Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

What do you think is being done on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, PBS, NPR, etc,??

The subject was TALK RADIO. None of those claim to be talk programs. Loons like Dr. Laura, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc. supposedly are conservative TALK radio. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It originally wasn that the host would broach a subject and the callers would run with it--in either direction. All of the conservatives cut the caller off if they say something not in the script. It is strictly a lecture series. There is no discussion of BOTH sides at all.

There are still some programs out there that the host just answers the phone and listens to the callers give their spiel on whatever the subject of the day is and doesn't interject too much of his/her own opinion. Our afternoon show from 3 pm to 7 pm here in Albuquerque is pretty much that way. Every now and then it is okay, but as a steady diet it is BORING. Much more interesting to listen in to be informed as well as to be confirmed.

I suspect very few leftists enjoy conservative talk radio because they do have to hear information that they don't want to hear. The hosts generally put through most of the more articulate leftists who call though and do give them a fair hearing. Such callers are likely to get considerably more time than the conservatives who call in. And, if they are civil, they are treated with complete courtesy.

You have to have a very narrow and strange definition for brain washing if you think that is what they do.

No, the method that I refer to was not boring--it depended entirely on the host and what subjects they presented.

You are probably correct in your assessment of "leftists" as you put it. Unlike conservatives, most don't care to be lectured to by either side. You should realize that by the fact that "liberal" radio never really got off the ground. For you to try to say that hannity or limbaugh or any of the others give liberals a fair shot to present their arguments is ridiculous. They wait until they have a caller who can't put three words together and then put him on--let him go on his drunken spiel and then shut him off and start their one-sided tyraid again.

But again, that wasn't the original purpose of talk radio. It was simply a MODERATOR posing a subject and then lettting the callers go with it--no matter which direction. They didn't steer it to only conservative or liberal as conservative radio jocks do now.

What the idiots do now has nothing to do with talk radio.
The subject was TALK RADIO. None of those claim to be talk programs. Loons like Dr. Laura, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc. supposedly are conservative TALK radio. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It originally wasn that the host would broach a subject and the callers would run with it--in either direction. All of the conservatives cut the caller off if they say something not in the script. It is strictly a lecture series. There is no discussion of BOTH sides at all.

There are still some programs out there that the host just answers the phone and listens to the callers give their spiel on whatever the subject of the day is and doesn't interject too much of his/her own opinion. Our afternoon show from 3 pm to 7 pm here in Albuquerque is pretty much that way. Every now and then it is okay, but as a steady diet it is BORING. Much more interesting to listen in to be informed as well as to be confirmed.

I suspect very few leftists enjoy conservative talk radio because they do have to hear information that they don't want to hear. The hosts generally put through most of the more articulate leftists who call though and do give them a fair hearing. Such callers are likely to get considerably more time than the conservatives who call in. And, if they are civil, they are treated with complete courtesy.

You have to have a very narrow and strange definition for brain washing if you think that is what they do.

No, the method that I refer to was not boring--it depended entirely on the host and what subjects they presented.

You are probably correct in your assessment of "leftists" as you put it. Unlike conservatives, most don't care to be lectured to by either side. You should realize that by the fact that "liberal" radio never really got off the ground. For you to try to say that hannity or limbaugh or any of the others give liberals a fair shot to present their arguments is ridiculous. They wait until they have a caller who can't put three words together and then put him on--let him go on his drunken spiel and then shut him off and start their one-sided tyraid again.

But again, that wasn't the original purpose of talk radio. It was simply a MODERATOR posing a subject and then lettting the callers go with it--no matter which direction. They didn't steer it to only conservative or liberal as conservative radio jocks do now.

What the idiots do now has nothing to do with talk radio.
which again, proves you've never actually listened
What Judy isn't taking into account is that it is called conservative talk radio because there is talking as opposed to playing music or broadcasting a sporting event or whatever . . . AND . . . a conservative theme is promoted. But the scope is broad enough and diverse enough to hold interest of a broad demographic of listeners.

Air America liberal talk radio focused on the liberal perspective, but since liberals seem to have a much more difficult time articulating a liberal perspective, it was generally mostly bashing conservatives and conservative perspectives. And even the liberals found that boring really fast.

What Judy is describing as talk radio is not talk radio but rather a call in show where people spout off about whatever usually to give their verbal 'vote' yay or nay for something but you don't learn much there other than the immediate sentiment of the callers. That is not what conservative talk radio is.
It all depends on how one defines respectful I guess.

If you want a program in which liberalism and liberals are held up as the intellectually superior, more open minded, more altruistic, more generous, more caring, more insightful, and/or just "better people" as many see and/or portray themselves, then you're better off sticking with NPR or Air America type programming.

Conservative talk radio is called conservative talk radio because it disputes, debunks, criticizes, and/or exposes the fallacies it identifies in liberalism and what liberals express individually and in groups and it puts conservative concepts, values, and ideals out there.

And because so many more Americans relate to the conservative point of view much more closely than they do the liberal point of view, conservative talk radio usually remains successful and profitable for the advertisers. Liberal talk radio usually doesn't.

So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.

Only when the liberals deserve or merit a put down. And they put down those who call themselves conservatives but don't act like it. And they mostly deal with themes and issues and concepts in depth which is why most people actually listen in as much as they do.

Perhaps you noticed that the point of much of liberal talk radio was to put down conservatives. And they couldn't ever come up with much else to talk about at all. And that got old really fast. Which is why Air America failed and very few liberal talk show programs last very long.

I rarely listen to talk radio. I listen to dr laura and even christian radio when I'm on road trips. I listen to NPR which isn't talk radio.

I don't listen to liberal radio. I tihink I listened to Air America twice before it went off the air.
What Judy isn't taking into account is that it is called conservative talk radio because there is talking as opposed to playing music or broadcasting a sporting event or whatever . . . AND . . . a conservative theme is promoted. But the scope is broad enough and diverse enough to hold interest of a broad demographic of listeners.

Air America liberal talk radio focused on the liberal perspective, but since liberals seem to have a much more difficult time articulating a liberal perspective, it was generally mostly bashing conservatives and conservative perspectives. And even the liberals found that boring really fast.

What Judy is describing as talk radio is not talk radio but rather a call in show where people spout off about whatever usually to give their verbal 'vote' yay or nay for something but you don't learn much there other than the immediate sentiment of the callers. That is not what conservative talk radio is.

What is conservative talk radio? What programs do you listen to and why do you listen to them?
It all depends on how one defines respectful I guess.

If you want a program in which liberalism and liberals are held up as the intellectually superior, more open minded, more altruistic, more generous, more caring, more insightful, and/or just "better people" as many see and/or portray themselves, then you're better off sticking with NPR or Air America type programming.

Conservative talk radio is called conservative talk radio because it disputes, debunks, criticizes, and/or exposes the fallacies it identifies in liberalism and what liberals express individually and in groups and it puts conservative concepts, values, and ideals out there.

And because so many more Americans relate to the conservative point of view much more closely than they do the liberal point of view, conservative talk radio usually remains successful and profitable for the advertisers. Liberal talk radio usually doesn't.

So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.

The point of conservative talk radio is to combat the spin the MSM puts on the news.

Many times important facts of the story are never released except on talk radio. Liberals in general believe the spin and talk radio focuses on the actual story rather then just the spin.
The point of CON$ervative hate radio is to echo GOP disinformation. Corporate MSM protects GOP hate media by only presenting the weakest argument, if any at all, against the GOP disinformation campaign.

Of course, to CON$, presenting even the very weakest argument against the GOP misinformation makes the media too Liberal for them. CON$ are terrified of even the slightest exposure to any truth whatsoever.
What Judy isn't taking into account is that it is called conservative talk radio because there is talking as opposed to playing music or broadcasting a sporting event or whatever . . . AND . . . a conservative theme is promoted. But the scope is broad enough and diverse enough to hold interest of a broad demographic of listeners.

Air America liberal talk radio focused on the liberal perspective, but since liberals seem to have a much more difficult time articulating a liberal perspective, it was generally mostly bashing conservatives and conservative perspectives. And even the liberals found that boring really fast.

What Judy is describing as talk radio is not talk radio but rather a call in show where people spout off about whatever usually to give their verbal 'vote' yay or nay for something but you don't learn much there other than the immediate sentiment of the callers. That is not what conservative talk radio is.

Are you attempting to claim that limbaugh, hannity (the whiner) and beck don't scream and lecture their audience??? And incidentally, I didn't listen to air america once I heard that they tried the same tactic. I simply will not be screamed at or lectured to. That is not talk--that is brainwashing, clear and simple. Perhaps if you weren't already brainwashed by these idiots, you would see that.
So the point of conservative talk radio is to put down liberals.

The point of conservative talk radio is to combat the spin the MSM puts on the news.

Many times important facts of the story are never released except on talk radio. Liberals in general believe the spin and talk radio focuses on the actual story rather then just the spin.

Well they do that of course, though I don't know that their motives for their programming is anythng other than zeroing in on what their listeners want. I accept that Fox News and conservative talk radio exists and is more profitable than any other news medium these days is by giving the people what they want. Otherwise the people aren't going to tune in and the advertisers won't buy the time to keep them on the air.

Those of us who do want to be informed know that we aren't going to get much news unfavorable to the Left, unfavorable to Democrats, unfavorable to the President from the alphabet radio and television stations and networks and/or wire services these days. They all shill to put the best possible face on their guys.

If it wasn't for conservative talk radio and the internet, a whole lot of stuff that we need to know about would never be printed or aired at all. Only when it is put out there and no longer can be ignored will the mainstream media deal with it.

Scooping your competition no longer seems to be a priority. Controlling the spin does.
Of course, what CON$ mean by "facts" are the lies scripted by the GOP. For example, GOP hate media and the CON$ervative echo chamber claimed that np president in the history of the US had ever bowed before Obama. CON$ bitch, whine and moan that the MSM didn't "report" that GOP scripted lie, thus they rationalize the need for the FOX gossip Channel and Hate Radio.
The subject was TALK RADIO. None of those claim to be talk programs. Loons like Dr. Laura, Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage, etc. supposedly are conservative TALK radio. Couldn't be further from the truth.

It originally wasn that the host would broach a subject and the callers would run with it--in either direction. All of the conservatives cut the caller off if they say something not in the script. It is strictly a lecture series. There is no discussion of BOTH sides at all.

There are still some programs out there that the host just answers the phone and listens to the callers give their spiel on whatever the subject of the day is and doesn't interject too much of his/her own opinion. Our afternoon show from 3 pm to 7 pm here in Albuquerque is pretty much that way. Every now and then it is okay, but as a steady diet it is BORING. Much more interesting to listen in to be informed as well as to be confirmed.

I suspect very few leftists enjoy conservative talk radio because they do have to hear information that they don't want to hear. The hosts generally put through most of the more articulate leftists who call though and do give them a fair hearing. Such callers are likely to get considerably more time than the conservatives who call in. And, if they are civil, they are treated with complete courtesy.

You have to have a very narrow and strange definition for brain washing if you think that is what they do.
clearly she doesnt know about the "open line friday"
or the "hate hannity" line

shes clueless and repeating something she heard someone else say
Open line friday is no different than any other day in that all the calls are heavily screened and the only "Libs" are CON$ pretending to be Libs to make the CON$ervative host look good.

I've gotten through to Stuttering LimpTard on a couple of Fridays and both times I was screened out rather than moved to the front of the line as the pathological liar claims he does with Libs.
edthemoron, you are so pathetic
Yet as "pathetic" as you say I am, your MessiahRushie is terrified to debate me.

December 11, 2007
RUSH: By the way, I want to renew a bet. I will bet my life's fortune against Algore's that what he predicts in 2030 will not happen...
I made this offer six months ago, and I'll make it again in future days

December 20S, 2007
Caller Proposes Recession Bet
December 20, 2007
RUSH: I wouldn't enter into a wager like this publicly because I choose not too violate federal gambling laws.
What Judy isn't taking into account is that it is called conservative talk radio because there is talking as opposed to playing music or broadcasting a sporting event or whatever . . . AND . . . a conservative theme is promoted. But the scope is broad enough and diverse enough to hold interest of a broad demographic of listeners.

Air America liberal talk radio focused on the liberal perspective, but since liberals seem to have a much more difficult time articulating a liberal perspective, it was generally mostly bashing conservatives and conservative perspectives. And even the liberals found that boring really fast.

What Judy is describing as talk radio is not talk radio but rather a call in show where people spout off about whatever usually to give their verbal 'vote' yay or nay for something but you don't learn much there other than the immediate sentiment of the callers. That is not what conservative talk radio is.

Are you attempting to claim that limbaugh, hannity (the whiner) and beck don't scream and lecture their audience??? And incidentally, I didn't listen to air america once I heard that they tried the same tactic. I simply will not be screamed at or lectured to. That is not talk--that is brainwashing, clear and simple. Perhaps if you weren't already brainwashed by these idiots, you would see that.

Depends on what you mean by 'scream' and 'lecture'. Do they provide a lot of substance in their monologues, yes they do. Do they scream at people, I 've certainly never heard one of them 'scream' at anybody. Ever. Michael Savage, yes. But Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck, no way.

And I suggest that you look up a defnition of brainwashing so that you won't continue to sound rather looney tunes on this subject.
edthemoron, you are so pathetic
Yet as "pathetic" as you say I am, your MessiahRushie is terrified to debate me.

December 11, 2007
RUSH: By the way, I want to renew a bet. I will bet my life's fortune against Algore's that what he predicts in 2030 will not happen...
I made this offer six months ago, and I'll make it again in future days

December 20S, 2007
Caller Proposes Recession Bet
December 20, 2007
RUSH: I wouldn't enter into a wager like this publicly because I choose not too violate federal gambling laws.
you prove once again you take things totally out of context
What Judy isn't taking into account is that it is called conservative talk radio because there is talking as opposed to playing music or broadcasting a sporting event or whatever . . . AND . . . a conservative theme is promoted. But the scope is broad enough and diverse enough to hold interest of a broad demographic of listeners.

Air America liberal talk radio focused on the liberal perspective, but since liberals seem to have a much more difficult time articulating a liberal perspective, it was generally mostly bashing conservatives and conservative perspectives. And even the liberals found that boring really fast.

What Judy is describing as talk radio is not talk radio but rather a call in show where people spout off about whatever usually to give their verbal 'vote' yay or nay for something but you don't learn much there other than the immediate sentiment of the callers. That is not what conservative talk radio is.

Are you attempting to claim that limbaugh, hannity (the whiner) and beck don't scream and lecture their audience??? And incidentally, I didn't listen to air america once I heard that they tried the same tactic. I simply will not be screamed at or lectured to. That is not talk--that is brainwashing, clear and simple. Perhaps if you weren't already brainwashed by these idiots, you would see that.

Depends on what you mean by 'scream' and 'lecture'. Do they provide a lot of substance in their monologues, yes they do. Do they scream at people, I 've certainly never heard one of them 'scream' at anybody. Ever. Michael Savage, yes. But Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck, no way.

And I suggest that you look up a defnition of brainwashing so that you won't continue to sound rather looney tunes on this subject.
Aw come on, Stuttering LimpTard not only screams habitually, you can hear him pounding on his desk even with all the dampening his mic has!
edthemoron, you are so pathetic
Yet as "pathetic" as you say I am, your MessiahRushie is terrified to debate me.

December 11, 2007
RUSH: By the way, I want to renew a bet. I will bet my life's fortune against Algore's that what he predicts in 2030 will not happen...
I made this offer six months ago, and I'll make it again in future days

December 20S, 2007
Caller Proposes Recession Bet
December 20, 2007
RUSH: I wouldn't enter into a wager like this publicly because I choose not too violate federal gambling laws.
you prove once again you take things totally out of context

I learned from experience some time ago that Ed means well and holds real convictions, but he doesn't understand the concept of "in context".
edthemoron, you are so pathetic
Yet as "pathetic" as you say I am, your MessiahRushie is terrified to debate me.

December 11, 2007
RUSH: By the way, I want to renew a bet. I will bet my life's fortune against Algore's that what he predicts in 2030 will not happen...
I made this offer six months ago, and I'll make it again in future days

December 20S, 2007
Caller Proposes Recession Bet
December 20, 2007
RUSH: I wouldn't enter into a wager like this publicly because I choose not too violate federal gambling laws.
you prove once again you take things totally out of context
As you well know, I never take anything out of context. That would be lowering myself to your MessiahRushie's level.

But here's the recession bet he rejected in full context. VERY REVEALING!!!

Interesting is how LimpTard didn't know the recession was coming even after someone told him, but he puts down Obama claiming someone had to have told him in 2007 what was coming in 2008 that even LimpTard's caller could see. Unless, as the moron claimed, the CALLER had a hand in it! :rofl:

Caller Proposes Recession Bet
December 20, 2007
CALLER: I was hoping that I might make a wager with you and, to be fair, it was based on income. So I'm saying that the economy is going to have a major recession to a depression, within the next two to three years -- and I base that belief on the housing market. A case where people are tapped out with equity; they've been living the good life, and now that spigot is shut off. Now they're going to credit cards and they're showing through the roof on defaults. I think it's just a matter of time before this house of cards collapses. What do you thinks? [sic]

RUSH: Nope. I don't think it's going to happen. I've been hearing things like this my whole life. I've been hearing the national debt is going to wipe us out. I've been hearing the annual deficit is going to wipe us out. I've been hearing the credit card debt and that people are not saving enough money, is going to wipe us out. I keep hearing that Social Security is going to wipe us out in 50 years unless we reform it. I think that the country is built on far more than a house of cards, and I wouldn't enter into a wager like this publicly because I choose not too violate federal gambling laws.

April 22, 2010
RUSH: Keep in mind you're listening to President Obama, a guy who has never, ever held a real job in a productive economy.* The only thing he knows about money is how to spend other people's.* He doesn't know how to earn it; he doesn't know anything about capital formation; he could not have known in 2007 what was coming.* He has no experience. Somebody had to tell him what was coming in 2007, meaning the crash in 2008.* He didn't have any experience to know.* Somebody had to know, somebody had to tell him, for that somebody to know they had to have a hand in it.* Can anybody say George Soros?
What Judy isn't taking into account is that it is called conservative talk radio because there is talking as opposed to playing music or broadcasting a sporting event or whatever . . . AND . . . a conservative theme is promoted. But the scope is broad enough and diverse enough to hold interest of a broad demographic of listeners.

Air America liberal talk radio focused on the liberal perspective, but since liberals seem to have a much more difficult time articulating a liberal perspective, it was generally mostly bashing conservatives and conservative perspectives. And even the liberals found that boring really fast.

What Judy is describing as talk radio is not talk radio but rather a call in show where people spout off about whatever usually to give their verbal 'vote' yay or nay for something but you don't learn much there other than the immediate sentiment of the callers. That is not what conservative talk radio is.

What is conservative talk radio? What programs do you listen to and why do you listen to them?

Conservative talk radio is programming in which the host or sometimes co-hosts discuss conservative observations, concepts, ideals, principles, and most compare these to liberal observations, concepts, ideals, principles and also provide commentary on the current news and events. Because they usually have at least an hour and most have up to three hours to develop themes, they are able to get far more in depth in subject matter than most television formats can do. (The exception there is Glenn Beck who crams a tremendous amount of information into his daily hour long TV show.)

Dr. Laura is not talk radio in the sense that Rush, Sean, Beck are. Hers is more what Judy has been talking about - a call in show in which the callers drive the subject matter rather than the host.

Conservative talk radio also usually does some interaction with callers who give their two cents worth on the subject being discussed or ask questions, but the callers are almost incidental to the show rather than what drives it. Hosts sometimes have guests on their programs who also interact with the callers. Some, like Rush, generally do not have guests as they have enough stuff to fill three hours all on their own.
Yet as "pathetic" as you say I am, your MessiahRushie is terrified to debate me.

December 11, 2007
RUSH: By the way, I want to renew a bet. I will bet my life's fortune against Algore's that what he predicts in 2030 will not happen...
I made this offer six months ago, and I'll make it again in future days

December 20, 2007
Caller Proposes Recession Bet
December 20, 2007
RUSH: I wouldn't enter into a wager like this publicly because I choose not too violate federal gambling laws.
you prove once again you take things totally out of context

I learned from experience some time ago that Ed means well and holds real convictions, but he doesn't understand the concept of "in context".
Oh come on now, what other possible context could it be???

LimpTard repeats a bet over the the air and says he will make it again and 9 days later says he wouldn't make a bet over the air!!!!
I just don't have the inclination or patience to get into it with you Ed, so will just refer you to other discussions we've had on the issue of 'in context' as I am quite certain this discussion would go no differently. Thank you for understanding.
I just don't have the inclination or patience to get into it with you Ed, so will just refer you to other discussions we've had on the issue of 'in context' as I am quite certain this discussion would go no differently. Thank you for understanding.
You never gave the "correct" context in the past, so it is no surprise you would refuse again in this case.
I understand perfectly.

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