Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

I don't believe you.

You don't think it's possible that when both sides of issues are presented to rational people it would change those people's minds?:eusa_eh:

At this particular point, I don't think most lefties are being rational at all.

Have lefties ever been actually rational or logical at all? All I have seen is complete hypocrisies, and excuses for why they tell the right to live by a different standard than they should
You don't think it's possible that when both sides of issues are presented to rational people it would change those people's minds?:eusa_eh:

At this particular point, I don't think most lefties are being rational at all.

Have lefties ever been actually rational or logical at all? All I have seen is complete hypocrisies, and excuses for why they tell the right to live by a different standard than they should

There are a few who are rational and logical. Before he retired a few years ago, I regularly read William Raspberry, and though he and shared different ideological worlds and I often disagreed with him, I admired his perspectives a great deal and his ability to provide a rationale for his views without having to trash somebody or some ideal on the right in order to do it. And he would support the most controversial opinions on the right--even Limbaugh, Colter, Gingrich, et al, when he knew they were right. That I think is extremely rare among liberals. My favorite William Raspberry quotation I keep on my desk:
Your best shot at happiness, self-worth and personal satisfaction - the things that constitute real success - is not in earning as much as you can but in performing as well as you can something that you consider worthwhile.

Others I read regularly and appreciate their take on things are people like Michael Kinsley, Camille Paglia, and even Maureen Dowd has her moments. I loved Molly Ivans until her untimely death not long ago.
You don't think it's possible that when both sides of issues are presented to rational people it would change those people's minds?:eusa_eh:

At this particular point, I don't think most lefties are being rational at all.

Have lefties ever been actually rational or logical at all? All I have seen is complete hypocrisies, and excuses for why they tell the right to live by a different standard than they should

Do you mean like when they scream that Muslims have a right to build a building ( a right that doesn't exist by the way) while telling us to shut up about complaining about it? LOL funny that I started a thread on that very thing last night in the flame forum and it was just total attack mode. They don't want to hear about their double standards
They like putdown humor. Rush compared White House staffers to pedophiles, feminists to “lesbian spearchuckers,”

Got some proof of that?

Google it yourself.

You do it.... I'm not the one throwing shit against the wall trying to see if it will stick :doubt:

Blasting racist crap from your radio in a mixed neighborhood is rude and insensitive.

That why you have the freedom to turn it off.... better yet, try another Air America and see where it takes ya.

You big whiney baby

Got some proof of that?

Google it yourself.

You do it.... I'm not the one throwing shit against the wall trying to see if it will stick :doubt:

Blasting racist crap from your radio in a mixed neighborhood is rude and insensitive.

That why you have the freedom to turn it off.... better yet, try another Air America and see where it takes ya.

You big whiney baby

That's right, if you want to hear real "hate radio", anyone on Air America fits the bill........oh wait......... is Air America still on the air? :lol::lol::lol:
A couple of shots of Rush's wedding, he, his gorgeous wife and the featured performer...... recognize him Sky Dancer? What would one of the most famous homosexuals in the world be doing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding??????

Elton John was there because Rush paid him 1 MILLION dollars.

Good for him.

Seriously though, I'm sure the wedding was wonderful. But who the fuck cares?

So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?
A couple of shots of Rush's wedding, he, his gorgeous wife and the featured performer...... recognize him Sky Dancer? What would one of the most famous homosexuals in the world be doing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding??????

Elton John was there because Rush paid him 1 MILLION dollars.

Good for him.

Seriously though, I'm sure the wedding was wonderful. But who the fuck cares?

So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?

How is it 'hating' to say he showed up for money? I think it's simply honest.

If Nancy Pelosi paid you $1,000,000 to photograph her party, you'd show up too.

Or would it take $2,000,000?
Elton John was there because Rush paid him 1 MILLION dollars.

Good for him.

Seriously though, I'm sure the wedding was wonderful. But who the fuck cares?

So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?

How is it 'hating' to say he showed up for money? I think it's simply honest.

If Nancy Pelosi paid you $1,000,000 to photograph her party, you'd show up too.

Or would it take $2,000,000?
yeah, it "LOOKED" like he was just there for the money
Elton John was there because Rush paid him 1 MILLION dollars.

Good for him.

Seriously though, I'm sure the wedding was wonderful. But who the fuck cares?

So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?

How is it 'hating' to say he showed up for money? I think it's simply honest.

If Nancy Pelosi paid you $1,000,000 to photograph her party, you'd show up too.

Or would it take $2,000,000?

Piss poor analogy. I'm not a multimillionaire or known world wide as a gay activist. He could have received great accolades and probably a few blow jobs for publicly turning down the million dollars, it would have shown his disdain for a supposedly homosexual hating public figure......instead, he gave Rush a concert and Rush later said on his radio program, a hand in friendship to he and his wife.

Of course I would photograph Nancy Pelosi for a million bucks........ I might even shoot her in the nude for that kind of money.......... I just wouldn't eat lunch before and I wouldn't look.
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So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?

How is it 'hating' to say he showed up for money? I think it's simply honest.

If Nancy Pelosi paid you $1,000,000 to photograph her party, you'd show up too.

Or would it take $2,000,000?

Piss poor analogy. I'm not a multimillionaire and known world wide as an gay activist.

Of course I would photograph Nancy Pelosi for a million bucks........ I might even shoot her in the nude for that kind of money.......... I just wouldn't eat lunch before and I wouldn't look.
but i sure as hell wouldnt be posing for pics WITH her
A couple of shots of Rush's wedding, he, his gorgeous wife and the featured performer...... recognize him Sky Dancer? What would one of the most famous homosexuals in the world be doing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding??????

Elton John was there because Rush paid him 1 MILLION dollars.

Good for him.

Seriously though, I'm sure the wedding was wonderful. But who the fuck cares?

So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?
I love how CON$ habitually put words in other peoples' mouths, but cry like little babies if the Golden Rule is applied.

November 5, 2007
RUSH: Don't put words in my mouth

October 3, 2007
RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.

October 21, 2008
RUSH: He didn't say it in those words, but that's exactly what he meant.
Conservative radio dominates and liberal radio well..........doesnt. Know why? Because conservative radio is a fcukking blast to listen to due to the hysterical stuff at the expense of the liberal. Ever listen to a liberal commentator on either radio or TV? ( with the possible exception of Jon Stewart). They are ALL miserable!!!!!!!!! And teh only people who like to listen to miserable people are people who are in a perpetual state of misery. Why do you think virtually every liberal talk radio program goes OFF THE AIR???!!!! Because you cant draw audiences from miserable people alone!!! When I listen to Mancow, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Savage, Mark Styne, I spend half the time peeing my pants when they are making fun of the absurdity of liberal thought.
Conservative radio dominates and liberal radio well..........doesnt. Know why? Because conservative radio is a fcukking blast to listen to due to the hysterical stuff at the expense of the liberal. Ever listen to a liberal commentator on either radio or TV? ( with the possible exception of Jon Stewart). They are ALL miserable!!!!!!!!! And teh only people who like to listen to miserable people are people who are in a perpetual state of misery. Why do you think virtually every liberal talk radio program goes OFF THE AIR???!!!! Because you cant draw audiences from miserable people alone!!! When I listen to Mancow, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Savage, Mark Styne, I spend half the time peeing my pants when they are making fun of the absurdity of liberal thought.

You know you're probably more in tune with what keeps the audience than anybody else here. We listen to conservative talk radio to be informed, but we stick with it because it is funny and entertaining. There are serious moments. There are times you get so angry you could throw the radio against the wall. But there are just some plain good belly laughs too. And why? Because there is some substance to the humor. Just like in stand up comedy, when they're making fun of something that we can relate to or know it's real, it's funny.
It all depends on how one defines respectful I guess.

If you want a program in which liberalism and liberals are held up as the intellectually superior, more open minded, more altruistic, more generous, more caring, more insightful, and/or just "better people" as many see and/or portray themselves, then you're better off sticking with NPR or Air America type programming.

Conservative talk radio is called conservative talk radio because it disputes, debunks, criticizes, and/or exposes the fallacies it identifies in liberalism and what liberals express individually and in groups and it puts conservative concepts, values, and ideals out there.

And because so many more Americans relate to the conservative point of view much more closely than they do the liberal point of view, conservative talk radio usually remains successful and profitable for the advertisers. Liberal talk radio usually doesn't.
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A couple of shots of Rush's wedding, he, his gorgeous wife and the featured performer...... recognize him Sky Dancer? What would one of the most famous homosexuals in the world be doing at Rush Limbaugh's wedding??????

Elton John was there because Rush paid him 1 MILLION dollars.

Good for him.

Seriously though, I'm sure the wedding was wonderful. But who the fuck cares?

So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?

No, I'm saying he's a good businessman. "Hater"? What the fuck are you talking about?
Elton John was there because Rush paid him 1 MILLION dollars.

Good for him.

Seriously though, I'm sure the wedding was wonderful. But who the fuck cares?

So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?

No, I'm saying he's a good businessman. "Hater"? What the fuck are you talking about?
so, it was part of his contract to pose for photos with Rush and his bride?
On a conference call for a minute....a really BORING conference call....before I get back to housework here.

But I was thinking we're probably doing it all wrong:

We watch and listen to poliical talk show hosts:





And the French listen to political talk show hosts:



So you're saying that Sir Elton is a whore........ who's the real hater here?

No, I'm saying he's a good businessman. "Hater"? What the fuck are you talking about?
so, it was part of his contract to pose for photos with Rush and his bride?

No, I'm sure he threw that in for free.

Seriously, I'm sure Rush is a really nice guy. I'm sure he and Sir Elton got along like gangbusters. I'm sure Elton was HAPPY to pose for a picture, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they stay friends.

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