Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of institutionalized racism?

Why do blacks think they are entitled anything b/c their ancestors were slaves? My Jewish ancestors were slaves in Egypt. Last I checked I don't get anything for that. My grandpa was shot in the war. Last I checked, I don't get anything for that. My lineage goes to English Royalty. Last I checked, none of the royal appropriations go to me.
I used to be a rep, that's true.

Wars started by a (D); WW1, WW2, Korea, Viet Nam, Bay of Pigs, Somalia, Yemen, Lybia.

By (R); Iraq and Iraq

Must suck to be so fucking wrong.

How am I wrong? I realize that Dems are warmongering whores and never hid behind this fact, but that doesn't stop Republicans from fabricating wars.

You are a lowlife who validates one party based on the atrocities of another. You are a sick and disturbing human being.

I am still waiting for you to us AA to validate slavery, you dumb fucking melon.

You are one royally fucked up libtard.

"I am still waiting for you to us AA to validate slavery, you dumb fucking melon."

I will repeat, once more; I did not do as you claim, YOU assumed that.
I never mentioned slavery, YOU did.
I never made any such comparison, YOU assumed I did.

I will leave you to your melting, and mark you as a homophob and a possible racist.

Gosh, you are a fucking idiot. I chimed in on this post on #16, claiming that only a fucking idiot would equate AA to "44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?" and then you vehemently and promptly chimed in with, 'Only a fucking moron would think it's OK to punish the grandkids for something their grandfather didn't even do. "

I never thought AA was ok. However, you wanted to concoct some silly rationalization that equated AA to slavery.

How the fuck are they equal? Only a fucking idiot would think they are equal, in which you do.

So tell me dumbass, how is AA and slavery equal?
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Um, they are equal in that they were all really, really bad for America and Americans?
Was Jim Crow meant to be separate, but equal?

Your right.. I think the Democrat party should pay for what they did. Write Obama a letter of outrage, tell him you think his party should pay reparations to people still living who were was affected by what his party did to African Americans :mad:

Do you know what the Compromise of 1877 was and who made the deal?

You focus on one thing the democrats fought to keep blacks enslaved and segregated while Republicans died fighting for the rights of blacks. That fact cannot be disputed. It is also a fact that the Democrat party still keeps a large portion of African Americans enslaved and dependent on government. Leaving children stuck in failing public schools and people stuck and dependent on government, they are of use to them were they are
despite great strides in admitting more black students, many civil rights leaders and scholars contend the success of affirmative action is little more than skin deep. Yes, they say, more black students attend elite universities -- but who exactly are they?

As reported recently in the New York Times, a high percentage of undergraduate black students at top universities are West Indian and African immigrants or their children or, to a lesser extent, children of biracial couples. In the case of Harvard University, only about a third of the black students are the descendants of African-American slaves, born into families hobbled by generations of segregation and racism.

"If people think the current registration of African Americans in elite colleges is somehow addressing past wrongs, that's not entirely true," Princeton sociologist Douglas S. Massey said. "We should be debating and talking about this and coming up with some kind of seat-of-the-pants policy, rather than deceiving ourselves."

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said, "Universities have to give weight to the African-American experience because that is for whom affirmative action was aimed in the first place. That intent must be honored."

Most universities, including Northwestern and the University of Chicago, don't keep tabs on the origins of their black students. But Massey, who is studying the achievements of black students at 28 colleges and universities, found that 41 percent of these black students were immigrants, children of immigrants or biracial.

'Successful, smart people'

This curious makeup of the black student population at top universities has been discussed quietly on campuses for years, but became public only earlier this year when Harvard law professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. raised the issue bluntly at a reunion of Harvard University's black alumni.

Before then, academics tended to skirt the issue, in part because there is no agreement on the proper goals of affirmative action and in part because criticism might be misconstrued as an attack on immigrants.

"I think all the elite institutions need to be more open and straightforward about what we are seeking to achieve," said Kenneth Warren, professor of English and co- director of African and African American studies at the University of Chicago. "Affirmative action has multiple goals, and I don't think that's stressed enough."

Who really benefits from affirmative action?
Yes they were and you know what? There is not a damned thing either you or I can do to change that. What's done is done and we can only change the future. Right now, the main things holding black people back in this country are other black people. The opportunities are there for those that are willing to utilize the resources placed in front of them.

Continuing AA for another 144 years is what you do.

Individual blacks are holding themselves back, it has nothing to do with other blacks.

AA is a resource placed in front of them.

Individual black people are holding themselves back, aided and abetted by the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and the legions of others that make excuses for them and provide the means for people to not have to be responsible for themselves. Do you really think that over 75% of black children would be born to single mothers if the government weren't making it financially more attractive to not marry? Do you think that more young black men might get hired if someone was honest with them and told them that if you're too stupid to know how to pull up your own pants, why do you think anyone would want you to be the face of their business? Society allows the self destructive behavior for fear of being called racist or negative about "black culture". It's a sad commentary that the greatest danger to a young black man is another young black man.

I think the worse part of this whole debate is how many white people believe that the discrimination that many black people feel in America is make believe.

Fact is America made a deal 40 acres and a mule, then said sike. The advice then was get over it. Fact is America made discrimination legal for decades harming many black communities. The advice then was get over it. Everyone said get over civil rights, thank god people didnt listen to the nay sayers.

Then people sum up the failings of the entire black community on Rappers, Sharpton, Jackson and the NAACP. Completely ignoring all the time we were told to "get over it" and the repercussions of those decisions.
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

So, you aren't satisfied with changes, just with getting even? Were you a slave? I was never a slave or a slave owner, but you think I owe somebody something and that we need to have reverse discrimination for 188 years?

Did Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism end in 1865?

Blacks weren't discriminated against after 1865?

No, it didn't. Mainly because Democrats went from fighting against ending slavery to using black people for political gain. They set out to create a class of government dependents, which destroyed black families. The more Democrats help, the worse the problem gets. Now we see deliberate attempts at race baiting that further divides and deepens racial tensions. Liberals have done this for years to ensure people stay divided into groups rather than all being equal. They make special laws, like affirmative action, which is their way of saying that blacks aren't smart enough to make it on their own and they teach them that all whites hate them and only the government cares. I will look for some links to articles, written by some of the most brilliant writers on earth (who happen to be black) about how the left has kept blacks down.
So, you aren't satisfied with changes, just with getting even? Were you a slave? I was never a slave or a slave owner, but you think I owe somebody something and that we need to have reverse discrimination for 188 years?

Did Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism end in 1865?

Blacks weren't discriminated against after 1865?

No, it didn't. Mainly because Democrats went from fighting against ending slavery to using black people for political gain. They set out to create a class of government dependents, which destroyed black families. The more Democrats help, the worse the problem gets. Now we see deliberate attempts at race baiting that further divides and deepens racial tensions. Liberals have done this for years to ensure people stay divided into groups rather than all being equal. They make special laws, like affirmative action, which is their way of saying that blacks aren't smart enough to make it on their own and they teach them that all whites hate them and only the government cares. I will look for some links to articles, written by some of the most brilliant writers on earth (who happen to be black) about how the left has kept blacks down.

Compromise of 1877? Do you know what it was?

Was 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism against blacks the way of saying that whites aren't smart enough to make it on their own?
Then people sum up the failings of the entire black community on Rappers, Sharpton, Jackson and the NAACP. Completely ignoring all the time we were told to "get over it" and the repercussions of those decisions.

Who are you trying to kid? Black 'community' failure is repeated all across the globe.

It is a GLOBAL fact.

It is 21st century America, and the only one making you a slave is yourself.
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Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

How about you get off of your Ass, and find something constructive to do. Suck it up, already, and try living in the present. Let me know when you are finished blaming Dead People for your imagined plight.
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

What makes you think they are supposed to be equal?

When did an injustice against one person ever justify an injustice against another person who is totally innocent?

You're a fucking race war pimp.
Isn't racism racism, regardless of who practices it against whom and for what reason?
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Well if you need special privileges for something you didnt experience I need to be paid for not putting you through that experience.

See how that works.
My ancestors were American Indians..............your people killed them, brought disease and famine, took their land and exiled them to small government reservations.

What did my family do?? They worked, they got off the reservations, they became productive AMERICAN citizens. Wallowing in self pity would have kept them imprisoned, expecting the government to take care of them from cradle to grave would have kept them imprisoned. They chose to move forward and teach their children the benefits of letting go.

Holding on to anger and hate destroys you from the inside, so go ahead a hate me because my skin is a different color than yours. Isn't that exactly what you're trying to say?
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Affirmative action was not meant to make up for, in length of time, for the above mentioned travesties. It was meant to correct and make fair the playing field to provide for racial equality.

It now teeters on the brink of creating racial bias against qualified candidates for certain jobs; universities; and military service.

Was Jim Crow meant to be separate, but equal?

What difference does it make what Jim Crow was "meant to be?"

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