Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

What is conservative talk radio? What programs do you listen to and why do you listen to them?

Conservative talk radio is programming in which the host or sometimes co-hosts discuss conservative observations, concepts, ideals, principles, and most compare these to liberal observations, concepts, ideals, principles and also provide commentary on the current news and events. Because they usually have at least an hour and most have up to three hours to develop themes, they are able to get far more in depth in subject matter than most television formats can do. (The exception there is Glenn Beck who crams a tremendous amount of information into his daily hour long TV show.)

Dr. Laura is not talk radio in the sense that Rush, Sean, Beck are. Hers is more what Judy has been talking about - a call in show in which the callers drive the subject matter rather than the host.

Conservative talk radio also usually does some interaction with callers who give their two cents worth on the subject being discussed or ask questions, but the callers are almost incidental to the show rather than what drives it. Hosts sometimes have guests on their programs who also interact with the callers. Some, like Rush, generally do not have guests as they have enough stuff to fill three hours all on their own.

Why would a liberal listen to conservative radio? Masochism?

I know liberals who want to be informed and not just affirmed in what they have chosen to believe. So they listen to Conservative talk radio AND watch Fox News because they are informed better there than they are able to be informed anywhere else.

NPR is good for what it is, but you will not get in depth discussion or concepts of conservative ideals and principles there.
Conservative talk radio is programming in which the host or sometimes co-hosts discuss conservative observations, concepts, ideals, principles, and most compare these to liberal observations, concepts, ideals, principles and also provide commentary on the current news and events. Because they usually have at least an hour and most have up to three hours to develop themes, they are able to get far more in depth in subject matter than most television formats can do. (The exception there is Glenn Beck who crams a tremendous amount of information into his daily hour long TV show.)

Dr. Laura is not talk radio in the sense that Rush, Sean, Beck are. Hers is more what Judy has been talking about - a call in show in which the callers drive the subject matter rather than the host.

Conservative talk radio also usually does some interaction with callers who give their two cents worth on the subject being discussed or ask questions, but the callers are almost incidental to the show rather than what drives it. Hosts sometimes have guests on their programs who also interact with the callers. Some, like Rush, generally do not have guests as they have enough stuff to fill three hours all on their own.

Why would a liberal listen to conservative radio? Masochism?

I know liberals who want to be informed and not just affirmed in what they have chosen to believe. So they listen to Conservative talk radio AND watch Fox News because they are informed better there than they are able to be informed anywhere else.

NPR is good for what it is, but you will not get in depth discussion or concepts of conservative ideals and principles there.

I know conservatives who want to be informed and they engage in discussions with liberals. A free exchange of ideas not verbal warfare. It's not about winning for some of us.
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Why would a liberal listen to conservative radio? Masochism?

I know liberals who want to be informed and not just affirmed in what they have chosen to believe. So they listen to Conservative talk radio AND watch Fox News because they are informed better there than they are able to be informed anywhere else.

NPR is good for what it is, but you will not get in depth discussion or concepts of conservative ideals and principles there.

I know conservatives who want to be informed and they engage in discussions with liberals. A free exchange of ideas not verbal warfare.

And I know a few liberals who don't consider people who disagree with them as engaging in verbal warfare. In other words they don't define 'verbal warfare' as anything that doesn't agree with their point of view.
I know liberals who want to be informed and not just affirmed in what they have chosen to believe. So they listen to Conservative talk radio AND watch Fox News because they are informed better there than they are able to be informed anywhere else.

NPR is good for what it is, but you will not get in depth discussion or concepts of conservative ideals and principles there.

I know conservatives who want to be informed and they engage in discussions with liberals. A free exchange of ideas not verbal warfare.

And I know a few liberals who don't consider people who disagree with them as engaging in verbal warfare. In other words they don't define 'verbal warfare' as anything that doesn't agree with their point of view.

Verbal warfare is name calling, putdowns, slurs and insults. It's about dominance and having to be right all the time. It's not a free exhange of ideas among equals who happen to differ. It's senseless arguing, not discussion. It's us vs them.
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I know conservatives who want to be informed and they engage in discussions with liberals. A free exchange of ideas not verbal warfare.

And I know a few liberals who don't consider people who disagree with them as engaging in verbal warfare. In other words they don't define 'verbal warfare' as anything that doesn't agree with their point of view.

Verbal warfare is name calling, slurs and insults. It's about dominance. It's not a free exhange of ideas among equals who happen to differ.

That's exactly why Air America didn't succeed. That's pretty much all they did. And it got boring for everybody, even most liberals, realy fast.

Conservative programming offers much much more than that. But if you zero in on the criticisms and refuse to hear anything else, then you won't like it. It isn't everybody's cup of tea.
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You're right. Conservative radio is not everyone's cup of tea. I'd rather listen to NPR and talk to conservatives in person. One human being to another. It keeps things real and avoids typecasting. We often find common ground.
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To learn something.

I don't need to learn slurs and hate speech.

You obviously have never listened to it. Is ignorance really blissful?

Yes, to some I think ignorance really is blissful. And there are a lot of folks who fall into that category. It's amazing though how those who say they don't listen to conservative talk radio have such firm opinions about what it is. So they're obviously listening to somebody that is telling them what must be just what they want to hear.
To learn something.

I don't need to learn slurs and hate speech.

You obviously have never listened to it. Is ignorance really blissful?

I've listened to it

I've been listening, off and on, to limbaugh since roger ailles put him on every radio station in the country back in the late 1980s

and when he isn't on I listen to some of the other dirtbag hatemongers that infest the radio

I even read their books

they use lies, fear, hate, misinformation to rile up people like you.....

apparently the one thing they know about their listeners is;
fear mongering MAKES MONEY!

having read many of your posts I can tell that you are just an ignorant moron upon whom hate and fear and lies work very well.
I don't need to learn slurs and hate speech.

You obviously have never listened to it. Is ignorance really blissful?

I've listened to it

I've been listening, off and on, to limbaugh since roger ailles put him on every radio station in the country back in the late 1980s

and when he isn't on I listen to some of the other dirtbag hatemongers that infest the radio

I even read their books

they use lies, fear, hate, misinformation to rile up people like you.....

apparently the one thing they know about their listeners is;
fear mongering MAKES MONEY!

having read many of your posts I can tell that you are just an ignorant moron upon whom hate and fear and lies work very well.

Care to give an example of the lies, hate and misinformation you're speaking of?

I don't listen to Rush, I think he's an ass. I listen to Dennis Miller, Michael Berry and Bill O'Reilly when he was on the radio.
To listen to just one side of an issue daily is tantamount to being in "re education camps"; imho, I don't listen to just one source, I listen and read different views,match it against the Constitution(how I define it) and free market thinking and come to my opinion on the issue at hand.

I agree which is another reason that Conservative Talk Radio is so popular. It usually is advocate for one side, but it puts all the points of view out there and can argue the 'left' point of view as competently as the 'right'. It just doesn't agree with most of the 'left' as most of its audience does not agree with most of the 'left'.

But if these guys were 'brainwashing' their audience as some in this thread seem to be almost desperate to believe that they do, Bill Clinton would never have been president, twice; Bob Dole would not have been the GOP candidate in 1996; John McCain would not have been the GOP candidate in 2008; and Barack Obama would not have been the Democratic candidate in 2008 and would not be President now.

Conservative talk radio informs but it does not persuade. It is successful because it gives tens of millions of Americans a voice that resonates with their views that they can't get anywhere else.
It's the moronic "logic" highlighted above that GOP hate radio counts on from its audience!!!!

Those things you ticked off do not mean the DittoTards are not brainwashed, they simply show that the number of brainwashed DittoTards is quite a bit LESS than they would have people believe!!!! CON$ are just a LOUD obnoxious MINORITY.
I don't need to learn slurs and hate speech.

You obviously have never listened to it. Is ignorance really blissful?

Yes, to some I think ignorance really is blissful. And there are a lot of folks who fall into that category. It's amazing though how those who say they don't listen to conservative talk radio have such firm opinions about what it is. So they're obviously listening to somebody that is telling them what must be just what they want to hear.

I've listened to Rush Limbaugh before. He's big into insults.
You obviously have never listened to it. Is ignorance really blissful?

Yes, to some I think ignorance really is blissful. And there are a lot of folks who fall into that category. It's amazing though how those who say they don't listen to conservative talk radio have such firm opinions about what it is. So they're obviously listening to somebody that is telling them what must be just what they want to hear.

I've listened to Rush Limbaugh before. He's big into insults.

Then you've been dishonest in the past when you said you didn't listen to any of the shows like him. But he's certainly not any more insulting than some of you on the Left are being about him. At least he expresses ideas and concepts without having to insult somebody. If Lonestar thinks he's an ass that's certainly reflective of his taste. But at least he isn't accusing Rush of things that those of us who DO listen to him now and then know are not true.
Yes, to some I think ignorance really is blissful. And there are a lot of folks who fall into that category. It's amazing though how those who say they don't listen to conservative talk radio have such firm opinions about what it is. So they're obviously listening to somebody that is telling them what must be just what they want to hear.

I've listened to Rush Limbaugh before. He's big into insults.

Then you've been dishonest in the past when you said you didn't listen to any of the shows like him. But he's certainly not any more insulting than some of you on the Left are being about him. At least he expresses ideas and concepts without having to insult somebody. If Lonestar thinks he's an ass that's certainly reflective of his taste. But at least he isn't accusing Rush of things that those of us who DO listen to him now and then know are not true.

I didn't say I've never in my life listened to or watched these kinds of programs. I don't have a TV and I only see these programs when I travel. I've watched Ann Coulter. She's big on insults too. Too bad these conservatives can't present their ideas without being insulting. It would be great to have a conversation about issues free of insults.

I'd be willing to change my views if I thought there was basic good heartedness going on.
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I've listened to Rush Limbaugh before. He's big into insults.

Then you've been dishonest in the past when you said you didn't listen to any of the shows like him. But he's certainly not any more insulting than some of you on the Left are being about him. At least he expresses ideas and concepts without having to insult somebody. If Lonestar thinks he's an ass that's certainly reflective of his taste. But at least he isn't accusing Rush of things that those of us who DO listen to him now and then know are not true.

I didn't say I've never in my life listened to or watched these kinds of programs. I don't have a TV and I only see these programs when I travel. I've watched Ann Coulter. She's big on insults too. Too bad these conservatives can't present their ideas without being insulting. It would be great to have a conversation about issues free of insults.

I'd be willing to change my views if I thought there was basic good heartedness going on.

Indeed. And maybe when those on the left can discuss folks on the right without being insulting that will happen. Hasn't happened yet, but who knows. It could happen. Anything is possible.
Yes, to some I think ignorance really is blissful. And there are a lot of folks who fall into that category. It's amazing though how those who say they don't listen to conservative talk radio have such firm opinions about what it is. So they're obviously listening to somebody that is telling them what must be just what they want to hear.

I've listened to Rush Limbaugh before. He's big into insults.

Then you've been dishonest in the past when you said you didn't listen to any of the shows like him. But he's certainly not any more insulting than some of you on the Left are being about him. At least he expresses ideas and concepts without having to insult somebody. If Lonestar thinks he's an ass that's certainly reflective of his taste. But at least he isn't accusing Rush of things that those of us who DO listen to him now and then know are not true.
Anyone who listens to Stuttering LimpTard, even you, knows he is a pathological liar. Interestingly, I have posted quotes of his to back up my claims, but you have done nothing but pontificate.

And your MessiahRushie couldn't get through a single show without an insult. In fact, he couldn't go a single hour without an insult. And no one on the Left has ever been insulting to America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpTard. He claims to be a Christian and the Left is simply showing sincere RESPECT for the Golden Rule of his professed religion. If you think they are insults then you are admitting he is LYING about being a Christian.

September 20, 2007
RUSH: Now, I'm focusing on Christianity because I am one
Then you've been dishonest in the past when you said you didn't listen to any of the shows like him. But he's certainly not any more insulting than some of you on the Left are being about him. At least he expresses ideas and concepts without having to insult somebody. If Lonestar thinks he's an ass that's certainly reflective of his taste. But at least he isn't accusing Rush of things that those of us who DO listen to him now and then know are not true.

I didn't say I've never in my life listened to or watched these kinds of programs. I don't have a TV and I only see these programs when I travel. I've watched Ann Coulter. She's big on insults too. Too bad these conservatives can't present their ideas without being insulting. It would be great to have a conversation about issues free of insults.

I'd be willing to change my views if I thought there was basic good heartedness going on.

Indeed. And maybe when those on the left can discuss folks on the right without being insulting that will happen. Hasn't happened yet, but who knows. It could happen. Anything is possible.

Reallly? Tell me about Ann Coulter's good heartedness. I'm serious. I've missed it. She is mean.

I talk to you because I think you have some basic good heartedness. I hope you feel the same way about me. I can't say that for Ann Coulter. Ms Coulter, author of How to Talk to a Liberal, (if you have to).
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Ann Coulter is a syndicated columnist who deals in biting satire not unlike many leftists who also deal in biting satire. If you're going to judge conservatives by her then you have to judge liberals by Maureen Dowd and Camile Pagnlia who also deal in biting satire but take jabs at the right.

Ann Coulter is one of the best researched writers out there, however, and she's funny as hell if you like biting satire. If you don't you simply don't have to read her.

She has neither a radio program nor a television program.

Ann Coulter is a syndicated columnist who deals in biting satire not unlike many leftists who also deal in biting satire. If you're going to judge conservatives by her then you have to judge liberals by Maureen Dowd and Camile Pagnlia who also deal in biting satire but take jabs at the right.

Ann Coulter is one of the best researched writers out there, however, and she's funny as hell if you like biting satire. If you don't you simply don't have to read her.

She has neither a radio program nor a television program.


She's mean, you like her. Go figure.
Then you've been dishonest in the past when you said you didn't listen to any of the shows like him. But he's certainly not any more insulting than some of you on the Left are being about him. At least he expresses ideas and concepts without having to insult somebody. If Lonestar thinks he's an ass that's certainly reflective of his taste. But at least he isn't accusing Rush of things that those of us who DO listen to him now and then know are not true.

I didn't say I've never in my life listened to or watched these kinds of programs. I don't have a TV and I only see these programs when I travel. I've watched Ann Coulter. She's big on insults too. Too bad these conservatives can't present their ideas without being insulting. It would be great to have a conversation about issues free of insults.

I'd be willing to change my views if I thought there was basic good heartedness going on.

Indeed. And maybe when those on the left can discuss folks on the right without being insulting that will happen. Hasn't happened yet, but who knows. It could happen. Anything is possible.
And there you go pretending that the Right were always respectful until the evil Left started the insulting first. But long before Stuttering LimpTard came up with "FemiNazi" you had Morton Downey Jr and his "Pablum Puking Liberals" and long before Downey you had Spiro T Agnew and his alliterated insults.

“In the United States today, we have more than our share of the nattering nabobs of negativism.”
Spiro T. Agnew

“A spirit of national masochism prevails, encouraged by an effete corps of impudent snobs who characterize themselves as intellectuals.”
Spiro T. Agnew

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