Why is abortion the way of the world?

in a more Perfect World; women would Only get pregnant by Mr. Right, regardless of how much she tries with all of the other ones.

Abortion is tied to economics - always. In the USA, poor women have 80% of abortions of financial reason. Because they can't risk being fired from their jobs, and have no job protections or mandated maternity leave. Most women who have abortions already have one or more children, so losing her endangers her other living children, which have to be her first priority.

Employers can and do fire pregnant women just for being pregnant - and there goes their health insurance, their income, their home. All other first world countries have legislation to protect pregnant workers, and to provide job security for pregnant women.

Countries with universal health care, mandated maternity leaves, and job protections for pregnant women have abortion rates that are half that of the USA. American conservatives only care children in utero. What happens to them after they're born is immaterial.

In other countries, we care about people - living people, and the effect policies have on them. Not in enforcing our version of morality on them. There is no abortion laws in Canada. Abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. And it's paid for in full by our healthcare system. It's free to the patient. And yet our abortion rate is half that of the USA.

When poor women have supports and other options which don't endanger their existing children, they'll feel better about adding to their families, too.

You do raise a good point. It used to be that children were seen as a financial asset. You needed children to help work the field and take care of you when you get older, etc.

However, in today's nanny state we look to the state to take care of us, as children become nothing more than a financial burden.

At the end of the day, the root of all evil is the love of money, which is why abortion is king. Those opposed to it face a gauntlet of a billion dollar abortion industry and women who want an easier life financially.

China is an interesting exception. There they have a government mandated one baby policy. That means that they either have a male baby that can continue to family name and help them financially, or they have a girl. As a result, many baby girls are simply aborted or birthed and left to die.

Where is your unbiased, link to factual proof that the main reason women want an abortion is so they can make more money?

Unbiased link? LMAO! There are none. I think what you mean are links with a flaming agenda.

Well there is all kinds of data out there that verifies what I've said. Google is your friend............er............um............you have none in Google really, but not even that liberally run corporation has deleted such data as far as I know............yet.

And in your exhaustive search, if you find data that refutes my assertions, I would like to see them. The more Left wing and crazier the better! It gives me a chuckle.
Most pro-lifers forget to mention it is personhood they are pro because that means they would have to define what it means to be a person and that inevitably leads back to religion​
Still false - that is the pro choice argument trying to force its precepts on a pro life position. A pro life position recognized the sanctity of HUMAN life. Pro choice wants to divide that human life up into a part that is expendable and part that is not.

And none of that requires a religious precept.
A fertilized egg maybe human but every other cell in my body is also human. Why give one cell more legal rights than any cell?

A fertilised egg (zygote) may only be one cell in size but ulike all the other celks in "your body, " a zygote is a complete organism.

Biology 101 stuff right there.

So? Do all complete organisms have a right to live?

Supposedly, human organisms do.

That's the only ones I'm concerned with in this exchange.

An amoeba is a complete organism but unlike a zygote it is independent, can find food, move, and reproduce.

How much can a newborn do any of those things?

The objective and scientific definitions indicate that an organism is anorganism, even before it matures to the point where it can finally breech your denials.

I'm not surprised that pro abort leftardz have a problem with that.

Since a zygote can do so little for itself I don't see it as "complete".

That's fine.

Just don't have the expectation that any others are required to share your ignorance with you.

Even planned parenthood acknowledges the fact that a zygote is anorganism. As do our fetal homicide laws. As do our dictionaries and other references.

That's good enough for me.
My $0.02 in a nutshell: all persons are organisms but not all organisms are persons, regardless of where their DNA came from. Only persons deserve legal protections.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
because the right wing doesn't care about kids once they are born. it is not like we create Spartans with them.

If the right were to supportwelfare from cradle tp grave, you pro fucking aborts would still be clamoring for abortion on demand and you know it.

So much for your fucking red herring.
just Your appeal to emotion. Prevention is more cost effective. Why does the right wing have a problem with it.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
because the right wing doesn't care about kids once they are born. it is not like we create Spartans with them.

If the right were to supportwelfare from cradle tp grave, you pro fucking aborts would still be clamoring for abortion on demand and you know it.

So much for your fucking red herring.
just Your appeal to emotion. Prevention is more cost effective. Why does the right wing have a problem with it.

I am not the spokesperson for the entire "right wing."

That said, it's a fact and you know it.

You fuctarded proaborts would still demand abortions no matter how much the conservatives promised in the way of welfare.

Why pretend otherwise?
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At conception, that is a unique and wholly separate human.

No it's not. It is a unique combination of human DNA. it is not yet a Human Being.

Anyway, so what? There is nothing divine about a fertilized egg just because it is human. Many of those never become human being either.

Nothing divine, lol. Just kill em right.

It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.
At conception, that is a unique and wholly separate human.

No it's not. It is a unique combination of human DNA. it is not yet a Human Being.

Anyway, so what? There is nothing divine about a fertilized egg just because it is human. Many of those never become human being either.

Nothing divine, lol. Just kill em right.

It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.

If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?
At conception, that is a unique and wholly separate human.

No it's not. It is a unique combination of human DNA. it is not yet a Human Being.

Anyway, so what? There is nothing divine about a fertilized egg just because it is human. Many of those never become human being either.

Nothing divine, lol. Just kill em right.

It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.

If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?

No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?
At conception, that is a unique and wholly separate human.

No it's not. It is a unique combination of human DNA. it is not yet a Human Being.

Anyway, so what? There is nothing divine about a fertilized egg just because it is human. Many of those never become human being either.

Nothing divine, lol. Just kill em right.

It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.

If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?

No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?

Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.
No it's not. It is a unique combination of human DNA. it is not yet a Human Being.

Anyway, so what? There is nothing divine about a fertilized egg just because it is human. Many of those never become human being either.

Nothing divine, lol. Just kill em right.

It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.

If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?

No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?

Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.

Nope they are non differentiated cells. Human of course, but with no chance of survival/development into a fully formed human being unless it attaches to the mothers womb. Anybody grieve for those poor little zygotes that don't attach?
Nothing divine, lol. Just kill em right.

It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.

If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?

No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?

Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.

Nope they are non differentiated cells. Human of course, but with no chance of survival/development into a fully formed human being unless it attaches to the mothers womb. Anybody grieve for those poor little zygotes that don't attach?

Grieving or not grieving over soething does not change what it is.

Science and even Planned Parenthood has established the fact that a zygote is an organism (being) and inthe case of a human zygote, it is a HUMAN organism / being.

Our nation's nearly forty getal HOMICIDE laws which also define a "child in the womb" in "any stage of development" support ny views as well.

Laws which your representatives have failed to challenge or overturn by sharing your denials.
It's just so hard to target the little suckers though.....

A great many of them die naturally after conception and before implantation.

If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?

No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?

Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.

Nope they are non differentiated cells. Human of course, but with no chance of survival/development into a fully formed human being unless it attaches to the mothers womb. Anybody grieve for those poor little zygotes that don't attach?

Grieving or not grieving over soething does not change what it is.

Science and even Planned Parenthood has established the fact that a zygote is an organism (being) and inthe case of a human zygote, it is a HUMAN organism / being.

Our nation's nearly forty getal HOMICIDE laws which also define a "child in the womb" in "any stage of development" support ny views as well.

Laws which your representatives have failed to challenge or overturn by sharing your denials.

No it doesn't. It, the human zygote, is like an acorn fallen to the ground from a great oak tree. With luck it will sprout a tap root that finds fertile ground and it will grow into a big oak tree one day. Or it might get eaten by a squirrel. Or in the case of humans, flushed out of the system before it becomes an embryo.
"there are 7 states with only one abortion clinic. you want to overturn Roe V Wade. you as a man should have no say in that!...how can you have concern over children when you celebrate ICE detaining children and separating them from their mothers" - Guest On Tucker
I know that’s a controversial statement, but it is clearly against the word of God to take another person’s life, especially an innocent baby’s life.
God said He knit us together in our mother's womb, and He also said thou shall not kill. • Psalm 139:13 & Exodus 20:13 •

It is as clear as day anyone who’s willing to read their Bible. I don’t believe it is possible to say you are a Christ follower and you believe in the Bible then turn around and say that it’s a “woman’s right” to take her child’s life at the same time. They are a complete contradiction to each other.
Then why did God kill pregnant women in the great flood?
I know that’s a controversial statement, but it is clearly against the word of God to take another person’s life, especially an innocent baby’s life.
God said He knit us together in our mother's womb, and He also said thou shall not kill. • Psalm 139:13 & Exodus 20:13 •

It is as clear as day anyone who’s willing to read their Bible. I don’t believe it is possible to say you are a Christ follower and you believe in the Bible then turn around and say that it’s a “woman’s right” to take her child’s life at the same time. They are a complete contradiction to each other.
Then why did God kill pregnant women in the great flood?
because he's a jerk.

much like you!
If it is your argument is that it is ok to kill people because many of them will die naturally anyway. . .

Let's follow that to its logical conclusion.

Shall we?

No it's not my argument at all. Fact is a good percent of those zygote never take and never become human beings. Why would that fact make you think it's ok to kill people?

Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Until you can grasp that fact, there is no sense in bickering about the rest.

Nope they are non differentiated cells. Human of course, but with no chance of survival/development into a fully formed human being unless it attaches to the mothers womb. Anybody grieve for those poor little zygotes that don't attach?

Grieving or not grieving over soething does not change what it is.

Science and even Planned Parenthood has established the fact that a zygote is an organism (being) and inthe case of a human zygote, it is a HUMAN organism / being.

Our nation's nearly forty getal HOMICIDE laws which also define a "child in the womb" in "any stage of development" support ny views as well.

Laws which your representatives have failed to challenge or overturn by sharing your denials.

No it doesn't. It, the human zygote, is like an acorn fallen to the ground from a great oak tree. With luck it will sprout a tap root that finds fertile ground and it will grow into a big oak tree one day. Or it might get eaten by a squirrel. Or in the case of humans, flushed out of the system before it becomes an embryo.

You ARE claiming that human beings MORPH out of one organism that is NOT a human being and into an organism that IS a human being.

As humanbeings do not reproduce by metamorphosis. I challenge you to show / provide any kind of credible reference to support your claim.
Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Nah, that's kook talk. Specks aren't people, and only lunatics or liars pretend they are. Biology, morality and common sense all destroy the pro-life position.

That's why pro-lifers are so unpopular. Even they don't believe their own nonsense. They just pretend they do, because they get off on being control freaks.
Fact is those zygotes already ARE human beings.

Nah, that's kook talk. Specks aren't people, and only lunatics or liars pretend they are. Biology, morality and common sense all destroy the pro-life position.

That's why pro-lifers are so unpopular. Even they don't believe their own nonsense. They just pretend they do, because they get off on being control freaks.

Try to get a u.s. patent on a human being in the zygote stage of their life.

I'll give you one guess why it's not permitted.
25 Cultures That Practiced Human Sacrifice

Because historically child sacrifice was the status quo

It's just who we are.

And it is for the same reason, which is material gain. Most women have abortions due to financial concerns. Likewise, pretty much all ancient religions sacrificed their children to the gods for such things as victory at war or fertile crops, etc.
In the old, old days, some cultures believed that the gods would be more moved and willing to "help" if they were given the most precious gifts of the people. There is no more precious gift than a person's child, yannow---like Isaac?
Today people are terminating pregnancies when they cannot afford to feed, clothe, educate and house the child in a decent fashion. It is called being responsible to not bring an unwelcome child into the world.
You are a cold-blooded murderer.

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