Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

I'd love to hear conservatives explain some of their positions without putting down the other side.
Liberals are for the most part, an unhappy bunch.

I imagine conservative radio would only remind them of that unhappiness...

Yet it is the conservatives who flock to Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity to hear how bad they have it and who they should blame

That's the problem with so-called 'news analysis'. We're not just gonna give you the facts we're gonna tell you how to think about it.
I once fired my house painter for blasting Rush Limbaugh into my home office.

Rush Limbaugh encouraged people to view the child molester, David Koresh, and the Branch Davidians somehow as innocent victims of what he called an invasion by U.S. military tanks.
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Fact is 80% of these people on the left who talk about Conservative Talk Radio. Never actually listen to it. They get all they know about it from the Liberal Media and sites like Media Matters who routinely Take Rush and Others out of context and spin smear stories about them.

The only one I would say Spews Hate is Mark Levin, and his Hate is not for a race, It is for the Far left and anyone he sees as trampling on the constitution. He hates a lot of Republicans to, and will tell you daily if you choose to listen to him.
Why doesn't he make fun of bigots?

I have heard him Make fun of the KKK and their Silly sheets many times.

So um he does.

And then he makes a crack about Oprah and the President.

So what he is a shock jock Talking head. Not a reporter. Lets talk about some of the so called objective Journalists on the left shall we.

Rush makes fun of People so what. He does not preach racism or hate as people claim. If you see them claiming it, Notice how they never include a link, and when they do it is always from some 3rd party left wing site that has taken some small chuck of Tape and given you NO CONTEXT at all.
I once fired my house painter for blasting Rush Limbaugh into my home office.

Rush Limbaugh encouraged people to view the child molester, David Koresh, and the Branch Davidians somehow as innocent victims of what he called an invasion by U.S. military tanks.

Fired the guy for that? Seems pretty harsh & hateful to me,but that's just me i guess. I agree with Limbaugh on this one. I saw a fantastic documentary the other night which showed how the Clinton Administration and the rest of our Government covered that one up big-time. The Democrats & Republicans got together and covered that one up. Janet Reno was responsible for massacring all those innocent women & children at Waco. That damn woman got away with murder. She didn't even get a slap on the wrist.

They viciously attacked these people who were clearly hurting no one. Those stupid molestation accusations were made up by the Clinton Administration after the massacre to justify their brutal crimes. They punched holes into the building with their tanks and shot toxic explosives into it. Those explosives ignited the awful fire that killed all those kids. The awful toxic chemicals alone killed many of the children and older people. They did not start that fire themselves. That is a Government lie. There has never been justice for those slaughtered at Waco. This is possibly the biggest and most awful cover-up in our nation's history. It really is so sad.

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