Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

Still nuthin'? Called out on a lie, and hiding. Sorry man.

So this is your standard? So when I asked you your views and you couldn't answer, you were "Called out on a lie, and hiding?"
Because if you truly care about the fetus, you'll admit even the morning after pill is murder and you'd outlaw it.
there is no fetus at that point. You're fking screwy that's all. takes 72 hours.
Ok cool good answer. Chillax.
why would I answer any differently? did I make a point somewhere else that suggested such a thing? abortion is killing a human being. until you can explain what a fetus is other than human, I'm all ears.
why would I answer any differently? did I make a point somewhere else that suggested such a thing? abortion is killing a human being. until you can explain what a fetus is other than human, I'm all ears.
I didn't realize you guys were cool with the morning after pill. I'm glad. It's an alternative. Although I'd subsodize it so it was cheaper than $50 through planned parenthood.
So this is your standard? So when I asked you your views and you couldn't answer, you were "Called out on a lie, and hiding?"
You didn't ask about my views, douchebag. You made a claim you can't defend, because it was an obvious lie, and now you're running from it.
I didn't realize you guys were cool with the morning after pill. I'm glad. It's an alternative. Although I'd subsodize it so it was cheaper than $50 through planned parenthood.
just give me the money, I'll buy beer.
just give me the money, I'll buy beer.
I'd rather give it to poor people who can't afford such a pill. What's the big deal? You may vote against something like that why? Anyone who makes under a certain amount can get the morning after for $20. Cool with that?
You didn't ask about my views, douchebag. You made a claim you can't defend, because it was an obvious lie, and now you're running from it.

You're a liar, I clearly asked you about your views and you refused to answer. It was a sincere question and you blew me off because you're a coward.

Your rules are if I ask you a question you are free to refuse to answer. If you ask me, I am compelled to answer.

I reject that stupid shit. Summarize your views clearly and I'll answer your question. I asked first
Righties are using the argument, "if you could ask the unborn if they would have preferred to be born what do you think they would say?"

So based on that argument, the morning after pill should be just as repulsive to you guys as an abortion. If it's not, explain why not.

And for the record, yes, my rich nephew can afford $50 for the morning after pill. A lot of poor people can't. Again, righties want to punish the poor with their rules and they know these rules don't apply to them. They, you, can afford the morning after pill. A lot of poor people can't or they take their chances and OH FUCK.

The Morning after pill is free to anyone - lying fuckwad.
And we know that you're not any such libertarian - not by any stretch of the imagination.

Funny how you clash with everyone who promotes and supports the ideals of Rothbard and Browne...

No, not funny - just revealing.
Not as funny as all the bullshit accusations you whack jobs come up with - and then never back up.

All because I won't bend over for Donny like you do. Too bad.
Not as funny as all the bullshit accusations you whack jobs come up with - and then never back up.

All because I won't bend over for Donny like you do. Too bad.

Every post you make backs it up....

Dude, you are in 100% agreement with the Marxists. Your friends here are Creepy Chang, Lesh, Lakhota, Synthaholic, et al.

You've never met a collectivist you didn't agree with.

The anarcho-capitalists you have a real problem with, though.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

do you even understand how a morning after pill works? It works by forcing a woman to have her period out of cycle by giving her a shot of hormones... It's not a pleasant expeirence and it's only effective a couple of days after she has sex.
Because conservatives are against it.

Here's the thing, they shouldn't be.

When Roe was decided in 1973, FIVE of the seven justices who voted for it were appointed by Nixon and Eisenhower. And it made sense from a Conservative/Libertarian point of view. They were getting rid of unworkable laws that were an imposition on personal rights.

So what happened? The unholy marriage of the Conservative Movement with religious fanatics. Before Roe, evangelicals didn't care that much about abortion. Abortion was seen as "a Catholic Thing". Then they realized that they needed an issue to get asses back into pews after segregation was no longer a winning issue for them.

Anti-abortion Conservatives are pretty much at odds with the underlying principle that most of us SHOULD be free of government interference.
We didn't own Slaves, either.

But we fought a war against dimocrap scum to end the practice.

Morality is not in your vocabulary. You're a dimocrap scumbag.

Who's "we"? You didn't fight that war.. unless you are 170 years old or something.

The only reason the US fought a war to end slavery is a bunch of dumb conservatives in the South (who called themselves Democrats) tried to secede... Otherwise it probably would have taken decades to end the practice.
do you even understand how a morning after pill works? It works by forcing a woman to have her period out of cycle by giving her a shot of hormones... It's not a pleasant expeirence and it's only effective a couple of days after she has sex.


Wait, so?

Did you think the infant sacrifice of Abortion, going to a public clinic to have your baby killed by ghouls, is a "pleasant experience" (for anyone not harvesting Adrenochrome..)

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