Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

Who's "we"? You didn't fight that war.. unless you are 170 years old or something.

The only reason the US fought a war to end slavery is a bunch of dumb conservatives in the South (who called themselves Democrats) tried to secede... Otherwise it probably would have taken decades to end the practice.

Joeb Stalin.

Most likely there are night classes in your area, free of charge for those like you, that could teach you elementary US History, so you don't reveal yourself as such a fucking retard here...
I love how the truth of history changes to whatever current political morality is most prevalent.

Sure...there was slavery in the South. But this was partially due to it being legal and more importantly due to the economic oppression of the northern states trying to impoverish the southern states. And the North also had something worse than slavery...child labor. These practice was essentially economic slavery. It kept children out of school and climbing inside of moving machinery...yes, they were often killed or maimed...then discarded and left to starve to death on their own...out of sight and mind. Orphans especially were susceptible to getting economically enslaved to northern factories.
Just saying...
If the North had actually paid a fair price for the agricultural products of the South...the South wouldn't have had to purchase slaves...and South America (Brazil and etc) had slaves until almost the 20th century...just saying.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot

hormone therapy affects different women differently.
I love how the truth of history changes to whatever current political morality is most prevalent.

Sure...there was slavery in the South. But this was partially due to it being legal and more importantly due to the economic oppression of the northern states trying to impoverish the southern states. And the North also had something worse than slavery...child labor. These practice was essentially economic slavery. It kept children out of school and climbing inside of moving machinery...yes, they were often killed or maimed...then discarded and left to starve to death on their own...out of sight and mind. Orphans especially were susceptible to getting economically enslaved to northern factories.
Just saying...
If the North had actually paid a fair price for the agricultural products of the South...the South wouldn't have had to purchase slaves...and South America (Brazil and etc) had slaves until almost the 20th century...just saying.


The South, much of it acquired from France or Spain, held European culture and retained the foundation of feudalism. Slavery in the south (as opposed to the North) was concentrated in the plantations, which were in reality nothing more than fiefs with Lords and Barons ruling their little kingdoms. African slaves on the plantations were treated no differently than serfs in Spain and France traditionally were treated - which was in fact pretty shitty. The worked the land and the feudal lord took the proceeds.

Economically, slavery was a bad idea and a failure. That's why cotton from France, transported across the Atlantic, was less expensive than cotton from the South. Yields from an acre of land with freehold farmers in the North were 17 times that of an acre of land in the Antebellum South. Free people are simply more productive when they work for themselves.

At the time of the Civil War, industry was still in it's infancy. Child labor would become a problem 50 years later.
hormone therapy affects different women differently.

Are you lying that the morning after pill isn't effective?

Abortion is a religion to you fucking ghouls, simple as that. You want to kill babies.

I don't go for conspiracy theories, Pizza Gate, Russian Collusion, Bigfoot, all that shit.

But given the lust you Nazis have for baby killing, I do wonder at times if there is something to the Adrenochrome thing...

There is no such thing as an "unwanted pregnancy" in 2021. Any woman who doesn't want to get pregnant in America, won't.
Is it? Why is my nephew paying for it then? Show me where I can get one free.

If you use the pill you can't make money off of baby parts...

There's certainly something driving the ghouls. There is absolutely no need for abortion in 2021 America.

Is it religious? Infant sacrifice to Satan? Is it the Adrenochrome that the conspiracists talk about? Or body parts?

There is SOMETHING that make the ghouls reject birth control in favor of infanticide.
Did you think the infant sacrifice of Abortion, going to a public clinic to have your baby killed by ghouls, is a "pleasant experience" (for anyone not harvesting Adrenochrome..)

Oh, no, it isn't. Neither is having an unwanted pregnancy and facing a lifetime of economic ruin.

So all the options are kind of bad here... but taking a pill and forcing yourself to have a period isn't a good policy every time you have sex.

Most likely there are night classes in your area, free of charge for those like you, that could teach you elementary US History, so you don't reveal yourself as such a fucking retard here...

Sorry, bud, I have a degree in history for an actual university... what do you have, exactly?

The person in question was claiming "we" fought a war to end slavery... Nope "we" didn't. that happened 170 years ago and all those people are dead now and they weren't fighting over slavery, according to Southern Apologists, anyway...
Oh, no, it isn't. Neither is having an unwanted pregnancy and facing a lifetime of economic ruin.
There is no such thing as an "unwanted pregnancy" in 2021. Any woman who gets pregnant wants to . Contraception including plan B and the morning after pill is cheap or free.

You ghouls try and pretend that the infant sacrifice you engage in is "birth control," and that it is the ONLY form of birth control that exists.

It's a lie, and a stupid one. Your lust for killing babies is driven by a much different motive.

So all the options are kind of bad here... but taking a pill and forcing yourself to have a period isn't a good policy every time you have sex.


So, are you saying women should have abortions every time they have sex? Are women nothing but Adrenochrome factories to be harvested by you ghouls?

Sorry, bud, I have a degree in history for an actual university... what do you have, exactly?

An Sc.D. an MBA, and two baccalaureate degrees, information technology and business. Delta Mu Delta (twice inducted). Suma Cum Laude on the undergrad.

But people can say anything on the interwebz. You demonstrate ZERO knowledge of history. Anyone who has engaged me on economics is unlikely to question my credentials. Your "history" all seems to stem from leftist hate sites.

The person in question was claiming "we" fought a war to end slavery... Nope "we" didn't. that happened 170 years ago and all those people are dead now and they weren't fighting over slavery, according to Southern Apologists, anyway...
You are as dishonest as you are ignorant.

The Republican party fought and defeated the democrat party in the first civil war due to the democrat demands of additional slave states and violations of the Missouri Compromise.

{Jeffersonian Republicans in the North ardently maintained that a strict interpretation of the Constitution required that Congress act to limit the spread of slavery on egalitarian grounds. "[Northern] Republicans rooted their antislavery arguments, not on expediency, but in egalitarian morality."[3] "The Constitution [said northern Jeffersonians], strictly interpreted, gave the sons of the founding generation the legal tools to hasten [the] removal [of slavery], including the refusal to admit additional slave states."[4]}

You miserable, uneducated sot.
Oh, no, it isn't. Neither is having an unwanted pregnancy and facing a lifetime of economic ruin.

So all the options are kind of bad here... but taking a pill and forcing yourself to have a period isn't a good policy every time you have sex.

Sorry, bud, I have a degree in history for an actual university... what do you have, exactly?

The person in question was claiming "we" fought a war to end slavery... Nope "we" didn't. that happened 170 years ago and all those people are dead now and they weren't fighting over slavery, according to Southern Apologists, anyway...
wow, how do they do it in China and India? wow you havve a really sick take on human life.....
And if it's really that bad, close your fucking legs........it's not that hard.

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