Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

I still want to hear why someone who left the GOP before the 2008 election is just announcing it now.

This 3 year old news is splattered all over the internet as if it is current.

Google "jeff wartman" "why i'm leaving the republican party"

How many places have you posted this, Jeff? Are you up into the hundreds yet? Or are we just looking at dozens? Seriously. You left years ago. Why are you talking about it now? Trying to get a paying gig somewhere as a Republican basher and this is your resume?
Care to pass along a link to what you found, viz. the 2008 date?
I am curious, Jeff, why a self-professed libertarian would decide the GOP is morally bankrupt and decide to vote for Barack Obama. The obvious choice would have been to vote for Ron Paul.

I can't help but notice you had a lot of negative things to say about the GOP but not one positive thing about the Democratic Party to explain this fantastical leap of yours.

You are not a person who sticks to his ideals, clearly. You probably check to see who the odds-on favorite is before a football game and then cheer for that team.
Actually, you would be surprised how much real liberals agree with Ron Paul. Of course we don't agree with enough to want to vote for him, but on things like the Federal Reserve, we agree.

He goes on Randi Rhodes and Thom Hartmann and they seem to get along.

What does Fox, the Mainstream GOP & Rush say about Ron Paul's views on the Federal Reserve and not having bases all over the world?

Remember Bachmann said his ideas were radical and extreme and wrong? The rest of the GOP agreed with her.

Us liberals agreed with him.

You and I both know that Ron Paul disagrees with you liberals on 99 percent of the issues. He would eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the FDA, the USDA, etc., etc., etc. Don't even pretend you have some kind of kinship with him. Ron Paul would gut the government down to about 5 percent of its current size. And he's the only one who truly means it.

Didn't I say "Of course we don't agree with enough to want to vote for him"?

This is what liberals have to realize about Ron Paul. He is only good in 4 areas:

Smoke pot, legalize prostitution, audit the Fed & his position on war. That is it.

FDR, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton & Obama are/were good for middle class Americans. Reagan, Bush & Bush were bad for the middle class. Hell, even Clinton and Obama went along with the GOP too much. But Ron Paul's ideas would devistate the middle class, like during the Great Depression. Every man for himself.

Libertarians would be worse than the GOP. They would fast track us to a revolution.
Then why does your website say you are a former elected official and that you left the party before the election of 2008?

You are peddling this essay and your conflicting story about who you are all over the internet. What is in it for you to dust off the story of your GOP defection at this particular time? Hoping for a HuffPost gig or to be a panelist on NPR?

The essay says nothing of what you state. Do you need lessons in reading comprehension?

Do you need memory exercises?

You need to go edit your "about" page if you want to convince people that your conversion is recent.

About Jeff Wartman | Jeff Wartman

About Jeff Wartman

October 30th, 2008

JeffWartman.com is the blog of Jeff Wartman – a moderate political observer using reason, logic and progress as benchmarks for effective public policy based in Chicago, IL. A former elected official within the Republican Party, he left after the rightward shift of the party became too much to take. He is a sales professional for a dot com/advertising company.

So, what's in it for you to pretend that your conversion is recent and that you are still an elected official?

I'll help you understand how blogging works:

The first time I made an "About Jeff Wartman" page was in 2008. It has been highly edited since then to reflect recent "about" changes"

The first pot signaling a shift away from the GOP was in the beginning of 2012. There is no debate about that.
...he left after the rightward shift of the party became too much to take.
Which "rightward shift" would that be?...Chimpola's regime was virtually indistinguishable from that of socialist warmonger thug LBJ.

The party is already so far left that they could replace Boehner with Pelosi and nobody would notice the difference.
An elected member of which party's leadership?....Your announcement that you left the GOP and endorsed Boiking is dated 2008.

No, it is not. Do you have a learning disability?

Yes it is.

October 30, 2008.

You need to fix that before you go further with your charade. :thup:

You're a bit confused on how blogging works.

The first post I made leaving my elected position within the party was in early 2012. I've had an about page since the advent of the site that has been altered over and over again. The page itself is not a blog post as it's a website page -- it's common for the type of site it is.
You are not a person who sticks to his ideals, clearly. You probably check to see who the odds-on favorite is before a football game and then cheer for that team.

You mean he's paying attention and deciding which party is worthy of his vote? As apposed to you who votes GOP even after they steal elections, crash the economy, lie us into war, send jobs overseas, lower wages, cuts off programs to the poor, obstructs solutions to bring jobs back home, etc?

You are brainwashed, he is not.
I am curious, Jeff, why a self-professed libertarian would decide the GOP is morally bankrupt and decide to vote for Barack Obama. The obvious choice would have been to vote for Ron Paul.

I can't help but notice you had a lot of negative things to say about the GOP but not one positive thing about the Democratic Party to explain this fantastical leap of yours.

You are not a person who sticks to his ideals, clearly. You probably check to see who the odds-on favorite is before a football game and then cheer for that team.
Because he is not now, nor was ever, a libertarian.

What we have on our hands is a Fake Malarkey clone.
I am so tired of people pretending to be former Republicans as if that somehow gives themselves some credibility. If your ideas don't have merits on their own, saying you used to be a member of a party doesnt give you any credibility.

I'm an elected member of the party leadership. Clearly, it means a lot more than a keyboard warrior like you.
An elected member of which party's leadership?....Your announcement that you left the GOP and endorsed Boiking is dated 2008.

unless he altered the linked paged, this is what it says now...
Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

January 5th, 2012

EDIT... I see what you are referring to...

About Jeff Wartman

October 30th, 2008

JeffWartman.com is the blog of Jeff Wartman – a moderate political observer using reason, logic and progress as benchmarks for effective public policy based in Chicago, IL. A former elected official within the Republican Party, he left after the rightward shift of the party became too much to take. He is a sales professional for a dot com/advertising company.

Perhaps he changes the content on this page without changing the date of the original page?
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I still want to hear why someone who left the GOP before the 2008 election is just announcing it now.

This 3 year old news is splattered all over the internet as if it is current.

Google "jeff wartman" "why i'm leaving the republican party"

How many places have you posted this, Jeff? Are you up into the hundreds yet? Or are we just looking at dozens? Seriously. You left years ago. Why are you talking about it now? Trying to get a paying gig somewhere as a Republican basher and this is your resume?
Care to pass along a link to what you found, viz. the 2008 date?

About Jeff Wartman | Jeff Wartman

I see that Wartman has a cover story about the date 5 posts back - that he edited the page recently. He still hasn't explained why he called himself a "former" GOP official on his about page but here is spouting about still being a GOP official.

This thread is still smelly self-promotion. It's scattershot all over the web. He's trying to get famous - that's obvious. I'm curious about what his ultimate goal is. How far does he think plastering the web with his essay is going to take him?
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I'm an elected member of the party leadership. Clearly, it means a lot more than a keyboard warrior like you.
An elected member of which party's leadership?....Your announcement that you left the GOP and endorsed Boiking is dated 2008.

unless he altered the linked paged, this is hwat it says now...
Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

January 5th, 2012
Yeah...I was going off of what Amelia said...I'm not about to give the poseur's blog any hits.

That said, her observation that he has claimed to be both a former and currently serving GOP official fails the smell test.
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You are not a person who sticks to his ideals, clearly. You probably check to see who the odds-on favorite is before a football game and then cheer for that team.

You mean he's paying attention and deciding which party is worthy of his vote? As apposed to you who votes GOP even after they steal elections, crash the economy, lie us into war, send jobs overseas, lower wages, cuts off programs to the poor, obstructs solutions to bring jobs back home, etc?

You are brainwashed, he is not.

You assume I vote GOP. I have not voted for a national office since 2006. I believe a party has to EARN my vote. The GOP stopped doing that some time ago.

I just didn't make the ridiculously illogical leap that I must now vote Democratic. Did you even read his anti-Democratic, anti-Obama rants from 2009? All of that is still true today! So he is clearly just jumping on the side he believes will win. That is the opposite of conviction. If he had actual libertarian convictions, he would vote Ron Paul, not Obama.

I vote on the local level about local issues like tax hikes and shit like that. But the GOP doesn't get my vote again until it earns it back.

So your assumptions fail terribly.
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So, suburban Chicago? And you were a repub? I think you might've been a spy if indeed you really did join the GOP, but you sure as hell are not and have never been a republican. And that's okay BTW, everybody's entitled to their pov. What I don't get is why you're lying about it. It's not like the republican party has totally changed it's position on all those issues you mentioned. What, all of a sudden you had an epiphany? LOL, sure dude, whatever.
Mr. Wartman was a 'committeeman'.

Committeemen and committeewomen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Committeemen and Committeewomen are functionaries within the apparatus of political parties in the United States.

Committeemen and Committeewomen are typically chosen by voters in a primary election at the local level, such as a ward or township. They serve as members of their party's central committee for a city or county, which then elects members of the state party's committee. The state party members in turn choose the committee members for the national party organizations such as the Democratic National Committee or the Republican National Committee.

On a local level, committeemen and committeewomen are generally responsible for helping to identify party supporters within their jurisdiction and get them to vote at election time. In some older American cities, committeemen and women still have significant influence in distributing patronage jobs to their supporters within city government.
He was a low level functionary, who either went around trying to 'get out the vote', or he helped the higher up party members with their cronie-ism.

No big loss to the Republicans.
An elected member of which party's leadership?....Your announcement that you left the GOP and endorsed Boiking is dated 2008.

unless he altered the linked paged, this is hwat it says now...
Why I’m leaving the Republican Party…and Endorsing President Obama.

January 5th, 2012
Yeah...I was going off of what Amelia said...I'm not about to give the poseur's blog any hits.

That said, her observation that he has claimed to be both a former and currently serving GOP official fails the smell test.

What a backtrack...how embarrassing. You are unaware of simple facts, just stop posting.
Mr. Wartman was a 'committeeman'.

Committeemen and committeewomen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Committeemen and Committeewomen are functionaries within the apparatus of political parties in the United States.

Committeemen and Committeewomen are typically chosen by voters in a primary election at the local level, such as a ward or township. They serve as members of their party's central committee for a city or county, which then elects members of the state party's committee. The state party members in turn choose the committee members for the national party organizations such as the Democratic National Committee or the Republican National Committee.

On a local level, committeemen and committeewomen are generally responsible for helping to identify party supporters within their jurisdiction and get them to vote at election time. In some older American cities, committeemen and women still have significant influence in distributing patronage jobs to their supporters within city government.
He was a low level functionary, who either went around trying to 'get out the vote', or he helped the higher up party members with their cronie-ism.

No big loss to the Republicans.

As a commiteeman, much more of a loss than a random person who just posts on a message board.
Mr. Wartman was a 'committeeman'.

Committeemen and committeewomen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Committeemen and Committeewomen are functionaries within the apparatus of political parties in the United States.

Committeemen and Committeewomen are typically chosen by voters in a primary election at the local level, such as a ward or township. They serve as members of their party's central committee for a city or county, which then elects members of the state party's committee. The state party members in turn choose the committee members for the national party organizations such as the Democratic National Committee or the Republican National Committee.

On a local level, committeemen and committeewomen are generally responsible for helping to identify party supporters within their jurisdiction and get them to vote at election time. In some older American cities, committeemen and women still have significant influence in distributing patronage jobs to their supporters within city government.
He was a low level functionary, who either went around trying to 'get out the vote', or he helped the higher up party members with their cronie-ism.

No big loss to the Republicans.

As a commiteeman, much more of a loss than a random person who just posts on a message board.

Difference is, I know a little something about you, from your own blog. You know nothing about me. Apples and oranges.

Again, you're no big loss to the party.
unless he altered the linked paged, this is hwat it says now...
Yeah...I was going off of what Amelia said...I'm not about to give the poseur's blog any hits.

That said, her observation that he has claimed to be both a former and currently serving GOP official fails the smell test.

What a backtrack...how embarrassing. You are unaware of simple facts, just stop posting.
I admitted my mistake....I can at least muster that.

You can't even admit what a total poseur you are, even though you were smoked out as such from the get-go.

Now, getting back to those "simple facts" thingies...Which specific article and section of the Constitution did you find the feds' role in the nondescript and nebulous "solving problems" department, tovarich?

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