Why I'm a Democrat now


I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
Trump is dividing America?

Did you like it when Obama blamed police officers of racism when they arrested his black professor friend, only to admit he was wrong later on after learning about all the facts?

Or perhaps you liked it when he said that if he had a son, he would have looked like Travon, simply because of his dark color and the fact he was shot by Zimmerman, who magically turned from Hispanic to white supremacist overnight according to the DNC and press.. Or maybe you liked it when Obama refused to utter the words, "Islamic terrorism" when terrorism was conducted in the name of Islam because he did not want innocent Muslims being targeted around the world, but when all hell broke out in Ferguson and white police officers were being assassinated around the country Obama had NO problem feeding into the notion that the police were all racists?

Either you are not all that bright or a liar. So which is it?
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
Trump is dividing America?

Did you like it when Obama blamed police officers of racism when they arrested his black professor friend, only to admit he was wrong later on after learning about all the facts?

Or perhaps you liked it when he said that if he had a son, he would have looked like Travon, simply because of his dark color and the fact he was shot by Zimmerman, who magically turned from Hispanic to white supremacist overnight according to the DNC and press.. Or maybe you liked it when Obama refused to utter the words, "Islamic terrorism" when terrorism was conducted in the name of Islam because he did not want innocent Muslims being targeted around the world, but when all hell broke out in Ferguson and white police officers were being assassinated around the country Obama had NO problem feeding into the notion that the police were all racists?

Either you are not all that bright or a liar. So which is it?
Either you are not all that bright or a liar.
I say he is both, a very stupid liar...
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden
What happens when all healthy citizens get the virus?
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden
It's the leftist traitors in the leftist controlled cities that are ruining America - dumbass.

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:

I voted for George H.W. Bush in 1988, Bob Dole in 1996, and George W Bush in 2000 - All Republicans. NO MORE! I'm a Democrat now. Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt, supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism. Today the party of Trump cares little about any of these, instead focusing on abusing little children on our southern border, sucking up to dictators from Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, and dividing this country as deeply as the days of the civil war.

I didn't agree with everything President Obama did, but America didn't turn into a socialist hellhole, nor did the economy crash on his watch as so many on the right wing predicted. This is the last post I'll do here, claiming I'm an Independent.

Sorry Trump supporters: You lost me - Goodby! :bye1:
There are many Republicans who don't support the party of Trump, me being one of them.
Is it too late to change the title of the thread to "Why I'm a Fuckin' Liar Now"?
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden
It's the leftist traitors in the leftist controlled cities that are ruining America - dumbass.
just stay in your flyover town hicksville, and stay out of our great Dem cities that are responsible for americas greatness
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden
What happens when all healthy citizens get the virus?
Hopefully we never have to find out
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden
What happens when all healthy citizens get the virus?
Hopefully we never have to find out
So lets slow roll this Kung Flu virus around for the next 3 to 5 years? You are such stupid worthless fucks...
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
I totally fucking agree. 100%.

No matter what they do against each other, they make sure that no third-party has one fucking single chance whatsoever.

I would like a constitutional amendment requiring a third-party be involved. And everything. Period!
We would have to go to a parlaimentary system like the British have where you vote for the party and not a person.
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden
What happens when all healthy citizens get the virus?
Hopefully we never have to find out
Nothing will happen, moron. It will die out. Healthy people don't die from the virus.
All the interest paid on the debt isn't waste? You don't think the military wastes lots of dollars?
Is that why wealthy Democrats buy tax-free municipal bonds instead of U.S. Treasury bonds, bills, and notes? At least the military has guns, and guns aren't a waste of money like all that laser-taser and pepper spray stuff and the spinning disco balls on top of the city police cars.
Don't underestimate military waste.

If you weren't such a commie, I'd probably agree with you on most things.

Too much military spending

War on drugs is fucking bullshit.

Government has too much power. If you agree with me on that, then there's no need to argue over shit. We should help each other. We should not be enemies.
It is funny how we agree on some things and are very different on others. I like to think I'm much more civilized. But yes the government does have too much power. There are a lot of things government is in that they shouldn't. This is why I'm an independent. I don't really agree with Dems on all that much, but I think in recent years they somehow have done less damage. I am certainly hating this year....
Then I'll agree to pick a third-party candidate. Will you?
Like I said, I'm hating this year. I want change. This is the first time I think I've ever cared so much about getting rid of a president. I'm voting for whoever is most likely to get rid of him. I don't think that will be a third party. Criminal how hard the two have made it for a third party isn't it?
You've always voted Democrat.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Conservatives used to care about paying down our national debt,
Come on. You need to get real. That was the Democrats raising taxes to pay down the debt, but then they turn around a pass a gigantic spending bill every time. Republicans are no longer playing along with the liberals' tax-and-spend game.
supporting our troops, and our European allies against threats from Communism
That's more than enough boozing and schmoozing at the VFW and American Legion halls, and wining and dining in Europe. Dude, our troops support us, not the other way around. Who's lacing up the boots and bearing arms here, now? Because it sure as hell ain't the Democrats. And we've got more than enough city hall communism to overthrow right here at home in the States before we start worrying ourselves about the Russian krais and oblasts. Oh by the way the Russians are capitalists now, and they are more than fed up with communism and city hall themselves. And all that NATO gun control bullshit just keeps on coming from the European Union, world without end.
Yes the republicans cut taxes and borrow. Huge debt increase with trump.
If they would also cut spending, would you be OK with cutting taxes?

Particularly the military spending that doubles that of the next country, China?
Of course. But unlike repubs I think you cut the spending first. Government isn't the best user of $$$. I'm a Milton Friedman sort of republican. The party is no longer small government however. I'm much more of a capitalist than the right is.
A "Milton Friedman" Republican who votes for Biden? There's no such thing.
A least now that he is a Democrat, nobody is going to tell Bill he has to practice social distancing as long as he is rioting looting or burning down buildings.
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden
What happens when all healthy citizens get the virus?
Hopefully we never have to find out
So lets slow roll this Kung Flu virus around for the next 3 to 5 years? You are such stupid worthless fucks...
Maybe a year stupid Slow and easy is the only way to go Businesses need to get street traffic back into stores and with virus going up instead of down that will take time But Trump ass kissers don't know that They think trump is smart Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha
Right wingers are in every state, and they all think the same, masks are an infringement on their right to make other people sick, therefore the virus is going to spread in every state regardless of being blue or red. The only variable will be population density. The less dense, the less spread. Many red states are low population because nobody wants to live there for various reasons ..... boring, nothing to do, no jobs, shitty weather.

Now take a look at Florida, a red state with lots of people. COVID is running wild there now. It has come within a hair of NY's record for new cases in one day. It's a case of right wingers demanding their Constitutional right to get sick as well as sicken others. And they've got lots of old people. FL's hospitals are likely to overflow and max out, and lots of people die at home. It'll probably eclipse NY's totals as well as most countries.

Of course FL might not be a red state if the Repubs there allowed blacks to vote.

But FL has nothing on AZ, another red state protecting its 'spread the virus' right. AZ has far more cases per capita than FL, and will eventually have the highest in the nation. They're doing an excellent job of protecting their right to be sick and die.
Republicans are ruining America. Vote Biden
What happens when all healthy citizens get the virus?
Hopefully we never have to find out
So lets slow roll this Kung Flu virus around for the next 3 to 5 years? You are such stupid worthless fucks...
Maybe a year stupid Slow and easy is the only way to go Businesses need to get street traffic back into stores and with virus going up instead of down that will take time But Trump ass kissers don't know that They think trump is smart Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha
Based upon your very tenuous command of the English language, perhaps it would be best if you refrained from commenting on the intelligence of others.

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