Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

Im not on the left and i am pro choice. And i also thinks its a big deal.
Abortion itself is an abomination to civilization. However, so is forced gestation.
the latter being much worse.
well there you go. Now abortion is murder of a human. unless of course a fetus isn't human? Is that what you're saying there?


There is nothing wrong with your views such as that abortion is murder of a human being.

The problem is when you decide to use government force to compel others to follow your view. Isn't that exactly what you hate about the left, that they use government force to compel others to do what they believe removing our choices? It's what I hate about the left.

You have no right to force a woman to carry a baby to term in her body by aiming guns at her. You do have a right to try to persuade her to do it by convincing her it's a human being
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

The left gets off on killing kids.
Private enterprise. Look it up. I know you really, really want to nationalize social media ('cause you're such a libertarian and all) but I can't abide that.

First you flat out lied, I never said I'm "such" a libertarian. I said libertarian. In no way have I claimed in any terms that I'm further libertarian than libertarians. You pulled that out of your ass, where you get more of your garbage.

And again, you say "private enterprise" when you say it's fine that government monitors social media and tells them what to suppress and they do it. You're a total fucking moron. There is nothing "private enterprise" about that
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

Unless it's needed to save the mothers life or the baby will be born severely deformed or brain dead, or some other medical need there is no need for an abortion really.

It's one thing to kill an adult because of things they have done, but it's something else to kill an unborn child because you have buyers remorse or you were irresponsible.

Abortion is a big deal to the left because they can use it to escape responsibility. That's why they love it because they love to not have personal responsibility on anything. The woman gets Prego, no big deal, get an abortion. They care so little for others they think it's ok to kill a baby. And that's exactly what it is, child murder. Sure if you abort a tiny fetus it doesn't look like a baby, but if you had left it alone it would have been a baby in just a few months.
First you flat out lied, I never said I'm "such" a libertarian. I said libertarian. In no way have I claimed in any terms that I'm further libertarian than libertarians. You pulled that out of your ass, where you get more of your garbage.
That was sarcasm. I know you're not "such" a libertarian.
And again, you say "private enterprise" when you say it's fine that government monitors social media and tells them what to suppress and they do it.
Quote or STFU, liar
Unless it's needed to save the mothers life or the baby will be born severely deformed or brain dead, or some other medical need there is no need for an abortion really.

It's one thing to kill an adult because of things they have done, but it's something else to kill an unborn child because you have buyers remorse or you were irresponsible.

Abortion is a big deal to the left because they can use it to escape responsibility. That's why they love it because they love to not have personal responsibility on anything. The woman gets Prego, no big deal, get an abortion. They care so little for others they think it's ok to kill a baby. And that's exactly what it is, child murder. Sure if you abort a tiny fetus it doesn't look like a baby, but if you had left it alone it would have been a baby in just a few months.
Exactly....personal responsibility is Kryptonite to the Dimmer.
The left gets off on killing kids.

And in this case, the left is way disproportionately killing blacks. The Democrat party is filled with nothing but racism and again here they probe they are racists. Why would the Democrat party, the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning, segregation suddenly care about killing millions of blacks? Democrats keep poor blacks poor by importing illegals to take their jobs and drive down wages. I'm pro-choice, but the hypocrisy of the left just so completely stand out
And lizards.

Also, Nazis.

Yes Democrats are Nazis. So are the sycophants who suck up to them. You know, you.

So note that in defending Democrats, here's a point you ignored and you will ignore it again with me pointing it out.

Democrats consistently say that government not paying for abortions is denying women abortions. What do you say to that with your anti government making our choices with force views that come and go? Nothing, right? Be honest
Yes Democrats are Nazis. So are the sycophants who suck up to them. You know, you.

So note that in defending Democrats, here's a point you ignored and you will ignore it again with me pointing it out.

Democrats consistently say that government not paying for abortions is denying women abortions. What do you say to that with your anti government making our choices with force views that come and go? Nothing, right? Be honest
Tell about the lizards, George.
Can't find any quotes to back up your lie, can you?


dblack still swimming in the kiddy pool. Seriously, that's what you have? Taunting me to provide a quote that if you get it you will ignore? That's what's in your pants? Can't get it up, huh?

You ignored me asking you the most basic question of all, to explain your ideology. You refused because it is totally inconsistent.

You want me to answer your questions? Answer mine, jackass
dblack still swimming in the kiddy pool. Seriously, that's what you have? Taunting me to provide a quote that if you get it you will ignore?
Nuthin', eh?
You want me to answer your questions?

Nah. I want you to suck a tailpipe. Do that instead!

Or, keep making up idiotic crap. That's pretty funny too.l
Nuthin'. Got it.

Nah. I want you to suck a tailpipe. Do that instead!

Or, keep making up idiotic crap. That's pretty funny too.l

A coward dies a thousand deaths. You must be getting there

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