Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

It is a way for the left to attempt to waste money on things like Planned Parenthood ...

Yep. We all know the only thing that Planned Parenthood does is abortions.


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Unplanned should be mandatory viewing for the likes of you baby killers

Baby killers?
Like the United States Military?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You meant isis correct? That’s why democrats support them

No. That’s not what I mean.
What I mean is the United States Military killing women and children at Wounded Knee. Not only did they kill women and children but when they were done they picked up dead babies and tossed them around like a football.
If you don’t believe me go to YouTube and search for “Ghost Dance” by Bill Miller.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop deflecting.
Abortion is murder, period.
Wounded Knee, Viet Nam. Koreas WW1 $ II have nothing to do with killing babies in the womb.
Stay on topic fool.
Yep. We all know the only thing that Planned Parenthood does is abortions.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Unplanned should be mandatory viewing for the likes of you baby killers

Baby killers?
Like the United States Military?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You meant isis correct? That’s why democrats support them

No. That’s not what I mean.
What I mean is the United States Military killing women and children at Wounded Knee. Not only did they kill women and children but when they were done they picked up dead babies and tossed them around like a football.
If you don’t believe me go to YouTube and search for “Ghost Dance” by Bill Miller.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop deflecting.
Abortion is murder, period.
Wounded Knee, Viet Nam. Koreas WW1 $ II have nothing to do with killing babies in the womb.
Stay on topic fool.

Abortion is murder?
What would you call what happened at Wounded Knee?
Get a clue fool.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

I just perused 140 posts and not one person mentions what possibly may be the driving force behind the abortion industry... As some of us can remember when a dark shadowy figure in a even darker underground parking structure in Washington D.C. uttered these famous words "Follow the Money"...

Planned Parenthood Reveals How Much More Taxpayers Gave Them In 2018

$564.8 million from the taxpayers in the year 2018

Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2018 cycle | OpenSecrets

Total Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates
(99% to Democrats, 0% to Republicans) $533,205

Monies given to PAC from Planned Parenthood

Total to Democrats: $404,676
Total to Republicans: $0

Total to Democrats: $123,529
Total to Republicans: $0

Now that is all for women's health...

So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
If it was possible for your dumbass to get pregnant and you didn’t realize until a few weeks later, would you keep it? No you wouldn’t. You would whine about personal freedom over your own body. Women don’t always take the after morning pill because they didn’t have good reason to think they got pregnant based on the sex.
That sounds stupid if one doesn’t wish to be pregnant!. No sex is 100% guaranteed baby free except tubes tied and while on a period

Why are you so against heterosexual sex? There are millions of us heterosexuals out here who like it..

Is it your desire that heterosexuals have sex only when they each wish to make a child, whether or not they have been through a marriage ceremony?
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

I thought America was supposed to be about 'freedom' but when an existing choice that a woman has is taken away, then where is freedom for the citizen?

Republicans claim they are for freedom; I see Republicans as being two faced.
According to a 2018 Gallup poll on Rowe V Wade which they run every few years, only 28% Americans are in favor of repeal. 49% of Republicans and 87% of Democrats, want Roe v. Wade to stand.
Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Want Roe v. Wade to Stand
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
It's not.

It's a big deal for the right, that's why conservatives continue to try to ban abortion in violation of the Constitution.
What part of the Constitution mentions abortion?
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
It's not.

It's a big deal for the right, that's why conservatives continue to try to ban abortion in violation of the Constitution.

You people look to extend the point of abortion to where the baby is partially out of the womb if not completely out of the womb. Then again, it is also you people that want to push healthcare models that have elders’ lives determined by panels.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

Why is it such a big deal to you?

When you were asked about Trump’s incessant lying; you said something along the lines of “as long as it doesn’t effect me, I don’t care”.

Amazingly, a woman you don’t know terminating a pregnancy you didn’t contribute to, in a state where you do not live with a procedure you’re not paying for…affects you?
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

The abortion industrial complex represents hundreds of billions of dollars a year. democrats are promoting an industry of death, for profit.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

I just perused 140 posts and not one person mentions what possibly may be the driving force behind the abortion industry... As some of us can remember when a dark shadowy figure in a even darker underground parking structure in Washington D.C. uttered these famous words "Follow the Money"...

Planned Parenthood Reveals How Much More Taxpayers Gave Them In 2018

$564.8 million from the taxpayers in the year 2018

Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2018 cycle | OpenSecrets

Total Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates
(99% to Democrats, 0% to Republicans) $533,205

Monies given to PAC from Planned Parenthood

Total to Democrats: $404,676
Total to Republicans: $0

Total to Democrats: $123,529
Total to Republicans: $0

Now that is all for women's health...

What is an "abortion industry"? People seek help from medical providers for all sorts of physical conditions. I have at times sought help from the dental industry and more!
What is this "industry" thing about? Is my gastroenterologist part of an industry?
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

I just perused 140 posts and not one person mentions what possibly may be the driving force behind the abortion industry... As some of us can remember when a dark shadowy figure in a even darker underground parking structure in Washington D.C. uttered these famous words "Follow the Money"...

Planned Parenthood Reveals How Much More Taxpayers Gave Them In 2018

$564.8 million from the taxpayers in the year 2018

Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2018 cycle | OpenSecrets

Total Contributions from this PAC to federal candidates
(99% to Democrats, 0% to Republicans) $533,205

Monies given to PAC from Planned Parenthood

Total to Democrats: $404,676
Total to Republicans: $0

Total to Democrats: $123,529
Total to Republicans: $0

Now that is all for women's health...

What is an "abortion industry"? People seek help from medical providers for all sorts of physical conditions. I have at times sought help from the dental industry and more!
What is this "industry" thing about? Is my gastroenterologist part of an industry?
Playing dumb, huh. Democrats are good at that.
I see a lot of anger and extreme views here, what I don't see is WHY people who don't know about Abortion history BEFORE Roe vs. Wade came along, insist it is a private matter that all the states (BOTH Democrats and Republicans) denied to women, who were then forced into back alley style abortions, often with damage and even tragic results. Meanwhile the Conservatives of Today still carry the attitudes of the States that legislatively denied abortion for many decades, while the Liberals have learned to ignore everything Conservatives bring up, some that are actually reasonable.

Conservatives insist Abortion is Murder, while Liberals insist it is a private matter to kill a life, both positions are 100% into their position without any hint of Compromise, which means that both groups are extremists. That is why it will never be resolved as long as enough extremists on both sides have control over their position. Neither side willing to make compromises to end this standoff over a rather simple controversy. This thread is a classic example of hardened positions, which I view are being overly emotional, hostile and even stupid.

I consider that IRRATIONAL behavior, since life is terminated in so many ways, some so much more disturbingly. Millions die every year to diseases, Famine, Cancer, murder, accidents and so on. Life doesn't seem so sacrosanct or precious since death can come at anytime, to ANYONE! Conservatives claims that life is holy/sacrosanct which is absurd as the evidence is all around you that life is always fragile and easily crushed, everyone ultimately dies. Liberals at times show a casual approach to ending a life in their bodies, some even treat it as a form of birth control. Neither side really respects life fully with those viewpoints.

Have you watched Animal kingdom shows where EVERY Day lions, Cheetahs, Leopards, Hyenas, Jaguars and many more Predators swoop down on their prey in gory fashion, sometimes being eaten while still alive, animals that get drenched with blood all over their bodies, I am sure those Conservative will weep over those gentile grass eaters violent deaths...……, its a hard world out there where life is crushed so casually and easily on a daily basis. Yet to Conservatives, Abortions should be 100% prevented, an illogical approach, since you will never meet 99% of the people who does it. How can it be so personal to you when you NEVER see it first hand! This is a BIG world we live in, you get angry when Mugabe in Africa has someone murdered, did you speak up for the dead person? Weep over that dead person?

My wife had TWO abortions (within two weeks of conception, both times) done in my home, using a chemical that induces it, the cost was $250 each from Planned Parenthood. It was done because the father of the aborted tissue were from another man, which I can't allow come to term in MY family. Those are VALID examples of having an abortion, one that Conservatives would condemn me for, I say you are an idiot, since it is NONE of your freaking business on how I protect my family's bloodline and manage my family size and health.

Meanwhile I see too many Liberals get abortions over and over, indicating that their decisions to preventing their pregnancies are not being pursued, they seems to care less about it, which understandably bother Conservatives who have to foot some of the cost for their immaturity. That is what Liberals bothers me a lot on is their insistence that institutions that does abortions are getting some of their funding from American Taxpayers, after all they say it is their bodies thus their decision to have abortions, but unfair to people who don't believe in them, who are forced to partially subsidize them, who don't do abortions at all. If it is indeed YOUR body, your decision as you liberals like to say all the time about getting an abortion, then YOU PAY FOR IT!

I paid for mine out of my wallet both times since it was MY personal decision to do it, did any Conservative get injured over MY decision? Did you weep over a small pile of black and red colored slimy cells you never met?

The only possible solution is a Compromise where something along the lines as allowing abortion legally to a certain point such as NO later than the END of the First Trimester, outlaw the the Second and Third Trimesters and Partial Birth (how can women wait 9 months to finally abort a now fully grown infant is beyond me, it is sheer madness) Allow all forms of pregnancy PREVENTION medication/Pills, and promote education on how to manage your family decision in a rational manner. Preventing unwanted pregnancies is a worthwhile pursuit, why would anyone oppose it?

Abortions should be rare when people will be responsible adults on their sex life and family planning. It isn't that hard to do, Chronic Abortions among some women are indicative of poor planning and education, some are just dumb as hell. They should be FORCED to pay for it out of their pocketbooks, don't subsidize promiscuous immaturity!

Have at it, but not going take your extremist opinions seriously as they are too dumb and without foundation.
Last edited:
And they (Socialists) have been lying since the early 1900's in the United States... Most of these demlibprog's would put Margret Sanger's ugly mug on the Twenty Dollar bill if they could… But that is not my beef with abortion... I hate the whole idea of abortion... There are circumstances where abortions are and it pains me to say necessary, but it is true... That is probably the stickiest issue with abortion. The why and the wherefores...
Sunsettommy had big enough balls to admit what drove him to utilize a medical procedure to terminate the pregnancies... Do I agree with him? That is a tuff one... I don't know if DNA is a strong enough reason for me to make that decision...
I do know that the use of abortion as birth control is wrong in the worst way... And using tax dollars as a slush fund for the Democrat War Machine is not only wrong but against the law... 100's of millions of Federal dollars have been put into Planned Parenthood with creative accounting disguising the use of said dollars...

“Figures don’t lie, but liars sometimes figure,”
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
I see a lot of anger and extreme views here, what I don't see is WHY people who don't know about Abortion history BEFORE Roe vs. Wade came along, insist it is a private matter that all the states (BOTH Democrats and Republicans) denied to women, who were then forced into back alley style abortions, often with damage and even tragic results. Meanwhile the Conservatives of Today still carry the attitudes of the States that legislatively denied abortion for many decades, while the Liberals have learned to ignore everything Conservatives bring up, some that are actually reasonable.

Conservatives insist Abortion is Murder, while Liberals insist it is a private matter to kill a life, both positions are 100% into their position without any hint of Compromise, which means that both groups are extremists. That is why it will never be resolved as long as enough extremists on both sides have control over their position. Neither side willing to make compromises to end this standoff over a rather simple controversy. This thread is a classic example of hardened positions, which I view are being overly emotional, hostile and even stupid.

I consider that IRRATIONAL behavior, since life is terminated in so many ways, some so much more disturbingly. Millions die every year to diseases, Famine, Cancer, murder, accidents and so on. Life doesn't seem so sacrosanct or precious since death can come at anytime, to ANYONE! Conservatives claims that life is holy/sacrosanct which is absurd as the evidence is all around you that life is always fragile and easily crushed, everyone ultimately dies. Liberals at times show a casual approach to ending a life in their bodies, some even treat it as a form of birth control. Neither side really respects life fully with those viewpoints.

Have you watched Animal kingdom shows where EVERY Day lions, Cheetahs, Leopards, Hyenas, Jaguars and many more Predators swoop down on their prey in gory fashion, sometimes being eaten while still alive, animals that get drenched with blood all over their bodies, I am sure those Conservative will weep over those gentile grass eaters violent deaths...……, its a hard world out there where life is crushed so casually and easily on a daily basis. Yet to Conservatives, Abortions should be 100% prevented, an illogical approach, since you will never meet 99% of the people who does it. How can it be so personal to you when you NEVER see it first hand! This is a BIG world we live in, you get angry when Mugabe in Africa has someone murdered, did you speak up for the dead person? Weep over that dead person?

My wife had TWO abortions (within two weeks of conception, both times) done in my home, using a chemical that induces it, the cost was $250 each from Planned Parenthood. It was done because the father of the aborted tissue were from another man, which I can't allow come to term in MY family. Those are VALID examples of having an abortion, one that Conservatives would condemn me for, I say you are an idiot, since it is NONE of your freaking business on how I protect my family's bloodline and manage my family size and health.

Meanwhile I see too many Liberals get abortions over and over, indicating that their decisions to preventing their pregnancies are not being pursued, they seems to care less about it, which understandably bother Conservatives who have to foot some of the cost for their immaturity. That is what Liberals bothers me a lot on is their insistence that institutions that does abortions are getting some of their funding from American Taxpayers, after all they say it is their bodies thus their decision to have abortions, but unfair to people who don't believe in them, who are forced to partially subsidize them, who don't do abortions at all. If it is indeed YOUR body, your decision as you liberals like to say all the time about getting an abortion, then YOU PAY FOR IT!

I paid for mine out of my wallet both times since it was MY personal decision to do it, did any Conservative get injured over MY decision? Did you weep over a small pile of black and red colored slimy cells you never met?

The only possible solution is a Compromise where something along the lines as allowing abortion legally to a certain point such as NO later than the END of the First Trimester, outlaw the the Second and Third Trimesters and Partial Birth (how can women wait 9 months to finally abort a now fully grown infant is beyond me, it is sheer madness) Allow all forms of pregnancy PREVENTION medication/Pills, and promote education on how to manage your family decision in a rational manner. Preventing unwanted pregnancies is a worthwhile pursuit, why would anyone oppose it?

Abortions should be rare when people will be responsible adults on their sex life and family planning. It isn't that hard to do, Chronic Abortions among some women are indicative of poor planning and education, some are just dumb as hell. They should be FORCED to pay for it out of their pocketbooks, don't subsidize promiscuous immaturity!

Have at it, but not going take your extremist opinions seriously as they are too dumb and without foundation.
So, you forced your wife to have abortions?

Sounds like you're the woman
describing your own abortion experiences

If you are the husband,
sounds like a valid reason to abort your marriage

If you're really the woman, referring to yourself
divorce your husband or stop fucking around...
guilt validates a-lot of shit
Should we make a law that any guy having sex outside of marriage must wear a condom.... and if he gets a female pregnant that does not want a baby and she is forced to carry the baby for 9 months, that the guy who got her pregnant, serve the 9 months of her pregnancy in jail?

And also be forced to pay all doctor's fees for the pregnancy, along with labor and delivery costs before the baby is birthed, and not just child support after his child is born?


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