Why I'd actually "want" for Trump to declare a state of emergency.

What 'assault weapons' used by the military, are available to the public?

Nothing.....nothing......Go back to playing with your guns.....I do NOT want this thread to turn into a fucking debate on how many people can get killed with guns in one or more minutes.
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Yeah, do that poll with those along the border, not people in New York or Alaska.

If your other half-brain were functioning, you'd realize that you just admitted that....at "best".... it is NOT a national crisis but a border state's one.......You're welcome....LOL

Just because someone on the border sees and experiences it directly, doesn't mean others in the nation don't either, they just don't view it on a constant basis. Do they know that the substance their kid O'Ded on came from Mexico? Do they know an illegal immigrant smuggled it over?

Are they aware of the human trafficking or the sexual assaults against women who make the trek?
All I can say is...there are lots of nutbags and Trombies all over the nation who have an oversupply of tissues
and lotion after last nights address.
Frankly, from what I've seen and read, the statistics, the stories, you already have the conditions of a National Security Emergency and have for some time with nobody giving a damn.

Trump won on the economy and his wall/immigration reform. Think about that. No other politician in history had such an upset, and his wall was a big reason why. THAT'S how important this issue is with Americans.

I agree, that's why Trump retained control of the House (you know the chamber that controls the purse strings) in the last election.

.... Oh wait...

Frankly, from what I've seen and read, the statistics, the stories, you already have the conditions of a National Security Emergency and have for some time with nobody giving a damn.

Trump won on the economy and his wall/immigration reform. Think about that. No other politician in history had such an upset, and his wall was a big reason why. THAT'S how important this issue is with Americans.
If it was SOOOOO important, why haven't the totally Republican controlled government for the two previous years pass a bill to build that damn wall?!?!??
Well, the more cynical reason why I would want for Trump to declare a state of emergency (as dumb as it may sound to sane Americans,) is that the court ensuing challenges and results, would simply add one MORE item to the growing list of impeachable offenses......

BUT, the attempt by Trump to spew to his cult that he tried "everything" to fulfill his moronic campaign promise that a wall is the ONLY way to secure our nation from "hordes of invaders" would also set an interesting precedent for the inevitable progressive presidents that will soon follow after this scourge of the oval office becomes infamous history.

What would prevent a future progressive president from declaring "a state of emergency" over global warming and climate changes that endanger our future survival???

What would prevent a future progressive president from declaring "a state of emergency" over the real fact that private health care insurance is bankrupting citizens......while our mortality and morbidity rates increase???

What would prevent a future progressive president from declaring "a state of emergency" over the overwhelming evidence shows that the drastic increase of mass shootings and hare crimes are indirectly facilitated by the easy access to the same assault weapons used by our military???

Points to ponder a bit.....don't you think?
While I agree w/the point you're making, I disagree w/the means of doing it.

I don't want one. red. cent. spent on that. damn. wall.
Frankly, from what I've seen and read, the statistics, the stories, you already have the conditions of a National Security Emergency and have for some time with nobody giving a damn.

Trump won on the economy and his wall/immigration reform. Think about that. No other politician in history had such an upset, and his wall was a big reason why. THAT'S how important this issue is with Americans.

I agree, that's why Trump retained control of the House (you know the chamber that controls the purse strings) in the last election.

.... Oh wait...

I remember seeing a long range camera shot of Jerald Nadler walking behind Ron Paul, areal purse string person who was seated at a Federal Reserve meeting mocking him from behind with a scary act. The same Nadler who has control of the purse strings. You know!
If it was SOOOOO important, why haven't the totally Republican controlled government for the two previous years pass a bill to build that damn wall?!?!??

Probably the most honest answer is that Trump NEEDS that wall to have any chance of getting re-elected........Another way of looking at this issue is that Trump must have $5.6 BILLION for his re-election campaign; otherwise his chances are about the same as David Duke's bid.
All the while he's refusing aid for California after the wildfires.

And he's keeping the government closed. I guess his boss Putin prefers America in chaos. I seriously doubt Trump has any political or moral beliefs.

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