Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

The morning after pill can only be taken within 72 hours to be at all effective and is most effective within 24 hours
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

Leftists by nature project personal responsibility onto the govt. due their dependencies & rejection of accountability. You're suggesting a leftist should be prepared for their boners, but that's asking a lot for a people who operate on emotions as opposed practicing rational thought & exercising due care.
Do your own research.
Again, you have nothing. All you have to do is ask a lefty for details and if their talking points don't have them, they have nothing to say. But if they have other stuff, then losing the abortion business won't be an issue for them, so that's good.

Really? I'm the retard? First of all, I don't live in California. And, you're own link says you are wrong. So who's the retard now?

That shit is only available to "eligible low income (under 200% federal poverty level) residents."

Not free for everyone.
The Morning after pill is free to anyone - lying fuckwad.
Please apologize and admit you were wrong. The link you provided showed that it is only free to eligible low income (under 200% federal poverty level) residents.

So not free to anyone. You called me a lying fuckwad. You were wrong. So, were you lying? If I wasn't, you must be the liar. Right? You lying Fuckwad?
The morning after pill can only be taken within 72 hours to be at all effective and is most effective within 24 hours

Yes stupid fuck, a woman takes it when they have unprotected sex.

Most of the time you use normal contraceptive, like people with IQ's above 10 do...

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