Why I support reparations — and all conservatives should

IM2, go have a chat with the indigenous tribes that had black slaves, see how agreeable they would be with giving you money. Also, free blacks had black slaves. You will have to identify their lineage and make sure to bilk them out of money.
I think what it boils down to is that you are extremely lazy and want to suck on the government teat for all your remaining days, then ensure that the same passes on to the 10 to 15 kids you spawned via several women and their grandchildren, and on and on.
Before long, whites will be the minority and once that occurs, it will be the whites who will be "special" (affirmative action, hiring quotas, et cetera).
Eventually, we will be able to sue for reparations because of poor treatment by the future majority.
If they want reparations, perhaps they should ask the African nations that rounded them up and sold them.
This speaks for itself.

Why I support reparations — and all conservatives should

Like most conservatives, I’ve scoffed at the idea of reparations or a formal apology for slavery. I did not own slaves, so why would I support my government using my tax dollars for reparations or issuing an apology? Further, no one in the United States has been legally enslaved since 1865, so why are Black people today owed anything more than the same freedoms and opportunities that I enjoy?

I remain unconvinced that an apology would have much real value, but the more substantive notion of reparations is worth discussing. In fact, it could be argued that the idea fits within the conservative philosophy. We’ll come back to that. But it is undeniable that White people have disproportionately benefitted from both the labor and the legacy of slavery, and — crucially — will continue to do so for generations to come.

When slavery was abolished after a bloody civil war, African Americans were dispersed into a world that was overtly hostile to them. Reconstruction efforts were bitterly resisted by most Southern Whites, and attempts to educate and employ former slaves happened only in fits and starts. The government even reneged on its “40 acres and a mule” pledge. After slavery, prejudice and indifference continued to fuel social and economic disparity.

The result is unsurprising. As noted by scholars A. Kirsten Mullen and William A. Darity Jr., co-authors of “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century,” data from the 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances showed that median Black household net worth averaged $17,600 — a little more than one-tenth of median White net worth. As Mullen and Darity write, “white parents, on average, can provide their children with wealth-related intergenerational advantages to a far greater degree than black parents. When parents offer gifts to help children buy a home, avoid student debt, or start a business, those children are more able to retain and build on their wealth over their own lifetimes.”

Black author and activist Randall Robinson has argued that even laws such as those on affirmative action “will never close the economic gap. This gap is structural. … blacks, even middle-class blacks, have no paper assets to speak of. They may be salaried, but they’re only a few months away from poverty if they should lose those jobs, because … they’ve had nothing to hand down from generation to generation because of the ravages of discrimination and segregation, which were based in law until recently.”

In addition to the discrepancy in inherited wealth, even conservatives should be able to acknowledge that Whites enjoy generational associations in the business world, where who you know often counts more than what you know — a reality based not so much on overt racism as on employment and promotion

Very few non-blacks have wealth handed down from generation to generation. If a person is very lucky they might inherit a few or a few tens of thousands from their parents. Most whites are lower middle, or lower class and inherit little or nothing.
This speaks for itself.

Why I support reparations — and all conservatives should

Like most conservatives, I’ve scoffed at the idea of reparations or a formal apology for slavery. I did not own slaves, so why would I support my government using my tax dollars for reparations or issuing an apology? Further, no one in the United States has been legally enslaved since 1865, so why are Black people today owed anything more than the same freedoms and opportunities that I enjoy?

I remain unconvinced that an apology would have much real value, but the more substantive notion of reparations is worth discussing. In fact, it could be argued that the idea fits within the conservative philosophy. We’ll come back to that. But it is undeniable that White people have disproportionately benefitted from both the labor and the legacy of slavery, and — crucially — will continue to do so for generations to come.

When slavery was abolished after a bloody civil war, African Americans were dispersed into a world that was overtly hostile to them. Reconstruction efforts were bitterly resisted by most Southern Whites, and attempts to educate and employ former slaves happened only in fits and starts. The government even reneged on its “40 acres and a mule” pledge. After slavery, prejudice and indifference continued to fuel social and economic disparity.

The result is unsurprising. As noted by scholars A. Kirsten Mullen and William A. Darity Jr., co-authors of “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century,” data from the 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances showed that median Black household net worth averaged $17,600 — a little more than one-tenth of median White net worth. As Mullen and Darity write, “white parents, on average, can provide their children with wealth-related intergenerational advantages to a far greater degree than black parents. When parents offer gifts to help children buy a home, avoid student debt, or start a business, those children are more able to retain and build on their wealth over their own lifetimes.”

Black author and activist Randall Robinson has argued that even laws such as those on affirmative action “will never close the economic gap. This gap is structural. … blacks, even middle-class blacks, have no paper assets to speak of. They may be salaried, but they’re only a few months away from poverty if they should lose those jobs, because … they’ve had nothing to hand down from generation to generation because of the ravages of discrimination and segregation, which were based in law until recently.”

In addition to the discrepancy in inherited wealth, even conservatives should be able to acknowledge that Whites enjoy generational associations in the business world, where who you know often counts more than what you know — a reality based not so much on overt racism as on employment and promotion

I don't think anyone expects anything different from the reparation racist pigs.
IM2, go have a chat with the indigenous tribes that had black slaves, see how agreeable they would be with giving you money. Also, free blacks had black slaves. You will have to identify their lineage and make sure to bilk them out of money.
I think what it boils down to is that you are extremely lazy and want to suck on the government teat for all your remaining days, then ensure that the same passes on to the 10 to 15 kids you spawned via several women and their grandchildren, and on and on.
Before long, whites will be the minority and once that occurs, it will be the whites who will be "special" (affirmative action, hiring quotas, et cetera).
Eventually, we will be able to sue for reparations because of poor treatment by the future majority.

I won't have to do any of that. Free blacks bought their spouses,children and in-laws. I began working at age 9 slinging newspapers. So shut your white ass up. Blacks are owed reparations. Spiritual laws says you must repay. If not, America will be destroyed.

I've spawned 1 child by one mother yoi stupid mothrrfucker. Meanwhile you probably have several children you don't pay alimony to support.

So I will have a chat with the US government that made slavery and jim crow the law of this land and enabled whites to continue discrimincating like this:

Cost Of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination, Bank Says

Nationwide protests have cast a spotlight on racism and inequality in the United States. Now a major bank has put a price tag on how much the economy has lost as a result of discrimination against African Americans: $16 trillion.

Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup.

Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit

And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education

And you can kiss the innermost moistest part of my sphincter.
This speaks for itself.

Why I support reparations — and all conservatives should

Like most conservatives, I’ve scoffed at the idea of reparations or a formal apology for slavery. I did not own slaves, so why would I support my government using my tax dollars for reparations or issuing an apology? Further, no one in the United States has been legally enslaved since 1865, so why are Black people today owed anything more than the same freedoms and opportunities that I enjoy?

I remain unconvinced that an apology would have much real value, but the more substantive notion of reparations is worth discussing. In fact, it could be argued that the idea fits within the conservative philosophy. We’ll come back to that. But it is undeniable that White people have disproportionately benefitted from both the labor and the legacy of slavery, and — crucially — will continue to do so for generations to come.

When slavery was abolished after a bloody civil war, African Americans were dispersed into a world that was overtly hostile to them. Reconstruction efforts were bitterly resisted by most Southern Whites, and attempts to educate and employ former slaves happened only in fits and starts. The government even reneged on its “40 acres and a mule” pledge. After slavery, prejudice and indifference continued to fuel social and economic disparity.

The result is unsurprising. As noted by scholars A. Kirsten Mullen and William A. Darity Jr., co-authors of “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century,” data from the 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances showed that median Black household net worth averaged $17,600 — a little more than one-tenth of median White net worth. As Mullen and Darity write, “white parents, on average, can provide their children with wealth-related intergenerational advantages to a far greater degree than black parents. When parents offer gifts to help children buy a home, avoid student debt, or start a business, those children are more able to retain and build on their wealth over their own lifetimes.”

Black author and activist Randall Robinson has argued that even laws such as those on affirmative action “will never close the economic gap. This gap is structural. … blacks, even middle-class blacks, have no paper assets to speak of. They may be salaried, but they’re only a few months away from poverty if they should lose those jobs, because … they’ve had nothing to hand down from generation to generation because of the ravages of discrimination and segregation, which were based in law until recently.”

In addition to the discrepancy in inherited wealth, even conservatives should be able to acknowledge that Whites enjoy generational associations in the business world, where who you know often counts more than what you know — a reality based not so much on overt racism as on employment and promotion

Very few non-blacks have wealth handed down from generation to generation. If a person is very lucky they might inherit a few or a few tens of thousands from their parents. Most whites are lower middle, or lower class and inherit little or nothing.
Yeah, that's why whites have 15 times the wealth we do. Stop lying all kinds of studies and analysis shows that your comment is untrue. But that is irrelevant to the discussion because we are talking about government policy. It is the same policies that have you paying native americans reparations for as long as you live, your kids will pay as long as they live and so will everygeneration here until the end of days.
This speaks for itself.

Why I support reparations — and all conservatives should

Like most conservatives, I’ve scoffed at the idea of reparations or a formal apology for slavery. I did not own slaves, so why would I support my government using my tax dollars for reparations or issuing an apology? Further, no one in the United States has been legally enslaved since 1865, so why are Black people today owed anything more than the same freedoms and opportunities that I enjoy?

I remain unconvinced that an apology would have much real value, but the more substantive notion of reparations is worth discussing. In fact, it could be argued that the idea fits within the conservative philosophy. We’ll come back to that. But it is undeniable that White people have disproportionately benefitted from both the labor and the legacy of slavery, and — crucially — will continue to do so for generations to come.

When slavery was abolished after a bloody civil war, African Americans were dispersed into a world that was overtly hostile to them. Reconstruction efforts were bitterly resisted by most Southern Whites, and attempts to educate and employ former slaves happened only in fits and starts. The government even reneged on its “40 acres and a mule” pledge. After slavery, prejudice and indifference continued to fuel social and economic disparity.

The result is unsurprising. As noted by scholars A. Kirsten Mullen and William A. Darity Jr., co-authors of “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century,” data from the 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances showed that median Black household net worth averaged $17,600 — a little more than one-tenth of median White net worth. As Mullen and Darity write, “white parents, on average, can provide their children with wealth-related intergenerational advantages to a far greater degree than black parents. When parents offer gifts to help children buy a home, avoid student debt, or start a business, those children are more able to retain and build on their wealth over their own lifetimes.”

Black author and activist Randall Robinson has argued that even laws such as those on affirmative action “will never close the economic gap. This gap is structural. … blacks, even middle-class blacks, have no paper assets to speak of. They may be salaried, but they’re only a few months away from poverty if they should lose those jobs, because … they’ve had nothing to hand down from generation to generation because of the ravages of discrimination and segregation, which were based in law until recently.”

In addition to the discrepancy in inherited wealth, even conservatives should be able to acknowledge that Whites enjoy generational associations in the business world, where who you know often counts more than what you know — a reality based not so much on overt racism as on employment and promotion

Very few non-blacks have wealth handed down from generation to generation. If a person is very lucky they might inherit a few or a few tens of thousands from their parents. Most whites are lower middle, or lower class and inherit little or nothing.
Yeah, that's why whites have 15 times the wealth we do. Stop lying all kinds of studies and analysis shows that your comment is untrue. But that is irrelevant to the discussion because we are talking about government policy. It is the same policies that have you paying native americans reparations for as long as you live, your kids will pay as long as they live and so will everygeneration here until the end of days.

Yeah, that's why whites have 15 times the wealth we do.

It's because blacks drop out of high school. Have children out of wedlock.

You do have nice Nikes.......
IM2, I FULLY support giving you reparations for all those bales of cotton you were forced to pick. Every last one should be accounted for, and you should receive a fair price for all that labor you extended in picking them.
This speaks for itself.

Why I support reparations — and all conservatives should

Like most conservatives, I’ve scoffed at the idea of reparations or a formal apology for slavery. I did not own slaves, so why would I support my government using my tax dollars for reparations or issuing an apology? Further, no one in the United States has been legally enslaved since 1865, so why are Black people today owed anything more than the same freedoms and opportunities that I enjoy?

I remain unconvinced that an apology would have much real value, but the more substantive notion of reparations is worth discussing. In fact, it could be argued that the idea fits within the conservative philosophy. We’ll come back to that. But it is undeniable that White people have disproportionately benefitted from both the labor and the legacy of slavery, and — crucially — will continue to do so for generations to come.

When slavery was abolished after a bloody civil war, African Americans were dispersed into a world that was overtly hostile to them. Reconstruction efforts were bitterly resisted by most Southern Whites, and attempts to educate and employ former slaves happened only in fits and starts. The government even reneged on its “40 acres and a mule” pledge. After slavery, prejudice and indifference continued to fuel social and economic disparity.

The result is unsurprising. As noted by scholars A. Kirsten Mullen and William A. Darity Jr., co-authors of “From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century,” data from the 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances showed that median Black household net worth averaged $17,600 — a little more than one-tenth of median White net worth. As Mullen and Darity write, “white parents, on average, can provide their children with wealth-related intergenerational advantages to a far greater degree than black parents. When parents offer gifts to help children buy a home, avoid student debt, or start a business, those children are more able to retain and build on their wealth over their own lifetimes.”

Black author and activist Randall Robinson has argued that even laws such as those on affirmative action “will never close the economic gap. This gap is structural. … blacks, even middle-class blacks, have no paper assets to speak of. They may be salaried, but they’re only a few months away from poverty if they should lose those jobs, because … they’ve had nothing to hand down from generation to generation because of the ravages of discrimination and segregation, which were based in law until recently.”

In addition to the discrepancy in inherited wealth, even conservatives should be able to acknowledge that Whites enjoy generational associations in the business world, where who you know often counts more than what you know — a reality based not so much on overt racism as on employment and promotion

Oh good grief--the stupidity of it all. Blacks, well atleast some like whites, became quit rich back then---many blacks were free, several owned slaves themselves, many supported the south during the civil war. Its retarded to claim slavery so many generations ago prevented blacks from becoming rich. Stop with your get rich scams---you deserve no repariations..........and you might want to note tha there are many poor whites and many poor whites that WORKED their way out of poverty as have many blacks. Just because you committed to crimes, lie to much, do to many drugs, have skills or are just lazy doesn't many everyone else is like you. You want money? Get off your ass and go earn it yourself.
Piss poor excuses. Many blacks were not free, very few got rich, the first black millionaire came years after slavery ended and the government paid reparations to descendants of the people that seceeded from the unupn and waged war against the US. Blacks bought their enslaved spouses and children. Blacks did not support the south during the civil war. Slaves were made to work labor for the confederacy. That is not support.

Your opinion is full of lies and is ignorant of history.

I have a college degree. I built or helped to develop 3 separate businesses. I have committed no crimes. The simple truth is the government enacted policies that were detrimental to blacks and still does. We are owed money and the government of this country owes it to us.

You pay native americans every year and you will pay them for as long as this is a country. Your argument is weak, do some research and try again.
You are an idiot..........I am a native america by blood and I get shit for it. Both of my parents have indian blood--my father was largely cheyenne while my mother was the descendent of Pocahontus's grandfather. Many hispanics living on the reservations now get money from the US government even though they aren't Indians. The reservations are chitholes filled with drunks and druggies where most females have been raped along most other crimes. Money to them should be ended as well----my great grand whatever daddy jumping off the train to escape going to the reservation was the smartest move he could make for the entire future generations. Those who are welfare hos like yourself want free shit from the government--------while those that pay taxes don't want to support your worthless ass. Being welfare hos on the reservations has screwed over most indians and it will never end as it only enables the drug abuse and crimes.

Many blacks were free dipshit-----even Tubmans parents were FREE and given a house among other things. Yes that is right what you think you know and about Tubman has been mostly propaganda. Many wealthy blacks owned slaves--hell several of them sold their own offspring into slavery...first american slaveowner was a black guy who refused to allow his indentured black servant to be set free (which I strongly suspect was done by the blackslave owner claiming that his black slave hadn't converted to christianity but I digress and the reason why has been buried.) Oh lie about the first black millionaire being a woman who sold cosmetics is pure BS as well.

College educated---perhaps. But that sure as hell doesn't make either intelligent or someone who hasn't lived most of their life off the government handouts....lowered standards for "special" groups of idiots means nothing.
Slavery was a catastrophic mistake for this country. We paid very dearly to end it. Hundreds of thousands of mothers' sons died for the error. It should be noted that these were almost exclusively people whom we identify as "white". If that didn't pay for the country's sin, nothing will, so filthy money would only be a poor, insulting diversion.
The problem with this narrative is that you ignore the at least 4 million blacks who died in slavery and in fighting it. Secondly the 100 years after slavery seems to aviod most whites who think like you. You are paying "filthy money" on an annual basis to native Americans. So you don't have any excuses.
You remain an idiot--------slaves in the US had better lives (assuming they weren't owned by other blacks in the US) than they did being slaves in Africa. Sadly, as awful as slavery is---------------all races have had slaves and been slaves.
Blacks in the USA owe Whites for Freeing them!!!

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