Why I think That Trump Will Win the General Election

You were here in 2012. Romney supporters were constantly saying the polls were wrong, that they were skewed, that they under-sampled and over-sampled, that Romney was going to win going away. Just like now.
Was Romney a populist?

Was Romney promising to change the tax structure to lure over seas money back to America?

Was Romney promising to refocus our national policies on keeping Americans able to work?

No, they were not the same arguments or style of candidate either.
I've never said anything comparing the candidates. I'm talking about the behavior of Republican voters in both 2016 and 2012. It has nothing to do with anything else.

In both cases, they claimed the polls were wrong, that their guy was going to win.

I think this is pretty common knowledge here, and it wouldn't take much effort to search and find threads from 2012 that did exactly what I'm saying.

In fact, here are just a few examples from 2012. Lots of "the polls are wrong" and "Romney will win because I don't think people should vote for Obama":

Are we approaching a Romney blowout?
The Real Poll Data
Barone: Romney Will Win 315 Electoral Votes
‘The Bradley Effect’ Predicts a Huge Win for Romney
POLLING PROPAGANDISTS: The Walter Shapiro, Taegan Goddard and Doug Mataconis Edition
Obama Is Losing And Everyone In His Campaign Knows It
Democratic pollsters admit polls are skewed against Romney. The polls are LYING to U
Unskewed Polling Data
Why Romney Will Win
Stupid media tricks produce poll favoring Obama
Romney winner Polls were biased!!!!

Just as I said.

Have you ever heard of the "Bradley effect"? If there ever was an election where it would come into play, I would guess it would be this one.

Could be, but that was also a big topic of conversation in 2012.
Have you ever heard of the "Bradley effect"? If there ever was an election where it would come into play, I would guess it would be this one.
Could be, but that was also a big topic of conversation in 2012.
I dont think Romney was attacked a third as much as Trump is, and without any real justifiable cause to do so other than to please their corporate owners.
Have you ever heard of the "Bradley effect"? If there ever was an election where it would come into play, I would guess it would be this one.
Could be, but that was also a big topic of conversation in 2012.
I dont think Romney was attacked a third as much as Trump is, and without any real justifiable cause to do so other than to please their corporate owners.
Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.

It happens in here all the time.
Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.
I am sure that part of the Political Classes reaction to Trump is based on his new approach to campaigning for the Presidency. He is breaking all the conventional rules and it drives the old pros nuts and gives the new journos fodder for stories.

But I dont think that is Trumps responsibility to spoon feed these people. They should be able to put his statements into context all by themselves and get to the actual assertion Trump is making without going bonkers with wild accusations of Trump calling for Clintons assassination, for example. The liberals think this is helping them, but that just highlights how out of touch they and the corporate owned media really are.
Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.
I am sure that part of the Political Classes reaction to Trump is based on his new approach to campaigning for the Presidency. He is breaking all the conventional rules and it drives the old pros nuts and gives the new journos fodder for stories.

But I dont think that is Trumps responsibility to spoon feed these people. They should be able to put his statements into context all by themselves and get to the actual assertion Trump is making without going bonkers with wild accusations of Trump calling for Clintons assassination, for example. The liberals think this is helping them, but that just highlights how out of touch they and the corporate owned media really are.
Well, I don't agree that's what happening, but let's look down the road a bit.

Let's say Trump loses - what would the post mortem look like within the party? Who will they blame? I'm guessing Trump's people will blame anyone but Trump himself. They'll point the finger at their own party, again. All that will do is create more chaos.

Selfishly, I want two strong parties to keep each other in check, and it just seems to me that if Trump wrecks the GOP it will give the Democrats plenty of room to kneejerk hard left. And when politicians kneejerk I generally get pretty fucking constipated.
Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.
I am sure that part of the Political Classes reaction to Trump is based on his new approach to campaigning for the Presidency. He is breaking all the conventional rules and it drives the old pros nuts and gives the new journos fodder for stories.

But I dont think that is Trumps responsibility to spoon feed these people. They should be able to put his statements into context all by themselves and get to the actual assertion Trump is making without going bonkers with wild accusations of Trump calling for Clintons assassination, for example. The liberals think this is helping them, but that just highlights how out of touch they and the corporate owned media really are.
Well now, Jimbo, we will see who was out of touch on 9Nov16. In the meantime, I, and a lot of other people will be working for Clinton and the Dems to win as much as possible this election.
Well now, Jimbo, we will see who was out of touch on 9Nov16. In the meantime, I, and a lot of other people will be working for Clinton and the Dems to win as much as possible this election.
Of course we will; and it will be a repeat of 1980, not 2012, dude.
Have you ever heard of the "Bradley effect"? If there ever was an election where it would come into play, I would guess it would be this one.
Could be, but that was also a big topic of conversation in 2012.
I dont think Romney was attacked a third as much as Trump is, and without any real justifiable cause to do so other than to please their corporate owners.
Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.

It happens in here all the time.

His "fans" are excited because he is the only politician in recent memory that will talk to a group without running it by a focus group first. And the fact that the politicians today tell us what we want to hear until we vote them in.

Frankly, people are tired of being treated like children.

Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.
I am sure that part of the Political Classes reaction to Trump is based on his new approach to campaigning for the Presidency. He is breaking all the conventional rules and it drives the old pros nuts and gives the new journos fodder for stories.

But I dont think that is Trumps responsibility to spoon feed these people. They should be able to put his statements into context all by themselves and get to the actual assertion Trump is making without going bonkers with wild accusations of Trump calling for Clintons assassination, for example. The liberals think this is helping them, but that just highlights how out of touch they and the corporate owned media really are.
Well, I don't agree that's what happening, but let's look down the road a bit.

Let's say Trump loses - what would the post mortem look like within the party? Who will they blame? I'm guessing Trump's people will blame anyone but Trump himself. They'll point the finger at their own party, again. All that will do is create more chaos.

Selfishly, I want two strong parties to keep each other in check, and it just seems to me that if Trump wrecks the GOP it will give the Democrats plenty of room to kneejerk hard left. And when politicians kneejerk I generally get pretty fucking constipated.

Trump isn't wrecking the GOP. The GOP wrecked the GOP by promising conservative voters one thing then doing another.

The GOPer's who have split with Trump will fragment the party, and the people that voted for Trump will hold them responsible. They, and only they, are subverting the will of the voting public by not backing the nominee of their own party.

The GOP is already dead. They just don't know it yet.

Have you ever heard of the "Bradley effect"? If there ever was an election where it would come into play, I would guess it would be this one.
Could be, but that was also a big topic of conversation in 2012.
I dont think Romney was attacked a third as much as Trump is, and without any real justifiable cause to do so other than to please their corporate owners.
Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.

It happens in here all the time.

His "fans" are excited because he is the only politician in recent memory that will talk to a group without running it by a focus group first. And the fact that the politicians today tell us what we want to hear until we vote them in.

Frankly, people are tired of being treated like children.

First, partisans from both parties can say they elect people who disappoint them. That's the nature of national politics. No one is going to get 100% of anything - politicians can either cooperate with each other or stand off to the side and hold their breath until they turn blue.

Democrats realize this, but many Republicans have been told that this is somehow spectacularly unacceptable, and they've completely bought it.

Second, being spoken to by a vulgar man who communicates almost exclusively in personal insults, name calling, shallow platitudes and cartoonish hyperbole is pretty much the very definition of being treated like children.
Have you ever heard of the "Bradley effect"? If there ever was an election where it would come into play, I would guess it would be this one.
Could be, but that was also a big topic of conversation in 2012.
I dont think Romney was attacked a third as much as Trump is, and without any real justifiable cause to do so other than to please their corporate owners.
Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.

It happens in here all the time.

His "fans" are excited because he is the only politician in recent memory that will talk to a group without running it by a focus group first. And the fact that the politicians today tell us what we want to hear until we vote them in.

Frankly, people are tired of being treated like children.

First, partisans from both parties can say they elect people who disappoint them. That's the nature of national politics. No one is going to get 100% of anything - politicians can either cooperate with each other or stand off to the side and hold their breath until they turn blue.

Democrats realize this, but many Republicans have been told that this is somehow spectacularly unacceptable, and they've completely bought it.

Second, being spoken to by a vulgar man who communicates almost exclusively in personal insults, name calling, shallow platitudes and cartoonish hyperbole is pretty much the very definition of being treated like children.
As Reagan said, 'An 80% friend does not equate to a 20% enemy'. We have to learn once again how to compromise and be happy with the 80% we do get.

AS tot he second point, Trump has given hundreds of speeches and when the Media boils it down to 10 minutes of insults it does look wild, but that is not Trumps fault; it is the fault of the person staking the deck.
The GOP is already dead. They just don't know it yet.
Could be, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

They attack "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as they attack Democrats, then they nominate the biggest RINO of them all, and they expect the country to make sense of it.
Could be, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

They attack "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as they attack Democrats, then they nominate the biggest RINO of them all, and they expect the country to make sense of it.

It isnt just our imagination that many Republicans deliberately undermine their own party, campaign on promises that they immediately forget once re-elected and have no shame about it. Some Republicans vote more often with Democrats than the GOP.

That is a RINO, and it is a real thing whether you like it or not.
Could be, but that was also a big topic of conversation in 2012.
I dont think Romney was attacked a third as much as Trump is, and without any real justifiable cause to do so other than to please their corporate owners.
Sure, Trump's getting it from all directions. But as far as the cause is concerned, you have to admit his behavior is miles from that of any Presidential nominee in our lifetimes.

In fact, I thought it's his behavior that has his fans so excited. Not to mention the fact that he and his fans have attacked the GOP non-stop.

It happens in here all the time.

His "fans" are excited because he is the only politician in recent memory that will talk to a group without running it by a focus group first. And the fact that the politicians today tell us what we want to hear until we vote them in.

Frankly, people are tired of being treated like children.

First, partisans from both parties can say they elect people who disappoint them. That's the nature of national politics. No one is going to get 100% of anything - politicians can either cooperate with each other or stand off to the side and hold their breath until they turn blue.

Democrats realize this, but many Republicans have been told that this is somehow spectacularly unacceptable, and they've completely bought it.

Second, being spoken to by a vulgar man who communicates almost exclusively in personal insults, name calling, shallow platitudes and cartoonish hyperbole is pretty much the very definition of being treated like children.
As Reagan said, 'An 80% friend does not equate to a 20% enemy'. We have to learn once again how to compromise and be happy with the 80% we do get.

AS tot he second point, Trump has given hundreds of speeches and when the Media boils it down to 10 minutes of insults it does look wild, but that is not Trumps fault; it is the fault of the person staking the deck.
Yes, the 80% rule is being completely ignored, and it's isolating a big part of the party. I hope they hear you pretty soon.

And I've sat through many of his "speeches", and it's the primary reason I decided I couldn't vote for him.
Could be, and it's a self-inflicted wound.

They attack "RINOs" with at least as much ferocity as they attack Democrats, then they nominate the biggest RINO of them all, and they expect the country to make sense of it.

It isnt just our imagination that many Republicans deliberately undermine their own party, campaign on promises that they immediately forget once re-elected and have no shame about it. Some Republicans vote more often with Democrats than the GOP.

That is a RINO, and it is a real thing whether you like it or not.
Would you say a RINO is a moderate Republican or an actual liberal?
Yes, the 80% rule is being completely ignored, and it's isolating a big part of the party. I hope they hear you pretty soon.

And I've sat through many of his "speeches", and it's the primary reason I decided I couldn't vote for him.
The Losertarians and racists should be isolated as should the Marxists in the Democratic party also. But instead Hillary has endorsed the Black Lies Matter movement which is Marxist as they demand public ownership of all property.
Would you say a RINO is a moderate Republican or an actual liberal?
One can be a principled moderate.

The key point is honesty about what you plan to do.

A moderate that runs as a moderate and honestly tells the party what she plans to do is a principled moderate.

A moderate who runs like a conservative but votes like a moderate is a RINO.
Good Morning everyone! :)

Only a 'dickless' man would say people are voting for a vagina. :D
Why does the color of your skin or what genitals you posses have anything to do with one's qualifications to be the President?
LIBs are emotional hemophiliacs.
Negroes 'block voted' for a fellow negro 100% because of the color of his skin.
Negroes ALWAYS vote for the Party of "I promise if you vote for me I'll give you more free shit".
Didn't' turn out so great for them in the last 8 years.
Would you say a RINO is a moderate Republican or an actual liberal?
I actually think RINO liberal conservative republican democrat etc etc etc is so yesterday. The fight today is the entrenched vs the unattached. It's the power mad people in government both elected and appointed vs the people. Both sides in DC and the entire media is trying their best to stop any real change for the better in our nation. They have it made of course they don't want change. The nation can do better. This is not the new normal, we can make America great again. America first policy is over due and that is what I will be voting for.

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