Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

This makes me so uncomfortable, I'm thinking of leaving my Democrat Party and voting against President Obama.

If you leave the Dems, I'm leaving too

And as we go, so goes Oddball.

Sorry Oddball.

I don't even recognize my Democrat Party anymore! They have gone too far Left and I won't be supporting Obama for re-election. They got us downgraded, can't pass a budget and "Blame Bush" is not how an adult POTUS should handle his problems.

Where did we, I mean our fellow Democratics, go wrong, Bro?
If you leave the Dems, I'm leaving too

And as we go, so goes Oddball.

Sorry Oddball.

I don't even recognize my Democrat Party anymore! They have gone too far Left and I won't be supporting Obama for re-election. They got us downgraded, can't pass a budget and "Blame Bush" is not how an adult POTUS should handle his problems.

Where did we, I mean our fellow Democratics, go wrong, Bro?

I don't know. I remember (almost like ancient history) when we had Democrats who would fight not just for civil rights but also against Communism.

I know it seeped away; but it's way difficult to pinpoint the time it went so bad that we can't reclaim it.

Clearly it can't really be MY Democrat Party anymore when we have unprincipled vacillating sophists like President Obama "leading" us.

The Party of JFK, RFK and Scoop Jackson we are no more. I mourn the loss of my Democrat Party.
Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?

I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.
"Live and let live" is hardly the motto of the Democrat Party.

From anti-smoking laws, to seat belt & motorcycle helmet laws, to trans-fat bans, to dictates to McDonald's about what meals may or may not be served to kids, to the soft censorship of political correctness, the very last thing they are is a bunch who minds their own damned business and plays live and let live.

You might want to rethink your rationale here.

You damn skippy, dude!
And as we go, so goes Oddball.

Sorry Oddball.

I don't even recognize my Democrat Party anymore! They have gone too far Left and I won't be supporting Obama for re-election. They got us downgraded, can't pass a budget and "Blame Bush" is not how an adult POTUS should handle his problems.

Where did we, I mean our fellow Democratics, go wrong, Bro?

I don't know. I remember (almost like ancient history) when we had Democrats who would fight not just for civil rights but also against Communism.

I know it seeped away; but it's way difficult to pinpoint the time it went so bad that we can't reclaim it.

Clearly it can't really be MY Democrat Party anymore when we have unprincipled vacillating sophists like President Obama "leading" us.

The Party of JFK, RFK and Scoop Jackson we are no more. I mourn the loss of my Democrat Party.

JFK challenged us to have big goals, he understood the American Spirit and American greatness and using his vision we got safely to the Moon and back in under a decade. Today's Democrats, the only thing that would motivate them is eliminated the 1% in under a decade.

I too mourn the loss of my Democrat Party
And as we go, so goes Oddball.

Sorry Oddball.

I don't even recognize my Democrat Party anymore! They have gone too far Left and I won't be supporting Obama for re-election. They got us downgraded, can't pass a budget and "Blame Bush" is not how an adult POTUS should handle his problems.

Where did we, I mean our fellow Democratics, go wrong, Bro?

I don't know. I remember (almost like ancient history) when we had Democrats who would fight not just for civil rights but also against Communism.

I know it seeped away; but it's way difficult to pinpoint the time it went so bad that we can't reclaim it.

Clearly it can't really be MY Democrat Party anymore when we have unprincipled vacillating sophists like President Obama "leading" us.

The Party of JFK, RFK and Scoop Jackson we are no more. I mourn the loss of my Democrat Party.
Face it. The Democrats have been taken over by Communists/Marxists/Socialists.

There's nothing 'Democratic' about them, especially the President.

Fear not. Repubicans have filled the void left by old-guard Democrats.
Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?

I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.


But that still doesn't answer what difference it makes (or not) whether we an "identify" a sufficient number of alleged "RINOs."

I believe the Democratics have it largely wrong on the topic of social values. They are absolutely NOT "live and let live." They are opposed to it, in fact.

The President's re-election campaign motto should be the flip of the FoxNews motto. "We Decide. You Report (for duty)."

Who opposes gay marriage? The Republicans. I win.
Who opposes a woman's right to do what she wants with her body. The Republicans. I win again.

As for the question, about RINO's....if you can't figure out why it matters I've given you too much credit. If you were going to ask me who was the leading Catholic in the world, I'd start with the Pope then go down the list of his bishops and cardinals I guess. If you were going to ask me who the leading authorities on acting are, I would probably start with the Oscar winners who won for acting.

You know, the acknowledged leaders of their particular fields.

I would imagine that the leaders of the Republican party would be the ones who most typify the republican ideals. According to the responders, none of them do.

The question should be, "Why are they your leaders?" The fact that they are and a lot of republicans here seem to think they are RINOs should cause some concern inside of the party.

Thats all.
Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?

I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.
"Live and let live" is hardly the motto of the Democrat Party.

From anti-smoking laws, to seat belt & motorcycle helmet laws, to trans-fat bans, to dictates to McDonald's about what meals may or may not be served to kids, to the soft censorship of political correctness, the very last thing they are is a bunch who minds their own damned business and plays live and let live.

You might want to rethink your rationale here.

I agree that they go too far at times. Which is why I don't wear the coat of the DNC very well.

Supporting a woman's right to choose is huge. As is not opposing gay marriage. Equal pay laws, worker's rights...the list goes on and on. All things the GOP actively resists.

As for Seat Belt laws, there are a number of states that have the laws (Texas is one) that have almost no democratic party presence at all. Care to explain?
I think a clearer answer would be who in my opinion is a RINO.
Republican In Name Only

It is a person who is a republican on paper but has the majority of his views that of a democrat or a liberal. (your choice)

I hope I made this simple enough. I'm sure there are DINO's out there also, but they don't get the airtime as the RINO's for whaterver reason.

Can you give a name of a RINO?


So the 08 nominee and the presumptive nominee in '12 are RINO's. Are you a Republican? If so, why?
Why? If we find a Republican sufficiently akin to a liberal Democratic, are you gonna cross party lines?

I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.

The liberal Democrats are pro-abortion, not really a "live and let live" party.

If that's the "right set of values" you like then you will be in good company.

Pro abortion? You putz.
I don't belong to any political party. If I'm going to be put into one party or another, I call myself a Democrat because I believe they have the right set of values socally; "Live and let live" is more or less my motto. On the fiscal side, I don't believe either major party is more right than wrong so my basis for identifying myself as a Democrat is almost 100% on the social side of the argument.
"Live and let live" is hardly the motto of the Democrat Party.

From anti-smoking laws, to seat belt & motorcycle helmet laws, to trans-fat bans, to dictates to McDonald's about what meals may or may not be served to kids, to the soft censorship of political correctness, the very last thing they are is a bunch who minds their own damned business and plays live and let live.

You might want to rethink your rationale here.

I agree that they go too far at times. Which is why I don't wear the coat of the DNC very well.
At times?!?!?!??...You can't possibly be serious.

The Democrat party is, by far, the most in-your-business and least tolerant political party this side if the Communist Party.

Supporting a woman's right to choose is huge. As is not opposing gay marriage. Equal pay laws, worker's rights...the list goes on and on. All things the GOP actively resists.
Pfft...Those are things that have to be imposed upon the society, rather that taking your *claimed* live-and-let-live approach and letting the states, localities, families and marketplace of ideas take care of those issues...Your approach is to have them imposed upon everyone, under your misguided notion of "fairness"....Hardly a live-and-let-live mindset.

As for Seat Belt laws, there are a number of states that have the laws (Texas is one) that have almost no democratic party presence at all. Care to explain?

Like mandatory insurance, the 55 mph speed limit ant the .08 BAC level, seat belt laws were forced down the throats of the states via blackmail...Congress threatened to withhold the highway tax dollars, that belonged to them in the first place, were the laws not passed at the state level.
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Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.
by: Jeff Wartman

Full article: Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

I’m leaving the Republican Party. No longer can I say with a clear conscience that the Republican Party is focused on solving problems that will benefit average Americans.

Solving problems is about pragmatically viewing data to decide upon the most effective public policy solutions. Many times, problem solving is the complete opposite of adhering to a rigid political ideology that dictates policy regardless of consequences. Our public servants need to be looking at what has worked, what has not worked, and using those judgments to form policy moving forward. The Republican Party refuses to look at what works and what doesn’t — they simply base policy on whether it fits into a rigid anti-government philosophy, whether it is good policy or not. Essentially, the effectiveness of policy is completely and totally irrelevant to Republicans. Additionally, the Republican Party believes more strongly in obstructing anything that President Obama proposes than in real solutions that would create jobs and help the average American.

Additionally, I have specific grievances with the current “know-nothing” incarnation of the Republican Party:...

Read the entire article at JeffWartman.com Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

You look like a fat pole-smoker.

Wow!!! I'll have to hand it to the OP. For a subject that's been kicked around a lot on the boards, this thread really took off like a rocket. Lotsa pages and posts in 24 hours, huh. Struck a lot of nerves.

I suppose it is possible to have once embraced Republicanism and now prefer an Obama Administration and the current Democratic Party as manifested in Congress.

But for the life of me, I can't think of anybody who has ever adequately defended that with any kind of accurate information.
Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

According to your posting history on this site, you've been claiming 'I used to be a Republican' since 2007.

You're recent conversion to Obama is as full of shit as you are.

Well I would never say anybody is full of shit, but I wonder if our OP author is related to Jake Starkey? :)
Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

According to your posting history on this site, you've been claiming 'I used to be a Republican' since 2007.

You're recent conversion to Obama is as full of shit as you are.

And in case anyone needs a link on that, here is one:

I was a Republican for a long time. I believed in small government and personal liberty. I still hold small government and personal liberty as my most important issues, however, I realized that the Republicans were spending too much on social programs, and too big government. Anyone who tells you the Republican Party still wants small government is a fool. They just want big government in different sectors than the Democrats do. To vote Republican is to vote for an expansion of the federal government. End of story.

From Angel Heart's thread, http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/49477-why-i-became-a-republican.html#post586365

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