Why I listen to Conservative Talk Radio

And speaking of turning out the lights, the party's over, it was reported on the news today that Air America is in Chapter 7, is currently running only reruns, and will cease broadcasting altogether come Monday.

I am guessing that George Soros pulled the plug on their funding. Even a bottomless money pit eventually has to admit a horse is dead. When Soros stopped running Move-on.Org ads on Air America, that was most likely the death knell. And since few would pay Air America for its programs and it had to mostly pay stations to run its stuff, it simply couldn't make it without the big money donors.

But what can they expect? Liberal programming is boring to most people. It just is.
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that the First Amendment was defended today when the Supreme Court stood up for liberty in their decision in "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Mark speaks with David Bossie of Citizens United as they discuss how the Court's decision upheld free political speech and the impact of it. The leftists don't want us to have free speech; they want to run our lives and re-write the Constitution. Finally, the liberals are connected to tyranny, while the American people are connected to liberty. We are tired of the politicians promoting their own careers and agendas, and not putting the country first. Mark Levin
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that the First Amendment was defended today when the Supreme Court stood up for liberty in their decision in "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Mark speaks with David Bossie of Citizens United as they discuss how the Court's decision upheld free political speech and the impact of it. The leftists don't want us to have free speech; they want to run our lives and re-write the Constitution. Finally, the liberals are connected to tyranny, while the American people are connected to liberty. We are tired of the politicians promoting their own careers and agendas, and not putting the country first. Mark Levin

thank god we have a radio that can tell people the truth.some one has to.:razz:
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that the First Amendment was defended today when the Supreme Court stood up for liberty in their decision in "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Mark speaks with David Bossie of Citizens United as they discuss how the Court's decision upheld free political speech and the impact of it. The leftists don't want us to have free speech; they want to run our lives and re-write the Constitution. Finally, the liberals are connected to tyranny, while the American people are connected to liberty. We are tired of the politicians promoting their own careers and agendas, and not putting the country first. Mark Levin

The left leaning pundits on the alphabet networks are spinning this as a 'deeply divided nation' on this issue, however. What do you suppose that means? A handful of liberals are squealing in protest because somebody turned over their toy box?

I agree, personally one of my favorites is Mark Levin. I was a huge fan of Roger Hedgecock then I found out that he committed a crime or to while holding an elected office and got kicked out of office, so Republican or not that is a deal breaker for me.
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that the First Amendment was defended today when the Supreme Court stood up for liberty in their decision in "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Mark speaks with David Bossie of Citizens United as they discuss how the Court's decision upheld free political speech and the impact of it. The leftists don't want us to have free speech; they want to run our lives and re-write the Constitution. Finally, the liberals are connected to tyranny, while the American people are connected to liberty. We are tired of the politicians promoting their own careers and agendas, and not putting the country first. Mark Levin

The left leaning pundits on the alphabet networks are spinning this as a 'deeply divided nation' on this issue, however. What do you suppose that means? A handful of liberals are squealing in protest because somebody turned over their toy box?
If corporations are the same as people then people are the same as corporations and both should pay the same tax rate.
If they are the same regarding speech then they are the same regarding taxes.
But they are not. This was a win for the GOP. It is obvious from the justices who voted for it. Big Business will be knocking down republican congressmen's doors, buying more favors.

I agree, personally one of my favorites is Mark Levin. I was a huge fan of Roger Hedgecock then I found out that he committed a crime or to while holding an elected office and got kicked out of office, so Republican or not that is a deal breaker for me.

Nobody is in politics long before he or she steps on a landmine or two. If it makes any difference, Hedgecock's 'conviction' was more than 20 years ago and many believe the charges were politically motivated. The charges were campaign finance impropriety and perjury regarding that, not misconduct in office. The first trial ended in a hung jury. He was convicted in a retrial in which many thought the jury was tampered with, but that was never conclusively proved. The conviction was overturned on appeal, however, with a ruling of an error in instruction to the jury and juror misconduct. Rather than incur the expense of still another trial, Hedgecock allowed a misdemeanor charge to stand (no lo contendre) but did not plead guilty. That charge was dismissed after Hedgecock completed a short probation. Was he as pure as the driven snow? Probably not. Nobody in politics is. But he had an excellent solidly conservative record in public service, including being mayor of San Diego, and given the apparent mildness of whatever 'crime' he committed, he has probably paid his dues.

I think you would be safe in enjoying Roger Hedgecock's broadcasts again.
If your a Fan of Conservative Radio then you should listen over the web to Herman Cain out of Atlanta, Dana Loesch from Saint Louis, Jesse Lee Peterson from Los Angeles or Chris Stigall in Kansas City. These four are destined to be rising stars.
On Thursday's Mark Levin Show: Mark says that the First Amendment was defended today when the Supreme Court stood up for liberty in their decision in "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission." Mark speaks with David Bossie of Citizens United as they discuss how the Court's decision upheld free political speech and the impact of it. The leftists don't want us to have free speech; they want to run our lives and re-write the Constitution. Finally, the liberals are connected to tyranny, while the American people are connected to liberty. We are tired of the politicians promoting their own careers and agendas, and not putting the country first. Mark Levin

The left leaning pundits on the alphabet networks are spinning this as a 'deeply divided nation' on this issue, however. What do you suppose that means? A handful of liberals are squealing in protest because somebody turned over their toy box?

No partisanship here at all.

Listen to a steady diet of this, do you?
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If your a Fan of Conservative Radio then you should listen over the web to Herman Cain out of Atlanta, Dana Loesch from Saint Louis, Jesse Lee Peterson from Los Angeles or Chris Stigall in Kansas City. These four are destined to be rising stars.

There's really a lot of good local folks out there. The room at the top though is really small so its tough to break out of the local markets. If they are really good though, the old guard will eventually hang it up and make room for others..

And welcome to USMB Mozilla. We hope you find your niche and a happy home with us. If you decide to stick around check in at the Coffee Shop. It takes just a little extroversion and effort to fit right in and its a good place to get acquainted with folks.
I listen to no talk radio con or lib.

I listen to NPR a couple of times a week. I listen to Dr Laura. She's as conservative as they come.

I'd like to ask the conservatives what radio station offers your views without disrespecting liberals. I would listen.
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i thought people listened to conservative talk radio beacuse they were incapable of independent thought and felt it easier to have their opinions given to them

Yeah sure that is what caller after caller calling in a discussion issues is. Just Ideas being given to people. STFU asswipe you have no idea what you are talking about. Go watch some ABC and suck it up!
If your a Fan of Conservative Radio then you should listen over the web to Herman Cain out of Atlanta, Dana Loesch from Saint Louis, Jesse Lee Peterson from Los Angeles or Chris Stigall in Kansas City. These four are destined to be rising stars.

There's really a lot of good local folks out there. The room at the top though is really small so its tough to break out of the local markets. If they are really good though, the old guard will eventually hang it up and make room for others..

And welcome to USMB Mozilla. We hope you find your niche and a happy home with us. If you decide to stick around check in at the Coffee Shop. It takes just a little extroversion and effort to fit right in and its a good place to get acquainted with folks.

Thanks. I am glad to be here. And thanks for the tips.
Liberals are for the most part, an unhappy bunch.

I imagine conservative radio would only remind them of that unhappiness...

Yet it is the conservatives who flock to Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity to hear how bad they have it and who they should blame

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