Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

Stone him...stone him!!!!!!

Let's just burn him. Clearly he's a witch...

Did he turn someone into a Newt?
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!

Your rejoinder was dipshitty at best.

NOTHING in the phrase "Of the People By the People For the People" suggests (not even remotely) that the "purpose" of our Constitutionally limited Federal Government is to "solve" problems.

Furthermore, stupid, that phrase does not come from the Constitution anyway.

The reasons we charted our own course, you ignorant dipstick, is precisely so that WE would be FREE to solve our OWN fucking problems.

The idiot has no idea what a representative republic is.
Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.
by: Jeff Wartman

Full article: Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

I’m leaving the Republican Party. No longer can I say with a clear conscience that the Republican Party is focused on solving problems that will benefit average Americans.

Solving problems is about pragmatically viewing data to decide upon the most effective public policy solutions. Many times, problem solving is the complete opposite of adhering to a rigid political ideology that dictates policy regardless of consequences. Our public servants need to be looking at what has worked, what has not worked, and using those judgments to form policy moving forward. The Republican Party refuses to look at what works and what doesn’t — they simply base policy on whether it fits into a rigid anti-government philosophy, whether it is good policy or not. Essentially, the effectiveness of policy is completely and totally irrelevant to Republicans. Additionally, the Republican Party believes more strongly in obstructing anything that President Obama proposes than in real solutions that would create jobs and help the average American.

Additionally, I have specific grievances with the current “know-nothing” incarnation of the Republican Party:...

Read the entire article at JeffWartman.com Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

You are commonly known as a RINO. No loss from the republicans, I'm sure. :eusa_whistle:

I'm curious...Who is not a RINO in your opinion? Federal-level officials please? If I were going to personify the definition of a republican...nevermind, I'm starting a thread.

I think a clearer answer would be who in my opinion is a RINO.
Republican In Name Only

It is a person who is a republican on paper but has the majority of his views that of a democrat or a liberal. (your choice)

I hope I made this simple enough. I'm sure there are DINO's out there also, but they don't get the airtime as the RINO's for whaterver reason.

Can you give a name of a RINO?
I'm curious...Who is not a RINO in your opinion? Federal-level officials please? If I were going to personify the definition of a republican...nevermind, I'm starting a thread.

I think a clearer answer would be who in my opinion is a RINO.
Republican In Name Only

It is a person who is a republican on paper but has the majority of his views that of a democrat or a liberal. (your choice)

I hope I made this simple enough. I'm sure there are DINO's out there also, but they don't get the airtime as the RINO's for whaterver reason.

Can you give a name of a RINO?

Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?
I think a clearer answer would be who in my opinion is a RINO.
Republican In Name Only

It is a person who is a republican on paper but has the majority of his views that of a democrat or a liberal. (your choice)

I hope I made this simple enough. I'm sure there are DINO's out there also, but they don't get the airtime as the RINO's for whaterver reason.

Can you give a name of a RINO?

Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?

I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.
"Former elected official of the Illinois Republican Party" wikipedia

Illinois, a state that is four billion in arrears to its vendors

Illinois, the state that went to Wall Street to float some bonds to enable it to pay its retiree health care and pension costs. When the bankers asked which revenue stream the state intended to dedicate towards repayment of the bond's principle, the state's representatives told the bankers to come closer so they could whisper the answer without anyone else hearing "Da Federal Governments gonna guarantee da principle on dem dere bonds"

Illinois, the state obviously enamored with the presidents 14 trillion dollar Federal Deficit and with the promise of "A dollar down and a dollar when you catch me"
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!

Your rejoinder was dipshitty at best.

NOTHING in the phrase "Of the People By the People For the People" suggests (not even remotely) that the "purpose" of our Constitutionally limited Federal Government is to "solve" problems.

Furthermore, stupid, that phrase does not come from the Constitution anyway.

(The reasons we charted our own course, you ignorant dipstick, is precisely so that WE would be FREE to solve our OWN fucking problems.

Hmm. we doing goooood! shit... pills please..
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!

We sure did get away from that one, huh?
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!

We sure did get away from that one, huh?

No kidding; screw the people, we'll decide what's best for 'em whether they like it or not. Can't wait to see that on an Obama 2012 bumper sticker.
That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!

Your rejoinder was dipshitty at best.

NOTHING in the phrase "Of the People By the People For the People" suggests (not even remotely) that the "purpose" of our Constitutionally limited Federal Government is to "solve" problems.

Furthermore, stupid, that phrase does not come from the Constitution anyway.

(The reasons we charted our own course, you ignorant dipstick, is precisely so that WE would be FREE to solve our OWN fucking problems.

Hmm. we doing goooood! shit... pills please..

The notion was that we OUGHT to be free to solve our own problems. How, from that factual assertion, you come to the conclusion that we are not doing so well -- is unclear.

But, sure. By all means. It does seem like you are overdue for your meds.
Can you give a name of a RINO?

Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?

I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.


But that still doesn't answer what difference it makes (or not) whether we an "identify" a sufficient number of alleged "RINOs."

I believe the Democratics have it largely wrong on the topic of social values. They are absolutely NOT "live and let live." They are opposed to it, in fact.

The President's re-election campaign motto should be the flip of the FoxNews motto. "We Decide. You Report (for duty)."
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Can you give a name of a RINO?

Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?

I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.
"Live and let live" is hardly the motto of the Democrat Party.

From anti-smoking laws, to seat belt & motorcycle helmet laws, to trans-fat bans, to dictates to McDonald's about what meals may or may not be served to kids, to the soft censorship of political correctness, the very last thing they are is a bunch who minds their own damned business and plays live and let live.

You might want to rethink your rationale here.
I'm curious...Who is not a RINO in your opinion? Federal-level officials please? If I were going to personify the definition of a republican...nevermind, I'm starting a thread.

I think a clearer answer would be who in my opinion is a RINO.
Republican In Name Only

It is a person who is a republican on paper but has the majority of his views that of a democrat or a liberal. (your choice)

I hope I made this simple enough. I'm sure there are DINO's out there also, but they don't get the airtime as the RINO's for whaterver reason.

Can you give a name of a RINO?

The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!
That was the Gettysburg Address, not the Constitution, pinhead.
Can you give a name of a RINO?

Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?

I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.

The liberal Democrats are pro-abortion, not really a "live and let live" party.

If that's the "right set of values" you like then you will be in good company.
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!
That was the Gettysburg Address, not the Constitution, pinhead.

His allegedly high IQ won't permit him to recognize that the Gettysburg address is not the same thing as the Constitution.
I think a clearer answer would be who in my opinion is a RINO.
Republican In Name Only

It is a person who is a republican on paper but has the majority of his views that of a democrat or a liberal. (your choice)

I hope I made this simple enough. I'm sure there are DINO's out there also, but they don't get the airtime as the RINO's for whaterver reason.

Can you give a name of a RINO?


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