Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

Yet as "pathetic" as you say I am, your MessiahRushie is terrified to debate me.

December 11, 2007
RUSH: By the way, I want to renew a bet. I will bet my life's fortune against Algore's that what he predicts in 2030 will not happen...
I made this offer six months ago, and I'll make it again in future days

December 20S, 2007
Caller Proposes Recession Bet
December 20, 2007
RUSH: I wouldn't enter into a wager like this publicly because I choose not too violate federal gambling laws.
you prove once again you take things totally out of context
As you well know, I never take anything out of context. That would be lowering myself to your MessiahRushie's level.

But here's the recession bet he rejected in full context. VERY REVEALING!!!

Interesting is how LimpTard didn't know the recession was coming even after someone told him, but he puts down Obama claiming someone had to have told him in 2007 what was coming in 2008 that even LimpTard's caller could see. Unless, as the moron claimed, the CALLER had a hand in it! :rofl:

Caller Proposes Recession Bet
December 20, 2007
CALLER: I was hoping that I might make a wager with you and, to be fair, it was based on income. So I'm saying that the economy is going to have a major recession to a depression, within the next two to three years -- and I base that belief on the housing market. A case where people are tapped out with equity; they've been living the good life, and now that spigot is shut off. Now they're going to credit cards and they're showing through the roof on defaults. I think it's just a matter of time before this house of cards collapses. What do you thinks? [sic]

RUSH: Nope. I don't think it's going to happen. I've been hearing things like this my whole life. I've been hearing the national debt is going to wipe us out. I've been hearing the annual deficit is going to wipe us out. I've been hearing the credit card debt and that people are not saving enough money, is going to wipe us out. I keep hearing that Social Security is going to wipe us out in 50 years unless we reform it. I think that the country is built on far more than a house of cards, and I wouldn't enter into a wager like this publicly because I choose not too violate federal gambling laws.

April 22, 2010
RUSH: Keep in mind you're listening to President Obama, a guy who has never, ever held a real job in a productive economy.* The only thing he knows about money is how to spend other people's.* He doesn't know how to earn it; he doesn't know anything about capital formation; he could not have known in 2007 what was coming.* He has no experience. Somebody had to tell him what was coming in 2007, meaning the crash in 2008.* He didn't have any experience to know.* Somebody had to know, somebody had to tell him, for that somebody to know they had to have a hand in it.* Can anybody say George Soros?
Hey Fox, since you don't want to discuss the context of the bet, how about your MessiahRushie poo-pooing the national debt and the annual deficit with Bush's trillion dollar deficits and now suddenly the national debt and annual deficits are the scourge of the universe during Obama's presidency.

Is that what you CON$ mean by "facts" you don't get on corporate MSM that you need GOP hate media for???
"Dittos" in Limbaugh land means "I agree with most of what has been said up to now before I put in my two cents worth and/or I really appreciate the program and/or thanks for taking my call, etc.". It saves a ton of time by everybody just saying 'dittos' instead of almost every caller saying the same thing when they call in which gets really boring. And the trend has caught on for some other programs as well.
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To listen to just one side of an issue daily is tantamount to being in "re education camps"; imho, I don't listen to just one source, I listen and read different views,match it against the Constitution(how I define it) and free market thinking and come to my opinion on the issue at hand.
To listen to just one side of an issue daily is tantamount to being in "re education camps"; imho, I don't listen to just one source, I listen and read different views,match it against the Constitution(how I define it) and free market thinking and come to my opinion on the issue at hand.

I agree which is another reason that Conservative Talk Radio is so popular. It usually is advocate for one side, but it puts all the points of view out there and can argue the 'left' point of view as competently as the 'right'. It just doesn't agree with most of the 'left' as most of its audience does not agree with most of the 'left'.

But if these guys were 'brainwashing' their audience as some in this thread seem to be almost desperate to believe that they do, Bill Clinton would never have been president, twice; Bob Dole would not have been the GOP candidate in 1996; John McCain would not have been the GOP candidate in 2008; and Barack Obama would not have been the Democratic candidate in 2008 and would not be President now.

Conservative talk radio informs but it does not persuade. It is successful because it gives tens of millions of Americans a voice that resonates with their views that they can't get anywhere else.
To listen to just one side of an issue daily is tantamount to being in "re education camps"; imho, I don't listen to just one source, I listen and read different views,match it against the Constitution(how I define it) and free market thinking and come to my opinion on the issue at hand.

I agree which is another reason that Conservative Talk Radio is so popular. It usually is advocate for one side, but it puts all the points of view out there and can argue the 'left' point of view as competently as the 'right'. It just doesn't agree with most of the 'left' as most of its audience does not agree with most of the 'left'.

But if these guys were 'brainwashing' their audience as some in this thread seem to be almost desperate to believe that they do, Bill Clinton would never have been president, twice; Bob Dole would not have been the GOP candidate in 1996; John McCain would not have been the GOP candidate in 2008; and Barack Obama would not have been the Democratic candidate in 2008 and would not be President now.

Conservative talk radio informs but it does not persuade. It is successful because it gives tens of millions of Americans a voice that resonates with their views that they can't get anywhere else.

I could be wrong but I think most people have this desire to be left alone, to live their lives and tend to their families as they see fit and wants people to trumpet this "MYOB" (Mind your own business) message, I know it appeals to me, I want government out of my pocketbook,my bedroom, my living room, my body, my business and most anywhere else it rears it's ugly head.:lol:
To listen to just one side of an issue daily is tantamount to being in "re education camps"; imho, I don't listen to just one source, I listen and read different views,match it against the Constitution(how I define it) and free market thinking and come to my opinion on the issue at hand.

I agree which is another reason that Conservative Talk Radio is so popular. It usually is advocate for one side, but it puts all the points of view out there and can argue the 'left' point of view as competently as the 'right'. It just doesn't agree with most of the 'left' as most of its audience does not agree with most of the 'left'.

But if these guys were 'brainwashing' their audience as some in this thread seem to be almost desperate to believe that they do, Bill Clinton would never have been president, twice; Bob Dole would not have been the GOP candidate in 1996; John McCain would not have been the GOP candidate in 2008; and Barack Obama would not have been the Democratic candidate in 2008 and would not be President now.

Conservative talk radio informs but it does not persuade. It is successful because it gives tens of millions of Americans a voice that resonates with their views that they can't get anywhere else.

I could be wrong but I think most people have this desire to be left alone, to live their lives and tend to their families as they see fit and wants people to trumpet this "MYOB" (Mind your own business) message, I know it appeals to me, I want government out of my pocketbook,my bedroom, my living room, my body, my business and most anywhere else it rears it's ugly head.:lol:

That is a pretty consistent conservative view across the board, and one you usually hear on conservative talk radio.
I agree which is another reason that Conservative Talk Radio is so popular. It usually is advocate for one side, but it puts all the points of view out there and can argue the 'left' point of view as competently as the 'right'. It just doesn't agree with most of the 'left' as most of its audience does not agree with most of the 'left'.

But if these guys were 'brainwashing' their audience as some in this thread seem to be almost desperate to believe that they do, Bill Clinton would never have been president, twice; Bob Dole would not have been the GOP candidate in 1996; John McCain would not have been the GOP candidate in 2008; and Barack Obama would not have been the Democratic candidate in 2008 and would not be President now.

Conservative talk radio informs but it does not persuade. It is successful because it gives tens of millions of Americans a voice that resonates with their views that they can't get anywhere else.

I could be wrong but I think most people have this desire to be left alone, to live their lives and tend to their families as they see fit and wants people to trumpet this "MYOB" (Mind your own business) message, I know it appeals to me, I want government out of my pocketbook,my bedroom, my living room, my body, my business and most anywhere else it rears it's ugly head.:lol:

That is a pretty consistent conservative view across the board, and one you usually hear on conservative talk radio.

Except when it comes to foreign policy and issues dealing with morality, I personally find those inconsistent with the "MYOB" message.
Except when it comes to foreign policy and issues dealing with morality, I personally find those inconsistent with the "MYOB" message.

But that's the part that most opponents of Conservative Talk Radio don't get. Conservatives do have points of view on morality though we certainly don't always agree on those points. Many conservatives are pro choice for instance while others are strongly pro life. Many conservatives would like to see more recreational drugs legalized or at least decriminalized while others oppose that point of view. Some are okay with 'gay marriage' while others have their reasons for preserving traditional marriage, etc.

As far as foreign policy goes, much of that is the Constitutional function of the federal government.

So it is all interesting to most conservatives for consideration, discussion, and debate. And it does have a place on Conservative Talk Radio which often gets into areas that aren't pure politics. The fact that such things are discussed is not necessarily an endorsement for the Federal government to be involved in them exceot as they relate to our unalienable rights which we expect the Federal government to protect.
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Except when it comes to foreign policy and issues dealing with morality, I personally find those inconsistent with the "MYOB" message.

But that's the part that most opponents of Conservative Talk Radio don't get. Conservatives do have points of view on morality though we certainly don't always agree on those points. Many conservatives are pro choice for instance while others are strongly pro life. Many conservatives would like to see more recreational drugs legalized or at least decriminalized while others oppose that point of view. Some are okay with 'gay marriage' while others have their reasons for preserving traditional marriage, etc.

As far as foreign policy goes, much of that is the Constitutional function of the federal government.

So it is all interesting to most conservatives for consideration, discussion, and debate. And it does have a place on Conservative Talk Radio which often gets into areas that aren't pure politics. The fact that such things are discussed is not necessarily an endorsement for the Federal government to be involved in them exceot as they relate to our unalienable rights which we expect the Federal government to protect.

Foreign policy may be a Constitutional function but ;imho anyway; foreign aid ,nation building and offensive first strikes isn't and neither is the Federal government involving itself so much in issues that should be left up to the individuals or the States.

I'm just chatting; I'm an "old right" kind of conservative so I just get frustrated by this, that's all.
Most of us who identify ourselves as 'conservative' get frustrated with much of that John. Currently having a discussion on another thread as to what priorities we think government should be focusing on right now. And most of what the government is focusing on many of us think should be off limits to the Federal government period.

But there's room for all points of view.

And in my opinion, what makes Conservative Talk Radio interesting is that sooner or later it does cover all of them in depth.
Most of us who identify ourselves as 'conservative' get frustrated with much of that John. Currently having a discussion on another thread as to what priorities we think government should be focusing on right now. And most of what the government is focusing on many of us think should be off limits to the Federal government period.

But there's room for all points of view.

And in my opinion, what makes Conservative Talk Radio interesting is that sooner or later it does cover all of them in depth.

You seem like someone I'm going to really enjoy conversing with here.:)

It's hard though; again, just an opinion; to organize all these various degrees of "conservatism" into a bloc ;politically speaking; it's like trying to herd a bunch of angry cats:lol:
Most of us who identify ourselves as 'conservative' get frustrated with much of that John. Currently having a discussion on another thread as to what priorities we think government should be focusing on right now. And most of what the government is focusing on many of us think should be off limits to the Federal government period.

But there's room for all points of view.

And in my opinion, what makes Conservative Talk Radio interesting is that sooner or later it does cover all of them in depth.

You seem like someone I'm going to really enjoy conversing with here.:)

It's hard though; again, just an opinion; to organize all these various degrees of "conservatism" into a bloc ;politically speaking; it's like trying to herd a bunch of angry cats:lol:

LOL, well welcome aboard John. I think you'll find a lot of folks on USMB you'll enjoy conversing with.

The whole problem with 'liberal' and 'conservative' definitions is that we all don't march in lockstep and there will be myriad opinions within any given issue or topic.

Basically conservatives are those who hold to Constitutional principles of self governance and who most want the Federal government to secure their rights and then leave the people alone to govern themselves and form the society they wish to have.

Conservatives will disagree among themselves on how best to do that and to what degree.

Basically liberals are those who want the Federal government to be proactive and to govern the people and equalize wealth and dictate many social behaviors.

Liberals will disagree among themselves on how best to do that and to what degree.
One example of why we listen to Conservative talk radio:

Mr. Foxfyre is currently listening to silly songs on the computer so we don't have the radio on, but I just heard a quick blurb from Rush on the bathroom radio right now.

It seems the NEA (teacher's union) just took in over $377 million in dues alone plus several million more in fees and charges. But we, the taxpayer, are still bailing out their pension fund--Obama just signed a mega bill to 'save teachers jobs' yet again.

You might get the information that teachers jobs are saved via the MSM. But I bet you don't find much on what the union is taking in while expecting the taxpayer to 'save teachers' jobs'. But because it was on Conservative Talk Radio, we the taxpayer know about it and will have that information stored away when it comes time to vote this November.
What Judy isn't taking into account is that it is called conservative talk radio because there is talking as opposed to playing music or broadcasting a sporting event or whatever . . . AND . . . a conservative theme is promoted. But the scope is broad enough and diverse enough to hold interest of a broad demographic of listeners.

Air America liberal talk radio focused on the liberal perspective, but since liberals seem to have a much more difficult time articulating a liberal perspective, it was generally mostly bashing conservatives and conservative perspectives. And even the liberals found that boring really fast.

What Judy is describing as talk radio is not talk radio but rather a call in show where people spout off about whatever usually to give their verbal 'vote' yay or nay for something but you don't learn much there other than the immediate sentiment of the callers. That is not what conservative talk radio is.

What is conservative talk radio? What programs do you listen to and why do you listen to them?

Conservative talk radio is programming in which the host or sometimes co-hosts discuss conservative observations, concepts, ideals, principles, and most compare these to liberal observations, concepts, ideals, principles and also provide commentary on the current news and events. Because they usually have at least an hour and most have up to three hours to develop themes, they are able to get far more in depth in subject matter than most television formats can do. (The exception there is Glenn Beck who crams a tremendous amount of information into his daily hour long TV show.)

Dr. Laura is not talk radio in the sense that Rush, Sean, Beck are. Hers is more what Judy has been talking about - a call in show in which the callers drive the subject matter rather than the host.

Conservative talk radio also usually does some interaction with callers who give their two cents worth on the subject being discussed or ask questions, but the callers are almost incidental to the show rather than what drives it. Hosts sometimes have guests on their programs who also interact with the callers. Some, like Rush, generally do not have guests as they have enough stuff to fill three hours all on their own.

Why would a liberal listen to conservative radio? Masochism?
Most of us who identify ourselves as 'conservative' get frustrated with much of that John. Currently having a discussion on another thread as to what priorities we think government should be focusing on right now. And most of what the government is focusing on many of us think should be off limits to the Federal government period.

But there's room for all points of view.

And in my opinion, what makes Conservative Talk Radio interesting is that sooner or later it does cover all of them in depth.

You seem like someone I'm going to really enjoy conversing with here.:)

It's hard though; again, just an opinion; to organize all these various degrees of "conservatism" into a bloc ;politically speaking; it's like trying to herd a bunch of angry cats:lol:

LOL, well welcome aboard John. I think you'll find a lot of folks on USMB you'll enjoy conversing with.

The whole problem with 'liberal' and 'conservative' definitions is that we all don't march in lockstep and there will be myriad opinions within any given issue or topic.

Basically conservatives are those who hold to Constitutional principles of self governance and who most want the Federal government to secure their rights and then leave the people alone to govern themselves and form the society they wish to have.

Conservatives will disagree among themselves on how best to do that and to what degree.

Basically liberals are those who want the Federal government to be proactive and to govern the people and equalize wealth and dictate many social behaviors.

Liberals will disagree among themselves on how best to do that and to what degree.

I enjoy Rush when Walter Williams subs for him, I also like Judge Napolitano's new show on Fox Business; "Freedom Watch" as well as John Stossel, you like those?:razz:
You seem like someone I'm going to really enjoy conversing with here.:)

It's hard though; again, just an opinion; to organize all these various degrees of "conservatism" into a bloc ;politically speaking; it's like trying to herd a bunch of angry cats:lol:

LOL, well welcome aboard John. I think you'll find a lot of folks on USMB you'll enjoy conversing with.

The whole problem with 'liberal' and 'conservative' definitions is that we all don't march in lockstep and there will be myriad opinions within any given issue or topic.

Basically conservatives are those who hold to Constitutional principles of self governance and who most want the Federal government to secure their rights and then leave the people alone to govern themselves and form the society they wish to have.

Conservatives will disagree among themselves on how best to do that and to what degree.

Basically liberals are those who want the Federal government to be proactive and to govern the people and equalize wealth and dictate many social behaviors.

Liberals will disagree among themselves on how best to do that and to what degree.

I enjoy Rush when Walter Williams subs for him, I also like Judge Napolitano's new show on Fox Business; "Freedom Watch" as well as John Stossel, you like those?:razz:

Yes I adore Walter Williams. He has become a real inspiration to me and I read his syndicated columns and guests essays regularly. Our Cable channel doesn't carry Fox Business though--we're working on that--so I only get Stossel and Napolitano when they are guest commentators on Fox News but I do appreciate both there.
What is conservative talk radio? What programs do you listen to and why do you listen to them?

Conservative talk radio is programming in which the host or sometimes co-hosts discuss conservative observations, concepts, ideals, principles, and most compare these to liberal observations, concepts, ideals, principles and also provide commentary on the current news and events. Because they usually have at least an hour and most have up to three hours to develop themes, they are able to get far more in depth in subject matter than most television formats can do. (The exception there is Glenn Beck who crams a tremendous amount of information into his daily hour long TV show.)

Dr. Laura is not talk radio in the sense that Rush, Sean, Beck are. Hers is more what Judy has been talking about - a call in show in which the callers drive the subject matter rather than the host.

Conservative talk radio also usually does some interaction with callers who give their two cents worth on the subject being discussed or ask questions, but the callers are almost incidental to the show rather than what drives it. Hosts sometimes have guests on their programs who also interact with the callers. Some, like Rush, generally do not have guests as they have enough stuff to fill three hours all on their own.

Why would a liberal listen to conservative radio? Masochism?

To learn something.
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Conservative talk radio is programming in which the host or sometimes co-hosts discuss conservative observations, concepts, ideals, principles, and most compare these to liberal observations, concepts, ideals, principles and also provide commentary on the current news and events. Because they usually have at least an hour and most have up to three hours to develop themes, they are able to get far more in depth in subject matter than most television formats can do. (The exception there is Glenn Beck who crams a tremendous amount of information into his daily hour long TV show.)

Dr. Laura is not talk radio in the sense that Rush, Sean, Beck are. Hers is more what Judy has been talking about - a call in show in which the callers drive the subject matter rather than the host.

Conservative talk radio also usually does some interaction with callers who give their two cents worth on the subject being discussed or ask questions, but the callers are almost incidental to the show rather than what drives it. Hosts sometimes have guests on their programs who also interact with the callers. Some, like Rush, generally do not have guests as they have enough stuff to fill three hours all on their own.

Why would a liberal listen to conservative radio? Masochism?

To learn something.

I don't need to learn slurs and hate speech.

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