Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

You're entire existence is based on demanding every woman or girl become abortion factories. Based on this board, there is nothing in this universe you love as much as killing babies.

Really? I doubt posts about abortion make up 10% of what I post about here.

In fact, looking at the Handy-Dandy Watched threads board, of what I've talked about in last two days.

I've partcipated in 20 threads, and only this one is about abortion.

So you just like killing.
Wow, so you don't understand humor at all, do you?

Actually, the way he treated this girl, I wouldn't have been shocked by a homicide...

Like Jews then? At least your type is consistent.

You dehumanize your victims.

Yawn, fetuses aren't the Jews, they aren't slaves, they aren't any other group of actual people you want to compare them to.

Most fetuses when aborted are the size of a kidney bean and look like a cocktail shrimp.

Moloch was pleased, your sacrament was made.
Naw, man, if I'm going to worship an imaginary pixie in the sky, I'm going with Amaterasu... because a universe where the supreme being is an Asian chick is kind of neat.

When not use properly, there is the morning after pill and plan B.

If you could, would you outlaw these are infringing on the holy sacrament of Abortion?

I'm getting a bit confused by your logic. Morning After Pills and Plan B destroy a newly fertilized zygote, which by your logic, is every bit as much a "baby" as a fetus at 8 weeks.

Usually I would agree, but those like you attack birth control to promote abortion. Those who lust after anything the way you do are driven by some motive.

I've explained my motive. Abortion is a rube issue, a way that the rich keep the white working class to vote against their own economic interests by playing on their sexual, religious and racial fears. This is just one of them.

Other people getting abortions has no effect on your life. But you are concerned they are doing it. The question is "Why"?

Not because you are concerned with the wellbeing of poor people or children... You guys slash programs to help them all the time.

Actually, it's called "crimes against humanity." You are in the ranks of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Castro, Idi Amin, Kim, et al. You promote the mass slaughter of innocents.

I'm not religious, but some days wish there was a hell to punish ghouls like you for the crimes you promote.
Again, buddy, I'm trying to have a rational conversation, but that's kind of hard with a fanatic.

Far more expensive than a prescription for the pill though - but that isn't the point, is it?

Meh, not really.

A morning after pill costs $49 for one dose.

the cost of a first trimester abortion is $300 on the low end.

Now, yes, if you take a morning after pill every fucking time you have sex, then you are going to run up quite a bill for morning after pills.. (Not to mention all the tampons you'd have to buy, but never mind.)

Do you consider yourself human? Can you be as vile with your lust for slaughter of the innocent and actually be "human?"

Fetuses aren't people... and women who don't want to be pregnant will find a way to not be pregnant.

You want a country that has the kinds of laws you desire? Well, fear not, there is one! It's called The Philippines.


Abortion is completely illegal except for cases where the mother's life is in danger.

And they have 500K to 800K abortions a year. More per capita than the United States.

Not for a lack of religion... they are more religious than Americans.
It is, if you can't afford it, they'll give it to you, sleazy little Nazi,
Looky what I just heard.

Abortion pills banned in Wyoming as Texas judge considers nationwide decision​

So much for states rights. I told you Republicans were lying when they said the recent decision to undo Roe V Wade wasn't a move towards trying to ban it nationally.

So on NPR they were explaining that a Trump judge just said the pill should be banned nationally. But another court right after said the opposite. Republicans are slowly trying to move us towards legislatively banning abortion of any kind. The Trump appointed judges are all Heritage Foundation judges. They are right wingers. Legislating from the bench. Slick stuff.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

Don't trust Republicans.

They lost the last midterms because their policies are too extreme. The people have spoken. But Republicans don't care. They will legislate this from the bench.

Remember when Republicans used to say Democrats were legislating from the bench? Now they don't mind it?
Looky what I just heard.

Abortion pills banned in Wyoming as Texas judge considers nationwide decision​

So much for states rights. I told you Republicans were lying when they said the recent decision to undo Roe V Wade wasn't a move towards trying to ban it nationally.

So on NPR they were explaining that a Trump judge just said the pill should be banned nationally. But another court right after said the opposite. Republicans are slowly trying to move us towards legislatively banning abortion of any kind. The Trump appointed judges are all Heritage Foundation judges. They are right wingers. Legislating from the bench. Slick stuff.
Don't forget the judge shopping...

This judge was highly unqualified for judgeship, he never even defended anyone in court...mcconnell pushed him through amongst many complaints...

Put in a position where there was only one judge....so that any case brought in that region by trumpers, would be heard by him only
IS anyone aware that a fed judge banned the pill for every one in the United States?
Yes. Unprecedented. Now ten million lawyers will use it to overturn FDA approvals or say approvals don't matter for liability. This is a BIG deal.
IS anyone aware that a fed judge banned the pill for every one in the United States?

Are you pretending to not know what this move means? This is how cons undid Roe V Wade. They had some right wing lower court judge rule on something small and then used that ruling to challenge Roe at the Supreme court level. So this lower court ruling could eventually go to the Supreme Court and they could ban the morning after pill for even us in blue states.

This is why you're going to lose 2024.

You lied and said undoing Roe was no big deal. States rights. Now you cons suddenly don't like states to have rights. Not on this one anyways.
Are you pretending to not know what this move means? This is how cons undid Roe V Wade. They had some right wing lower court judge rule on something small and then used that ruling to challenge Roe at the Supreme court level. So this lower court ruling could eventually go to the Supreme Court and they could ban the morning after pill for even us in blue states.

This is why you're going to lose 2024.

You lied and said undoing Roe was no big deal. States rights. Now you cons suddenly don't like states to have rights. Not on this one anyways.
Why would we lose?
If a young woman doesn't ever want kids that is a good thing as she has made that courageous decision. But then take steps to ensure it.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
And yet another right wing con is exposed. As if we didn't all already know it was a con.
Why would we lose?

8 million more women voters in the USA than men, that’s why.

Every state where abortion is on the ballot, even Kansas, voted in favour of preserving women’s right to proper prenatal health care. overwhelmingly.

Five pro life women in Texas, are suing the state government saying that Texas abortion laws deprived them of critical life-saving healthcare, when their pregnancies complication, required them to end their pregnancies. a woman with an ectopic pregnancy had to continue the pregnancy until her tube burst and even then, she could not get surgery so long as the fetus had a heartbeat.

The USA has the highest death rate in maternal care, delivery and childbirth in the first world. And now doctors are afraid to treat pregnant women.

Damn Skippy Republicans are going to lose. Bigly.
8 million more women voters in the USA than men, that’s why.

Every state where abortion is on the ballot, even Kansas, voted in favour of preserving women’s right to proper prenatal health care. overwhelmingly.

Five pro life women in Texas, are suing the state government saying that Texas abortion laws deprived them of critical life-saving healthcare, when their pregnancies complication, required them to end their pregnancies. a woman with an ectopic pregnancy had to continue the pregnancy until her tube burst and even then, she could not get surgery so long as the fetus had a heartbeat.

The USA has the highest death rate in maternal care, delivery and childbirth in the first world. And now doctors are afraid to treat pregnant women.

Damn Skippy Republicans are going to lose. Bigly.
So you know how they will vote? Where?

They all call you? Write? Email?

Why have elections if you all know already?

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