Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

Please apologize and admit you were wrong. The link you provided showed that it is only free to eligible low income (under 200% federal poverty level) residents.

So not free to anyone. You called me a lying fuckwad. You were wrong. So, were you lying? If I wasn't, you must be the liar. Right? You lying Fuckwad?

I'm not wrong. If you have an income, it's low cost, if you're one of Joe's illegals, it's free.
There is no such thing as an "unwanted pregnancy" in 2021. Any woman who gets pregnant wants to . Contraception including plan B and the morning after pill is cheap or free.

Works on the assumption that women think that far in advance (or men do, for that matter.) God only gave you enough blood to operate your brain or your genitals, but not both at the same time.

On a serious note, when I was in the service, right after College, I knew this gal who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. She wasn't a stupid woman. College educated, Asian American, from a strict Catholic family. And she stopped taking birth control because the hormones were messing with her body, (she said) or because she was trying to force the marriage issue with this guy (what a lot of us in her circle for friends suspected).

either way, she got knocked up, and had an abortion, because she didn't want her parents to know that she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

You ghouls try and pretend that the infant sacrifice you engage in is "birth control," and that it is the ONLY form of birth control that exists.

Not at all. There are a lot of other forms of birth control. Abortion is the only one that is 100% effective.

It's a lie, and a stupid one. Your lust for killing babies is driven by a much different motive.

Actually, I've neve had an abortion, never paid for one, and never encouraged anyone to get one.

I just don't think that it's the government's business what women do with their own bodies...

So, are you saying women should have abortions every time they have sex? Are women nothing but Adrenochrome factories to be harvested by you ghouls?

Not at all.. now, not knowing what bit of crazy you are talking about with Adrenochrome, (I'm sure I really, really don't want to know, either.) the reality is, women will not get pregnant every time they have sex. Sometimes they use other birth control, sometimes they don't but don't get pregnant. But rushing out the next morning every time you have sex and pumping your body full of hormones is not a practical strategy.

Seriously, do you not know how lady parts work? Asking for a friend.

An Sc.D. an MBA, and two baccalaureate degrees, information technology and business. Delta Mu Delta (twice inducted). Suma Cum Laude on the undergrad.

Sure you do, buddy, sure you do... I guess anyone can claim anything on the interwebz...
Works on the assumption that women think that far in advance (or men do, for that matter.) God only gave you enough blood to operate your brain or your genitals, but not both at the same time.

Ever notice that it's Nazi men who are so fanatical about promoting abortion?

No dumbfuck the point to plan b and the morning after pill are that they didn't plan ahead, so they ensure that if the sex they had would result in pregnancy, it doesn't.

Abortion is an invasive, surgical procedure - the idea that it is somehow preferable to a pill is about as stupid as it gets.

But you ghouls NEED abortion, for some reason.

On a serious note, when I was in the service, right after College, I knew this gal who was dating one of my fellow NCO's. She wasn't a stupid woman. College educated, Asian American, from a strict Catholic family. And she stopped taking birth control because the hormones were messing with her body, (she said) or because she was trying to force the marriage issue with this guy (what a lot of us in her circle for friends suspected).

either way, she got knocked up, and had an abortion, because she didn't want her parents to know that she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

So she chose to get pregnant, then killed the baby because he plot to entrap the boyfriend failed.

Tell me ghoul, if she killed the boyfriend because he didn't want to marry her, would you still defend it? What's the difference?

Not at all. There are a lot of other forms of birth control. Abortion is the only one that is 100% effective.


The lies you ghouls tell. The rest are over 99% effective.

Actually, I've neve had an abortion, never paid for one, and never encouraged anyone to get one.

I just don't think that it's the government's business what women do with their own bodies...

You have some sort of financial or religious stake in promoting abortion. You campaign against birth control because you want to ensure that there are as many abortions as possible.

What is it that makes you ghouls lust after killing babies? Sacrifice to Moloch? Are the conspiracy kooks right? Do you get some Adrenochrome shit from the dead babies? Are you selling body parts? They're so small - but then there was the who fetal stem cell thing - which was a hoax - but you ghouls pushed it to increase abortions.

There is something that makes you obsessed with killing the most defenseless members of society. Are you just evil? You just love to kill? There is something very, VERY sick about you.

Not at all.. now, not knowing what bit of crazy you are talking about with Adrenochrome, (I'm sure I really, really don't want to know, either.) the reality is, women will not get pregnant every time they have sex. Sometimes they use other birth control, sometimes they don't but don't get pregnant. But rushing out the next morning every time you have sex and pumping your body full of hormones is not a practical strategy.

Seriously, do you not know how lady parts work? Asking for a friend.

Adrenochrome is a conspiracy theory that says sick fucks like you extract a magical chemical from children when you kill them. I generally laugh at idiotic conspiracy theories like Russian Collusion, big foot, and shit.

But there is SOMETHING driving you sick fucks in your crusade to kill babies.

As already proven, there is no such thing as an unwanted pregnancy. You WANT women to get pregnant so they will have abortions. You LIE about safe and effective birth control to try and trick women into pregnancy so that your beloved baby killing can continue.

There is SOMETHING driving you sick fucks in your crusade to kill babies.

Sure you do, buddy, sure you do... I guess anyone can claim anything on the interwebz...

Whatever. We know that you have zero knowledge of history.
I looked up Adrenochrome...

Yes, it's every bit as crazy as I thought it would be.

Yet you sick fucks lie about the efficacy of contraception in your crusade to promote abortion as the only form of birth control.

You oppose safe and effective birth control because it interferes with abortion. There is SOMETHING driving you sick fucks in your crusade to kill babies.
Adrenochrome asshole?

But not Q right?

Never did read, did you Leech?

So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Nothing is fool proof.......and then you forget why most women support abortion. Not as birth control so much, but in cases of rape or the pregnancy being that of a dead or deformed child. Very few women use abortion as birth control-----those that do should not be having kids and multiple abortions thankfully have an added side effect of sometimes causing infertility. Ergo its a win win for those that actually care about the offspring and the mothers.

Attacking abortions is why so many women have become democrats--especially young women. You anti-abortionists push them to do so.
Where are all the posts from women born before 1950? when it was illegal? And does anyone believe we would be having this conversation if men could get pregnant?
Ever notice that it's Nazi men who are so fanatical about promoting abortion?

No dumbfuck the point to plan b and the morning after pill are that they didn't plan ahead, so they ensure that if the sex they had would result in pregnancy, it doesn't.

Abortion is an invasive, surgical procedure - the idea that it is somehow preferable to a pill is about as stupid as it gets.

But you ghouls NEED abortion, for some reason.

I don't promote or discourage abortion, I simply realize that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.

So she chose to get pregnant, then killed the baby because he plot to entrap the boyfriend failed.

Tell me ghoul, if she killed the boyfriend because he didn't want to marry her, would you still defend it? What's the difference?

If she killed that guy, I would have been fine with it, he was an asshole.

But on a serious note, she was kind of stupid. She also got back with the same guy a year later and the same thing happened. I stopped talking to either one of them after that.

Of course, fetuses aren't people. So while I wish she had practiced better birth control or had better sense about men, I just can't get that worked up about it.

The lies you ghouls tell. The rest are over 99% effective.

WHEN USED PROPERLY. Again, when blood if flowing to your nether regions, you aren't always thinking clearly.

You have some sort of financial or religious stake in promoting abortion. You campaign against birth control because you want to ensure that there are as many abortions as possible.

I do have a financial stake. The right wing in this country has spent 50 years getting stupid Christians to vote against their own economic interests by whining about the contents of medical waste containers. Unfortunately, they also vote against mine.

What is it that makes you ghouls lust after killing babies? Sacrifice to Moloch? Are the conspiracy kooks right? Do you get some Adrenochrome shit from the dead babies? Are you selling body parts? They're so small - but then there was the who fetal stem cell thing - which was a hoax - but you ghouls pushed it to increase abortions.

Actually, I would agree with you... the fetal stem cell thing was oversold, which is why you don't hear that much about it nowadays. Of course, you don't know if something will work until you actually try it.

But the Andrenochrome, that's just the crazy talking.

There is something that makes you obsessed with killing the most defenseless members of society. Are you just evil? You just love to kill? There is something very, VERY sick about you.
Actually, it's called "being a pragmatist". Let's go back to my Asian lady friend.

She was brought up in a VERY religious household. She was a very devout Catholic (my atheism was a sticking point with her.) Still didn't stop her from sending two fetuses to medical waste containers. The reality is, there were just as many abortions performed before Roe as there were after Roe. Doctors performed them, wrote something else down on the chart, insurance happily paid for it because it was cheaper than maternity costs.

Adrenochrome is a conspiracy theory that says sick fucks like you extract a magical chemical from children when you kill them. I generally laugh at idiotic conspiracy theories like Russian Collusion, big foot, and shit.

But there is SOMETHING driving you sick fucks in your crusade to kill babies.

Yeah, it's called Pragmatism. It's this magical chemical where you deal with the world as it is, instead of how you want it be.

Now, Ideally, I would be fine with LESS abortions... it's just a matter of how you get there. You want less abortions, there's a way to get there... comprehensive sex education, ready availability of contraceptives, universal health care, paid family leave. You know, things you guys oppose for religious or economic reasons.

As already proven, there is no such thing as an unwanted pregnancy. You WANT women to get pregnant so they will have abortions. You LIE about safe and effective birth control to try and trick women into pregnancy so that your beloved baby killing can continue.

There is SOMETHING driving you sick fucks in your crusade to kill babies.

Works on the assumption that people work with machine like logic. They don't.

Whatever. We know that you have zero knowledge of history.

The University of Illinois says otherwise...
I'm not wrong. If you have an income, it's low cost, if you're one of Joe's illegals, it's free.
You're not wrong? Fuck you liar. You said "The Morning after pill is free to anyone - lying fuckwad."

So you were wrong. I like how you tried to reword what you said in light of the evidence you lying fuckwad.
I don't promote or discourage abortion, I simply realize that if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she'll find a way to not be pregnant.


You're entire existence is based on demanding every woman or girl become abortion factories. Based on this board, there is nothing in this universe you love as much as killing babies.

If she killed that guy, I would have been fine with it, he was an asshole.

But on a serious note, she was kind of stupid. She also got back with the same guy a year later and the same thing happened. I stopped talking to either one of them after that.
So you just like killing.

Well, you are a Nazi after all....
Of course, fetuses aren't people.

Like Jews then? At least your type is consistent.

You dehumanize your victims.

So while I wish she had practiced better birth control or had better sense about men, I just can't get that worked up about it.

Moloch was pleased, your sacrament was made.

WHEN USED PROPERLY. Again, when blood if flowing to your nether regions, you aren't always thinking clearly.

When not use properly, there is the morning after pill and plan B.

If you could, would you outlaw these are infringing on the holy sacrament of Abortion?

I do have a financial stake. The right wing in this country has spent 50 years getting stupid Christians to vote against their own economic interests by whining about the contents of medical waste containers. Unfortunately, they also vote against mine.

So, you sell fetal body parts then?
Actually, I would agree with you... the fetal stem cell thing was oversold, which is why you don't hear that much about it nowadays. Of course, you don't know if something will work until you actually try it.

But you sell kidneys and hearts?

But the Andrenochrome, that's just the crazy talking.

Usually I would agree, but those like you attack birth control to promote abortion. Those who lust after anything the way you do are driven by some motive.

Actually, it's called "being a pragmatist". Let's go back to my Asian lady friend.

Actually, it's called "crimes against humanity." You are in the ranks of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Castro, Idi Amin, Kim, et al. You promote the mass slaughter of innocents.

I'm not religious, but some days wish there was a hell to punish ghouls like you for the crimes you promote.
She was brought up in a VERY religious household. She was a very devout Catholic (my atheism was a sticking point with her.) Still didn't stop her from sending two fetuses to medical waste containers. The reality is, there were just as many abortions performed before Roe as there were after Roe. Doctors performed them, wrote something else down on the chart, insurance happily paid for it because it was cheaper than maternity costs.

Far more expensive than a prescription for the pill though - but that isn't the point, is it?

Yeah, it's called Pragmatism. It's this magical chemical where you deal with the world as it is, instead of how you want it be.

Now, Ideally, I would be fine with LESS abortions... it's just a matter of how you get there. You want less abortions, there's a way to get there... comprehensive sex education, ready availability of contraceptives, universal health care, paid family leave. You know, things you guys oppose for religious or economic reasons.


You are a zealot seeking to increase abortion.
Works on the assumption that people work with machine like logic. They don't.

Do you consider yourself human? Can you be as vile with your lust for slaughter of the innocent and actually be "human?"

The University of Illinois says otherwise...

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