it was the CALLER who was the star. It wasn't anything like the "lecture" programs that we are exposed to now. It used to be that the callers would define the subject--and gee, they weren't cut off when they didn't follow the moderator's cues.

What is out there now is NOT talk radio--it's brainwashing at best.

What do you think is being done on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, PBS, NPR, etc,??

The subject was TALK RADIO. None of those claim to be talk programs. Loons like Dr. Laura, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc. supposedly are conservative TALK radio. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It originally wasn that the host would broach a subject and the callers would run with it--in either direction. All of the conservatives cut the caller off if they say something not in the script. It is strictly a lecture series. There is no discussion of BOTH sides at all.
I remember when talk radio was first used. At that time, it was the CALLER who was the star. It wasn't anything like the "lecture" programs that we are exposed to now. It used to be that the callers would define the subject--and gee, they weren't cut off when they didn't follow the moderator's cues.

What is out there now is NOT talk radio--it's brainwashing at best.

What do you think is being done on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, PBS, NPR, etc,??

The subject was TALK RADIO. None of those claim to be talk programs. Loons like Dr. Laura, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc. supposedly are conservative TALK radio. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It originally wasn that the host would broach a subject and the callers would run with it--in either direction. All of the conservatives cut the caller off if they say something not in the script. It is strictly a lecture series. There is no discussion of BOTH sides at all.
clear proof you never listen
I remember when talk radio was first used. At that time, it was the CALLER who was the star. It wasn't anything like the "lecture" programs that we are exposed to now. It used to be that the callers would define the subject--and gee, they weren't cut off when they didn't follow the moderator's cues.

What is out there now is NOT talk radio--it's brainwashing at best.

What do you think is being done on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, PBS, NPR, etc,??

The subject was TALK RADIO. None of those claim to be talk programs. Loons like Dr. Laura, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc. supposedly are conservative TALK radio. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It originally wasn that the host would broach a subject and the callers would run with it--in either direction. All of the conservatives cut the caller off if they say something not in the script. It is strictly a lecture series. There is no discussion of BOTH sides at all.

There are still some programs out there that the host just answers the phone and listens to the callers give their spiel on whatever the subject of the day is and doesn't interject too much of his/her own opinion. Our afternoon show from 3 pm to 7 pm here in Albuquerque is pretty much that way. Every now and then it is okay, but as a steady diet it is BORING. Much more interesting to listen in to be informed as well as to be confirmed.

I suspect very few leftists enjoy conservative talk radio because they do have to hear information that they don't want to hear. The hosts generally put through most of the more articulate leftists who call though and do give them a fair hearing. Such callers are likely to get considerably more time than the conservatives who call in. And, if they are civil, they are treated with complete courtesy.

You have to have a very narrow and strange definition for brain washing if you think that is what they do.
What do you think is being done on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, PBS, NPR, etc,??

The subject was TALK RADIO. None of those claim to be talk programs. Loons like Dr. Laura, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc. supposedly are conservative TALK radio. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It originally wasn that the host would broach a subject and the callers would run with it--in either direction. All of the conservatives cut the caller off if they say something not in the script. It is strictly a lecture series. There is no discussion of BOTH sides at all.

There are still some programs out there that the host just answers the phone and listens to the callers give their spiel on whatever the subject of the day is and doesn't interject too much of his/her own opinion. Our afternoon show from 3 pm to 7 pm here in Albuquerque is pretty much that way. Every now and then it is okay, but as a steady diet it is BORING. Much more interesting to listen in to be informed as well as to be confirmed.

I suspect very few leftists enjoy conservative talk radio because they do have to hear information that they don't want to hear. The hosts generally put through most of the more articulate leftists who call though and do give them a fair hearing. Such callers are likely to get considerably more time than the conservatives who call in. And, if they are civil, they are treated with complete courtesy.

You have to have a very narrow and strange definition for brain washing if you think that is what they do.
clearly she doesnt know about the "open line friday"
or the "hate hannity" line

shes clueless and repeating something she heard someone else say
clearly she doesnt know about the "open line friday"
or the "hate hannity" line

shes clueless and repeating something she heard someone else say

I think those on the Left call into Rush more on regular days than Open Line Friday though. They are inspired to do so more when there is a specific topic being discussed.

But I had forgotten about the "Hate Hannity Hotline". It is a hoot. :)

But you're right. Folks who would call any of those shows 'brain washing' simply aren't listening.

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