Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of institutionalized racism?

Affirmative action was not meant to make up for, in length of time, for the above mentioned travesties. It was meant to correct and make fair the playing field to provide for racial equality.

It now teeters on the brink of creating racial bias against qualified candidates for certain jobs; universities; and military service.

Was Jim Crow meant to be separate, but equal?

Jim Crow was a travesty- Was affirmative action designed to deny the most qualified a job?

Yes. As was proved in the Bakke decision.
Then people sum up the failings of the entire black community on Rappers, Sharpton, Jackson and the NAACP. Completely ignoring all the time we were told to "get over it" and the repercussions of those decisions.

Who are you trying to kid? Black 'community' failure is repeated all across the globe.

It is a GLOBAL fact.

It is 21st century America, and the only one making you a slave is yourself.

So are the effects of Slavery is GLOBAL. To pretend that the past doesnt affect the future is bullshit
There is not a single race or ethnicity that was not a slave at one time or other. Blacks have found a way to make it pay off.

They are caught in a conundrim aren't they? Slavery ended a hundred years ago, but blacks feel enslaved to this very day. No matter how successful they are, they are somehow affected by slavery. Those who do not, there's something wrong with them. They are Uncle Toms, they have deserted their people. There is no help for these people. Affirmative action hoped that the future generations of blacks would seize success and the ones who really did suffer would die off. It's not going to happen. More than that, it is clear that failure is handed down from generation to generation. To black people, success is failure. Every successful black has failed his own people by not failing himself.

Nothing can fix this. Not now, not ever.
There is not a single race or ethnicity that was not a slave at one time or other. Blacks have found a way to make it pay off.

They are caught in a conundrim aren't they? Slavery ended a hundred years ago, but blacks feel enslaved to this very day. No matter how successful they are, they are somehow affected by slavery. Those who do not, there's something wrong with them. They are Uncle Toms, they have deserted their people. There is no help for these people. Affirmative action hoped that the future generations of blacks would seize success and the ones who really did suffer would die off. It's not going to happen. More than that, it is clear that failure is handed down from generation to generation. To black people, success is failure. Every successful black has failed his own people by not failing himself.

Nothing can fix this. Not now, not ever.

How many of those slaves built the wealthiest nation in the history of the world?
There is not a single race or ethnicity that was not a slave at one time or other. Blacks have found a way to make it pay off.

They are caught in a conundrim aren't they? Slavery ended a hundred years ago, but blacks feel enslaved to this very day. No matter how successful they are, they are somehow affected by slavery. Those who do not, there's something wrong with them. They are Uncle Toms, they have deserted their people. There is no help for these people. Affirmative action hoped that the future generations of blacks would seize success and the ones who really did suffer would die off. It's not going to happen. More than that, it is clear that failure is handed down from generation to generation. To black people, success is failure. Every successful black has failed his own people by not failing himself.

Nothing can fix this. Not now, not ever.

What the fuck?:confused:
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Who claims that those things are equal?

Perhaps you meant to ask

Can 44 years of Affirmative Action negate the pernicious effects 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

If that's what you meant to ask then my answer is NO.

A resounding NO, it cannot negate the effects of that.
I don't believe AA nor would I believe it is punishment.

Not only are you an asshole for assuming, but believe that you are being punished. I missed getting promoted b/c there were not enough minorities in the postions.Take your self-righteous victimization elsewhere, you pussy. it's a free country, so make me tough guy.Seriously, you have to be one major douchebag to believe that AA is the same thing as slavery nice game of pretend. where did I say they were the same? and you are undergoing the same discrimination. slavery is not discrimination.

Go fuck yourself, for being a dirtbag.

nice edit job

How is this for edit? You are a fucking douchebag for equating AA with slavery.

Now, go fuck yourself.

The only person that equated them was the op or can you quote for mw where this poster did so?
There is not a single race or ethnicity that was not a slave at one time or other. Blacks have found a way to make it pay off.

They are caught in a conundrim aren't they? Slavery ended a hundred years ago, but blacks feel enslaved to this very day. No matter how successful they are, they are somehow affected by slavery. Those who do not, there's something wrong with them. They are Uncle Toms, they have deserted their people. There is no help for these people. Affirmative action hoped that the future generations of blacks would seize success and the ones who really did suffer would die off. It's not going to happen. More than that, it is clear that failure is handed down from generation to generation. To black people, success is failure. Every successful black has failed his own people by not failing himself.

Nothing can fix this. Not now, not ever.

What the fuck?:confused:

It's true sadly enough it's true. How many successful black people are celebrated in the black community? Maybe Oprah Winfrey. Herman Cain was a real honest to goodness rocket scientist. Did he get any support or was he an Uncle Tom. How about Walter Williams, Larry Elder, Condoleeza Rice? Are any of these people role models? No. How come Kobe Bryant is a role model but not Shaquille O'Neill? O'Neill has about 6 masters degrees in various subjects. He has said that education should never stop but be a lifelong pursuit. How much do you hear about him?

It didn't really make an impression on me until I went to an enrobing for a black female judge. She was the daughter of a wealthy respected neurosurgeon and an equally wealthy securities attorney. She was raised "behind the gates" in a Rancho Palos Verdes mansion. She went to the very best private schools, top Universities and graduated Harvard Law School with honors. After she passed the bar she was encouraged to work for the District Attorney's office as part of a plan. District Attorney, judge, then politics. Her entire life was one of great wealth and privilege. Her tenure as Deputy District Attorney was 18 months before she got a judgeship.

After the enrobing ceremony the South Bay Women's Lawyers group took her out for some celebration. Once this newly minted Judge got a few drinks in her she started talking about how oppressed she was all her life. Her struggle with poverty and how the system kept her down. She was the born a victim of racisim and was still a victim of racisim. Although she was clearly worth her elevation, she had to study for her grades, she had to go to work every day, she had to establish a record. if it wasn't for racisim she would never have had to do any of those things. If it wasn't for racisim, her judgeship would be a birthright.

This is pretty widespread as I have found. Not all, certainly not all black people are so INVESTED in racism, but enough to cause a headache.

As a matter of fact, I had an argument with the one black family that lives in this complex over the weekend. This one family believes that the rules that apply to everyone only apply to them because of racisim and it's not the first time they have been a problem. I confess that I got so angry I called the man a name. Yes I did. I called him a democrat.

Which begs the question, is this feeling of vast entitlement due to the aggrevied individual being black? No. If a full examination were made, undoubtably the result would be that the handed down entitlement for past injustice is not due to skin color but because they are democrats.

Historically, slavery was opposed by white people who eventually won the initial struggle. It was white men who fought in the Civil War, the underground railroad that helped slaves escape was composed of white men and women who hid the slaves in their own homes. The entire abolitionist movement in the US and in Europe was entirely white people.

I consider you an intelligent and thoughtful person. Look at the reality and answer the question of what good is served by using the crutch of racism and slavery today? If there is a good, what is it? Is it payback, a revenge without thanks to all the people who died so that slaves could be free men? Why do black people so despise those of their own that are successful? Why do they call them Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemimas? What do these terms mean to you? Why are studious black children who want to succeed tormented and sometimes murdered by their own classmates who say they are "acting white".

Doesn't it just piss you off? Really doesn't it just piss you off when you see this? When there can be 49 deaths in one city (more than in the middle east) in a two day period don't you just get mad? If a gang of white supremacists rolled into Chicago and gunned down 49 people including a six year old girl sitting on her own porch would THAT piss you off?
There is not a single race or ethnicity that was not a slave at one time or other. Blacks have found a way to make it pay off.

They are caught in a conundrim aren't they? Slavery ended a hundred years ago, but blacks feel enslaved to this very day. No matter how successful they are, they are somehow affected by slavery. Those who do not, there's something wrong with them. They are Uncle Toms, they have deserted their people. There is no help for these people. Affirmative action hoped that the future generations of blacks would seize success and the ones who really did suffer would die off. It's not going to happen. More than that, it is clear that failure is handed down from generation to generation. To black people, success is failure. Every successful black has failed his own people by not failing himself.

Nothing can fix this. Not now, not ever.
Look at this mindset.

It really doesn't get any more racist than this.

There is not a single race or ethnicity that was not a slave at one time or other. Blacks have found a way to make it pay off.

They are caught in a conundrim aren't they? Slavery ended a hundred years ago, but blacks feel enslaved to this very day. No matter how successful they are, they are somehow affected by slavery. Those who do not, there's something wrong with them. They are Uncle Toms, they have deserted their people. There is no help for these people. Affirmative action hoped that the future generations of blacks would seize success and the ones who really did suffer would die off. It's not going to happen. More than that, it is clear that failure is handed down from generation to generation. To black people, success is failure. Every successful black has failed his own people by not failing himself.

Nothing can fix this. Not now, not ever.
Look at this mindset.

It really doesn't get any more racist than this.


It doesn't get any more racist than this.

Fear of 'acting white' can limit black children activities, researcher says | The Augusta Chronicle

“Acting white” can be a powerful accusation against someone who considers themselves black, Gross notes. That’s especially true for young people, such as high school students, who face significant peer pressure, said Gross. And sometimes, pressure can come even from parents, he added.

Academically Successful Black Males-John Young

African American Males’ Dilemma

Insinger (2004) points out that for young African American men, knowledge of the "code of the street" is particularly important in projecting manhood and commanding respect which are essential for negotiating the potentially threatening environment of the streets. If a young man does not know and abide by the street code, he places himself at peril for not only ridicule and harassment, but possibly physical harm (Insinger, 2004). Thus, African American males must adopt a veneer of toughness and lack of fear in order to earn peer respect and prevent challenges from others. In many instances, an academic orientation will not be their goal and reaching for academic excellence is completely out of the question.

Derrion Albert Video: Teen Attacked, Beaten to Death in Melee - Chicago News

No knives and no guns were used. Just fists, feet and 2-by-4s. Thursday's fight turned deadly. Three students were badly beaten, one of whom died. Derrion Albert, 16, was struck in the head by one of those boards.

This is the hard lesson some students at Fenger High School have to deal with after a day of learning. For them it's a hard lesson of reality on the streets.

I won't go into what was done to black political leaders like Cain and Rice, or Clarence Thomas.
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

lol... sounds like one of those race-based math problems we've been hearing so much about lately...

but, okay... I'll give it a try...

188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism

divided by 44 years of Affirmative Action

equals 4.2727...

so Affirmative Action is 4.2727 times as destructive as slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism...
Obvious answer is that being black is as inconsequential as having brown or blue eyes. Being democrat is something that can't be fixed.
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

lol... sounds like one of those race-based math problems we've been hearing so much about lately...

but, okay... I'll give it a try...

188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism

divided by 44 years of Affirmative Action

equals 4.2727...

so Affirmative Action is 4.2727 times as destructive as slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism...

but wait...

Affirmative Action = government-sanctioned institutionalized racism...

hmmm... so...

188-44 = 44(x)

(188-44)/44 = x

x = 3.2727...

so Affirmative Action is only 3.2727 times as destructive as slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism...
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Well if you need special privileges for something you didnt experience I need to be paid for not putting you through that experience.

See how that works.

No one who had their rights denied under Jim Crow is alive today?
I'm still waiting to see if my answer to the math problem is correct...
OK, break time...

Blacks are highly dependent on AA not because of slavery, but because of low IQ's.

That isn't going to change.

So absent AA, blacks would be doing even worse than they are now, if you can imagine that.

The solution is racial separation.
OK, break time...

Blacks are highly dependent on AA not because of slavery, but because of low IQ's.

That isn't going to change.

So absent AA, blacks would be doing even worse than they are now, if you can imagine that.

The solution is racial separation.

Then why are white women the largest benefactors of Affirmative Action?

"Blacks are highly dependent on AA"? What percentage of blacks get into school or get jobs due to AA?
Why is 44 years of Affirmative Action equal to 188 years of slavery, Jim Crow and government-sanctioned institutionalized racism?

Well if you need special privileges for something you didnt experience I need to be paid for not putting you through that experience.

See how that works.

No one who had their rights denied under Jim Crow is alive today?

Are you looking for reparations for those specific individuals?

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