Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of institutionalized racism?

Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Affirmative action was not meant to make up for, in length of time, for the above mentioned travesties. It was meant to correct and make fair the playing field to provide for racial equality.

It now teeters on the brink of creating racial bias against qualified candidates for certain jobs; universities; and military service.
I would rather bear the burden of having guilt and remorse forced upon me for something which I my parents and my grandparents had no part, than to carry and perpetuate your anger and hate to succeeding generations.

Get over yourself.
How is institutionalizing racism in affirmative action going to solve the problem of racism, institutional or otherwise?]

Do you want racism perpetuating, or do you want to judge a man by his character rather than the color of his skin?
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Affirmative action was not meant to make up for, in length of time, for the above mentioned travesties. It was meant to correct and make fair the playing field to provide for racial equality.

It now teeters on the brink of creating racial bias against qualified candidates for certain jobs; universities; and military service.

Was Jim Crow meant to be separate, but equal?
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Affirmative action was not meant to make up for, in length of time, for the above mentioned travesties. It was meant to correct and make fair the playing field to provide for racial equality.

It now teeters on the brink of creating racial bias against qualified candidates for certain jobs; universities; and military service.

Was Jim Crow meant to be separate, but equal?

Jim Crow was a travesty- Was affirmative action designed to deny the most qualified a job?
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

B/c AA is nothing more than legalized discrimination itself.

Only a racist could see it otherwise.
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Affirmative action was not meant to make up for, in length of time, for the above mentioned travesties. It was meant to correct and make fair the playing field to provide for racial equality.

It now teeters on the brink of creating racial bias against qualified candidates for certain jobs; universities; and military service.

Was Jim Crow meant to be separate, but equal?

Your right.. I think the Democrat party should pay for what they did. Write Obama a letter of outrage, tell him you think his party should pay reparations to people still living who were was affected by what his party did to African Americans :mad:
Did Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism end in 1865?

Well if you weren't a slave, then what does 188 years of slavery mean to you?

Did Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism end in 1865?

Blacks weren't discriminated against after 1865?

Yes they were and you know what? There is not a damned thing either you or I can do to change that. What's done is done and we can only change the future. Right now, the main things holding black people back in this country are other black people. The opportunities are there for those that are willing to utilize the resources placed in front of them.
Affirmative action was not meant to make up for, in length of time, for the above mentioned travesties. It was meant to correct and make fair the playing field to provide for racial equality.

It now teeters on the brink of creating racial bias against qualified candidates for certain jobs; universities; and military service.

Was Jim Crow meant to be separate, but equal?

Your right.. I think the Democrat party should pay for what they did. Write Obama a letter of outrage, tell him you think his party should pay reparations to people still living who were was affected by what his party did to African Americans :mad:

Do you know what the Compromise of 1877 was and who made the deal?
Well if you weren't a slave, then what does 188 years of slavery mean to you?

Did Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism end in 1865?

Blacks weren't discriminated against after 1865?

Yes they were and you know what? There is not a damned thing either you or I can do to change that. What's done is done and we can only change the future. Right now, the main things holding black people back in this country are other black people. The opportunities are there for those that are willing to utilize the resources placed in front of them.

Continuing AA for another 144 years is what you do.

Individual blacks are holding themselves back, it has nothing to do with other blacks.

AA is a resource placed in front of them.

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