Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

To quote my husband, "The average person is stupid. So then half the people are more stupid than that."


That means a lot of people will take stupid risks thinking they can't get pg "the first time", or don't know HOW they get pg, or they can't get pg right after their period or right before, or any number of really downright ignorant things. Then they will think they aren't pg because they're not nauseous, or they're breasts don't hurt, or they're not tired, or whatever.

Never underestimate the general stupidity of many people.

All this to say they will be 12 or 14 weeks pg before they even know it. Sadly. Tragically. I wish this were not the case and I'm a 100% pro-life. But to say no one should need abortion because we have excellent birth control is to momentarily forget hubby's saying up there. :10:
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
It's not.

It's a big deal for the right, that's why conservatives continue to try to ban abortion in violation of the Constitution.

You people look to extend the point of abortion to where the baby is partially out of the womb if not completely out of the womb. Then again, it is also you people that want to push healthcare models that have elders’ lives determined by panels.
You are misinformed.
She did speak in front of the KKK. She may not have been more racist than some people back then but she definitely believed that poor people should not reproduce from what I have read. And yes, you are sorry.

At the time she spoke to the KKK, the KKK was a respected national political organization with millions of members whose endorsement was sought by politicians of both parties.

Poor people shouldn't reproduce. That just perpetuates poverty. The thing that separates a rich country from a poor one is easy access to contraception.

I'm sorry I have to spend so much time correcting your profound ignorance...
Planned Parenthood was started by a eugenics sycophant and racist. 19mil black babies killed since PP began.

Sorry, man, Sanger wasn't racist. (Or at least, she was a lot less racist than everyone else in 1925)
She opposed abortion. In her time, before anti-biotics, it was a pretty dangerous procedure.
Eugenics wasn't seen as a bad idea at the time. It actually had a lot of scientific validity. It's why we are mapping the human genome now.

She did speak in front of the KKK. She may not have been more racist than some people back then but she definitely believed that poor people should not reproduce from what I have read. And yes, you are sorry.
She believed poor women with 6 to 10 children already, whose husband could not feed the children they had already, should be educated on how to prevent pregnancy. The wealthy and more educated women already knew how to prevent pregnancy and practice birth control.... the men had Sanger arrested for teaching women about how you get pregnant. She was anti abortion.... She wanted to prevent the tenth baby, before the pregnancy.
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would women be as willing to get pregnant if they could apply for unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed?
She did speak in front of the KKK. She may not have been more racist than some people back then but she definitely believed that poor people should not reproduce from what I have read. And yes, you are sorry.

At the time she spoke to the KKK, the KKK was a respected national political organization with millions of members whose endorsement was sought by politicians of both parties.

Poor people shouldn't reproduce. That just perpetuates poverty. The thing that separates a rich country from a poor one is easy access to contraception.

I'm sorry I have to spend so much time correcting your profound ignorance...

Yet many did not like the KKK. Radical Islam groups have millions of members doesn’t mean they are liked and respected. Your second part is not true. Her reasoning was that middle class and rich were too busy working while the poor had a lot of time
To have kids. Not exactly because of contraception. And again yes, you are sorry.
I see a lot of anger and extreme views here, what I don't see is WHY people who don't know about Abortion history BEFORE Roe vs. Wade came along, insist it is a private matter that all the states (BOTH Democrats and Republicans) denied to women, who were then forced into back alley style abortions, often with damage and even tragic results. Meanwhile the Conservatives of Today still carry the attitudes of the States that legislatively denied abortion for many decades, while the Liberals have learned to ignore everything Conservatives bring up, some that are actually reasonable.

Conservatives insist Abortion is Murder, while Liberals insist it is a private matter to kill a life, both positions are 100% into their position without any hint of Compromise, which means that both groups are extremists. That is why it will never be resolved as long as enough extremists on both sides have control over their position. Neither side willing to make compromises to end this standoff over a rather simple controversy. This thread is a classic example of hardened positions, which I view are being overly emotional, hostile and even stupid.

I consider that IRRATIONAL behavior, since life is terminated in so many ways, some so much more disturbingly. Millions die every year to diseases, Famine, Cancer, murder, accidents and so on. Life doesn't seem so sacrosanct or precious since death can come at anytime, to ANYONE! Conservatives claims that life is holy/sacrosanct which is absurd as the evidence is all around you that life is always fragile and easily crushed, everyone ultimately dies. Liberals at times show a casual approach to ending a life in their bodies, some even treat it as a form of birth control. Neither side really respects life fully with those viewpoints.

Have you watched Animal kingdom shows where EVERY Day lions, Cheetahs, Leopards, Hyenas, Jaguars and many more Predators swoop down on their prey in gory fashion, sometimes being eaten while still alive, animals that get drenched with blood all over their bodies, I am sure those Conservative will weep over those gentile grass eaters violent deaths...……, its a hard world out there where life is crushed so casually and easily on a daily basis. Yet to Conservatives, Abortions should be 100% prevented, an illogical approach, since you will never meet 99% of the people who does it. How can it be so personal to you when you NEVER see it first hand! This is a BIG world we live in, you get angry when Mugabe in Africa has someone murdered, did you speak up for the dead person? Weep over that dead person?

My wife had TWO abortions (within two weeks of conception, both times) done in my home, using a chemical that induces it, the cost was $250 each from Planned Parenthood. It was done because the father of the aborted tissue were from another man, which I can't allow come to term in MY family. Those are VALID examples of having an abortion, one that Conservatives would condemn me for, I say you are an idiot, since it is NONE of your freaking business on how I protect my family's bloodline and manage my family size and health.

Meanwhile I see too many Liberals get abortions over and over, indicating that their decisions to preventing their pregnancies are not being pursued, they seems to care less about it, which understandably bother Conservatives who have to foot some of the cost for their immaturity. That is what Liberals bothers me a lot on is their insistence that institutions that does abortions are getting some of their funding from American Taxpayers, after all they say it is their bodies thus their decision to have abortions, but unfair to people who don't believe in them, who are forced to partially subsidize them, who don't do abortions at all. If it is indeed YOUR body, your decision as you liberals like to say all the time about getting an abortion, then YOU PAY FOR IT!

I paid for mine out of my wallet both times since it was MY personal decision to do it, did any Conservative get injured over MY decision? Did you weep over a small pile of black and red colored slimy cells you never met?

The only possible solution is a Compromise where something along the lines as allowing abortion legally to a certain point such as NO later than the END of the First Trimester, outlaw the the Second and Third Trimesters and Partial Birth (how can women wait 9 months to finally abort a now fully grown infant is beyond me, it is sheer madness) Allow all forms of pregnancy PREVENTION medication/Pills, and promote education on how to manage your family decision in a rational manner. Preventing unwanted pregnancies is a worthwhile pursuit, why would anyone oppose it?

Abortions should be rare when people will be responsible adults on their sex life and family planning. It isn't that hard to do, Chronic Abortions among some women are indicative of poor planning and education, some are just dumb as hell. They should be FORCED to pay for it out of their pocketbooks, don't subsidize promiscuous immaturity!

Have at it, but not going take your extremist opinions seriously as they are too dumb and without foundation.
So, you forced your wife to have abortions?

Sounds like you're the woman
describing your own abortion experiences

If you are the husband,
sounds like a valid reason to abort your marriage

If you're really the woman, referring to yourself
divorce your husband or stop fucking around...
guilt validates a-lot of shit

Your reply is dumb since this section should have been enough for most people to know who wrote the long post, and why there were two abortions.

"My wife had TWO abortions (within two weeks of conception, both times) done in my home, using a chemical that induces it, the cost was $250 each from Planned Parenthood. It was done because the father of the aborted tissue were from another man, which I can't allow come to term in MY family. Those are VALID examples of having an abortion, one that Conservatives would condemn me for, I say you are an idiot, since it is NONE of your freaking business on how I protect my family's bloodline and manage my family size and health."

She has been divorced.

The rest of my post you flew over...………………, you must not have any issues on this topic.
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Planned Parenthood was started by a eugenics sycophant and racist. 19mil black babies killed since PP began.

Sorry, man, Sanger wasn't racist. (Or at least, she was a lot less racist than everyone else in 1925)
She opposed abortion. In her time, before anti-biotics, it was a pretty dangerous procedure.
Eugenics wasn't seen as a bad idea at the time. It actually had a lot of scientific validity. It's why we are mapping the human genome now.

She did speak in front of the KKK. She may not have been more racist than some people back then but she definitely believed that poor people should not reproduce from what I have read. And yes, you are sorry.
She believed poor women with 6 to 10 children already, whose husband could not feed the children they had already, should be educated on how to prevent pregnancy. The wealthy and more educated women already knew how to prevent pregnancy and practice birth control.... the men had Sanger arrested for teaching women about how you get pregnant. She was anti abortion.... She wanted to prevent the tenth baby, before the pregnancy.

Let's let ole Margaret say it ;) Her words...…

We should breed out the feebleminded families who have done and still are doing much social and racial damage. In mental defectiveness they may be classed into four groups-- 1.) complete idiots who merely exist, 2.) incomplete idiots with few and rudimentary ideas, 3.) imbeciles with limited and often perverted ideas but capable to being taught to read and write 4.) Weak or feebleminded who can be educated to a varying extent by special methods.

It is the 3rd & 4th class which present the most difficult problems. We must remember that even if the feebleminded do learn to read and write this does not enable them to produce any fitter offspring than if they had been untaught and untrained. They should be sterilized harmlessly and rendered incapable of passing on to future generations their defects. It can be a voluntary measure requiring no legislation. It should not be forced but ↑should↓ be encouraged. It must not be considered a punishment but rather a measure of safeguarding the community, just as an epidemic or any contagious disease is regarded. If those requesting charity, either state or private, were fused aid until they consented to undergo the preventive treatment of sterilization, we should be effectively working for the abolition of pauperism, criminality and dysgenic breeding. Why allow license to the feebleminded and unfit types and make freedom impossible for the normal?"

The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Edition
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Planned Parenthood was started by a eugenics sycophant and racist. 19mil black babies killed since PP began.

Sorry, man, Sanger wasn't racist. (Or at least, she was a lot less racist than everyone else in 1925)
She opposed abortion. In her time, before anti-biotics, it was a pretty dangerous procedure.
Eugenics wasn't seen as a bad idea at the time. It actually had a lot of scientific validity. It's why we are mapping the human genome now.

She did speak in front of the KKK. She may not have been more racist than some people back then but she definitely believed that poor people should not reproduce from what I have read. And yes, you are sorry.
She believed poor women with 6 to 10 children already, whose husband could not feed the children they had already, should be educated on how to prevent pregnancy. The wealthy and more educated women already knew how to prevent pregnancy and practice birth control.... the men had Sanger arrested for teaching women about how you get pregnant. She was anti abortion.... She wanted to prevent the tenth baby, before the pregnancy.

Let's let ole Margaret say it ;) Her words...…

We should breed out the feebleminded families who have done and still are doing much social and racial damage. In mental defectiveness they may be classed into four groups-- 1.) complete idiots who merely exist, 2.) incomplete idiots with few and rudimentary ideas, 3.) imbeciles with limited and often perverted ideas but capable to being taught to read and write 4.) Weak or feebleminded who can be educated to a varying extent by special methods.

It is the 3rd & 4th class which present the most difficult problems. We must remember that even if the feebleminded do learn to read and write this does not enable them to produce any fitter offspring than if they had been untaught and untrained. They should be sterilized harmlessly and rendered incapable of passing on to future generations their defects. It can be a voluntary measure requiring no legislation. It should not be forced but ↑should↓ be encouraged. It must not be considered a punishment but rather a measure of safeguarding the community, just as an epidemic or any contagious disease is regarded. If those requesting charity, either state or private, were fused aid until they consented to undergo the preventive treatment of sterilization, we should be effectively working for the abolition of pauperism, criminality and dysgenic breeding. Why allow license to the feebleminded and unfit types and make freedom impossible for the normal?"

The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Edition
Yes she and congress at the time believed the mentally disabled should be prevented from having children, so to breed a race of smarter humans....blacks and whites.

Look up Prescott Bush... he was a senator or congress critter leading the movement in congress from what I've read.
Planned Parenthood was started by a eugenics sycophant and racist. 19mil black babies killed since PP began.

Sorry, man, Sanger wasn't racist. (Or at least, she was a lot less racist than everyone else in 1925)
She opposed abortion. In her time, before anti-biotics, it was a pretty dangerous procedure.
Eugenics wasn't seen as a bad idea at the time. It actually had a lot of scientific validity. It's why we are mapping the human genome now.

She did speak in front of the KKK. She may not have been more racist than some people back then but she definitely believed that poor people should not reproduce from what I have read. And yes, you are sorry.
She believed poor women with 6 to 10 children already, whose husband could not feed the children they had already, should be educated on how to prevent pregnancy. The wealthy and more educated women already knew how to prevent pregnancy and practice birth control.... the men had Sanger arrested for teaching women about how you get pregnant. She was anti abortion.... She wanted to prevent the tenth baby, before the pregnancy.

Let's let ole Margaret say it ;) Her words...…

We should breed out the feebleminded families who have done and still are doing much social and racial damage. In mental defectiveness they may be classed into four groups-- 1.) complete idiots who merely exist, 2.) incomplete idiots with few and rudimentary ideas, 3.) imbeciles with limited and often perverted ideas but capable to being taught to read and write 4.) Weak or feebleminded who can be educated to a varying extent by special methods.

It is the 3rd & 4th class which present the most difficult problems. We must remember that even if the feebleminded do learn to read and write this does not enable them to produce any fitter offspring than if they had been untaught and untrained. They should be sterilized harmlessly and rendered incapable of passing on to future generations their defects. It can be a voluntary measure requiring no legislation. It should not be forced but ↑should↓ be encouraged. It must not be considered a punishment but rather a measure of safeguarding the community, just as an epidemic or any contagious disease is regarded. If those requesting charity, either state or private, were fused aid until they consented to undergo the preventive treatment of sterilization, we should be effectively working for the abolition of pauperism, criminality and dysgenic breeding. Why allow license to the feebleminded and unfit types and make freedom impossible for the normal?"

The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Edition
Yes she and congress at the time believed the mentally disabled should be prevented from having children, so to breed a race of smarter humans....blacks and whites.

Look up Prescott Bush... he was a senator or congress critter leading the movement in congress from what I've read.

The Bush's are quite evil folks, Prescott was in deep with Adolph. Woodrow Wilson was another Eugenics proponent.
Where to begin.

I think that one of the biggest problems is that many people (I hate to make this into a left/right thing, so I'll be more general) have been conditioned to oppose reality/truth. It is a universal truth that actions have consequences. Cause and effect. You reap what you sow. If you have sex, there's a chance you'll get pregnant, assuming you're in your child-bearing years. But in today's world, people dismiss reality, they think they can go against reality, and act in any way they want, with no consequences. And when the consequences DO come up, as they inevitably do, people continue to fight reality, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions.

That mindset doesn't only apply to abortion, but to many things. A man decides he wants to be a woman, well then by golly, he's a woman! As politically-incorrect as this may be to say, he's not a woman. He never was and never will be. Except for maybe in his own mind. Again, it's an opposition to reality/truth. There are many more examples I could bring up.

Although that mentality isn't limited to the left, it's more of a left-wing thing because it is rooted in a godless worldview.
I see a lot of anger and extreme views here, what I don't see is WHY people who don't know about Abortion history BEFORE Roe vs. Wade came along, insist it is a private matter that all the states (BOTH Democrats and Republicans) denied to women, who were then forced into back alley style abortions, often with damage and even tragic results. Meanwhile the Conservatives of Today still carry the attitudes of the States that legislatively denied abortion for many decades, while the Liberals have learned to ignore everything Conservatives bring up, some that are actually reasonable.

Conservatives insist Abortion is Murder, while Liberals insist it is a private matter to kill a life, both positions are 100% into their position without any hint of Compromise, which means that both groups are extremists. That is why it will never be resolved as long as enough extremists on both sides have control over their position. Neither side willing to make compromises to end this standoff over a rather simple controversy. This thread is a classic example of hardened positions, which I view are being overly emotional, hostile and even stupid.

I consider that IRRATIONAL behavior, since life is terminated in so many ways, some so much more disturbingly. Millions die every year to diseases, Famine, Cancer, murder, accidents and so on. Life doesn't seem so sacrosanct or precious since death can come at anytime, to ANYONE! Conservatives claims that life is holy/sacrosanct which is absurd as the evidence is all around you that life is always fragile and easily crushed, everyone ultimately dies. Liberals at times show a casual approach to ending a life in their bodies, some even treat it as a form of birth control. Neither side really respects life fully with those viewpoints.

Have you watched Animal kingdom shows where EVERY Day lions, Cheetahs, Leopards, Hyenas, Jaguars and many more Predators swoop down on their prey in gory fashion, sometimes being eaten while still alive, animals that get drenched with blood all over their bodies, I am sure those Conservative will weep over those gentile grass eaters violent deaths...……, its a hard world out there where life is crushed so casually and easily on a daily basis. Yet to Conservatives, Abortions should be 100% prevented, an illogical approach, since you will never meet 99% of the people who does it. How can it be so personal to you when you NEVER see it first hand! This is a BIG world we live in, you get angry when Mugabe in Africa has someone murdered, did you speak up for the dead person? Weep over that dead person?

My wife had TWO abortions (within two weeks of conception, both times) done in my home, using a chemical that induces it, the cost was $250 each from Planned Parenthood. It was done because the father of the aborted tissue were from another man, which I can't allow come to term in MY family. Those are VALID examples of having an abortion, one that Conservatives would condemn me for, I say you are an idiot, since it is NONE of your freaking business on how I protect my family's bloodline and manage my family size and health.

Meanwhile I see too many Liberals get abortions over and over, indicating that their decisions to preventing their pregnancies are not being pursued, they seems to care less about it, which understandably bother Conservatives who have to foot some of the cost for their immaturity. That is what Liberals bothers me a lot on is their insistence that institutions that does abortions are getting some of their funding from American Taxpayers, after all they say it is their bodies thus their decision to have abortions, but unfair to people who don't believe in them, who are forced to partially subsidize them, who don't do abortions at all. If it is indeed YOUR body, your decision as you liberals like to say all the time about getting an abortion, then YOU PAY FOR IT!

I paid for mine out of my wallet both times since it was MY personal decision to do it, did any Conservative get injured over MY decision? Did you weep over a small pile of black and red colored slimy cells you never met?

The only possible solution is a Compromise where something along the lines as allowing abortion legally to a certain point such as NO later than the END of the First Trimester, outlaw the the Second and Third Trimesters and Partial Birth (how can women wait 9 months to finally abort a now fully grown infant is beyond me, it is sheer madness) Allow all forms of pregnancy PREVENTION medication/Pills, and promote education on how to manage your family decision in a rational manner. Preventing unwanted pregnancies is a worthwhile pursuit, why would anyone oppose it?

Abortions should be rare when people will be responsible adults on their sex life and family planning. It isn't that hard to do, Chronic Abortions among some women are indicative of poor planning and education, some are just dumb as hell. They should be FORCED to pay for it out of their pocketbooks, don't subsidize promiscuous immaturity!

Have at it, but not going take your extremist opinions seriously as they are too dumb and without foundation.
So, you forced your wife to have abortions?

Sounds like you're the woman
describing your own abortion experiences

If you are the husband,
sounds like a valid reason to abort your marriage

If you're really the woman, referring to yourself
divorce your husband or stop fucking around...
guilt validates a-lot of shit

Your reply is dumb since this section should have been enough for most people to know who wrote the long post, and why there were two abortions.

"My wife had TWO abortions (within two weeks of conception, both times) done in my home, using a chemical that induces it, the cost was $250 each from Planned Parenthood. It was done because the father of the aborted tissue were from another man, which I can't allow come to term in MY family. Those are VALID examples of having an abortion, one that Conservatives would condemn me for, I say you are an idiot, since it is NONE of your freaking business on how I protect my family's bloodline and manage my family size and health."

She has been divorced.

The rest of my post you flew over...………………, you must not have any issues on this topic.
I'll get back to your crap later
And if it said "no" on all of them, along with drugs, gambling, and prostitution, I would be a Republican.

Authoritarians gonna authoritarian.


Abortions should be a thing of the past with all the contraception we have today. Should not be a political issue but a moral issue. 17,000 abortions in an average week in this country could be prevented if women would take responsibility for their own bodies and USE contraception. And not expect the man to care about your body or use abortion as birth control. Some very famous and productive men and women have been the product of rape and incest. Do not punish the child for the crimes of their fathers.
In the case of proven rape if abortion is outlawed then perhaps the lady gets a sizeable check for having the child and she has the option to give the child away with no questions asked...if she says i don't want it then she receives a check....a sizeable one. 20 grand should suffice. Taxpayer funded
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Righties are using the argument, "if you could ask the unborn if they would have preferred to be born what do you think they would say?"

So based on that argument, the morning after pill should be just as repulsive to you guys as an abortion. If it's not, explain why not.

And for the record, yes, my rich nephew can afford $50 for the morning after pill. A lot of poor people can't. Again, righties want to punish the poor with their rules and they know these rules don't apply to them. They, you, can afford the morning after pill. A lot of poor people can't or they take their chances and OH FUCK.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Why is abortion such a big deal for the right? The morning after pill exists, ya know.

Well that was easy.

/idiot thread

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