Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

I don't think Mr Wartman was ever 'really' a Republican...

Illinois Democrats kick off African-American Republican woman from the ballot | Liberty Republican Forum
Editor’s Note – Jeff Wartman is a former Libertarian Party of Illinois Exec. Board member turned Republican activist (local GOP precinct committeeman and campaign volunteer). He is a Sports fanatic, (Bears & Blackhawks, of course), who lives in Chicago.
This was posted in July of 2010. So, he was a Republican for less than 18 months before he 'decided to leave the Party'.

You were never 'really' in the party, Jeff.
Im sure if he is going to stick around and wasnt just a troll, he will be back here soon enough. Its not like he is mandated to be on the board 24/7.
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

Alright who are you and what have you done with Oddball.
haha :clap2: Can you post the gun too? Want to do job right! As I am a reflection,
nobody wants to play with.
oh goody. We have another narcissist like Obama on the pages. :cuckoo:

I do feel err.. read in these words, of your pain in this TT…. I'm going to go with delusional for now with
my internal answers, help me out on my conformation from time to time as your pain
and suffer will maybe go away with my help?
Ps.. and I am new, and late to the party.. and who is Obama?
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Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.
by: Jeff Wartman

Full article: Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

I’m leaving the Republican Party. No longer can I say with a clear conscience that the Republican Party is focused on solving problems that will benefit average Americans.

Solving problems is about pragmatically viewing data to decide upon the most effective public policy solutions. Many times, problem solving is the complete opposite of adhering to a rigid political ideology that dictates policy regardless of consequences. Our public servants need to be looking at what has worked, what has not worked, and using those judgments to form policy moving forward. The Republican Party refuses to look at what works and what doesn’t — they simply base policy on whether it fits into a rigid anti-government philosophy, whether it is good policy or not. Essentially, the effectiveness of policy is completely and totally irrelevant to Republicans. Additionally, the Republican Party believes more strongly in obstructing anything that President Obama proposes than in real solutions that would create jobs and help the average American.

Additionally, I have specific grievances with the current “know-nothing” incarnation of the Republican Party:...

Read the entire article at JeffWartman.com Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama. | Jeff Wartman

See ya. As they say, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

And NO, I don't care to waste my time reading your article.
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Im sure if he is going to stick around and wasnt just a troll, he will be back here soon enough. Its not like he is mandated to be on the board 24/7.

WTH! You mean we can sign off from time to time? Why wasn't I made aware of this development? I got to go pee.
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!
The federal gubmint wasn't chartered to "solve problems"...Its role is supposed to be the protector of the rights of every individual, to provide a framework of justice when said rights are violated (rather than be the chief violator of them) and maintain the nation's borders.

Also, those who don't want a (reputedly) benevolent nanny state aren't exhibiting any "rigid anti-gubmint philosophy"...The merely want public servants to stay in their box, where they belong.

Strawman fail.

That was a total TWIT answer.

Remember, Of the People,By the People and For the People. AMEN!

Your rejoinder was dipshitty at best.

NOTHING in the phrase "Of the People By the People For the People" suggests (not even remotely) that the "purpose" of our Constitutionally limited Federal Government is to "solve" problems.

Furthermore, stupid, that phrase does not come from the Constitution anyway.

The reasons we charted our own course, you ignorant dipstick, is precisely so that WE would be FREE to solve our OWN fucking problems.

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